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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by Celandine View Post
    My deepest respect goes out to all the families on this seventh anniversary of the Sept. 11th attack as well.
    Oh wow...7 years already. Same here.
    "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
    Hug Your Loved Ones!!
    ~Amanda Tapping


      Originally posted by alta View Post
      Hi, everyone. I am new to the Gateworld forum and this is my first post. Needless to say, I think Amanda is an amazing woman!

      I just read in the latest Joe Mallozzi's blog that "Amanda Tapping and Christopher Heyerdahl will be joining us in the days to come. " - Yea! So we will see Sam in the last episode of Atlantis. I wonder what her hair color will be? Hard to image Sam as a brunette.
      Welcome!!! Enjoy your stay

      Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
      or we get

      'carter, what's with the hair?'

      and that's it. or sam snarks back - let's say that chris still has that perfectly horrilble long do and she simply turns and looks at teal'c, the others follow her gaze and shrug with a 'yeah' and it's dropped
      Lol, yeah, that could work.

      Or ... they just ignore it either way. But my guess is a blond wig.


        which i'm kinda dreading. they have a long standing 'tradition' of getting perfectly awful wigs for the characters.

        her long hair looks great, IMHO, they should just leave it. There's more to sam than just hair color
        Where in the World is George Hammond?




          September 11

          my fanfic


            how about, if folks will forgive a bit of OT:

            Where were you 7 years ago and how did you find out?
            Where in the World is George Hammond?



              Weird how you remember exactly where you were. I was at a client. Someone was (apparantly) surfing the internet and saw the news. I remember we were all standing around the computerscreen watching in horror. And also not figuring out if it was for real at first.

              Sad times.


                Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                how about, if folks will forgive a bit of OT:

                Where were you 7 years ago and how did you find out?
                I was at home, and flipped on the news. At first I thought it must have been just a horrible accident with the first plane, then saw the second one say I was shocked was an understatement. Then I heard the reports of the border being closed and how many people were stuck in Canada, it was also during Toronto Film Festival, so many stars were stuck here.

                Very sad indeed

                my fanfic


                  Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                  how about, if folks will forgive a bit of OT:
                  Where were you 7 years ago and how did you find out?
                  David and I were watching the late news while waiting for Star Trek Voyager to start. (IIRC, it was a Thursday night around 11pm-ish here when it happened). The news was almost over when there was a news flash. At first we thought it was just a tragic accident, as at that time, only the one plane had hit the Trade Center. Then we watched as it continued to unfold and unfold...we just couldn't believe it. To watch something like that happen as it was happening...
                  The next day it felt like the whole world was mourning, in shock, quiet. I don't think you ever forget that. Ever.

                  EDIT: It was a Tuesday not Thursday...I think that's when they had Voyager on one day and TNG on another...either way, you kinda lose what time and day you're on when something like this happens.
                  Last edited by Chelle DB; 12 September 2008, 03:10 AM.
                  "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
                  Hug Your Loved Ones!!
                  ~Amanda Tapping


                    Hi Everyone,

                    Originally posted by john_and_teyla_for_life View Post
                    hey guys

                    I made this the other week, but couldn't get it up until i got my new computer (which is waaaay faster cuz it's a mac)
                    I just love this shot of Amanda, you can see her beautiful eyes so well, that's why i picked it!

                    (for size)

                    since i haven't said it in a while, AMANDA ROCKS!!!
                    That's beautiful!!
                    Originally posted by alta View Post
                    Hi, everyone. I am new to the Gateworld forum and this is my first post. Needless to say, I think Amanda is an amazing woman!

                    I just read in the latest Joe Mallozzi's blog that "Amanda Tapping and Christopher Heyerdahl will be joining us in the days to come. " - Yea! So we will see Sam in the last episode of Atlantis. I wonder what her hair color will be? Hard to image Sam as a brunette.
                    Welcome to Samanda!!

                    I would actually love to see Sam as a brunette, sure it would take a bit of getting used to but it would be another sign of change and Sam moving on.
                    Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                    my idea is, they mention it, acknowledge it and move on. Sam's hair shouldn't be a plot point

                    Or...she was on a top secret mission to infiltrate a previously unknown goa'uld's stronghold and, since blond hair is so rare, she dyed it to fit in. she comes back to the SGC from a stint with the tok'ra, still hving her 'disguise' and it's easily written into the story
                    Sky I love that idea! It would make a great fic. *hint hint*


                    Another post to follow...
                    Thanks to Ambermoon for the wonderful Avatar Sig by: Me


                      Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                      how about, if folks will forgive a bit of OT:

                      Where were you 7 years ago and how did you find out?
                      I can still remember almost every hour of that day like it was yesterday. I was sitting in my 11th grade Anatomy class when my German teacher came and told us two planes had hit the WTC and one had hit the Pentagon. Heard about the 4th plane on the way to Bio, still not sure how I was able to do the lab we had that day. The rest of the day the teachers didn't even try to hold class, we just sat in silence and watched the news. Same thing at home, we just sat watching the news coverage for the rest of the day while trying to get in touch with a few friends who lived in NYC. I can still remember the almost frantic calls we got from our family in India when they heard the news.

