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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Hey everyone,

    Originally posted by antoa315 View Post
    Just dropping off a new drawing.

    This might look a bit famliar since it's from the same source picture as my last drawing, but this one is bigger (18x24 vs 9x12) and has a bit of a spiffy background.

    I had hoped to get this signed at AT3, but alas, the signing rules are entirely too strict *sigh*

    Just for fun, I took pictures at various stages of the drawing, for those who might be interested in my process. You can see the pictures (and a short vid) here.

    Anyway, let me know what you think
    Its wonderful! Well done!
    Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
    sbz's fic is a good example of how someone takes sam out of character, but in a wonderfully believable way.

    the sam in the fic isn't our sam, but sbz has done a wonderful job of explaining just how and why she's so damaged and why she is as she is
    Yeah, that's what I like about this fic too, Sam is way OoC but SBZ makes it very believable and enjoyable, I'm reading chapter 25 and hanging on her every word

    chelle I know its not the same as being there but I'm sure those of us lucky enough to be going to AT3 will take the rest of Samanda with us in spirit, right guys?

    Thanks to Ambermoon for the wonderful Avatar Sig by: Me


      Antoa, technically your drawing is derivative work. To constitute a copyright infringement, a copy must be “more than substantially similar” to the original work. If your drawing looks different from the original you used as a reference in almost any way, you shouldn’t need to obtain permission from whomever the rights-holder is to the photograph. It's a bit of a grey area, but it's been argued (and won successfully multiple times) in international courts that - really any - differences in the drawing from the original can constitute a less than substantially similar piece. Or a subjective derivation. I know the Gabit folks are adhering to the safest route, but if it's truly your heart's desire for a signature from Amanda on one of your own drawings, I would bring it anyway. Have it on hand. I don't think you should have to worry about her signing anything you illustrated freehand, note the differences in the drawing and have an original with you for reference if necessary. From one character artist to another. Peace, sister.


      Live On Stage in Toronto - August 8,9,10 2008
      ~all proceeds to benefit charity~


        Originally posted by minigeek View Post
        Antoa, technically your drawing is derivative work. To constitute a copyright infringement, a copy must be “more than substantially similar” to the original work. If your drawing looks different from the original you used as a reference in almost any way, you shouldn’t need to obtain permission from whomever the rights-holder is to the photograph. It's a bit of a grey area, but it's been argued (and won successfully multiple times) in international courts that - really any - differences in the drawing from the original can constitute a less than substantially similar piece. Or a subjective derivation. I know the Gabit folks are adhering to the safest route, but if it's truly your heart's desire for a signature from Amanda on one of your own drawings, I would bring it anyway. Have it on hand. I don't think you should have to worry about her signing anything you illustrated freehand, note the differences in the drawing and have an original with you for reference if necessary. From one character artist to another. Peace, sister.

        Can I get you to spout off all that legal technobabel at AT3 for me?

        Well the biggest difference from the original is the background - it's just plain white. I drew the bit of gate using my model gate as reference.

        And I can't draw zippers for crap, so there isn't one It's the little differences.

        And thank you all for your wonderful feedback! It's feeds that artist's soul.


          Originally posted by antoa315 View Post
          Can I get you to spout off all that legal technobabel at AT3 for me?

          Well the biggest difference from the original is the background - it's just plain white. I drew the bit of gate using my model gate as reference.

          And I can't draw zippers for crap, so there isn't one It's the little differences.

          And thank you all for your wonderful feedback! It's feeds that artist's soul.
          Right there, its different. If the gate wasn't in it, that's huge. Change the clothing a bit more and you're even better. It's always the original photographer's copyright one has to worry about. But with the addition of a different background and different costume traits, give her extra hair, whatever else., it's your character drawing entirely. xxo
          Last edited by minigeek; 25 April 2008, 07:54 AM.

          Live On Stage in Toronto - August 8,9,10 2008
          ~all proceeds to benefit charity~


            ^minigeek is in da house! Hi mini!


              Originally posted by antoa315 View Post
              I have asked and it's not since it was drawn from a copyright picture.
              If your drawing isn't identical to the photograph (and I don't recognize it from any I have seen; not that I pretend to have seen every photograph of AT out there), it would then be a derivative work, a drawing based on a photograph, and therefore eligible for its own copyright.

              More here:

              Wiki also has an entry:

              That said, GABIT has the authority to set whatever rules about signing they deem appropriate...

              ETA: What minigeek said! (I really should read through to the end of the thread before replying to stuff...)
              Last edited by Strix varia; 25 April 2008, 09:56 AM.

              My LJ


                Hi - not sure how many here are going to go to AT3 but want to ask if anyone is would they be willing to ask 2 questions that maybe AT would be willing to answer or maybe not: 1 - does Carter get to fly (front seat) one of the fighter jets in Continuum and 2- is Carter in charge of SG-1 in Continuum and if not who is, Jack or Mitchell or is it a co-leader thing again? If she can't or won't answer on the leader thing can you ask her if she thinks her fans will be happy with how leadership of SG-1 plays out in Continuum compared to how unhappy many were with how it was done in Seasons 9-10.

                Thanks much and have a great time.


                  Originally posted by Strix varia View Post
                  If your drawing isn't identical to the photograph (and I don't recognize it from any I have seen; not that I pretend to have seen every photograph of AT out there), it would then be a derivative work, a drawing based on a photograph, and therefore eligible for its own copyright.

                  More here:

                  Wiki also has an entry:

                  That said, GABIT has the authority to set whatever rules about signing they deem appropriate...

