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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    My last post here put me at the 500 mark

    Way to go ÜberSG-1Fan
    My View From The Peanut Gallery


      Originally posted by tsaxlady
      Okay as many of you know I'm going to the Stargate Con in Burbank next weekend. So I thought I would give y'all the chance at giving me some questions you would like for me to ask. Just remember that this will be a large con so during the on-stage part I will probably only have the chance to ask 1 or 2 questions. I will be going to the evening event along with the Charity breakfast so I may have a chance to ask a few more questions at these events.

      Here is the line-up for the Con
      FRIDAY - Teryl Rothery, Dan Shea, & Peter Williams
      SATURDAY - Joe Flanigan, Don Davis, & Gary Jones
      SUNDAY - Torri Higginson, Michael Shanks, & Christopher Judge
      (I also heard this past weekend at the BSG Con they are finializing plans for another surprise guest but they would not say who it is - my bet is that its Ben Browder)

      So FIRE AWAY with your questions - I will have my laptop with me and I'll try and do at least a little reporting everyday with a a more detailed report after I get home.
      Thanks for preparing to report back to the convention deprived.
      I'd probably have pretty standard questions: are there good Sam-Daniel, Sam-Teal'c moments coming up? Does it feel good to have AT back on set? What can we watch for TR & DD to be appearing in now? I'm sure you'll come up with something good.


        here's an idea. post death knell let's say. sam's on sick leave and off work for a few weeks

        so she plays around with her laptop and surfs

        where do you think she plays? does sam have a secret fandom? does she keep a blog? would she have fun surfing for show spoilers or downloading shows?

        how would sam kill time?

        and let's not all go with fixing her bike huh???
        Where in the World is George Hammond?



          Originally posted by astrogeologist

          What if.....and I'm just saying what if here......
          she's left the military to become head of scientific research at Area 51.....or she has simply been put in charge at Area 51? Wouldn't that be a better job, which would open up new options for her character in terms of access to resources?

          It would also.....and don't shoot me here......give TPTB a way to put BB in charge without it being an insult to Sam. If Sam went on to something bigger and better, how could we resent BB (Just channeling TPTB, not stating an opinion!)? After all, he wouldn't have TAKEN something to which SHE WAS ENTITLED. He would have been GIVEN something she had left LEFT BEHIND.

          Of course, it also means they still have to call her back into service, because they can't handle the new threats/challenges without her. That's a pretty big compliment in and of itself.....and would allow TPTB to wrap everything up in a neat little package.

          And, if you are a S/J shipper, there are two other points to consider:

          1. This change would get her further from Jack's control (i.e., chain of command), and allow them to be together.

          2. Remember what Jacob said in Grace and Threads: "You joined the Air Force because of me, Sam. Don't let the rules stand in the way of you being happy." Think how many of those words from Grace were repeated in Threads, and how many have come true.

          Oma-1 and I were just musing on these possibilities, based on a JM Q & A she posted on the S/J Ship Family Thread earlier today.

          Now that I've mused in these new directions, I'm trying to decide how I feel about them. As a S/J shipper,
          I'm giddy with the possibilities.

          As a proud member of the SAGC Thread, and a Sam fan in general, I'm
          still weighing the impact of the change, and what it all means for Sam.

          What are your reactions?

          My reactions are pretty much the same as yours. While I do like Action!Sam, I would
          be equally happy with Dr. Carter.
          . The second can open up a whole new set of possibilities. While Sam
          would no longer be Air Force, she'd still have the training and skills that she's always had. Daniel's the same way - he's not military and yet he can handle a weapon or two.
          Being a Sam/Jack shipper, I'd be giddy if the possibility were true. I don't have to see it ad nauseum; just once will suffice (for now ).


            Originally posted by Skydiver
            here's an idea. post death knell let's say. sam's on sick leave and off work for a few weeks

            so she plays around with her laptop and surfs

            where do you think she plays? does sam have a secret fandom? does she keep a blog? would she have fun surfing for show spoilers or downloading shows?

            how would sam kill time?

            and let's not all go with fixing her bike huh???
            I figure she's an avid online gamer I believe Uber had a pic that proved it too


              Originally posted by Skydiver
              i have one more to go and fanatin, you only have four

              it's a milestone night in samanda
              Shouldn't we get a cake or something?


              ...You're ALWAYS Welcome in Samanda: Amanda's Community of New Fans and Old Friends...


                Originally posted by Skydiver
                here's an idea. post death knell let's say. sam's on sick leave and off work for a few weeks

                so she plays around with her laptop and surfs

                where do you think she plays? does sam have a secret fandom? does she keep a blog? would she have fun surfing for show spoilers or downloading shows?

                how would sam kill time?

                and let's not all go with fixing her bike huh???
                She might go out and buy a new basil plant.
                She might have a dvd collection of old musicals...she did express a fondness for "Singing in the Rain" at one point.


