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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by EH-T View Post

    (insert your own comment here)
    I've been trying not to, believe me I"ve been TRYING!

    my fanfic


      Originally posted by Milena_D View Post
      Hey Samanda fans!

      I'm not sure I've been here before but I was wondering if you could help me with a vid I'm making about Sam. I'm almost positive there's a scene in which Sam goes to a door but hesitates before opening it, a door at the SGC, like their private quarters. For the life of me though, I can't remember the episode it could be in. Can anyone think of it? Or a scene close to that one?

      I'd really appreciate any help! Thanks!
      There's a scene in the beginning of Threads where Sam is heading to Jack's office and hesitates going in because Kerry is there. That's the only one I can think of the moment.



        Originally posted by EH-T View Post
        Hey, nice to see you here. Doesn't ring a bell but I'll think about it.
        Hey, EH-T! Thanks!

        Originally posted by EvenstarSRV View Post
        There's a scene in the beginning of Threads where Sam is heading to Jack's office and hesitates going in because Kerry is there. That's the only one I can think of the moment.
        Thanks so much, Evenstar! I'll go check that out now!
        ||My Fanfiction: & My LJ || Vala Multi-Shipping LJ Comm||

        Banner made by Stef!


          Originally posted by majorsal View Post
          about the interview snippet of amanda's i quoted yesterday? i'm going to requote it so i can comment on another part of it.

          amanda said: "There are a couple of episodes where there’s been this bizarre sexual tension between the two of them, and it’s by virtue of what’s happening in any given episode, especially in an episode called Requiem where Magnus goes a bit crazy. But generally there’s just a huge healthy respect – he’s the first real protégé she’s had."

          that's bolding is mine. so helen goes a bit crazy? a bit CRAZY!?! this sounds awesomely fun!!

          i was driving in the car today, feeling all tired, but when i thought of helen going crazy, and how amanda's acting will take it and shoot it into outer space, i got a surge of energy. really! so it perked me right up. thanks amanda.

          I enjoyed this article and found AT's comments to be very interesting, particularly this (about her Helen Magnus character): "She’s so different from me - she requires a great deal of confidence. I don’t have that, but it’s great fun to put on her shoes." It's interesting that AT doesn't see herself as having a great deal of confidence, because she hides it very well. Ever since I started watching SG1 and read the many things written about her, I've always thought of her as being quite confident in herself. But I guess it's true that we don't always see ourselves the way others do. I think it makes her that much more interesting.


            Originally posted by majorsal View Post

            about the amanda interview (HUGE spoilers for 'sanctuary') -

            it was a great interview!

            i liked the simple but interesting questions. the only answer i was concerned with was when amanda said:

            "There are a couple of episodes where there’s been this bizarre sexual tension between the two of them, and it’s by virtue of what’s happening in any given episode, especially in an episode called Requiem where Magnus goes a bit crazy. But generally there’s just a huge healthy respect – he’s the first real protégé she’s had."

            i really don't like the idea of shipping helen/will, because i just find robin so young/almost teenage looking. really. but i'm keeping an open mind and seeing how things are handled.

            Considering Robin Dunne the actor that plays Will is actually in his early thirties he will think that is a compliment lol well maybe... teenage years may be a bit too young for his liking But looking young for your age is something we all appreciate.


              Originally posted by hedwig View Post
              I enjoyed this article and found AT's comments to be very interesting, particularly this (about her Helen Magnus character): "She’s so different from me - she requires a great deal of confidence. I don’t have that, but it’s great fun to put on her shoes." It's interesting that AT doesn't see herself as having a great deal of confidence, because she hides it very well. Ever since I started watching SG1 and read the many things written about her, I've always thought of her as being quite confident in herself. But I guess it's true that we don't always see ourselves the way others do. I think it makes her that much more interesting.
              i think we're all our own worst enemies.





                I was looking at the pictures that have been circulating of AT decked out for her appearance in Atlantis's finale, particularly the patches, and drawn a few conclusions. Spoiler tags for anyone who doesn't want to read my speculation:

                As much as I hate to say it, I don't think that patch on her right arm is an SGC patch. I think it's an SG team patch. If you look at the two patches side by side they're distinctive in two ways. The SGC patch has "legs" that stick out at the bottom, meaning it's not actually a circle. The team patches don't have those legs. And it's quite clear that the patch on her shirt is a full circle (particularly visible in the pics from the blog of the people who were outside Bridge Studios). The other difference is in the sort of wing design in the background. The SGC patch has more lines - it's slight but it's there. And again AT's patch more resembles the team wings than the SGC.

