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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by Chelle DB View Post
    I was at work today when my phone a new text message:
    @amandatapping: At airport in Vangroovy waiting to go to NY for Syfy upfronts. So weird to miss 1st day of #Sanctuary. Feel kinda sad ... and sleepy. Xo

    Here's to Amanda getting some sleep and feeling happy again!
    Thanks, Chelle. Hehe, she said Vangroovy.

    Wait, so your phone goes off when Amanda tweets? Cool.


      Amanda uses the term Vangroovy a's Vanctuary we're trying to teach her now!
      "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
      Hug Your Loved Ones!!
      ~Amanda Tapping


        Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
        Sometimes I wonder if that ever bugged sam. Bear with times, especially in the later seasons, Jack seemed to have a 'yeah, take care of it tomorrow' attitude. 'i'm going home, call me if something happens' he never shirked his duty (and to be fair, my co-worker doesn't do that either. if there's something that has to be done, he'll be here), but jack did seem to have a 'take time to play' attitude, while sam seemed to have a 'hang out in case i'm needed' attitude.

        I wonder if they ever were at odds over it?
        Yeah, but Jack had *important* stuff do like go fishing, Sam on the other hand, had no social life and didn't know what to do at home.

        They aired Ascension last week and I caught a bit of it. ;-)

        Not sure I ever noticed what you described above. If it was there then maybe it was because RDA had less scenes or to show that O'Neill trusted Sam enough to know she could handle herself.
        What good is a 2iC if you can't leave him/her for a couple of hours?
        Last edited by Fresh_Horse; 15 March 2010, 06:58 AM. Reason: sp


          Originally posted by Chelle DB View Post
          Amanda uses the term Vangroovy a's Vanctuary we're trying to teach her now!


            Originally posted by Skydiver View Post

            Sometimes I wonder if that ever bugged sam. Bear with times, especially in the later seasons, Jack seemed to have a 'yeah, take care of it tomorrow' attitude. 'i'm going home, call me if something happens' he never shirked his duty (and to be fair, my co-worker doesn't do that either. if there's something that has to be done, he'll be here), but jack did seem to have a 'take time to play' attitude, while sam seemed to have a 'hang out in case i'm needed' attitude.

            I wonder if they ever were at odds over it?
            The only example I can think of at the moment was in Lost City where he was in the truck finishing the crossword while she and Daniel were waiting for him.

            Thanks to Pengyn, SamJackShipLover and Mala for the sig.


              Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
              at times, i wish we had something like that. my co-worker, quite often goes home with a 'headache', or if we're slow, he goes home to work around the house, etc. and i'm usually the one to stay behind....and the only 'punishment'.....he's got less than 50 hours of sick leave, i have over 600., and he's worked for the company longer than I have.

              sometimes i do get tired of those going home all the time simply because they lack the work ethic to stay and get a job done.

              when i have to bite my tongue is when he'll occasionally mention how come people come to me or how come I know about this or about that....well dude, first you claimed the cubie 'around the corner' so you're not in easy view of the door, and you're quite often gone, gee wonder why people don't ask you stuff?

              Sometimes I wonder if that ever bugged sam. Bear with times, especially in the later seasons, Jack seemed to have a 'yeah, take care of it tomorrow' attitude. 'i'm going home, call me if something happens' he never shirked his duty (and to be fair, my co-worker doesn't do that either. if there's something that has to be done, he'll be here), but jack did seem to have a 'take time to play' attitude, while sam seemed to have a 'hang out in case i'm needed' attitude.

              I wonder if they ever were at odds over it?
              If I was you, I'd definitely have a little talk with your co-worker, especially if there is a difference in pay versus time employed. Hopefully your the one receiving the better paycheck at the end of the day with all the time your staying behind to finish up what needs to be done and simply wasn't by the one who should have done it in the first place. If he's getting better rewarded, I'd have issues that I might discuss with upper management.

              As to Jack going home early...

              *wracks brain* He definitely had a 'devil-may'care' attitude concerning work at times, but do you think it was more a defense mechanism to hide what disturbed him more emotionally? I mean, he'd go fishing when there was something happening that couldnt be taken care right away due to a delay in other issues/areas, but some people are just able to think more clearly and handle stress better when they are in an environment that they feel comfortable in. For Sam, most times in the series, we found her in her lab fiddling with some gadget while she waited for the the delay (whatever it might be) to be cleared. It was her way of not only passing the boredom, but helped her muddle through her thoughts as well.

     Lost City! Might have to watch that one today.


                What's wrong with someone getting their work done and then taking leave that is entitled to them? As long as they aren't shirking their duties or taking off and doing their own thing on company time. If they don't have to be there 60 hours a week to get things done, then why should they stick around just to make it look like they have a 'good work ethic'. Some people actually work to live and not live to work. There needs to be a 'work/life balance', otherwise, what is there to work for?


                  Originally posted by Rocky89 View Post
                  BEST drink ever!
                  It looks like carbonated pepto. What the heck is it?

                  Originally posted by Celandine View Post
                  The company I work for goes by a point system; point for calling off, sometimes two or three depending on what day of the week it is, point for tardiness, points for calling off on holidays. We have points for going home sick, etc.. I understand my company's need for us to be there. Without us, tables can't open and guests can't play and spend money and hence, the company is unable to make money. Makes sense and takes no stretch of the imagination to understand. People have lost their job by pointing out which might seem harsh, but on the other hand, we are rewarded quite richly for timeliness and perfect attendance. So it's all fair to me. Heck, it's a job. Time to grow least where work is concerned.


