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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    i'd like to thank whoever suggested watching the vid on gateworld's vid player (or where ever that link took us). it did wonders and i was able to record the vid right onto my desktop. and i could SEE amanda's face. thanks.



      AT's Interview/Set Tour: (which, I know, are two different things but...)
      Originally posted by EH-T View Post
      Sara is the lady we met and they mentioned some of the shows she had worked on, pretty impressive resume. It was also mentioned that all scripts would go through Damian however to ensure consistency.
      AT mentioned that in the interview too, and because I'm weird that way, that was more significant to me than anything else she said. One of the great things about Sanctuary last season was that not only plot story-arcs carried from episode to episode but that the significant character events of one episode carried over into the other and even certain themes, the latter especially being unusual for TV shows. (yeah, I know that was supposedly largely serendipitous as they had no clear direction all along, but STILL) So its nice to see that, even though they're bringing on more writers, every script will still go through Damian Kindler. Hopefully that means that sort of continuity is a priority and will continue and the show won't lose it's 'vision'. Which I'd been a bit afraid for hearing about all the new writers.
      And that was so close to being off topic I think I should repeat AT 10 times fast.


        Originally posted by RealmOfX View Post
        I am SOOOOOOOOOO looking forward to Season 2!!
        I'll second that!

        Originally posted by ann_sgcfan View Post
        She said the other writer was Sarah Cooper (GW spelling)... there were several SC on IMDb it COULD be Sara B Cooper the only writer I could find. IF it is, she wrote for House, Homicide:Life on the Streets, Lara Croft: Tomb Raider, X-Files, STtNG, among many others. She was also Executive producer of House (2005) and Homicide (1999) We won't know for sure until we get closer to October and season 2

        EDIT: LOL Looks like Melora and I had the same thought
        Wow, if it's the same Sara, she should be a great addition.

        Originally posted by EH-T View Post
        One of the things that was mentioned by AT and others on the tour (sorry to keep mentioning that, hope no one views it as "OMG she's bringing up the darn tour again" just trying to give you the source as opposed to reading it in an interview, seeing it on the internet, etc) was that the crew waited for Sanctuary to get "a go" even turning down other work to be available. AT raved about the crew and how wonderful they are. I mentioned that it was a testament to TPTB (including AT) that they would wait for the chance to work on the show.
        Enough with the tour already!

        I'm sure a lot of eye-rolling goes on when I bring up my Gabit trips. But, when you have experiences that really make an impression on you, it's hard not to think of them often. That's wonderful that you had that kind of experience in Vancouver. And we're all perfectly willing to listen to you babble on about your tour, as long as you share information.

        Originally posted by EH-T View Post
        Alan McCullough but I see that is known now (see below). He is awfully cute. Got to meet him briefly too. He closed his door in order to work, I think we were making too much noise at lunch!

        Somehow that doesn't surprise me.
        Originally posted by EH-T View Post
        I find my nubbin helps with withdrawal.
        No comment.
        Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none.
        William Shakespeare

        Meddle ye not in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and tasty with ketchup.


          She's done it. Amanda, I mean. How does she do that? Guh, what I'm talking about- in the GW interview Amanda started talking about her charities (how cool is the idea of Sanctuary for Kids?). That's why I wanted to get my nursing degree. So I could volunteer and actually be useful. Doctors without borders and the like. Just when I'm having second thoughts and switching to science/teaching is starting to look like a way out, along comes Amanda.

          And she has kicked my arse back into gear. Off to study now, bye!
          Neep, NZBG, Eileen!

          Made with love and chocolate brownies by Spacegirlnz

          Pooh-Bah/Ko-Ko FTW!


            Originally posted by JenniferJF View Post
            Well, I think the short version of the answer AT herself gave translates into ask here
            I think it's interesting that the episodes I liked the best - and I think many others did as well - are Requiem, The Five, and Rev and those I think are the darkest of the season. One wonders if this showed up in marketing and not just here - that the episodes which tended to be 'darker' were better received - and it's one of the reasons the network is willing to 'risk' going darker overall.
            I think the issues with 'darkness' seem to stem from the Scifi execs. I remember watching a BSG special where Ron Moore mentions that the main creative battles he had with the network were about how 'dark' the show was, so I can imagine AT, DK, and MW having similar discussions with Scifi about Sanctuary.

            I was glad to hear AT say that the success of Requiem helped convince the execs that the character and show can handle a bit darker, edgier tone.

            Originally posted by Melora View Post
            Spoilers for Sanctuary, Season 2
            In addition to Alan McCullough, she mentioned that James Thorpe and Sara Cooper were now on the writing staff.