                  Originally posted by Agent_Dark
                  I figure she's an avid online gamer I believe Uber had a pic that proved it too
                  You must be referring to the SGC security footage of Sam's reaction to General Hammond catching her playing Unreal Tournament while on duty...

                  Suffice it to say that George was not a happy camper...

                  ...You're ALWAYS Welcome in Samanda: Amanda's Community of New Fans and Old Friends...


                    yeah, ,but you know, uncle george will cut her some slack
                    Where in the World is George Hammond?



                      Originally posted by Skydiver
                      here's an idea. post death knell let's say. sam's on sick leave and off work for a few weeks

                      so she plays around with her laptop and surfs

                      where do you think she plays? does sam have a secret fandom? does she keep a blog? would she have fun surfing for show spoilers or downloading shows?

                      how would sam kill time?

                      and let's not all go with fixing her bike huh???

                      Hmmmm, Skydiver. You're such a cool mod, I shouldn't even ask, but perhaps we're getting too close to the truth tonight. Are you trying to steer us in another direction......hmmmmm? (Just kidding!)

                      Definitely no on the blog. After all, what could she put in it? Most of what she does each day is classified.

                      She definitely goes to, because she wants to read the newest Star Trek: Next Generation stories. And, I think she's interested in Battlestar Gallactica, because she finds the new show so much darker and so much better than the original, which she's old enough to remember.

                      She goes to to find cute e-cards to send to her nieces.

                      And I think she surfs a lot of science web sites. She's interested in the research of others, even if they're not privileged enough to have the experiences she's having in her work. She would have loved to have talked with Carl Sagan before he died, because she knows he would have understood so well what she goes through as a scientist and an explorer.

                      Once in a blue moon.....she checks sites to see what the new wedding dresses look like.

                      And for her guilty pleasure, she surfs Google for historical photos and stories about General Hospital .....because she always throught the guy who played Jeff Webber was SO CUTE!
                      Last edited by sg-1fanintn; 29 June 2005, 05:24 PM.


                        Originally posted by sg-1fanintn

                        And for her guilty pleasure, she surfs Google for General Hospital historical items.....because she always throught the guy who played Jeff Webber was SO CUTE!
                        I wonder how she feels about MacGyver?


                          Originally posted by sg-1fanintn
                          Hmmmm, Skydiver. You're such a cool mod, I shouldn't even ask, but perhaps we're getting too close to the truth tonight. Are you trying to steer us in another direction......hmmmmm? (Just kidding!)

                          would i do that?????


                          actually i'm just trying to do my part to keep the conversation going on here. gotta make it easy for our last few milestoners to hit thier targets tonight
                          Where in the World is George Hammond?



                            Originally posted by ChevronSeven
                            I wonder how she feels about MacGyver?
                            I'm sure she liked him too.....despite the mullet......

                            It's a big night in Samanda!

                            Congratulations, Skydiver, on 4,200 posts!

                            Congratulations, UberSG-1Fan, on 1,400 posts!

                            Congratulations, tsaxlady, on 500 posts!

                            (And yours truly has....cough....surpassed the 500 post milestone tonight as well......smiles quietly)


                              Originally posted by ChevronSeven
                              I wonder how she feels about MacGyver?
                              loves the guys but has a hard time with the hair.

                              a man's hair should never be longer than hers
                              Where in the World is George Hammond?



                                Originally posted by binkpmmc

                                I like your interpretation. Someone somewhere today [I've been checking in everytime I have to go on line--someone stop me!] commented that Mitchell wouldn't call her Sam if they're both military. But I think he would if they're the same rank. I'd hate to see her out of the military. (
                                I saw that question but it seems to me that they are the same rank so they can call each ther by their names, or however they want to address each other, and they did that to show parity between the two. Just like they made Janet a Major after Carter was promoted so they could continue to call each other by thier first names and just like Jack called some of his friends and colleagues of equal rank by their first names. In addition, articles, interviews, plus on the AJM boards, etc., they have addressed Carter as either Lt. Colonel or Colonel Carter - I have absolutely no doubt she is still in the military. mitchell and Carter are the same rank so they call each other by first names regardless of who is in charge - IF, and I stress that in my mind it is a very big IF at this point, mitchell is in charge there is no way Carter would ever call him Sir and the fans would never accept that and likewise, with a guy of bb's "stature" they would never bring him on and have him address Carter as Sir or Ma'am because it would not fit so they are equal rank.

                                The only question left, IMO, is who is in charge upon Carter's return and the "resume her duties" has just about sealed it for me. The mallozzi answer by citing Beach Head is just him being "coy" again even though he knows Carter has been referred to as Lt. Colonel in articles, interviews, by other PTB and by himself, in past comments. He, as well as others, love to jerk the fans and this is how they do it. IMO, it is also his rather annoying little way of trying to get people to watch. I find it rather tiresome that they answer the same question a dozen times and each time they answer it differently. It is one of the reasons I have lost faith in TPTB.

