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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by EH-T View Post
    All technology has advantages and disadvantages. AT (to keep it on topic) gave a good example at AT4 of how the internet can be good and bad. While GW has been a nice way to meet some people from around the world, I don't use it in lieu of talking to my neighbours. Cellphones are great in an emergency but people also use them while driving, keep talking on them instead of speaking with the clerk at the store when purchasing goods and even use them to record movies or cons, breaking the rules or the law.

    Do I have a car, yes and when it is -40C it is handy to have. Do I prefer to use my feet, bicycle or even scooter instead? Absolutely, even at -40C, better for me and the environment. Do I travel? Yes but i also try to offset the damage I do by flying. Do I own a digital camera, cellphone, laptop, ipod, ipad, blackberry? No. Do I like having a TV to watch Stargate and Sanctuary? Of course. Do I twitter, have a facebook page or have any clue what live journal is? No. I use the technology I feel is worthwhile or change to new when the old is broken or dies but I am not one to fill the landfill with stuff just because new stuff has come along. Besides, I LOVE the reaction I get at airport security (especially from the young 'uns) when i show up with a walkman that plays cassette tapes.
    I'm not going back on what I said earlier about respecting others feelings, and I hope you didn't take it that way. I just couldn't help a little friendly poking in your general direction.

    Personally, I love gadgets and couldnt live without them. Might I be a bit tethered. Yes, but I don't mind. I still make plenty of time for my friends and gf and have never heard any of them complain about my obsession. It's not just the social aspect of technology that draws me though, but the level of how far we can really go with the advances that fascinates me to no end. Just think, only 30 years ago we were using DOS to run computer programs and in the grand scheme of things, that's just a drop in the bucket of time.

    We've been going through S1 thus far in our big rewatch and besides the characters and storylines, my eye is always drawn to the computers and technology SGC used and I can't help but think over and over how 'old-fashioned' some of it looks and what if Stargate was fimed in 2010 instead. What would their gadgets look like? Would Daniel be using a Blackberry constantly for on the go updates and searching the web? What kind of gadgets would Sam have in her lab now to help her fix and identify alien technology? Jack of course would still need Sam to explain things plainly though I think.


      As for rude people on cell phones. I just think that there are those who already have a predisposition to rudeness and their cell phone is just another way to channel and express that rudeness. I don't think I am a rude cell phone user because I am just not generally a rude person.

      I love technology simply because of the wonderful people I've met via theb internet and the fact that it put groceries on my table and paid my rent for so many years (though hopefully not anymore!)


        Originally posted by Celandine View Post
        I'm not going back on what I said earlier about respecting others feelings, and I hope you didn't take it that way. I just couldn't help a little friendly poking in your general direction.

        Personally, I love gadgets and couldnt live without them. Might I be a bit tethered. Yes, but I don't mind. I still make plenty of time for my friends and gf and have never heard any of them complain about my obsession. It's not just the social aspect of technology that draws me though, but the level of how far we can really go with the advances that fascinates me to no end. Just think, only 30 years ago we were using DOS to run computer programs and in the grand scheme of things, that's just a drop in the bucket of time.

        We've been going through S1 thus far in our big rewatch and besides the characters and storylines, my eye is always drawn to the computers and technology SGC used and I can't help but think over and over how 'old-fashioned' some of it looks and what if Stargate was fimed in 2010 instead. What would their gadgets look like? Would Daniel be using a Blackberry constantly for on the go updates and searching the web? What kind of gadgets would Sam have in her lab now to help her fix and identify alien technology? Jack of course would still need Sam to explain things plainly though I think.
        By all means poke away! I took no offence (did you not see my previous post about not being offended when told I had more $ than brains? ) nor did I mean any for those who love their technology. Just explaining my view (which is why it is way easier to just say I'm a Luddite ). My pet peeve is not with those who use technolgy but those who abuse it. For example, texting while driving! Couldn't believe that people actually did that! Anyway, enough of that.

        Yes the advances in technology helped Sam as she was always able to have a laptop handy to plug into some alien technology or other.

        Thanks to Pengyn, SamJackShipLover and Mala for the sig.


          Originally posted by Sam1969 View Post
          What? You talked with Amanda?! I mean THE Amanda?? *faints*
          Heh. I have stood in an impossibly slow elevator with Amanda Tapping while I was wearing short boxers and no pants.

          *edit* she was bent double laughing her arse off when I explained why.
          Neep, NZBG, Eileen!

          Made with love and chocolate brownies by Spacegirlnz

          Pooh-Bah/Ko-Ko FTW!


            Originally posted by NZNeep View Post
            Heh. I have stood in an impossibly slow elevator with Amanda Tapping while I was wearing short boxers and no pants.

            *edit* she was bent double laughing her arse off when I explained why.

            That'll be a story to tell the grandkids someday.

            Thanks to Pengyn, SamJackShipLover and Mala for the sig.


