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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    1. What has been your best moment/part of 2008?
    I really don't know. The first three months were awesome. AT3 was awesome. Gatecon 08 was awesome. Christmas with my family was awesome. I think the winner is the weekend in March when a whole bunch of mine and my room mates friends were in town one weekend and our house was full to bursting and we all just hung out, cooked and played silly games.

    2. What was your biggest regret?
    Not getting back to Colorado, but that wasn't a huge thing. I haven't got many regrets, I had a good year.

    3. What will you miss about this year?
    Having a plan. I'm lacking a cohesive plan with set dates and its an odd feeling.

    4. What will you always remember about 2008?
    All the new friends The cons, the travelling.
    Thank you to Lies for my signature pic
    My Fanfic~My Femslash


      1. What has been your best moment/part of 2008?
      Snow in Las Vegas that stuck for more than ten minutes. Ice skating in the student union. Sneaking into variousa dorms looking to find one that had scifi so I could watch sanctuary. Saving the day (along with a guy from security) when my friend left their ticket to Phantom of the Opera in their room. Accidently getting paid to play the french horn on a street corner. Writing the biggest paper based on original research I have ever done....umm yeah that's it I think...

      2. What was your biggest regret?
      Not dropping french when I had the chance and had found a new interest and could have taken a class in that instead.

      3. What will you miss about this year?
      my summer job (which I probably won't get back due to the bad economy and lack of funding at the museum)

      4. What will you always remember about 2008?
      Voting in my first presidential election.
      Actually participating in here instead of perpetually lurking


        1. What has been your best moment/part of 2008?
        Talking about aliens with one of my favorite musicians while interviewing him for his fan club. Going skydiving with my sister and dad on his birthday. Getting to see Barack Obama in person and volunteering with his campaign. The expression on my mom's face when I got her tickets to a Pride & Prejudice play. Going on a cruise with my family and going scuba diving for the first time.

        2. What was your biggest regret?

        Losing focus on the direction of my career for a couple of months in the spring, though thankfully I started to get back on track this fall and next year is looking good. Also not keeping in touch/spending time with friends because of an insane class schedule.

        3. What will you miss about this year?
        Working for Obama's campaign, it was so much fun and so rewarding, I'm already making plans for 2012. Regularly hanging out with my best friend who moved out of state recently.

        4. What will you always remember about 2008?
        The campaign, skydiving, figuring what I really want to do with my life, the cruise, and of course, finding the lovely group of people here in Samanda.



          1. What has been your best moment/part of 2008?
          2. What was your biggest regret?
          Not going to see "Me So Lovely" in person.
          3. What will you miss about this year?
          Being a year younger
          4. What will you always remember about 2008?
          Showing Amanda THE t-shirt
          Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none.
          William Shakespeare

          Meddle ye not in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and tasty with ketchup.


            Ok so according to some (as per the screen cap of Sam Carter's record in Entity) December the 29th is Sam Carter's b-day. If we go with the cap in entity 1968 was the year she was born, making today her 40th birthday!!

            I know there is speculation on whether December 29, 1968 can possibly work as Sam's birthday, but regardless of when you think her birthday is or how old she is, what do you guys think she would do for her 40th birthday? (if its today or whatever day)

            I suspect that on her birthday Sam actually just likes to relax and hang out with her team, without much whoha or big celebrations. So even on and perhaps especially on a big birthday like "the big 40" I think Carter would keep it low key.

            Or, as in nanda's neat season 7 fic, Sam would spend her birthday the field...getting whumped
            In Threes


              What she would do on her birthday? I think she would be working on some amazing experiment in her lab and the guys would come in and drag her out of there and take her to dinner or something!


                Originally posted by Conn8d View Post
                what do you guys think she would do for her 40th birthday? (if its today or whatever day)
                She'd hop on that bike of hers and take a long, long, long drive by herself before getting together with the team to celebrate.
                I prefer to be called Sunny, Sun or SK. Thanks.


                  I was browsing around and found this fun interview/dvd special feature. An oldie but a goodie. Fun to see AT, CJ & MS having fun in S7.



                    OTness -

                    SKY - You so totally rock! Got that DVD today and am watching it right now! *does happy dance*

                    CHELLE - I received your Christmas card today as well. Hee, it's totally cute. Thanks.

                    So, that Amanda lady, totally rocks right?
                    I prefer to be called Sunny, Sun or SK. Thanks.


                      Originally posted by jckfan55 View Post
                      I was browsing around and found this fun interview/dvd special feature. An oldie but a goodie. Fun to see AT, CJ & MS having fun in S7.


                      The good ol' days.

                      I miss 'em.

                      Mourning Sanctuary.
                      Thanks for the good times!


                        wheee, glad it made it. fast post office, i only mailed it saturday
                        Where in the World is George Hammond?



                          Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                          wheee, glad it made it. fast post office, i only mailed it saturday
                          Considering the time of year it is...that was frellin' fast!
                          I prefer to be called Sunny, Sun or SK. Thanks.


                            Originally posted by SamJackShipLover View Post
                            Photoshopping Amanda is way too addictive lol. I made my very first lovebars. They are fun Hope you like!


                            Possible spoiler for Nubbins


                            Lies... You... Are... An... Artist . Those are so beautiful , but you can't really call them "works of art". When ever someone makes a sig, gif or a wallpapaer of Amanda it's not really art, IMO Amanda herself is the work of art, all you (everybody) do is add a little paint.


                              1. What has been your best moment/part of 2008?
                              Starting one of the best jobs ever, where I met a new best friend (shhh Emma, I'm allowed 3 right? Don't get jealous now )

                              2. What was your biggest regret?
                              Not visiting my grandma in hospital last Saturday and deciding to visit her on Sunday instead. I got the phone call on Sunday morning.