                Though, it could be an entirely new patch - not SGC, not team. Which might be possible if she's commanding a new kind of ship - which would be neat.

                But this is just me idly killing time so who knows?


                  Originally posted by hedwig View Post
                  "She’s so different from me - she requires a great deal of confidence. I don’t have that, but it’s great fun to put on her shoes."
                  That's just another facet to love about her. She is so much to so many people, but she doesn't realize it...can't see it. While I wish she had the self confidence to match her wonderful spirit, I'm not sure she'd be the same person.

                  It makes her who she is. And I love her for it.


                    Originally posted by sbz View Post
                    I was looking at the pictures that have been circulating of AT decked out for her appearance in Atlantis's finale, particularly the patches, and drawn a few conclusions. Spoiler tags for anyone who doesn't want to read my speculation:

                    As much as I hate to say it, I don't think that patch on her right arm is an SGC patch. I think it's an SG team patch. If you look at the two patches side by side they're distinctive in two ways. The SGC patch has "legs" that stick out at the bottom, meaning it's not actually a circle. The team patches don't have those legs. And it's quite clear that the patch on her shirt is a full circle (particularly visible in the pics from the blog of the people who were outside Bridge Studios). The other difference is in the sort of wing design in the background. The SGC patch has more lines - it's slight but it's there. And again AT's patch more resembles the team wings than the SGC.

                    Though, it could be an entirely new patch - not SGC, not team. Which might be possible if she's commanding a new kind of ship - which would be neat.

                    But this is just me idly killing time so who knows?
                    I think you're right
                    I hadn't noticed those 'legs' on the SGC patch before (good catch!), so it probably still is a SG team patch or maybe a new type. I still really hope Sam's commanding a ship, I just think that would make the most sense for the character and storyline.



                      Hahah ooh I started a wee little discussion about Sam's pool playing skills

                      Hehe I'm going against my so called epiphany. I always believed she was just an unreal pool player. I'm going to stick with that. She has incredible accuracy skills without the armbands

                      Yay go Sam!


                        Originally posted by Chelle DB View Post
                        Just thought I'd let you know that on Friday my dad was told that he has a brain tumor...add to that my mum was bitten badly on her hand by one of her dogs who was in the process of attacking one of her little dogs, who is ok but has some bad puncture wounds on her back and neck. So I then had to take the big dog that attacked to the vet to be put to sleep and now mum is in hospital til Monday. Then last night my cousins son was involved in a car accident that killed two and critically injured 3 others...he's listed as critical but I'm hopeful that he'll be please take care. You gotta wonder how life works sometimes...if it doesn't rain it freakin pours.
                        (((Chelle))) Pours is right! Sending out some positive vibes for you and your family. You'll get through this hon.

                        Originally posted by Bekah See View Post
                        I think she's probably been a pool shark since her academy days if not before. The bands may have increased her senses and possibly her consistency, but I'd bet money she was really good without it. I certainly wouldn't play against her! Though it would be fun...
                        The way I see it, no amount of physics, math or any science out there can replace technique. I mean, I've seen *very* bad pool players before and the way the hold their stick, bend over the table and hit the ball is just all wrong and even before they do I know their shot is gonna be a bad one.

                        Sam had both. She had the math behind the angle and whatnot, but she also *knew* how to play the game based solely on her confidence and technique that can only come from years of playing. I believe the armbands had nothing to do with how well she did.


                          Hi everyone ! (waves)

                          I thought i'd drop in and say hi i'm still catching up on a few pages my internet hasnt been working properly over the last few weeks it's been flickering on and off

                          I'm realy looking forward to Sanctuary and seeing the extended scenes it's looking so cool and the eps sound very interesting and Amanda looks great i cant wait

                          YAY! AMANDA ROCKS SO MUCH !
                          (''For all Eternity'') Ripperette,MultishipperAmanda=Angel Magnett,Teslan,Willen


                            Originally posted by Mary-Jane View Post
                            Hahah ooh I started a wee little discussion about Sam's pool playing skills

                            Hehe I'm going against my so called epiphany. I always believed she was just an unreal pool player. I'm going to stick with that. She has incredible accuracy skills without the armbands

                            Yay go Sam!
                            I agree with the pool shark thing. You sort of need the skill in the first place in order for the bands to make you better at it, besides, it's a fun bit of back story.

                            Edit to add: Celandine said it better than me!



