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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by SWMBOTGSG View Post
    In conversations like this I always like to quote a line from this (my favourite) episode. When Sam is all over him she asks him "Don't you want me?" and his very telling reply is "Not like this!" To me that means "Yes, but under different circumstances."

    Mhmmmm!! I love that line! That and...

    I want you.

    Which I interpreted be Jack going "Holy crap! This amazingly fantastic woman wants ME?!"

    I definitely think Jack had a thing for Sam right from the get-go... I mean, take a look at how Jack looks at her in "Children of the Gods" when he goes "I like women" or "I adore you already" (Dang! Can I just go OT to say how sexy RDA was in S.1... 'kay, I'm done now... )

    But yeah, I just don't think Sam consciously saw Jack that way in the 4 episodes that came before.


      Originally posted by _SocraticMethod View Post
      Mhmmmm!! I love that line! That and...

      I want you.

      Which I interpreted be Jack going "Holy crap! This amazingly fantastic woman wants ME?!"

      I definitely think Jack had a thing for Sam right from the get-go... I mean, take a look at how Jack looks at her in "Children of the Gods" when he goes "I like women" or "I adore you already" (Dang! Can I just go OT to say how sexy RDA was in S.1... 'kay, I'm done now... )

      But yeah, I just don't think Sam consciously saw Jack that way in the 4 episodes that came before.
      hey i agree RDA looked great in season one.definately his best looking season in my opinion
      The best written female character on trek ever.


        Originally posted by _SocraticMethod View Post
        Mhmmmm!! I love that line! That and...

        I want you.

        Which I interpreted be Jack going "Holy crap! This amazingly fantastic woman wants ME?!"

        I definitely think Jack had a thing for Sam right from the get-go... I mean, take a look at how Jack looks at her in "Children of the Gods" when he goes "I like women" or "I adore you already" (Dang! Can I just go OT to say how sexy RDA was in S.1... 'kay, I'm done now... )

        But yeah, I just don't think Sam consciously saw Jack that way in the 4 episodes that came before.
        Eww, I hope not.
        I think an older colonel saying things like that to a young captain is creepy, not cute, the joke is rather flat. He's risking both their careers, particularly as the young captain in question has just made a move on him while under the influence. Sam has a blossoming career at the SGC and deserves her rise up the ranks, the last thing she needs is the taint of nepotism.

        I thought RDA looked hotter when they stopped dying his hair that silly brown colour, there was nothing wrong with his natural grey, it's distinguished.



          Originally posted by Frostfox View Post
          Eww, I hope not.
          I think an older colonel saying things like that to a young captain is creepy, not cute, the joke is rather flat. He's risking both their careers, particularly as the young captain in question has just made a move on him while under the influence. Sam has a blossoming career at the SGC and deserves her rise up the ranks, the last thing she needs is the taint of nepotism.

          I thought RDA looked hotter when they stopped dying his hair that silly brown colour, there was nothing wrong with his natural grey, it's distinguished.

          I agree. That's why I think Sam, the character, and AT, the actress, didn't like the idea in the beginning. As for Jack, I think it was an initial infatuation that turned into something quite lovely (IMHO) by the time we get to "Upgrades" and "Divide and Conquer". Anyways...

          With regards to RDA, I *completely* agree! I think he looked his best later on, around S.3-4.


            Broca Divide

            Admittedly, as a shipper there are a lot of reasons why I love this episode which given this isn't the ship thread I won't go into here especially as they've already been mentioned by others.

            What I love about Sam in this episode is the way both her science and soldier aspects get emphasised again: the latter in the way she wants to go and prevent the rape and the former she backs up Daniel in the need for the mission to be extended to cultural and scientific exploration.

            I also quite like the end scene where Sam attempts to apologise to Jack for what happened because for me it gives away how unsure she still was in these early missions of her standing with him; how much she wanted to impress him as her CO.
            Women of the Gate LJ Community.
            My Stargate Fanfiction. My LiveJournal.


              Originally posted by Rachel500 View Post
              Broca Divide

              Admittedly, as a shipper there are a lot of reasons why I love this episode which given this isn't the ship thread I won't go into here especially as they've already been mentioned by others.

              What I love about Sam in this episode is the way both her science and soldier aspects get emphasised again: the latter in the way she wants to go and prevent the rape and the former she backs up Daniel in the need for the mission to be extended to cultural and scientific exploration.

