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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Hi Spaz
    Neep, NZBG, Eileen!

    Made with love and chocolate brownies by Spacegirlnz

    Pooh-Bah/Ko-Ko FTW!


      Hahaha ... can't believe that worked Neep! Good to see you again Spazzy!!


        Originally posted by SamJackShipLover View Post
        Hahaha ... can't believe that worked Neep! Good to see you again Spazzy!!
        That timing even creeped me out. That trick has never failed... I was sure my luck would run out this time and Spazzy wouldn't appear. But one minute later...
        Neep, NZBG, Eileen!

        Made with love and chocolate brownies by Spacegirlnz

        Pooh-Bah/Ko-Ko FTW!


          Happy Birthday
          Major Sam!!

          Originally posted by Forestia View Post
          Anyway, ok I watched a vid for Amanda on You Tube and then I left a comment saying I am lucky because I got to meet her and get a hug from her. I said it was the best moment of my life so far. Then this other person left a reply saying "Your life must be pretty crappy if that was the best part". Not only did that hurt my feelings, but it seems very insulting to Amanda to say that getting to meet and hug her was not that great of a thing. I don't know why this person was watching the vid, but they obviously aren't that big of an Amanda fan.
          So, I am wondering, is it pathetic to consider something like that the best moment? I don't feel like it is.
          Hey Forestia...I know some people have already responded but I just wanted to add...I think the thing is that that moment means a lot to you and will be something you will always remember and why can't it be the best moment of your life???
          Unfortunately there are some people who just don't understand what it truly means to have a happy moment happen in their life that makes it mean more to you rather than to them. And you don't need to have kids or get married to make that the best moment in your life. know you can have more than one right???
          Maybe this person hasn't been so lucky to have a best moment and is jealous that you have. Just a thought! Don't let it upset you honey.

          Just a quick note before I sign off...this is OT so spoilered for those who don't want to know...
          I'm gonna be in less for a while...I'll try to get in as much as I can when I get the chance but my dad isn't too good. He's receiving palliative care now and things are going a lot quicker than I expected. So while I wish I could play, I've been spending every day at the hospital with him...unfortunately I'm also working 6 days a week at the moment so my time is extremely tight. I just wanted to say that I have appreciated all the thoughts and kind words that my dad and I have received since he was first diagnosed. I honestly can't say how I feel right now other than angry and confused...and frustrated. BUT...again, I'm taking each day as it comes and I still wake up and smile at what I have. Which is hard. But also easy. Confusing?? Tell me about it!
          Anyhoo, take care and have fun. And thank you!
          *hugs Samandans*

          "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
          Hug Your Loved Ones!!
          ~Amanda Tapping


            Originally posted by Forestia View Post
            On another note, I want to get all of your opinions on something because I still care about all of you and when something upsetting happens with me and it concerns Amanda, well I want to talk to you guys about it.

            Anyway, ok I watched a vid for Amanda on You Tube and then I left a comment saying I am lucky because I got to meet her and get a hug from her. I said it was the best moment of my life so far. Then this other person left a reply saying "Your life must be pretty crappy if that was the best part". Not only did that hurt my feelings, but it seems very insulting to Amanda to say that getting to meet and hug her was not that great of a thing. I don't know why this person was watching the vid, but they obviously aren't that big of an Amanda fan.

            So, I am wondering, is it pathetic to consider something like that the best moment? I don't feel like it is. I haven't gotten married or had kids, or anything like that, but I have had a lot of good experiences. I've done many fun things and have had some great days. However, when I really think about what made me happiest, and what was not only the best day, but the best moment, that was it. I don't care if people think I have a crappy life because of that. They don't know me.
            You know whom I find pathetic? Trolls!
            The person must have been one of those lowlives that dwell on forums and feed off of other people's insecurities.

            Don't listen to the trolls.

            I can see how you'd rate that moment as one of the best in your life.
            Someone else's best moment was probably finding that coveted beanie baby on ebay. Mine was watching a space shuttle launch.

            I personally don't understand the beanie baby thing but that doesn't mean I find it pathetic.
            When we walked away from the place where we had watched the shuttle launch some fool behind me said something along the lines of "I had expected it to be a lot grander" - I came pretty close to strangling that person.

            Anyway, my point is, whatever works for you. It doesn't matter what anyone else thinks, that was *your* best moment!
            No one can take that away from you.