            James Thorpe was one of the main writers on Highlander (the series), Highlander: the Raven, Queen of Swords, The Lost World, and Young Blades. He also wrote a few of the episodes of Flash Gordon. I loved many of his Highlander episodes. I think he will do a good job with historical episodes and flashbacks especially. The other stuff he has worked is a bit hit or miss. Most of the shows were low budget syndicated shows and Flash Gordon was for the most part. I tend to think that had a lot of do with the production values and acting, since he is more than capable of writing extremely good stories. He should be a good addition to the writer's room.

            James Thorpe on IMDB

            If it is the same Sara Cooper listed on IMDB, then she has written for ST:TNG, House, X-Files, Homicide, Strong Medicine, and she has a story credit for the first Lara Croft movie. Personally, I'm just thrilled there is actually a female writer on staff.

            Sara Cooper on IMDB
            Thanks for the info on the new writers!

            Originally posted by EH-T View Post
            One of the things that was mentioned by AT and others on the tour (sorry to keep mentioning that, hope no one views it as "OMG she's bringing up the darn tour again" just trying to give you the source as opposed to reading it in an interview, seeing it on the internet, etc) was that the crew waited for Sanctuary to get "a go" even turning down other work to be available. AT raved about the crew and how wonderful they are. I mentioned that it was a testament to TPTB (including AT) that they would wait for the chance to work on the show.
            Heh, I'm always going 'yay she's mentioning the tour again, I get to live vicariously through someone's experience a little more!'

            Seriously though, I love all that you and the others have shared from your set tour, thanks for doing it.



              Originally posted by EvenstarSRV View Post
              Heh, I'm always going 'yay she's mentioning the tour again, I get to live vicariously through someone's experience a little more!'

              Seriously though, I love all that you and the others have shared from your set tour, thanks for doing it.
              And I wholeheartedly echo that

              It's one of the things I love about Samanda, people's willingness to share. I thank ye all!


                I have a question to ask....I've been reading some I do when the kiddies are at school and I have a day off...and I was wondering...when does Sam call her dad "daddy"? I know she says dad but I don't recall her calling him "daddy". Thank you!!
                "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
                Hug Your Loved Ones!!
                ~Amanda Tapping


                  Originally posted by Chelle DB View Post
                  I have a question to ask....I've been reading some I do when the kiddies are at school and I have a day off...and I was wondering...when does Sam call her dad "daddy"? I know she says dad but I don't recall her calling him "daddy". Thank you!!
                  Uh, I really don't think she does. If I saw that in a fic I might want to scrub my brain with steel wool.

                  Hehe... *snerk*

                  Last edited by NZNeep; 29 April 2009, 10:28 PM.
                  Neep, NZBG, Eileen!

                  Made with love and chocolate brownies by Spacegirlnz

                  Pooh-Bah/Ko-Ko FTW!


                    Originally posted by NZNeep View Post
                    She's done it. Amanda, I mean. How does she do that? Guh, what I'm talking about- in the GW interview Amanda started talking about her charities (how cool is the idea of Sanctuary for Kids?). That's why I wanted to get my nursing degree. So I could volunteer and actually be useful. Doctors without borders and the like. Just when I'm having second thoughts and switching to science/teaching is starting to look like a way out, along comes Amanda.

                    And she has kicked my arse back into gear. Off to study now, bye!
                    I am sure you will be a great nurse neep, and someday, you may find you go back to the teaching aspect after all. Finding a job you love could be the start of you inspiring and teaching someone else to do the same. It's a big part of DWB work. they send nurses/medics to places to set up programs and teach the locals the skills they need to keep them going themselves. In order to do that you need experience at doing the job yourself, so hit those books!!!



                      Originally posted by becky_preen View Post
                      I am sure you will be a great nurse neep, and someday, you may find you go back to the teaching aspect after all. Finding a job you love could be the start of you inspiring and teaching someone else to do the same. It's a big part of DWB work. they send nurses/medics to places to set up programs and teach the locals the skills they need to keep them going themselves. In order to do that you need experience at doing the job yourself, so hit those books!!!

                      Yep... life all planned out.

                      Heh, thanks Becky
                      Neep, NZBG, Eileen!

                      Made with love and chocolate brownies by Spacegirlnz

                      Pooh-Bah/Ko-Ko FTW!


                        Originally posted by Chelle DB View Post
                        I have a question to ask....I've been reading some I do when the kiddies are at school and I have a day off...and I was wondering...when does Sam call her dad "daddy"? I know she says dad but I don't recall her calling him "daddy". Thank you!!
                        in fanfic

                        in the show she has never called him anything but 'dad'
                        Where in the World is George Hammond?