              I also quite like the end scene where Sam attempts to apologise to Jack for what happened because for me it gives away how unsure she still was in these early missions of her standing with him; how much she wanted to impress him as her CO.
              I agree with the point about her character as a scientist and Sam's desire to study 'prehistoric man'. But, (and this may note be a popular opinion) I saw her reaction to the 'rape' as a bit too 'soap-boxy'. I am a woman as well, but I think Daniel made a legitimate anthropological point when he said that this was simply the mating practice of a less-evolved (i.e. more animal than human) species. In fact, I find these two positions in conflict. Does Sam see these neaderthal-like animals as reprehensible, or does she see them as objects of study? For example, a scientist does not see the male lion's behaviour of killing a lioness's cubs so that he may mate with her as morally reprehensible, and he/she does certainly does not seek to stop it. Then again, as I type this I'm also thinking that maybe this goes to show a bit of Sam's naiveté. She wants to fix everything she sees as wrong in the beginning - she sees that as her responsibility. In the moment, she wants to stop what she sees as a violation, but then with more distance, she sees scientific opportunity. Hmmm.... any other thoughts on this?


                Sam isn't an anthropologist. So, you could argue that she wouldn't instantly see it that way because that's not where her focus lies anyway. Her science background is in Astrophysics, and I'm thinking she didn't start looking too deeply into different cultures until she met Daniel and started working w/ SG-1.

                As a person, not a woman, her reaction to the rape was perfect for me. She wasn't overly dramatic about it but she knew something was happening that could hurt another and as a soldier/person she intended to step in and stop it. The problem with that scene is the male was a neanderthal and the woman wasn't. Though, Daniel wouldn't have known that when he made the observation.
                Made by the lovely Jakie


                  Originally posted by _SocraticMethod View Post
                  I agree with the point about her character as a scientist and Sam's desire to study 'prehistoric man'. But, (and this may note be a popular opinion) I saw her reaction to the 'rape' as a bit too 'soap-boxy'. I am a woman as well, but I think Daniel made a legitimate anthropological point when he said that this was simply the mating practice of a less-evolved (i.e. more animal than human) species. In fact, I find these two positions in conflict. Does Sam see these neaderthal-like animals as reprehensible, or does she see them as objects of study? For example, a scientist does not see the male lion's behaviour of killing a lioness's cubs so that he may mate with her as morally reprehensible, and he/she does certainly does not seek to stop it. Then again, as I type this I'm also thinking that maybe this goes to show a bit of Sam's naiveté. She wants to fix everything she sees as wrong in the beginning - she sees that as her responsibility. In the moment, she wants to stop what she sees as a violation, but then with more distance, she sees scientific opportunity. Hmmm.... any other thoughts on this?
                  Sam may be a scientist and agree that this was how neandrathal man acted, but it's quite different seeing a woman in front of you about to be raped. Her reaction was that of a woman, not someone studying the behaviour of prehistoric group. I find it disturbing that the others were just going to let it happen. But that just may be me.

                  I also had to wonder about the 'virus', yes Janet cured it in those that had it, but I often wondered if they would still be carrying the virus? Must have been a serious scurb down at the SGC

                  my fanfic


                    Originally posted by samcarterrules View Post
                    Hey everyone,

                    Long time no post. Sorry I haven’t been around for a while college got pretty busy, but I am on my Easter holiday/vacation so I thought I’d pop in and see how everyone is doing. I have missed you all so much!
                    I read back a few pages but don’t think I’ll be able to read them all LOL.
                    Yay, hope you're surviving college ok! I'm currently in 'light at the end of the tunnel' mode as I've only got 3 weeks left until the end of the semester.

                    Originally posted by Rachel500 View Post
                    Broca Divide

                    What I love about Sam in this episode is the way both her science and soldier aspects get emphasised again: the latter in the way she wants to go and prevent the rape and the former she backs up Daniel in the need for the mission to be extended to cultural and scientific exploration.

                    I also quite like the end scene where Sam attempts to apologise to Jack for what happened because for me it gives away how unsure she still was in these early missions of her standing with him; how much she wanted to impress him as her CO.
                    Those are my favorite scenes as well from this ep, as well as the joke she makes when they first see all the Minoan artwork.

                    But this episode annoys me a bit because they seem to get the disease transmission backwards. Jack gets injured in the fight when they first get to the planet, so he should have been the first one infected, but instead SG-3 gets it first even though they had no physical contact with the Touched while SG-1 did. So the disease seemed to spread from Johnson to the fighting SG-3 guys to Sam and then to Jack, all through physical contact. And then when they realize it's a highly transmissible virus there's still not as mask to be seen on anyone. I know it's probably just S1 hiccups in storytelling, but it makes it difficult for me to enjoy the episode because I keep wanting to yell 'contact precautions!' at Janet.

