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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by SamJackShipLover View Post
    Think Sky missed your question. I know I had a problem with a PM once (send some private info to the wrong PengYn lol) and I contacted a mod. She couldn't do anything about it, but would ask another mod, who had more rights to look into it. The other one deleted the PM before the wrong person had a chance to read it. So I think ... some mods do have acces, some don't. But I don't think they're moderating them ...
    Thanks Lies. How's that bump going? We're all waiting for news...come on little bump...come on out and play!!
    Originally posted by EH-T View Post
    Love Chopingal. Hope she is doing well. Tell her to come back and play.
    I got to speak to her on skype. It was awesome fun. Very new experience for me and it was so wonderful to see her again. I did ask if she would come back and play but she's been pretty busy...the woman puts me to shame. But she asked if I could say hello to everyone. So I did.
    Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
    sorry chelle I didn't see your question
    We don't moderate PM's per se. I cannot see the content of any PM. Now if you forward one to me or a mod, then obviously we can see it and deal with it.
    PM's DO have to follow the basic rules of the forum. No profanity, no nastiness, etc. however, it's totally up to the recipient to let us know if anyone is being bad.
    I don't think Darren can even see anyone's pm. All I can do is see how many people have how many saved...for example I can look and know that 3 members have 349 private messages saved, but not who those three are or the content of those messages.
    I do think i can purge all messages for an individual user, but the only time I've tried that was when our spammer used PM's to send his junk to people, so i tried to get rid of all he'd sent out.

    So if you're having issues with something someone has sent you, please forward it to one of us and we'll look into it, but we can't look on our own, and we can't access your pm's.
    Thanks Sky. I'm not having any issues. It was just something that hadn't really occurred to me before and I wondered how private our PM's actually were.
    Originally posted by samcarterrules View Post
    Hey everyone,
    A bit of an OT post coming, sorry
    I was thinking about Rocky's question for the last few days, about whether we've ever wanted to be someone else.
    I think my honest answer would have to be, no I haven't.
    There are things in my life that I sometimes wish could be different, for example like not getting a part in a play because we can't figure out a way of fitting in my wheelchair into any of the characters, this can be a bit disheartening but I would never change the fact that I have a disability because my disability is partly what makes me me.
    People used to call me geeky because I like computers and Sci-Fi, would I have changed that about myself, at the time probably yes I would have. But being involved in fandom has taught me to love that side of myself and that I am not strange, well OK maybe I am just a little bit LOL. I learned and come to except that being different or unique is a great thing. And one thing I've learned from Amanda and Julia is that beauty is is definitely much more than skin deep. And we all have something to contribute.
    Wow, I didn't mean to ramble quite so much LOL.

    Originally posted by SamJackShipLover View Post
    Very nicely said Julia!!
    Ditto. Well said Julia.
    Originally posted by EH-T View Post
    Very well said Julia. As much as we joke around about my feelings about technology, there is no doubt that one of the best uses of technology is the way it has brought so many people together from so many different places. Without it I would have never met you and so many other wonderful Samandans. Comments like your's and that of Scifithinker make me so glad so many have found a home here.
    Too right.
    Originally posted by NZNeep View Post
    This morning I was being a teenager again. I was dreading work so much that I switched my alarm off and snuggled with my puppy. My parents realised I was still at home because they hadn't seen my dog around... mum practically poured me into the shower with a hot chocolate and a musli bar in my hand, then drove me into work. 30 minutes in a car hugging your dog is a lot nicer than an hour on the train and a 15 minute walk in the rain.
    Have been at work for 2 hours and still not awake or happy.
    Also, my puppy Magnus is 1 year old today, so it was great he got a decent car ride because he loves them.
    Awww...what cool parents you have Neep. I needed that this morning too. Hubby came in with a freshly brewed cup of coffee but it took me another 20 minutes before I actually found the energy to roll out of bed and get my butt to work. Normally I watch an episode of Stargate or Sanctuary with my breakfast but this morning I only had time to quickly have some toast, make the bed and do a swap-a-rooney with the cars (I took little Red so hubby could take Niki for driving practice in Magnus) than I zoomed off to work. I got stuck at every traffic light...on a Sunday!! Needless to say, I was late.
    "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
    Hug Your Loved Ones!!
    ~Amanda Tapping


      Originally posted by Chelle DB View Post
      Thanks Lies. How's that bump going? We're all waiting for news...come on little bump...come on out and play!!
      You probably saw by now, cause I posted on the gabit thread. No baby yet!

      Aw well, patience is a virtue and all


        Private messages are pretty private. I don't think Darren can even get into them, and I'm not sure if Greg can. Honestly, we've never tried. If people have a problem with one, they forward it to us
        Where in the World is George Hammond?



          I leave in 2 days!

          Gotta run to Dads to copy some pix for the brother because... their computer has no SD slot and I forgot my flash drive. (Not that I can even find it at the mo...)