                      My deepest respect and condolences to everyone effected by the attacks that day, both in the US and around the world.

                      Originally posted by Chelle DB View Post
                      But you know, the incidents of being hit twice by lightning isn't as rare as one might think. The fact that its possible tells me that we shouldn't futz with things we have no true definite understanding and control of. And even if the chance of creating a black hole that could destroy the earth is so minutely, remotely, minusculey, infinitely, small, the simple fact is that if it is possible, then it should not be attempted.
                      I wonder what Sam would say??
                      Well, I guess my point was that while mathematically a black hole forming is possible, for practical purposes there is no chance of it actually happening. For example, it is theoretically possible that the next time I touch a wall, the electrons in my atoms could shift slightly and I would fall through. But the mathematical chance of that happening is so infinitesimally small that it will basically never happen. It's more a quirk of the numbers than a realistic probability.

                      The LHC could help physicists find evidence that supports a Grand Unified Theory, something that has eluded them for over a century. It could revolutionize the study of physics as we know it, like finding evidence for existence of extra dimensions as posited by String theory, or help describe the properties of dark energy, which makes up almost 3/4s of all the energy in the universe.

                      I'm sorry, I just really love learning about this stuff. If only I could get my head around all the math, I would probably being doing my Masters in physics instead of biology.

                      And I think as an theoretical astrophysicist seeking to understand how the universe works, this is research Sam would support.



                        I had come home for lunch after my morning lesson at college and my brother Harry had the news on TV (fairly normal). I thought he was watching an apocalypse/disaster movie I hadn't seen before and asked him what movie he was watching. He just looked at me and said, "this is real." I sat down next to him on the sofa and didn't move for the next several hours as the rest of the events unfolded. As my other brothers came home from school and then my parents from work they all joined us.
                        Thank you to Lies for my signature pic
                        My Fanfic~My Femslash


                          Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                          how about, if folks will forgive a bit of OT:

                          Where were you 7 years ago and how did you find out?
                          You know, I was going to post this same question, but you beat me to it , anyway, let's see. I was in 7th grade french class , it's was pretty early in the morning and my teacher brought in a radio for us to listen to, I thought she was bringing in the radio so we could listen to music as we work. I was so focused on my work I wasn't even paying attention to the radio, then I looked around and noticed everyone was listing to the radio, then I listened up and heard what they were talking about. I couldn't believe it, and for the next couple of weeks they had a TV in the forum and it was on a channel covering the news and what not of the accident. Wow, 7 years later... so long ago.


                            Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                            how about, if folks will forgive a bit of OT:

                            Where were you 7 years ago and how did you find out?
                            Washing dishes and listening to the radio. It was still quite early in the morning and the preliminary announcements were more that it was a tragic accident than anything else. I gladly gave up the tedious chore of cleaning and flipped on the tv instead. I sat there watching the whole scenario unfold live from the second plane hitting, people jumping, the towers collapsing and the pandemonium that followed. It was horrible.

                            Thankfully (with no disrespect intended) I didnt know anyone personally or even indirectly that were affected, but I couldnt help thinking that day and the weeks that followed that somehow I felt 'closer' to the families of those who lost loved ones as the whole country bonded together over the tragic loss and patriotism soared to heights I had never witnessed before.


                              I'd come home from uni, it was late afternoon my time and I had Sky News on. I had a shift at the Thai restaurant I worked at that evening so I was getting ready.

                              We had proper Thai silk uniforms, mine was blue and gold. My mom called me and told me to turn on Sky because a plane had just crashed into the world trade centre. And so I sat there on my bed in my blue and gold, my hair neatly tucked between chop-sticks, and watched as the second plane hit. I wanted to believe I was dreaming. It was just so chilling. I cried so much over 9/11 for the people who died, for their families, for the heroes. For humanity I guess.

                              I remember a lecturer at uni the next day, well known for her - let's say - displeasure for America, made an inappropriate and disrespectful comment about the events. And I just picked up my books and walked out. I may not have been American, but my heart was with them that day.


                                I was talking to a friend rather early that morning (8 a.m. on the west coast) and she said something about the news and I should turn the television on. I did, and was so shocked, I couldn't think of anything to say. neither could she, so we said we'd talk later and hung up. I spent most of the rest of the day watching the news. A very sad day.