                    Originally posted by _SocraticMethod View Post
                    I agree with the point about her character as a scientist and Sam's desire to study 'prehistoric man'. But, (and this may note be a popular opinion) I saw her reaction to the 'rape' as a bit too 'soap-boxy'. I am a woman as well, but I think Daniel made a legitimate anthropological point when he said that this was simply the mating practice of a less-evolved (i.e. more animal than human) species. In fact, I find these two positions in conflict. Does Sam see these neaderthal-like animals as reprehensible, or does she see them as objects of study? For example, a scientist does not see the male lion's behaviour of killing a lioness's cubs so that he may mate with her as morally reprehensible, and he/she does certainly does not seek to stop it. Then again, as I type this I'm also thinking that maybe this goes to show a bit of Sam's naiveté. She wants to fix everything she sees as wrong in the beginning - she sees that as her responsibility. In the moment, she wants to stop what she sees as a violation, but then with more distance, she sees scientific opportunity. Hmmm.... any other thoughts on this?
                    For me, I think this is an example of the line Sam walks between her duties/priorities as a scientist and as a soldier. In the first case, Sam saw an innocent person under attack and so she wanted to come to her defense. In the later case on the planet and at the SGC, when she supports Daniel about adding cultural and scientific studies to their missions Melosha was now safe and out of harm, as far as she knew. So I think Sam is very willing to explore scientific opportunities, but not when her team or the base or someone innocent may be harmed in the process. And that's something that I think holds up for the rest of the series, like in Singularity she didn't ask about staying on the planet to see the eclipse until she checked with Janet that it was safe.



                      the only explanation i have for the irregular transmission of the disease is that it's testosterone based..those with the most are the most susceptible, those with the least, least susceptible
                      Where in the World is George Hammond?



                        Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                        the only explanation i have for the irregular transmission of the disease is that it's testosterone based..those with the most are the most susceptible, those with the least, least susceptible
                        And I would think that the speed in which it took you over would be different in each person? Due to immune system, etc?
                        Made by the lovely Jakie


                          Originally posted by m_wendy_r View Post
                          And I would think that the speed in which it took you over would be different in each person? Due to immune system, etc?
                          I'd go with the obvious - different histamine levels in each person


                            makes sense to me
                            Where in the World is George Hammond?



                              Originally posted by EvenstarSRV View Post
                              Yay, hope you're surviving college ok! I'm currently in 'light at the end of the tunnel' mode as I've only got 3 weeks left until the end of the semester.
                              Lucky you!! I'm done in 4, but I'm definitely not seein' that light yet, lol! Drowning in papers right now!! Gah!

                              Originally posted by EvenstarSRV View Post
                              Those are my favorite scenes as well from this ep, as well as the joke she makes when they first see all the Minoan artwork.

                              But this episode annoys me a bit because they seem to get the disease transmission backwards. Jack gets injured in the fight when they first get to the planet, so he should have been the first one infected, but instead SG-3 gets it first even though they had no physical contact with the Touched while SG-1 did. So the disease seemed to spread from Johnson to the fighting SG-3 guys to Sam and then to Jack, all through physical contact. And then when they realize it's a highly transmissible virus there's still not as mask to be seen on anyone. I know it's probably just S1 hiccups in storytelling, but it makes it difficult for me to enjoy the episode because I keep wanting to yell 'contact precautions!' at Janet.
                              LOL! I love the 'living room' remark - very funny

                              Good catch on the transmission - I totally missed that! And you've got a really good point about Janet, too! I used to be a lifeguard so, the whole time I was going "PPE! PPE! PPE!" lol

                              Originally posted by EvenstarSRV View Post
                              For me, I think this is an example of the line Sam walks between her duties/priorities as a scientist and as a soldier. In the first case, Sam saw an innocent person under attack and so she wanted to come to her defense. In the later case on the planet and at the SGC, when she supports Daniel about adding cultural and scientific studies to their missions Melosha was now safe and out of harm, as far as she knew. So I think Sam is very willing to explore scientific opportunities, but not when her team or the base or someone innocent may be harmed in the process. And that's something that I think holds up for the rest of the series, like in Singularity she didn't ask about staying on the planet to see the eclipse until she checked with Janet that it was safe.
                              Yeah, you're quite right. Sam definitely walks that line throughout the series. And now that I think about it, it's human to be conflicted, isn't it? We all have priorities/allegiances/concerns that seem to conflict with one another, and we all have gut reactions and dispositions that don't necessarily jive logically.

                              As for "Singularity", I *love* that episode! It's one of my favourite Sam-centric episodes of the whole series!!! But I guess I'll "cross that bridge when we come to it"


                                Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                                the only explanation i have for the irregular transmission of the disease is that it's testosterone based..those with the most are the most susceptible, those with the least, least susceptible
                                Hmm, but the virus was a histamine-lytic, so susceptibility should have been based on levels of histamine, not testosterone. Daniel didn't get it until his level of anti-histamine dropped too low on the planet, he even sneezed just before gating there, and Janet said that the Untouched got the virus if they didn't eat enough of whatever natural sources of histamine the Land of Light people ate.