          Getting hair cut, then dropping by their church ( outdoor activities when it's almost 100 F out?) then going to their place ----oohhhh, unless I can have them bring camera to church, saves over an dice, they already left )

          Had church and some prayer last night - making arrangements to get sermon links -

          <<sigh>> All I need is for someone to say "Squirrel" to really make me go off track.

          Trying to pack all into the personal item and carry on bags. Not so sure about doability. MUST remember they have these newfangled inventions caller wash machines out west...while packing for warmer and cooler days. Was 100 here yesterday & only in mid-sixties there. Will freeze. brrrrrrr

          Hope AT and her family are having a great time outdoors. What a nice way to reconnect!
          Mourning Sanctuary.
          Thanks for the good times!


            Originally posted by suse View Post
            I leave in 2 days!

            Gotta run to Dads to copy some pix for the brother because... their computer has no SD slot and I forgot my flash drive. (Not that I can even find it at the mo...)

            Getting hair cut, then dropping by their church ( outdoor activities when it's almost 100 F out?) then going to their place ----oohhhh, unless I can have them bring camera to church, saves over an dice, they already left )

            Had church and some prayer last night - making arrangements to get sermon links -

            <<sigh>> All I need is for someone to say "Squirrel" to really make me go off track.

            Trying to pack all into the personal item and carry on bags. Not so sure about doability. MUST remember they have these newfangled inventions caller wash machines out west...while packing for warmer and cooler days. Was 100 here yesterday & only in mid-sixties there. Will freeze. brrrrrrr

            Hope AT and her family are having a great time outdoors. What a nice way to reconnect!
            Good luck with everything and see you soon!

            I'm totally with you on the packing thing. I have quite a long to-do list yet myself. It's manageable though so I'm not fretting yet. My only concern is the chocolate I'm bringing. It's frellin' hot here too!! I'm a bit worried about it melting. I would love to stick it in my checked bags as my carry-on will be full of my gadgets and I'm not sure how much room I'll have left. I doubt that's a good idea though. I'd hate to have a melted mess all over my clothes.

            Went running this morning thinking we'd be most of the heat expected today. Fat chance. At 9am, the heat index was already 84F and it's supposed to go up to near 100F again today. Not good when you have outdoor fun planned. Blah.


              I keep adding things to my packing list. Little bits and pieces that might come in handy. I probably find that when I am actually packing, that some of it won't fit in. I'm thinking about getting a new suitcase or big trolley. Ah, well, I have another 10 days to get one. Maybe I will find that I don't need it.

              Got my MTM ticket about an hour ago.


                Originally posted by Fresh_Horse View Post
                I keep adding things to my packing list. Little bits and pieces that might come in handy. I probably find that when I am actually packing, that some of it won't fit in. I'm thinking about getting a new suitcase or big trolley. Ah, well, I have another 10 days to get one. Maybe I will find that I don't need it.

                Got my MTM ticket about an hour ago.
                Awesome! I picked up a new bag too for the trip, one that is definitely smaller than my other though as I feared over packing. Last time I went to Vancouver, I used the other (bigger) bag and it ended up being overweight so I had to take things out or pay the extra fee. Good thing I had a backpack as well which was relatively empty. Filled that up with the overflow and it worked out fine.

                I figure, smaller bag equals smarter packing as there is less room. I'm bound and determined to beat the nasty weight restrictions this time! It does make for rethinking what to take with though...which isn't a bad thing. Just tricky when your packing for two seasons.

                Yay on your MTM ticket. I do hope you have a blast and can't wait to see con reports and pics from everyone who is attending it. I'll be flinging myself off a canyon and hiking on an island nature preserve instead. Good trade off I thought for missing meeting RDA again.


                  Originally posted by katjoy View Post
                  youre never alone rocky... there will always be people out there who have been bullied or who lack confidence or who dont accept themselves...

                  wanting to make yourself a better person is something people strive for everyday simply through their actions... treating others how they want to be treated, making a donation when someone comes knocking at their door, doing their best at school/work, loving their family and being their for them... listening to friends... all these things and more we try to do day in and day out to be the best people we can be...

                  just dont be misguided by what will and won't make you a person...
                  Thank you very much, Kat for the kind words, and you're right. You know, everytime I read one of your posts, I'm reminded yet again why Amanda will love you.

                  me too, i have had friends and acquaintances from many countries... the net connects us all in a way no other medium could, instantly or virtually so with people from all walks of life...
                  Well said, if it hadn't been for the net, I would never have gotten to know y'all.

                  i dont know that we will ever have talked sam/sg1 etc to death, hehe... but totally, i love coming here just to chat with everyone!

                  speaking of which there is no place id rather make this, my 2000th post! (samandans)

                  Congrats Kat, that is quite an accomplishment, and I see you have a new avatar and sig.

                  Btw, on Thursday aganist ALL odds, I got my G2 (full drivers license). I thought I failed, but didn't... amazingly. Now my dad is helping me look for my first car.

                  Originally posted by samcarterrules View Post
                  Hey everyone,

                  A bit of an OT post coming, sorry

                  I was thinking about Rocky's question for the last few days, about whether we've ever wanted to be someone else.

                  I think my honest answer would have to be, no I haven't.