              Originally posted by Forestia View Post

              On another note, I want to get all of your opinions on something because I still care about all of you and when something upsetting happens with me and it concerns Amanda, well I want to talk to you guys about it.

              Anyway, ok I watched a vid for Amanda on You Tube and then I left a comment saying I am lucky because I got to meet her and get a hug from her. I said it was the best moment of my life so far. Then this other person left a reply saying "Your life must be pretty crappy if that was the best part". Not only did that hurt my feelings, but it seems very insulting to Amanda to say that getting to meet and hug her was not that great of a thing. I don't know why this person was watching the vid, but they obviously aren't that big of an Amanda fan.

              So, I am wondering, is it pathetic to consider something like that the best moment? I don't feel like it is.
              It's not sad at all. I have plenty of friends who consider spending the weekend drunk to be a prospect to look forward to, and another who gushes whenever she buys a new designer bag, and I'm like "whatever". Each to their own.


                Happy Birthday Spaz and Major Sam!

                Thank you Ambermoon for the sigs!


                  Originally posted by Forestia View Post
                  On the subject of Amanda, I am thoroughly enjoying Sanctuary! Awesome, awesome show! I am going to sound dis loyal, but my favorite character is actually Henry. I can't help it, he is just very appealing to me. However, Helen is my 2nd fave, followed by Will, Ash and the big guy. I guess John would be next. I actually like Tesla a lot too,
                  even though he is kind of evil (I mean John was at first, but as far as I can tell, he's better).
                  He is a very interesting character, so I hope we see more of him. So, yeah, that is so my favorite show right now!

                  On another note, I want to get all of your opinions on something because I still care about all of you and when something upsetting happens with me and it concerns Amanda, well I want to talk to you guys about it.

                  Anyway, ok I watched a vid for Amanda on You Tube and then I left a comment saying I am lucky because I got to meet her and get a hug from her. I said it was the best moment of my life so far. Then this other person left a reply saying "Your life must be pretty crappy if that was the best part". Not only did that hurt my feelings, but it seems very insulting to Amanda to say that getting to meet and hug her was not that great of a thing. I don't know why this person was watching the vid, but they obviously aren't that big of an Amanda fan.

                  So, I am wondering, is it pathetic to consider something like that the best moment? I don't feel like it is. I haven't gotten married or had kids, or anything like that, but I have had a lot of good experiences. I've done many fun things and have had some great days. However, when I really think about what made me happiest, and what was not only the best day, but the best moment, that was it. I don't care if people think I have a crappy life because of that. They don't know me.

                  Ok, I'm obviously just venting now. I'm not sure I really have the right to do that on here since I'm never on enough for people to even know me, but I can't help it. I mean if anyone would understand, it would be Amanda fans.

                  I hope I get a chance to get back on here and see what people say. Whatever the case, I hope you are all well and take care!
                  Originally posted by Linda06 View Post
                  No it's not pathetic....I can only dream of meeting someone like Amanda...Don't let these people get to you, they are just bitter and they try to bring others down with them....For a lot of us it's a dream come true to meet our Idols, I dream one day that i'd get a chance to meet mine but I very much doubt i'll get that chance!
                  Originally posted by Mandysg1 View Post
                  Hey, I got 2 hugs in Toronto from her and it still makes me smile...I also went to AT3 and had a great to answer your what was the question again (I'm too distracted thinking about the hugs)
                  Originally posted by samcarterrules View Post
                  Forestia definitely not pathetic, when I meet Amanda it was absolutely the best moment of my life ever! I got a hug too! I think people like that are just look for a way to bring other people down, don't worry about them, we all know how special Amanda is. And welcome back


                  Originally posted by Chelle DB View Post
                  Hey Forestia...I know some people have already responded but I just wanted to add...I think the thing is that that moment means a lot to you and will be something you will always remember and why can't it be the best moment of your life???
                  Unfortunately there are some people who just don't understand what it truly means to have a happy moment happen in their life that makes it mean more to you rather than to them. And you don't need to have kids or get married to make that the best moment in your life. know you can have more than one right???
                  Maybe this person hasn't been so lucky to have a best moment and is jealous that you have. Just a thought! Don't let it upset you honey.

