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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by Chelle DB View Post
    Just a quick note to say that I have the little Neeplet safe and sound at my house. We've had a couple Honey Vodka drinks with Tim Tams and will be hitting the hay soon. So from the Neeplet and myself...HUGE hugs to all!!!
    Night night then!!
    Glad she has arrived on t'other side of the world safely. Funny - I received her card today - posted here in England!

    Mine went out yesterday. Thanks to all those whose cards have arrived and those whose are on the way (I love this little scheme. Not got a big 'natural' family but my on-line family is worldwide.)

    ((((Hugs Samandans))))

    For details of AT10 go to


      Originally posted by Chelle DB View Post
      Just a quick note to say that I have the little Neeplet safe and sound at my house. We've had a couple Honey Vodka drinks with Tim Tams and will be hitting the hay soon. So from the Neeplet and myself...HUGE hugs to all!!!
      Night night then!!
      Glad Neep made it home safely, well near enough to home that is. Can't imagine all the fly time she's had just getting there as sitting anywhere for that long might make me a bit more crazy.

      Awesome welcoming home party too I might add.

      ((Chelle and Neep))


        Hey y'all I'm just dropping of a serious question I've been meaning to ask.

        I've been watching S4 of Atlantis as apart of my Stargate marathon and last night I saw The Seer, one of the BEST S4 episodes of SGA. And as I was watching it I couldn't help but think of what could have been in S5 if Amanda had stayed on the show, Amanda's said quite a few times that if she had they would have done more with her in terms of bringing back the old SG-1 Sam. While I'm SUPER happy and proud of Sanctuary, and I do believe Amanda made the right and best choice by choosing Sanctuary over Atlantis, I'll admit sometimes, not often but *sometimes* I kinda wish she had stayed with Atlantis. I guess it's because Carter was my first love and I find myself thinking of what could have been in S5.

        So my question is, does anyone here ever kinda wish Amanda had stayed with Atlantis in S5?
        Last edited by Rocky89; 16 December 2009, 10:01 AM.


          Originally posted by Rocky89 View Post
          So my question is, does anyone here ever kinda wish Amanda had stayed with Atlantis in S5?
          Unfortunately - and apologies to anyone who may think differently - S5 of Atlantis was bloody awful, thus I wouldn't want Carter anywhere near it.

          In terms of missing Carter as such... heck yes. *prays for golden rain on MGM or whoever buys Stargate so the new movie gets made*
          you're so cute when you're slurring your speech but they're closing the bar and they want us to leave

          'What is it, Sebastian? I'm arranging matches.'

          "Religion is far more of a choice than homosexuality. And the protections that we have, for religion --we protect religion-- and talk about a lifestyle choice! That is absolutely a choice. Gay people don't choose to be gay. At what age did you choose not to be gay?" (Jon Stewart, The King of Common Sense)


            Originally posted by slurredspeech View Post
            Unfortunately - and apologies to anyone who may think differently - S5 of Atlantis was bloody awful, thus I wouldn't want Carter anywhere near it.

            In terms of missing Carter as such... heck yes. *prays for golden rain on MGM or whoever buys Stargate so the new movie gets made*
            ^ What she said.


              Originally posted by slurredspeech View Post
              Unfortunately - and apologies to anyone who may think differently - S5 of Atlantis was bloody awful, thus I wouldn't want Carter anywhere near it.

              In terms of missing Carter as such... heck yes. *prays for golden rain on MGM or whoever buys Stargate so the new movie gets made*
              Originally posted by jasminaGo View Post
              ^ What she said.
              Again, I love Sanctuary and if I could change history and make Amanda choose Atlantis I would NOT, because like I said I believe Amanda made the right choice, and by doing so she's done a LOT of good not just for herself, but for the everyone involved with the show and the fans.

              S4 will always be may fave season of SGA, and I've never seen S5 because it was too hard to watch without Sam. Who knows, maybe in an AR Amanda did chose S5 and not Sanctuary.


                Originally posted by Rocky89 View Post
                So my question is, does anyone here ever kinda wish Amanda had stayed with Atlantis in S5?
                As much as I love Amanda as Sam Carter and enjoyed that we continued to get flashes of Sam in S4, I think S5 and the Atlantis dynamic worked better with Woolsey to be honest because he fitted better as a 'generic' leader whereas I think with Carter, I was always expecting her to be more than that because of her history and prior characterisation.

                Back when she had the choice, if she had asked me to make the decision, I probably would have said stay with Stargate please.

                But now...given Amanda and the Sanctuary team's success since, I wouldn't wish for her to have made a different decision and I'm glad she made the best decision for her at the time she had the choice.

                And as slurredspeech said, hopefully there'll still be more Sam Carter in the movie.
                Women of the Gate LJ Community.
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                  Originally posted by NZNeep View Post
                  I knew I had a use for the board shorts I packed! Awww... do I need to shave my legs? I won't see my razor until Melbourne because it's checked in.

                  In Hong Kong right now See you soon!
                  Glad you made it home safe, sound, and sane. and sound anyway

                  Be sure to claim all of the frequent flier miles. With all the mileage you've done on this trip, you should be well on your way to a free ticket for AT5 !