                              3. What will you miss about this year?
                              Bumming around working full time instead of studying this last semester. Although getting into my nursing degree will be awesome too.

                              4. What will you always remember about 2008?
                              At the moment I can see past Christmas and saying goodbye to Grandma, but I'm sure there are other things. Something I will never forget is my Grandma's tuis flying down to sit in the flax bush outside the kitchen window to watch the hearse arrive and Grandma being carried into the house.


                              Originally posted by jckfan55 View Post
                              I was browsing around and found this fun interview/dvd special feature. An oldie but a goodie. Fun to see AT, CJ & MS having fun in S7.

                              I showed my mum that once.

                              Mum: "The hands! The hands!


                              Chris Judge didn't touch you like that, did he?"

                              Neep: "Do I look like Amanda Tapping?"

                              Neep, NZBG, Eileen!

                              Made with love and chocolate brownies by Spacegirlnz

                              Pooh-Bah/Ko-Ko FTW!


                                Originally posted by KatG View Post
                                1. What has been your best moment/part of 2008? Going to see my new grandson 2 weeks ago. He was 4 weeks old at the time and so completely adorable.
                                Belated congrats o the new grand bub Kat!
                                Originally posted by SamJackShipLover View Post
                                Photoshopping Amanda is way too addictive lol. I made my very first lovebars. They are fun Hope you like!
                                OMG!! I just love your lovebars Lies...well done!!
                                Originally posted by samcarterrules View Post
                                2. What was your biggest regret?
                                Not being able to go see "Me So Lovely" in person.
                                4. What will you always remember about 2008?
                                That people believed in me enough to help me achieve my life long dream.
                                Originally posted by Falcon 304 View Post
                                4. What will you always remember about 2008?
                                Other than Amanda , all of the lovely people I've met and made friends with.
                                Originally posted by SunKrux View Post
                                2. What was your biggest regret?
                                Not being able to spend Christmas with my family
                                3. What will you miss about this year?
                                Not a dang thing. It was a bad year.
                                4. What will you always remember about 2008?
                                Hopefully I'll only remember the good stuff that happened.
                                Originally posted by SamJackShipLover View Post
                                1. What has been your best moment/part of 2008?
                                2. What was your biggest regret?
                                Not getting pregnant.
                                3. What will you miss about this year?
                                Not much.
                                4. What will you always remember about 2008?
                                All the hospital stuff, lots of firsts there. And that I learned that I'm a lot stronger than I thought I was. EDIT: I can't believe I forgot already!! But 2008 was also the year I lost a lot of weight (33lb), so I'm sure thinking about that, I will remember 2008
                                Originally posted by Tittamiire View Post
                                4. What will you always remember about 2008?
                                All the new friends The cons, the travelling.
                                Originally posted by Conn8d View Post
                                4. What will you always remember about 2008?
                                Voting in my first presidential election.
                                Actually participating in here instead of perpetually lurking
                                Originally posted by EvenstarSRV View Post
                                4. What will you always remember about 2008?
                                The campaign, skydiving, figuring what I really want to do with my life, the cruise, and of course, finding the lovely group of people here in Samanda.
                                Originally posted by rderoch View Post
                                3. What will you miss about this year?
                                Being a year younger
                                4. What will you always remember about 2008?
                                Showing Amanda THE t-shirt
                                Originally posted by NZNeep View Post
                                2. What was your biggest regret?
                                Not visiting my grandma in hospital last Saturday and deciding to visit her on Sunday instead. I got the phone call on Sunday morning.
                                4. What will you always remember about 2008?
                                At the moment I can see past Christmas and saying goodbye to Grandma, but I'm sure there are other things. Something I will never forget is my Grandma's tuis flying down to sit in the flax bush outside the kitchen window to watch the hearse arrive and Grandma being carried into the house.

                                I love reading what everyone has to say about 2008...regrets and memories and whatnot.
                                To everyone who has had a bad year or one that could have been's hoping 2009 is a much better year!
                                For everyone who has had the pleasure in meeting and making new friends and meeting certain wonderful in particular...I hope that next year continues to bring you happiness!
                                For those of you with regrets...there's always tomorrow...who knows what the future may bring...just be happy and take one day at a time! Hang on a minute...that almost doesn't sound right...what I mean is that don't fret on regrets, live for today and make the most of what life brings you. And always know that you have friends here to love and support you.
                                I won't be back online til next year! Tomorrow being new years eve and all, I'm heading off to my brothers for a party to which I am supplying the punch...the fruit is soaking in a litre of vodka as we speak! I have the gin, bacardi, tequila and champagne on stand by to be added tomorrow night! The guy at the liquor shop was amazed...and somewhat impressed with my purchases...two other fella's who were buying a slab of beer and some other mixed drink wanted to know where the party was. The guy at the register told the blokes that I was putting them to shame...I wasn't sure if I should feel embarrassed or proud...I walked out laughing as they wished me a very happy new years!!'s gonna be goooood!!
                                Originally posted by Conn8d View Post
                                Ok so according to some (as per the screen cap of Sam Carter's record in Entity) December the 29th is Sam Carter's b-day. If we go with the cap in entity 1968 was the year she was born, making today her 40th birthday!!
                                Happy Birthday Sam Carter!

                                I reckon she would have drinks with the guys...elegant in it's simplicity!!
                                Originally posted by SunKrux View Post
                                So, that Amanda lady, totally rocks right?
                                That she does!!

                                HAPPY NEW YEARS EVERYONE!!


                                Part one in making the punch with a lot of kick in it.

                                (the video link won't work...I don't know why...too much vodka maybe!!)
                                Last edited by Chelle DB; 30 December 2008, 03:59 AM.
                                "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
                                Hug Your Loved Ones!!
                                ~Amanda Tapping