                  Just a quick note before I sign off...this is OT so spoilered for those who don't want to know...
                  I'm gonna be in less for a while...I'll try to get in as much as I can when I get the chance but my dad isn't too good. He's receiving palliative care now and things are going a lot quicker than I expected. So while I wish I could play, I've been spending every day at the hospital with him...unfortunately I'm also working 6 days a week at the moment so my time is extremely tight. I just wanted to say that I have appreciated all the thoughts and kind words that my dad and I have received since he was first diagnosed. I honestly can't say how I feel right now other than angry and confused...and frustrated. BUT...again, I'm taking each day as it comes and I still wake up and smile at what I have. Which is hard. But also easy. Confusing?? Tell me about it!
                  Anyhoo, take care and have fun. And thank you!
                  *hugs Samandans*

                  Originally posted by Fresh_Horse View Post
                  You know whom I find pathetic? Trolls!
                  The person must have been one of those lowlives that dwell on forums and feed off of other people's insecurities.

                  Don't listen to the trolls.

                  I can see how you'd rate that moment as one of the best in your life.
                  Someone else's best moment was probably finding that coveted beanie baby on ebay. Mine was watching a space shuttle launch.

                  I personally don't understand the beanie baby thing but that doesn't mean I find it pathetic.
                  When we walked away from the place where we had watched the shuttle launch some fool behind me said something along the lines of "I had expected it to be a lot grander" - I came pretty close to strangling that person.

                  Anyway, my point is, whatever works for you. It doesn't matter what anyone else thinks, that was *your* best moment!
                  No one can take that away from you.
                  Forestia, believe me, it's not pathetic at all. Look at the people who replied to you telling you other wise, some of them have met Amanda, and they said it was best moment of their life . I know just how you feel, sometimes I read comments about Amanda, Sam, Helen, or anything Amanda related, and it hurts me too , but what makes me feel better is knowing that for every 1 anti-Amanda fan, is 20 pro-Amanda fans ready to stick up for Amanda . I've accepted the fact that know matter how good someone is at something, there's always gonna be someone who says something bad, but you have to do, like I do is focus on the positive . Remember it's about what you think, I love Amanda, you love Amanda, and our follow Samandans love Amanda, and so do many other people, and that means something .

                  When you were gone (I think ) I had an epiphany *da da da da da* and I realized what everyone had been telling me, that my life wouldn't be complete unless I met Amanda, and that's when I knew that I wanted to meet her to . I mean I've always wanted to meet to her, but I've always been really scared that I would mess up, or worse, Amanda wouldn't like me . So I put together a whole bunch posts of people saying how much they love Amanda, posted it here, and very well explained how meeting Amanda is something I want and how know meeting her and my follow Samanda would best the best experience of my life . If you feel meeting Amanda was right, and then I'm sure you're right, just like everyone else who's met her .


                    Originally posted by the dancer of spaz View Post
                    Somehow, my ears are always burning when my name is mentioned at this place. I can't remember the last time I signed in even. (I swear I was just checking on Sanctuary before I moseyed over here -- it was NOT the BOOBIES. )

                    I can't believe ya'll still remember me, but thanks so much for the birthday wishes. I hope you all have been doing well, enjoying Stargate Atlantis and Sanctuary, and just generally having wonderful lives. I have missed conversing with so many of you.

                    Happy Belated Birthday, SamO! I hope you behaved yourself, wherever you are.

                    Take care everyone,
                    the dancer of spaz
                    OF course we remember (and miss) you. I actually believe you on the boobies thing --I think we tried it a while back & it didn't work.
                    Hope you can pop in here periodically. Happy Birthday.


                      Originally posted by staceyde View Post
                      Hi Lind06,
                      Nope...I haven't met her're not alone...
                      maybe one day!
                      ello Oh thank goodness i'm not alone I was feeling left out there

                      Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                      here's a cute little sam and jack fic

                      refreshingly non-ooshy gooshy

                      the requisit 'icky het' warning
                      Ooh coolie.....SJ fic...I've been looking for more of these!


                        the author's other fic are good too
                        Where in the World is George Hammond?



                          Thanks sky I had a look a the other fics and they sound good...I read them later, after I catch up Yeah folks post so fast on here it's hard to keep on top of it


                            Originally posted by Chelle DB View Post
                            Hey Forestia...I know some people have already responded but I just wanted to add...I think the thing is that that moment means a lot to you and will be something you will always remember and why can't it be the best moment of your life???
                            Unfortunately there are some people who just don't understand what it truly means to have a happy moment happen in their life that makes it mean more to you rather than to them. And you don't need to have kids or get married to make that the best moment in your life. know you can have more than one right???
                            Maybe this person hasn't been so lucky to have a best moment and is jealous that you have. Just a thought! Don't let it upset you honey.