                  Yeah, timing is sometimes my arch nemesis. I missed the whole review by only 10 seasons in the Team thread. Seems my record for showing up early when something good is happening is still safe.

                  Yikes! I might go more insane talking about hair for the next several dozen pages.

                  So glad so many are chiming in that they like the idea of a rewatch. I've been needing something like this for a long time or I wouldnt be seeking it out so much lately. It's also comforting knowing I'm not the only one who has forgotten so much about the episodes too. Whew!

                  Wow! We have been quite chatty havent we?

                  What year did this thread even begin? *iz too lazy to check*

                  Eeep! I don't think I can do it either! I do work over 40hrs a week (and with a semi-social life thrown into the mix) and trying to tackle a season in a week is just not going to happen for me. I can do a thorough watching of an episode or two a week and make jot notes to bring from it into some sort of discussion here, but picking one massive theme and trying to cram a whole season to get the entirety of the development of Sam's character fully understood would be a too much. I cannae do it. Sorry.
                  One disk a week?

                  Ya, know. My first thought about Amanda's tweet was "Don't be sad, Amanda" followed closely by "Cool! There'll be pics and possible vids from the up fronts."
                  Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none.
                  William Shakespeare

                  Meddle ye not in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and tasty with ketchup.


                    Originally posted by Celandine View Post
                    Wow! We have been quite chatty havent we?

                    What year did this thread even begin? *iz too lazy to check*

                    Originally posted by Chelle DB View Post
                    Amanda uses the term Vangroovy a's Vanctuary we're trying to teach her now!
                    No wonder she's our fave goofball.

                    Originally posted by rderoch View Post
                    It looks like carbonated pepto. What the heck is it?
                    Are you mad? It's strawberry milk. Here take a look-

                    I drink that on special occasions, it's like my champagne.

                    Ya, know. My first thought about Amanda's tweet was "Don't be sad, Amanda" followed closely by "Cool! There'll be pics and possible vids from the up fronts."


                      Originally posted by antoa View Post
                      What's wrong with someone getting their work done and then taking leave that is entitled to them? As long as they aren't shirking their duties or taking off and doing their own thing on company time. If they don't have to be there 60 hours a week to get things done, then why should they stick around just to make it look like they have a 'good work ethic'. Some people actually work to live and not live to work. There needs to be a 'work/life balance', otherwise, what is there to work for?
                      in one way, nothing at all.
                      In another....he goes home at least once a week if not more, someone has to stay behind, and since I have the attitude of 'find a way to fill my day' rather than 'i'm bored, i'm going home', i'm the one staying behind a lot. and THEN i get the almost sulking 'how come everyone goes to you and not me' at times.

                      well, it's not personal, per se, i'm here, you're not, i can give them answers and know what's going on, you're at home mowing your yard.
                      Where in the World is George Hammond?



                        Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                        in one way, nothing at all.
                        In another....he goes home at least once a week if not more, someone has to stay behind, and since I have the attitude of 'find a way to fill my day' rather than 'i'm bored, i'm going home', i'm the one staying behind a lot. and THEN i get the almost sulking 'how come everyone goes to you and not me' at times.

                        well, it's not personal, per se, i'm here, you're not, i can give them answers and know what's going on, you're at home mowing your yard.
                        If there is only the 2 of you and someone always needs to be around to cover, then you have every right to call him on it if he isn't around during business hours.

                        What I was referring to are those people that put in their 9-5, 40 hours a week and get their job done without the need for overtime and have a life outside of the office. They shouldn't be looked down upon by those that live at their jobs, working 60+ hour weeks. They just have a different perspective on life and different priorities.

                        I am not saying one is the absolute right and one is wrong. Things are different for everyone and that should be respected.


                          HEy is anyone know how tweets? I have my own tweets on my phone but i never sign up but i deactive my account so ..

                          talk me throu abt how use tweets wisely?
                          Hi guys,
                          I'm deaf and petty much down to eath, fan of original Stargate and Stargate atlantis and Sanctury and I do really enjoy hanging out here, I love those show. Because I adores Amanda tapping and Torri Higginson because they both are my favorite people . Especially Amanda Tapping was My childhood favorite I grew up watching her on SG-1

                          Torri Higginson is the Lovely down to earth person


                            Originally posted by antoa View Post
                            If there is only the 2 of you and someone always needs to be around to cover, then you have every right to call him on it if he isn't around during business hours.

                            What I was referring to are those people that put in their 9-5, 40 hours a week and get their job done without the need for overtime and have a life outside of the office. They shouldn't be looked down upon by those that live at their jobs, working 60+ hour weeks. They just have a different perspective on life and different priorities.

                            I am not saying one is the absolute right and one is wrong. Things are different for everyone and that should be respected.
                            it's a case of 'one of us needs to be here', and while I run off an play hookey when i have a good reason, he gets bored and he 'gets a headache' and goes home.
                            Where in the World is George Hammond?



                              i'm seriously looking forward to seeing amanda at the upfronts syfy event!



                                I can't even remember what upfront IS.

                                Eh, time for bed.

                                Mourning Sanctuary.
                                Thanks for the good times!