                          Originally posted by rderoch View Post
                          Yeah, that was hilarious. I was sitting on my couch, bouncing, "I've got one!"

                          i know. I hadn't had time to read/watch the interview yet but i read it and i was like 'dude, i can fix that'

                          It was also nice to read that a 'fan' had sent her a copy. I THINK that was me. After AT3 and she said that she still hadn't gotten a copy i made one and sent it to her, along with telling her how many copies Lindsay had sold - just in case she needed to know.

                          good to know that it got there.
                          Where in the World is George Hammond?



                            Originally posted by EvenstarSRV View Post
                            I think the issues with 'darkness' seem to stem from the Scifi execs. I remember watching a BSG special where Ron Moore mentions that the main creative battles he had with the network were about how 'dark' the show was, so I can imagine AT, DK, and MW having similar discussions with Scifi about Sanctuary.

                            I was glad to hear AT say that the success of Requiem helped convince the execs that the character and show can handle a bit darker, edgier tone.

                            Me too. I mean even the "dark" episodes aren't *that* dark. Helen is a complex person. She's mysterious, has a tinge of sadness, doesn't suffer fools gladly, etc. all of which make her interesting to me. Trying to soften her edges too much would make her just like anyone else on tv. Why watch that?

                            Seriously though, I love all that you and the others have shared from your set tour, thanks for doing it.

                            Glad to hear Damien supervises scripts so he can keep the vision consistent. High hopes for the new writers. You do have to wonder if AT in particular had any desire to bring a woman on board. Probably the first criteria would be talent & an understanding of SF, but can't hurt to have a woman's perspective in there.


                              Hey Everyone,

                              Originally posted by EvenstarSRV View Post
                              Seriously though, I love all that you and the others have shared from your set tour, thanks for doing it.
                              I agree thank you so much girls, I love hearing about the set tour.

                              When Amanda was asked about "Stuck" in her GW interview, and David wanted to know where to get it lol, he should have asked here in Samanda. I love my copy of the movie.

                              Thanks to Ambermoon for the wonderful Avatar Sig by: Me


                                Originally posted by rderoch View Post

                                Enough with the tour already!

                                I'm sure a lot of eye-rolling goes on when I bring up my Gabit trips. But, when you have experiences that really make an impression on you, it's hard not to think of them often. That's wonderful that you had that kind of experience in Vancouver. And we're all perfectly willing to listen to you babble on about your tour, as long as you share information.

                                Well, I knew you'd complain. You roll your eyes at everything I say!

                                Originally posted by NZNeep View Post
                                She's done it. Amanda, I mean. How does she do that? Guh, what I'm talking about- in the GW interview Amanda started talking about her charities (how cool is the idea of Sanctuary for Kids?). That's why I wanted to get my nursing degree. So I could volunteer and actually be useful. Doctors without borders and the like. Just when I'm having second thoughts and switching to science/teaching is starting to look like a way out, along comes Amanda.

                                And she has kicked my arse back into gear. Off to study now, bye!
                                So she talked about Sanctuary for Kids, eh? I have got to get around to watching that interview. The first thing we asked AT was to tell us more about the charity. Antoa, SamJackshipLover, PengYn et moi are proud and honoured that we were the first donors to the new charity. That alone made it worth it. The tour was just the icing on the cake. (Did someone say cake? From )

                                Originally posted by EvenstarSRV View Post

                                Heh, I'm always going 'yay she's mentioning the tour again, I get to live vicariously through someone's experience a little more!'

                                Seriously though, I love all that you and the others have shared from your set tour, thanks for doing it.

                                Originally posted by RealmOfX View Post
                                And I wholeheartedly echo that

                                It's one of the things I love about Samanda, people's willingness to share. I thank ye all!

                                Originally posted by Skydiver View Post

                                i know. I hadn't had time to read/watch the interview yet but i read it and i was like 'dude, i can fix that'

                                It was also nice to read that a 'fan' had sent her a copy. I THINK that was me. After AT3 and she said that she still hadn't gotten a copy i made one and sent it to her, along with telling her how many copies Lindsay had sold - just in case she needed to know.

                                good to know that it got there.
                                Very cool.

                                Originally posted by jckfan55 View Post


                                Originally posted by samcarterrules View Post
                                Hey Everyone,

                                I agree thank you so much girls, I love hearing about the set tour.


                                So the only one I'm annoying if rderoch? Excellent!

                                Thanks to Pengyn, SamJackShipLover and Mala for the sig.