                  There are things in my life that I sometimes wish could be different, for example like not getting a part in a play because we can't figure out a way of fitting in my wheelchair into any of the characters, this can be a bit disheartening but I would never change the fact that I have a disability because my disability is partly what makes me me.

                  People used to call me geeky because I like computers and Sci-Fi, would I have changed that about myself, at the time probably yes I would have. But being involved in fandom has taught me to love that side of myself and that I am not strange, well OK maybe I am just a little bit LOL. I learned and come to except that being different or unique is a great thing. And one thing I've learned from Amanda and Julia is that beauty is is definitely much more than skin deep. And we all have something to contribute.

                  Wow, very nicely put Julia. You're the kind of person who makes different right, I wish more people had your attitude.

                  Originally posted by suse View Post
                  I leave in 2 days!

                  Gotta run to Dads to copy some pix for the brother because... their computer has no SD slot and I forgot my flash drive. (Not that I can even find it at the mo...)

                  Getting hair cut, then dropping by their church ( outdoor activities when it's almost 100 F out?) then going to their place ----oohhhh, unless I can have them bring camera to church, saves over an dice, they already left )

                  Had church and some prayer last night - making arrangements to get sermon links -

                  <<sigh>> All I need is for someone to say "Squirrel" to really make me go off track.

                  Trying to pack all into the personal item and carry on bags. Not so sure about doability. MUST remember they have these newfangled inventions caller wash machines out west...while packing for warmer and cooler days. Was 100 here yesterday & only in mid-sixties there. Will freeze. brrrrrrr

                  Hope AT and her family are having a great time outdoors. What a nice way to reconnect!
                  Wow, have fun.


                    Originally posted by Celandine View Post

                    Went running this morning thinking we'd be most of the heat expected today. Fat chance. At 9am, the heat index was already 84F and it's supposed to go up to near 100F again today. Not good when you have outdoor fun planned. Blah.
                    Yeah, 90-ish here with about 90% humidity. I've been hiding out in the AC a lot--thank god I have it.

                    I was watching the Atlantis episode "The Seer" and was really thinking it was too bad we didn't get to see more of Sam and Sheppard . I think theirs would have been an interesting relationship to explore more. (not in a 'shippy way! )
                    What do others think?


                      I got my MTM ticket too..and hot here too. 90's + with heat index well over 100.
                      and I have three different events outside this gonna melt. (actually, me gonna be packing changes of clothes so I don't have to stay all hot and stinky all day)
                      Where in the World is George Hammond?



                        Originally posted by jckfan55 View Post
                        Yeah, 90-ish here with about 90% humidity. I've been hiding out in the AC a lot--thank god I have it.

                        I was watching the Atlantis episode "The Seer" and was really thinking it was too bad we didn't get to see more of Sam and Sheppard . I think theirs would have been an interesting relationship to explore more. (not in a 'shippy way! )
                        What do others think?
                        I would like to have seen more scenes with Sam and Shep too. I think they had great chemistry, though not necessarily in a shippy way. I think (like Shep said about Sam in Search & Rescue) that they have a lot of respect for each other, they like each other, work well together, and probably socialize a bit when they're not on duty (eating, sparring, exercising). I liked it in that last scene in Doppelganger (I think it was) that Sam came to sit with the rest of the group at the commissary table overlooking the water. It looked like a lovely little group get-together, even though they were all commiserating after the events of the episode.


                          shep respected her and was maybe a bit in awe of her and all she's done...and she respected him and acknowledged that he knew more about the peggy galaxy than she ever they saw each other as equals and not boss/subordinant
                          Where in the World is George Hammond?



                            This post concerns an annual S/J Ship Event. It is being spoilered in respect for those who may not be interested...

                            It's almost that time again.....

                            Hope to see everyone there!

                            Please feel free to download the sig and avatar for your use between now and the event!


                              ATOnline 2010 Amanda Tapping Birthday Project:

                              This sounds like a good idea.


                                Originally posted by Celandine View Post
                                Awesome! I picked up a new bag too for the trip, one that is definitely smaller than my other though as I feared over packing. Last time I went to Vancouver, I used the other (bigger) bag and it ended up being overweight so I had to take things out or pay the extra fee. Good thing I had a backpack as well which was relatively empty. Filled that up with the overflow and it worked out fine.

                                I figure, smaller bag equals smarter packing as there is less room. I'm bound and determined to beat the nasty weight restrictions this time! It does make for rethinking what to take with though...which isn't a bad thing. Just tricky when your packing for two seasons.

                                Yay on your MTM ticket. I do hope you have a blast and can't wait to see con reports and pics from everyone who is attending it. I'll be flinging myself off a canyon and hiking on an island nature preserve instead. Good trade off I thought for missing meeting RDA again.
                                Inside the plane can sometimes get very warm. Checked luggage is usually not heated so the chocolate might do better there (that is if no one checks your luggage and steals it)! If you are afraid of spillage, put it in an airtight baggy...remove all the air before you seal it. Then put it into a second one to be safe. I think it should work (hopefully)!