                              Ok, let's talk Amanda

                              Originally posted by AlbinoMonkeyC View Post
                              All you lucky ducks. I'd KILL for the chance to meet Amanda!!!!

                              **off to hunt internet for Sam dollie**
                              That's great, that you're a loyal Amanda fan, and Amanda always supports and respects what her fans do, and believe me, she loves meeting fans, but I don't think Amanda would approve of someone/people killing on her behave .

                              : In the name of Amanda Tapping, I spite you.

                              Originally posted by Falcon 304 View Post
                              I think Amanda's site has a new header/banner.

                              Originally posted by majorsal View Post
                              ooh, it looks great!

                              i wonder if that handwriting (that says 'the official amanda tapping website) is amanda's own?

                              Cool, I like the new banner a lot, but I went there again earlier, and it seems Amanda's site has a new cover on the front too. And it's rotating pics, awesome - Amanda Tapping

                              And Sally, it is Amanda's own writing, I don't remember where I learned that, but it is, and might I add, she has nice hand writing .

                              Originally posted by RepliCartertje View Post
                              Okay I tried my hands on some new animated icons, haven't done that in over a year cause I thought it was really hard but now I found an easy yay! And I just thought i would share them since they are Amanda (and also 1 Sam/Jack)


                              Snurch away but if you use them on LJ or somewhere else please credit me!!
                              Oh way, way, way cool .

                              Originally posted by SG1Poz View Post
                              I'm not entirely sure about that. I thought with Sam being a genius, she 'calculated' the angles thus using her head rather than her speed/power.
                              I don't think the armbands made them smarter, just more physically powerful.
                              Originally posted by Tittamiire View Post
                              I always think she's a pretty good pool player anyway, but the armband made her really good....and trick shots! Hehe....I love the fact that AT really pulled off the trick shot. Sam does so many things that are beyond the reaches of a real person, yet Sam needed super-armband help to do a trick shot that a 'normal' person managed to pull off three times
                              I agree, AT pulled off that shot very well, watch this vid and you'll see what I mean- Trick shot Amanda

                              Originally posted by john_and_teyla_for_life View Post
                              Geez, i've been outta the loop for too long.
                              JM said that she won't be military? What the hell is that supposed to mean??? I don't think i can picture Sam not being military!
                              Me neither. I mean military and science are her 2 best destine, and either as 2ic of SG-1, or ship commander, or whatever, it'll be her, and it'll be what she does best .

                              Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                              nonono, as far as i know, it has NEVER been said that sam won't be military.

                              folks are just making inferences by a lack of patches on sam's arms.

                              of course, bear in mind that this is the same costume dept that had jack's rank wrong, changed it once or twice during an eps, and have made other errors.

                              let's not put the cart before the horse, or rumor before the patch
                              Okay, good, I was getting a little nervous there. Whew.

                              Originally posted by majorsal View Post
                              i was reading joe's blog, and pg15 seems to think that sam's going to be commanding the sgc!

                              i think it's too much to hope for, but i'm still shooting for her commanding her own ship!

                              Originally posted by Falcon 304 View Post
                              Honestly, I would NOT want that. For one, Landry has only been there for two years. Also, as boring as it is, I'd rather have her in charge of R&D, as it would make her more available for missions. I don't think the writers would do that (SGC command), shooting themselves in the foot for movies. I believe that a 304 is the most logical move after Atlantis and leaving Cam with SG-1.
                              Originally posted by Melora View Post
                              Actually, you’re right. The costume AT is wearing in the pic from Joe’s blog (and the other ones) is the blue garrison uniform. They only wear the SG-1 patch on the right arm and Earth point of origin patch on the left arm. They don’t wear the Air Force patch on it.

                              In the later season, they started wearing the Air Force patch on their off-world BDU’s just below the SG-1 patch:

                              I think the big question is what patch it is. Is it a SG-1 patch or a SGC patch? Here is what the SGC patch looks like:

                              Speculation on SGA - Enemy at the Gates:
                              I can’t really tell for sure, but it looks more like an SG team patch rather than the generic SGC patch that a base commander would probably wear. So I have a feeling Sam is probably in charge of a team (possibly even SG-1) or maybe a special division within the SGC. I don't think she would be wearing a garrison uniform if she were in charge of a ship.
                              I know I do this a lot, but I wrote a good post about this on the Sam/AT thunk thread, I'll just bring it over to express my feelings on this-

                              As a ship captain, she may not be able to go on off-world missions, and unlike Star Trek captain, SG captains don't get all that much action, but yeah, as a captain she could play a big role in the SG-1 movies. And as commander of the SGC, she could be stuck behind a desk, but at least she'd be close to SG-1. However, as commander of Atlantis she did go off-world here and there, so it could be good .