                  Take care

                  Go Sam


                    Originally posted by Chelle DB View Post
                    Just a quick note to say that I have the little Neeplet safe and sound at my house. We've had a couple Honey Vodka drinks with Tim Tams and will be hitting the hay soon. So from the Neeplet and myself...HUGE hugs to all!!!
                    Night night then!!
                    Yay, good to hear!

                    Originally posted by slurredspeech View Post
                    Unfortunately - and apologies to anyone who may think differently - S5 of Atlantis was bloody awful, thus I wouldn't want Carter anywhere near it.

                    In terms of missing Carter as such... heck yes. *prays for golden rain on MGM or whoever buys Stargate so the new movie gets made*
                    Yeah, I enjoyed Sam in Atlantis in S4 (starting watching SGA regularly because AT joined the show), but for the most part I think the writers struggled to write her as Sam Carter, leader of Atlantis, and not Atlantis leader, who happens to be Sam Carter. Perhaps they could have done more with the character in S5, but given how the writing went for most of the characters that season, I'm skeptical.

                    Even if Sanctuary had ended after S1, I think AT made the right choice to pick that over SGA, because it has allowed her to expand her career in ways I don't think she would have been able to with the Stargate franchise.

                    For missing Sam, the character is being kept alive and active to an extent in SGU, and even if the third movie never pans out, we've still got so many episodes to fall back on.



                      Originally posted by slurredspeech View Post
                      Unfortunately - and apologies to anyone who may think differently - S5 of Atlantis was bloody awful, thus I wouldn't want Carter anywhere near it.
                      AT definitely made the right decision to go with Sanctuary. I think even if Sanctuary had only gone 1 year, it still would have been the right decision. For herself and for me as a viewer.

                      imho, Atlantis was never that good & S5 was pretty bad.
                      And as much as I loved seeing more Sam, she was often poorly used in Atlantis S4

                      ETA: also agree with EvenStar's point about the "generic" Atlantis leader issue
                      Last edited by jckfan55; 16 December 2009, 12:15 PM. Reason: add


                        i think, staying on atlantis was a dead end for her. In my opinion, they were so cautious about Sam not stealing the show that they homogenized her to unrecognizability. She was pretty much a female woolsey, 'forgetting' her experiences to not overshadow the existing characters.

                        And, on SGA, she was 'just an actress'.

                        but on sanctuary she's EP, STAR and now director. Sanctuary was her future, even while stargate will always be part of her home.

                        I can't miss her too much on SGA because Sam was rarely there, Carter, 'please don't call me a replacement' was there, and they weakened her so much to not show up the existing characters that they pretty much took all the 'samness' out of her.

                        so i applaud her decision, because Sanctuary is so much more of her future than the floundering franchise that is SGA - where i think she'd never be more than 'that actress the fans like so much and is so nice to work with'

                        The boys at bridge would never allow her to grow and develop like sanctuary has.
                        Where in the World is George Hammond?



                          Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                          i think, staying on atlantis was a dead end for her. In my opinion, they were so cautious about Sam not stealing the show that they homogenized her to unrecognizability. She was pretty much a female woolsey, 'forgetting' her experiences to not overshadow the existing characters.

                          And, on SGA, she was 'just an actress'.

                          but on sanctuary she's EP, STAR and now director. Sanctuary was her future, even while stargate will always be part of her home.

                          I can't miss her too much on SGA because Sam was rarely there, Carter, 'please don't call me a replacement' was there, and they weakened her so much to not show up the existing characters that they pretty much took all the 'samness' out of her.

                          so i applaud her decision, because Sanctuary is so much more of her future than the floundering franchise that is SGA - where i think she'd never be more than 'that actress the fans like so much and is so nice to work with'

                          The boys at bridge would never allow her to grow and develop like sanctuary has.
                          What she said ^^
                          S4 is still my favourite SGA season because Carter (and Amanda) is there though. But yeah, it's not really the Sam we all have gotten to know and love is it. And for Amanda to stay on SGA, as Sky said, a dead end career wise. Just look what Sanctuary have done for her, or more what she has done for Sanctuary.

                          And on a more personal note, if Amanda hadn't taken that leap of faith and put it all on Sanctuary when she did, I would never have gotten into this wonderful fandom that this is. And never gotten the chance to get to know and meet (!) so many wonderful people that I have. So yeah, I'm very happy she picked Sanctuary over SGA


                            Originally posted by slurredspeech View Post
                            In terms of missing Carter as such... heck yes. *prays for golden rain on MGM or whoever buys Stargate so the new movie gets made*
                            Just as long as it isn't Emerich. He'll surely kill it off!


                            For details of AT10 go to


                              Originally posted by Rocky89 View Post

                              So my question is, does anyone here ever kinda wish Amanda had stayed with Atlantis in S5?
                              yes, but *only* if she could have done sanctuary too. but yes, i wish we could have seen more sam as commander of atlantis... (((sam)))



                                Originally posted by slurredspeech
                                In terms of missing Carter as such... heck yes. *prays for golden rain on MGM or whoever buys Stargate so the new movie gets made*
                                Originally posted by Rachel500 View Post
                                And as slurredspeech said, hopefully there'll still be more Sam Carter in the movie.
                                yes on the 3rd sg1 movie! and soon, ptb, before most of the fans lose interest in it...


