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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by NZNeep View Post
    Originally posted by 2Shy View Post
    I think I’m still trying to get my bearings around this thread, so apologize if I’m still seem to be in lurkmode at times, lol!
    Hehe 2Shy... best just to go with the flow and not think about it too much

    In a way it's all on topic, because we are Amanda's fans. Or something.
    Yeah, you’re probably right. Note to self: Do not think.

    Originally posted by hisg1fans View Post
    Very well done !
    You are learning very quickly
    Indeed. *in her best Yoda voice* Quickly learning I am.
    Thanks for the green btw

    Originally posted by ames View Post
    Welcome to the formerly-known-as-Samandan thread
    Any and all segues are welcome, within some semi-random modicum of sense! LOL Mmmmmmm .... *is distracted by shiny penguins*
    Well, in that case there shouldn’t be much of a problem then...
    *Whispers to the rest of the thread*: Does anyone know what she’s talking bout?

    And in regards to the amazing news of the 3rd season of Sanctuary. Yay! (And did I actually see EH-T squee?!) They’ve (team Sanctuary that is) been hinting about the next season quite a lot lately, but the 20 eps was big news to me. Wow! I just hope they don’t have to struggle with the financing like last year before they go into full production of the new season. But on the other hand, they probably wouldn’t have gotten the 20 ep deal if they didn’t have the money.


      Originally posted by Celandine View Post
      Yay for your snow!! No matter where you live, the white stuff has a way of making any view quite spectacular. I love the quietness of a fresh snowfall too, that is until everyone commences with the frivolity of making snowmen, angels, forts and a good old fashioned snowball fight. *nod*

      Yes! I'm still riding the high on Sanctuary being renewed for a third season. YAY! My gf stopped over for lunch this afternoon and when I told her the news she just thought for a moment before going, 'Oh, yeah. That's that show you like with those weird monsters.' Silly girl. She still doesn't understand scifi much, nor care for it. I'm determined to change that fact though. *nodnod*
      good luck converting your g/f

      Originally posted by RepliCartertje View Post
      thanks for the awesome picspam and love your sam chrissy siggy!

      Originally posted by m_wendy_r View Post
      Awesome picspam, Eve.

      I'm loving the fact we get a season 3! More Amanda
      and 20 eps more amanda SQUEEE!!!

      im loving the chrissy cards in the mail most days

      todays shout out goes to nearly circular (love the sam card ) slurredspeech (thanks heaps for the coin!) and chelle... as always thanks for the lovely cards and kind words
      "...but I think if I were to describe myself in pure feminist forms, I would say I want equality. We want respect not because we're women, but simply because we're human beings..." AT 'Live peace. Speak kindness. Dwell in possibility.'


        OK, off to Heathrow! Stopping over at Hong Kong, spending a day with Chelle in Melbourne and then finally getting home to Wellington where my mum and Granddad are bringing my puppy with them when they pick me up from the airport.

        If anyone sees Chelle around, can you nudge her towards her PMs? I sent it a few days ago so she has prolly seen it, just to be sure

        Will try to check in on you guys in Hong Kong ! Bai!
        Neep, NZBG, Eileen!

        Made with love and chocolate brownies by Spacegirlnz

        Pooh-Bah/Ko-Ko FTW!


          Originally posted by NZNeep View Post
          OK, off to Heathrow! Stopping over at Hong Kong, spending a day with Chelle in Melbourne and then finally getting home to Wellington where my mum and Granddad are bringing my puppy with them when they pick me up from the airport.

          If anyone sees Chelle around, can you nudge her towards her PMs? I sent it a few days ago so she has prolly seen it, just to be sure

          Will try to check in on you guys in Hong Kong ! Bai!
          enjoy the remainder of your trip neep!
          "...but I think if I were to describe myself in pure feminist forms, I would say I want equality. We want respect not because we're women, but simply because we're human beings..." AT 'Live peace. Speak kindness. Dwell in possibility.'


            Originally posted by NZNeep View Post
            OK, off to Heathrow! Stopping over at Hong Kong, spending a day with Chelle in Melbourne and then finally getting home to Wellington where my mum and Granddad are bringing my puppy with them when they pick me up from the airport.
            If anyone sees Chelle around, can you nudge her towards her PMs? I sent it a few days ago so she has prolly seen it, just to be sure
            Will try to check in on you guys in Hong Kong ! Bai!
            Sorry angel your PM...will be there to pick you up...lucky for you it should be cooler by the time you get here...we're going for a top of 39C tomorrow...we're in the "severe" fire danger zone in our area....that's second from the top which is "catastrophic"...but there's a change coming through in the arvo...might be a little humid when you land in Melbourne...welcome to Aussie summer!