                              If Sam's a ship captain she could still have a big role in the next SG-1, like Kirk did in the Star Trek movies even though he wasn't actually apart of the crew anymore? Well if Sam is a ship captain, fate would probably bring her back with SG-1 in the movie, and BW says the next one's supposed to me an O'Neill story and it's supposed to involve Carter so...? Plus if she is a ship commander, than I hope she's like Kirk, because he was a really cool leader, and unlike most other captains, he was very much involved in the away missions and what not. Either way, I just hope Sam's happy and she enjoys what she's doing, but at the same time, I kinda hope she stays with SG-1 for a while, after all, they need her .

                              (To be continued)
                              Last edited by Rocky89; 22 September 2008, 08:03 AM.


                                Originally posted by majorsal View Post

                                about the amanda interview (HUGE spoilers for 'sanctuary') -

                                it was a great interview!

                                i liked the simple but interesting questions. the only answer i was concerned with was when amanda said:

                                "There are a couple of episodes where there’s been this bizarre sexual tension between the two of them, and it’s by virtue of what’s happening in any given episode, especially in an episode called Requiem where Magnus goes a bit crazy. But generally there’s just a huge healthy respect – he’s the first real protégé she’s had."

                                i really don't like the idea of shipping helen/will, because i just find robin so young/almost teenage looking. really. but i'm keeping an open mind and seeing how things are handled.

                                Originally posted by Falcon 304 View Post
                                Oh, sorry. A hot scene, if you will. Like...

                                NOTE - Not adult, but possible spoilers.

                                Okay, I can't find it, but the pic (from the video on of what seems to be Helen kissing Will.

                                And they're wet.

                                ... Yeah.
                                Oh wow, that's cool.
                                "where Magnus goes a bit crazy." I'm actually looking forward to seeing that because I've always sorta wondered what it'd be like to see Sam lose control. I can't wait to see how AT delivers that . And Sally, even though Will is far younger than Helen-- come on, you have to admit, for a 157, she's quite the babe .

                                Oh and Falcon... wet sounds good .

                                Originally posted by Amanda_Tapping_Fan View Post
                                Oh thanks Rocky
                                You're welcome .

                                Spoilers for OT

                                Ok so been so busy lately and havent been able to come to my beloved Samanda to see all you guys me was missing you all....Yes even you Rocky...........I'm currently doing planning stuff for my 21st Bday party next weekend gosh never knew it was such hard work. Anywho did the big shop yesterday, went to two different supermarkets and going to another on Thursday night, and at one of the shops I got 10 packets of Blue Jello cause its the only place I can get Blue Jello from and we dont go there often so Im happy now. Hoping RL doesnt stop me from coming in here for the next little while cause that would suck
                                HAHAHAHA, I missed you too, "Amanda's #1 lover" Btw, I thought you didn't like doing anything for your birthday.

                                Originally posted by Chelle DB View Post
                                That she is!! And Amanda is:

                                Don't forget:

                                Down to earth

                                Originally posted by majorsal View Post
                                about the interview snippet of amanda's i quoted yesterday? i'm going to requote it so i can comment on another part of it.


                                i was driving in the car today, feeling all tired, but when i thought of helen going crazy, and how amanda's acting will take it and shoot it into outer space, i got a surge of energy. really! so it perked me right up. thanks amanda.

                                Wow, thanks for that link Sally, prion also posted a similar interview on the Sanctuary" Reviews and Articles about-- well, I'll just give you the page link myself -

                                Oh and I know how you feel, Amanda always gives me that boast of energy and then I feel like I can do anything . I can't wait to see that "crazy Magnus" scene and how Amanda plays it. Like I said before, I've always wondered what it'd look like to see Sam lose it, now I hope Helen will put my thoughts to rest .

                                Originally posted by majorsal View Post
                                i think this is my *fave* of all sam-in-command ideas! i think it leaves it open, too, for sam to get around, so she could be in the sg1 movies, maybe the atlantis movies, and maybe in the new stargate universe. oh, and get home to honeypie/jack too.

                                (editing to add)
                                but NO dying!!!!!!!

                                Oh Sally yes, I'd love nothing more than to see her in both the SG-1 and movies-- well right now it's just "movie", and to see her in SGU would be awesome. And oh,
                                DYING-- not good .

                                (To be continued one more time)