              Originally posted by EH-T View Post
              By all means poke away! I took no offence (did you not see my previous post about not being offended when told I had more $ than brains? ) nor did I mean any for those who love their technology. Just explaining my view (which is why it is way easier to just say I'm a Luddite ). My pet peeve is not with those who use technolgy but those who abuse it. For example, texting while driving! Couldn't believe that people actually did that! Anyway, enough of that.

              Yes the advances in technology helped Sam as she was always able to have a laptop handy to plug into some alien technology or other.
              Yup! ...And I love how Earth lap-tops could interface with just about any piece of alien technology you like!


                Originally posted by _SocraticMethod View Post
                Yup! ...And I love how Earth lap-tops could interface with just about any piece of alien technology you like!
                Nah, It was just Sam being THAT smart to figure out how to interface the laptop with any piece of technology that she came in contact with.


                  Originally posted by KayLyne View Post
                  Nah, It was just Sam being THAT smart to figure out how to interface the laptop with any piece of technology that she came in contact with.
                  She probably used parts from her VCR and toaster

                  my fanfic


                    Originally posted by RealmOfX View Post
                    *hides all my gadgets to make EH-T more comfortable*

                    I gotta agree with you on the mobile phone front though - sometimes people are just criminally stupid.
                    oh yeah. It's a tool, not a toy. Mine is for when i need to talk to someone and i have no phone around. or when i travel and drive across the state and there's an emergency or a need for contact. It's not attached to my hear 24/7 (in fact, i often rack up less than an hour's talking in a month)

                    Originally posted by Frostfox View Post
                    My 81 year old mother is a Luddite; she can barely use the remote control for the TV, can't programme the video. Every time she wants a computer I tell her I won't get her one (I've got a spare iBook she could have) unless she or her partner go on a basic computing course. My best friend's father just retired from teaching IT part time at his local night school, he's the same age as her.

                    my mom is the same way. 'thiis doesn't work!!!!', yeah, well i told you how to fix it last week. It's taken me 2 weeks to get her to remember how to cut and paste

                    in some ways, it's less a 'tech is evil' and more 'i don't get it and don't have the patience to learn'. People are often intimidated by tech and let their fear of it limit what they can do with it. (course, in the tech support aspect, it's my job security. if more folks knew how to hook up a projector to a laptop, i'd have less to do )

                    Originally posted by jckfan55 View Post
                    You'll have to take my quill pen out of my cold dead hands.

                    Technology is good in service to people; when people are in service to technology, that's a problem.
                    I do worry a bit about people needing to be "connected" 24/7, on cell phones etc. at all times. Maybe it's a fear of being alone? Maybe it's just generational. shrugs.

                    Still, without technology I never would have "met" my fellow Samandans, who are from various countries. I find that pretty cool.

                    And as much as I have scoffed at twitter in the past, it is kind of cool to get an occasional update from AT. (which I get when someone posts them here)
                    Pens are wonderful. many of myfic have started out hand written.

                    And i sooooo don't get twitter. My LJ is barely worth updating once a week or so, what the heck is so vital abouot my life that i gotta tell the whole world?????? sooooooo don't get it. I'm happily untwited

                    Originally posted by antoa View Post
                    As for rude people on cell phones. I just think that there are those who already have a predisposition to rudeness and their cell phone is just another way to channel and express that rudeness. I don't think I am a rude cell phone user because I am just not generally a rude person.

                    I love technology simply because of the wonderful people I've met via theb internet and the fact that it put groceries on my table and paid my rent for so many years (though hopefully not anymore!)

                    I think, for some, the size of their cellphone is the new 'mine is bigger'. It's a bragging thing. 'look, i'm so cool, look at the new toy i have!!!!!!'

                    I know people that sit by a landine and talk on the cell, cause they like telling everyone how they're talking on the cell. it's a 'conquering inferiority' thing

                    cheaper and more portable than owning the shiniest car
                    Where in the World is George Hammond?



                      Originally posted by Mandysg1 View Post
                      She probably used parts from her VCR and toaster
                      And built a stargate in her basement. Which came in extra handy in the later seasons when they stopped using the stargate at the SGC in favour of the ships.

                      Thanks to Pengyn, SamJackShipLover and Mala for the sig.


                        My phone is in my dad's car. In the parking building at the airport. For another week.

                        I feel strangely disconnected without being able to text.
                        Neep, NZBG, Eileen!

                        Made with love and chocolate brownies by Spacegirlnz

                        Pooh-Bah/Ko-Ko FTW!


                          Originally posted by EH-T View Post
                          You'd be surprised by all the interaction the folks on this thread have had with AT. My personal hilight might be when she hit me.
                          Wow! Woah you met her too?? And..she hit you?
                          My tumblr


                            here's a cute and interesting little fic i just finished reading.


                            it's s/j shippy, but also an interesting take on how things could have worked out if one of sam's owies wasn't fixed.



                              Originally posted by EH-T View Post
                              And built a stargate in her basement. Which came in extra handy in the later seasons when they stopped using the stargate at the SGC in favour of the ships.
                              The addition of Asgard beaming technology took away the fun of watching Sam trying to fix 'gate malfunctions.


                                i wish the series would have continued sam's abilities that the jolinar experience left her.