            Finally have my pics from my trip off the camera...but alas I am going to bed soon as I had a late night last night with the premiere of SGU on channel 10 and a night out with PaganX and imwebgurl from with luck I shall have them up within a week coz with Neep arriving tomorrow night, I dare say I won't have time for a bit to do much else than yak with the Neeplet!!

            So good night Samandans...take care...this is the silly season so please be careful when out and about. Stay safe and hug your loved ones!
            "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
            Hug Your Loved Ones!!
            ~Amanda Tapping


              Originally posted by ames View Post
              Ooooh I LOVE that sketch! The dress ... *dissolves into giggles*
              Wait - I can just see it now - Carol and Amanda, stuck in an elevator, discussing their ... most interesting wardrobe requirements I wonder if a comment about how the dresses *must* have been designed by men would come up ...

              1. Spoilers, oh how I dislike thee, let me count the ways... *glares*
              Actually, I've been fairly good about avoiding spoilers other than the fact that Amanda is HAWT in leather ... but we already knew that, right?
              Unfortunately this meant I had to avoid Twitter for a few days, and can't head onto the Sanctuary thread - or SanctuaryWorld - until Jan But hey - it could be worse! At least we know it's coming back *bounces*

              <Originally Posted by 2Shy: Snow – chocolate – Helen’s mother – prostitutes
              Yup, makes total sense to me

              Welcome to the formerly-known-as-Samandan thread
              Any and all segues are welcome, within some semi-random modicum of sense! LOL Mmmmmmm .... *is distracted by shiny penguins*

              <Originally Posted by NZNeep
              Hehe 2Shy... best just to go with the flow and not think about it too much =P

              In a way it's all on topic, because we are Amanda's fans. Or something. =P>

              Exactly! What she said ^^


              3. My semi-OT:
              So my sister and I were out shopping today. It was her first day out of the house since Vince was born, and first time driving in a very long time, so we were trying to make the most of it... we got on the topic of sci fi, as you do... (The convo involved the line 'Damn you Wil Wheaton, you ruined my sister's life' ... *quirks eyebrow* ... don't ask - it's safer that way! LOL)
              I informed her that I was planning on making Vince into a scifi fan, and she had zero probs with this, so the first stage of my conversion plan is in place Of course, this is the same sister who just received a hand-knit WoW orc toque for the baby from a friend, complete with stats. (Increased cuteness factor by 122, etc - so cute!) So yeah, I wasn't *really* expecting much resistance from her or her fiance on this matter, to be fair...
              I wonder how best to introduce my boys to the greatness that is Amanda Tapping... of course, considering (my lil cuz) James will only be 2 in March, and (nephew) Vince is now a fortnight old, I have a bit of maneouvering time in which to plan yet - but still! 'Tis fun to plot
              1. It might have been mentioned a time or two...

              2. In Regards to the blue part and Neep's statement it truly is on topic.
              Snow: Amanda lives in Canada where it has been known to snow
              Chocolate: We've already decided that Sam and Helen love chocolate and if AT doesn't she must be converted!
              Helen's mother-thanks to Sally's question AT is now considering the possibilities involved in exploring that mysterious person.

              Shiny Penguins? I could have sworn I saw shiny Pandas

              3. It's never too early to start the corruption.

              4: I was up very late last night and had to get up very early this morning so with an almost complete lack of sleep I had a silly thought about how Amanda gets the funding for Sanctuary. Mind you this came to me after listening to podcasts with Amanda, Martin and Damian, which, truth be told are little more than highly enjoyable gigglefests.

              Amanda walks into potential backers office and pitches her heart out about how Sanctuary is successful, in more than 50 countries, Syfy just renewed it for 20 more eps etc...
              Bigwig hems and haws...
              Amanda walks to the door and threatens to let Martin and Damian into bigwigs office.
              Bigwig writes huge check.
              Amanda walks out of the office muttering something about "welcoming us to her nightmare"


                Hmm, discussions of snow, Magnus in leather etc. I can tie this comment in.
                As I was trudging through the snow yesterday in my *snow boots* I was passed by a young lady in stylish boots.
                I had the thought: I bet Helen Magnus doesn't trudge around town in her snow boots worrying about falling on a hidden ice floe.