                            Just a quick note before I sign off...this is OT so spoilered for those who don't want to know...
                            I'm gonna be in less for a while...I'll try to get in as much as I can when I get the chance but my dad isn't too good. He's receiving palliative care now and things are going a lot quicker than I expected. So while I wish I could play, I've been spending every day at the hospital with him...unfortunately I'm also working 6 days a week at the moment so my time is extremely tight. I just wanted to say that I have appreciated all the thoughts and kind words that my dad and I have received since he was first diagnosed. I honestly can't say how I feel right now other than angry and confused...and frustrated. BUT...again, I'm taking each day as it comes and I still wake up and smile at what I have. Which is hard. But also easy. Confusing?? Tell me about it!
                            Anyhoo, take care and have fun. And thank you!
                            *hugs Samandans*

                            I'm sorry to hear about your dad, I hope very much that he'll be OK . I'm proud that you've been seeing him, and that you've been able to while working 6 days a week. I know things must seen hard right now, but they'll get better, and remember, you're always here . Here, I have somethig for you, I hope you like it -


                              I don't believe spaz about her reason for coming back. Some of us know it was the boobie call that drew her back.

                              Doesn't really matter WHAT drew spaz long as spaz STAYS PUT!
                              I prefer to be called Sunny, Sun or SK. Thanks.


                                Hey guys, big news , you've probably heard about it by now, but on the GW homepage, they have an article all about AT4, and I liked a lot of what I read . And I also liked the new Amanda AT3 pic .

                                The fourth annual convention “Amanda Tapping - A Weekend With Her Fans” is set for November 13 to 15, 2009 - and sold out in just minutes when tickets went on sale Saturday, organizers from GABIT Events told GateWorld. Titled “AT4 - Reflections,” the event will take place in London, and offers fans of the Samantha Carter actress a rare opportunity to meet the actress in a relatively small and intimate setting.

                                Two hundred and seventy fans will attend the event, with 90 of those able to attend the Friday night cocktail party with Amanda. “The cocktail party tickets sold out in less than seven minutes for AT3,” G4 director and GABIT chairman Julia Hague said.

                                With Tapping having moved on from Stargate to her new series, Sanctuary, last year, organizers hope that her fan base will continue to grow.

                                This year, as well as the interest we’ve received from our past GABIT attendees, we’ve also been receiving a lot of enquiries from fans new to Amanda’s fandom. They’ve become fans through watching Sanctuary and some are even discovering Stargate because of it.

                                GABIT Events was formed in 2002 by four fans, nicknamed the “G4? - Julia Hague, Becky Preen, Kay Jacobs and John Goode. Their goal is to organize small and relaxed weekend events for Amanda and her fans, and in the process to raise money for Amanda’s own preferred charities.

                                “When we first started with AT1, we had a vision of what we wanted to do. Amanda had faith in us and we just hoped that her fans would also have faith in us and turn up,” Hague said. “That first event was in 2005 and we were bowled over by the response. When we played the surprise promo film for AT4 at our last event in May and the entire hall erupted with excitement, I knew we’d got it right.”

                                We had over 500 people trying to register within minutes of the registration page going live, and only 270 tickets available,” she said. “I think that speaks volumes about how much Amanda’s fans want to attend our event in London. We’re thrilled and completely bowled over.
                                I'm very proud and happy with the three bolded parts, because they're true . I'm very amazed, yet not really surprised that tickets for *her* con sold out in minutes, and I'm happy to hear that Stargate has made new fans because of Sanctuary . But the last paragraph I agree with completely, because the fact that the AT4 sold out so fast *does*speak a lot about how many fans want to come see Amanda . But according to Amanda, it's not really about her, they just have a reason to come see each other .

                                Btw, on Amanda's website, Kamil also talks about how fast tickets sold out. Kamil had some very good choice of words for this accomplishment:

                                AT4 sold out!
                                I am immensely pleased to see how popular Amanda has become and that her talent, acting skills and warm and open personality are widely recognised internationally by her growing number of fans as evidenced by such an interest in meeting her shown by those who bought the Gabit tickets. I am looking forward to when the fourth edition of the successful Gabit conventions takes place later this year.

                                For the moment, congratulations to Amanda for gathering such a faithful group of fans around her.

                                (the webmaster)
                                Wow, I had no idea ~The Amanda Effect~ is so internationally strong .