                  Originally posted by wine_buyer View Post
                  said it before and I'll say it again: Amanda is obviously responsible, at least in part, for the acceleration in global warming. HAWT?
                  Don't tell her that. She'll stop wearing it!
                  Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none.
                  William Shakespeare

                  Meddle ye not in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and tasty with ketchup.


                    Hey y'all just dropping my to show of my new-- actually not new, but my upgraded Carter sig. Thanks to Wine_Buyer it now has the logos from my avatar in it.


                      Originally posted by hedwig View Post

                      Aaaaawwww ... the PNW isn't that bad!!!!! We get lots and lots and lots of sunshine up here. Just not as much as California and some other places.
                      I agree! I came from Rochester NY and when it rained there--often--it POURED whereas in Seattle I can take a walk in the rain without getting sopping wet. Of course there are times it rains very hard but usually that doesn't last long. I've gotten a lot wetter in Vancouver!!!


                        Originally posted by katjoy View Post
                        good luck converting your g/f

                        thanks for the awesome picspam and love your sam chrissy siggy!

                        and 20 eps more amanda SQUEEE!!!

                        im loving the chrissy cards in the mail most days

                        todays shout out goes to nearly circular (love the sam card ) slurredspeech (thanks heaps for the coin!) and chelle... as always thanks for the lovely cards and kind words
                        Me too--and I haven't got my cards out yet. This has been a busy autumn and I guess I will just have to sit down tonight after our last concert of the season and write a few notes. (In Seattle there is a tradition called Christmas ships--a bunch of decorated ships that cruise around the Sound with carolers. Tonight the band will play as a lead up to when the ships arrive at Golden Gardens--indoors thank goodness--and then we get snacks and go home.)

                        So for those who aren't part of the Christmas card list take a peek at the Seattle Christmas ship and Merry Christmas to all from the rainy PNW.




                          Originally posted by Chelle DB View Post
                          Sorry angel your PM...will be there to pick you up...lucky for you it should be cooler by the time you get here...we're going for a top of 39C tomorrow...we're in the "severe" fire danger zone in our area....that's second from the top which is "catastrophic"...but there's a change coming through in the arvo...might be a little humid when you land in Melbourne...welcome to Aussie summer!

                          Finally have my pics from my trip off the camera...but alas I am going to bed soon as I had a late night last night with the premiere of SGU on channel 10 and a night out with PaganX and imwebgurl from with luck I shall have them up within a week coz with Neep arriving tomorrow night, I dare say I won't have time for a bit to do much else than yak with the Neeplet!!

                          So good night Samandans...take care...this is the silly season so please be careful when out and about. Stay safe and hug your loved ones!
                          I knew I had a use for the board shorts I packed! Awww... do I need to shave my legs? I won't see my razor until Melbourne because it's checked in.

                          In Hong Kong right now See you soon!
                          Neep, NZBG, Eileen!

                          Made with love and chocolate brownies by Spacegirlnz

                          Pooh-Bah/Ko-Ko FTW!


                            An invitation for an upcoming event (respectfully spoiled for those who are not interested):


                            Hugs to all!!!


                              Originally posted by NZNeep View Post
                              I knew I had a use for the board shorts I packed! Awww... do I need to shave my legs? I won't see my razor until Melbourne because it's checked in.
                              In Hong Kong right now See you soon!
                              If you have woolly legs then I would suggest shearing them right's 7.10pm and still hovering around 38C in Melbourne. My car will be a hot little box to ride home in but the house is lovely and cool.
                              Leaving now to get Neeplet from the should take me about 90 minutes to get there...then I'll have to park and make my way to the arrivals area. Poor Neep, the heat is gonna knock her for a six! Mind you, I'm cool with least it's not 48C like in February!
                              I have Sanctuary playing in the background...S1 ep "The Five"...Helen just called Tesla an "obnoxious ass"...very cool!!
                              "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
                              Hug Your Loved Ones!!
                              ~Amanda Tapping


                                Just a quick note to say that I have the little Neeplet safe and sound at my house. We've had a couple Honey Vodka drinks with Tim Tams and will be hitting the hay soon. So from the Neeplet and myself...HUGE hugs to all!!!
                                Night night then!!
                                "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
                                Hug Your Loved Ones!!
                                ~Amanda Tapping