                  ETA: What minigeek said! (I really should read through to the end of the thread before replying to stuff...)
                  And Gabit isn't trying to set rules that are abhorrently strict either. They do have a responsibility to maintain the integrity of the event and the artist. It's a rule of propriety as much as law that one wouldn't want the guest unknowingly signing off on fakes, photocopies, forgeries or otherwise copyright infringing intellectual properties. Now a days, copyright is a sticky issue.

                  Having said that, in this particular case, antoa's hand drawn pencil sketch is far enough removed from the original that it would be just fine per the letter of the law. Based on what she's shown us, it's just really the character's pose and the type of clothing worn which is in question, both of which are arguably intrinsic to the character herself and neither of which would land anyone in court. Certainly not in this context regardless.


                  Live On Stage in Toronto - August 8,9,10 2008
                  ~all proceeds to benefit charity~


                    Originally posted by antoa315 View Post
                    It is charcoal. I used to work only in graphite, but then I actually took a drawing class and was introduced to charcoal. Luvs! Seriously. I recently did a drawing in graphite again and promptly remembered why I love charcoal so much!
                    Eeh, I haven't used charcoal for donkey's years. Funnily enough, one of my favourite drawing mediums is the good old bic biro, which I find to be astonishingly sensitive and subtle. But doesn't reproduce well at all so I can only use if for work not being printed or copied. And as most of my stuff is designed to be copied, I use disposable technical pens, which give a nice constant line but are a little hard, or a lovely, old fashioned dipping pen and pot of indian ink, which is much more subtle and softer but messy. Or then I am burning on wood, which is an entirely different game of soldiers.

                    I'm off on a weeks holiday tomorrow and taking my poor, neglected water colours with me; going to Portmeirion, if anywhere can inspire me, Portmeirion can.

                    It's a really good drawing; it's often hard to make drawings from 'photos 'alive' but this has a real spark to it, particularly the eyes.

                    I'm going with what Minigeek and others are saying; it looks far enough from the original to be okay with copyright but I suppose it's down to what the convention feels comfortable with.



                      Hi Samandans,
                      I've seen '2010' the other day and I couldn't help but notice that in this Alternate Future where Sam wasn't in the AF she still had short hair (even though it probably would have made more sense for her to have it long to look more feminine as being married to the ambassador Joe Flaxon they probably attended many social events and functions)
                      In 2008 after 'Unending' she decides to grow her hair. Why? What could possibly determine her to do that, to make such a crucial decision?
                      Please, No 'funny' answers!


                        Originally posted by silly sally View Post
                        Hi Samandans,
                        I've seen '2010' the other day and I couldn't help but notice that in this Alternate Future where Sam wasn't in the AF she still had short hair (even though it probably would have made more sense for her to have it long to look more feminine as being married to the ambassador Joe Flaxon they probably attended many social events and functions)
                        In 2008 after 'Unending' she decides to grow her hair. Why? What could possibly determine her to do that, to make such a crucial decision?
                        Please, No 'funny' answers!
                        I don't understand people taking Amanda to task about her hair, I mean curiosity is one thing ...

                        The episode 2010 aired in 2001 and 6 years later after Unending the actress wanted to grow her hair out... The series was over. She had short hair for 10 years most people like the choice to either grow their hair out or keep it short. Amanda hasn't been able to make that decision for 10 years because they always ended the previous season on a cliffhanger. So it's the actors choice. Much like Christopher Judge decided to grow his hair as well. I don't think it's detrimental to either character.

                        2010 she would have had to wear a wig since the eppy took place in the middle of the season. And why can't she have short hair married to ambassador Joe in the eppy? Look at Condoleezza Rice and Hilary Clinton both in high political positions and they both have short hair. There are those that have long hair too... So I don't think the length of hair has anything to do with a woman's status in society or makes us less feminine.

                        Also, 2010 was an alternate universe and the Stargate Universe has long since altered the events in that eppy with eppy 2001. So many changes occurred, Joe is not on Earth, Aschen are not in control, General Hammond is still alive, but Janet is not and Jack is working in Washington ... Sam being commander of Atlantis and the way she wanted to wear her hair.


                          Originally posted by ann_sgcfan View Post
                          I don't understand people taking Amanda to task about her hair, I mean curiosity is one thing ...

                          The episode 2010 aired in 2001 and 6 years later after Unending the actress wanted to grow her hair out... The series was over. She had short hair for 10 years most people like the choice to either grow their hair out or keep it short. Amanda hasn't been able to make that decision for 10 years because they always ended the previous season on a cliffhanger. So it's the actors choice. Much like Christopher Judge decided to grow his hair as well. I don't think it's detrimental to either character.

                          2010 she would have had to wear a wig since the eppy took place in the middle of the season. And why can't she have short hair married to ambassador Joe in the eppy? Look at Condoleezza Rice and Hilary Clinton both in high political positions and they both have short hair. There are those that have long hair too... So I don't think the length of hair has anything to do with a woman's status in society or makes us less feminine.

                          Also, 2010 was an alternate universe and the Stargate Universe has long since altered the events in that eppy with eppy 2001. So many changes occurred, Joe is not on Earth, Aschen are not in control, General Hammond is still alive, but Janet is not and Jack is working in Washington ... many things are different including Sam being commander of Atlantis and the way she wanted to wear her hair.
                          Read my post again, more carefully please, it's not about Amanda it's about Sam! I just got the impression that Joe F, like Pete later would have loved a more subdued wife, something that won't remind him every day about his wife past AF adventures ... You still haven't answered my question...


                            Originally posted by silly sally View Post
                            Read my post again, more carefully please, it's not about Amanda it's about Sam! I just got the impression that Joe F, like Pete later would have loved a more subdued wife, something that won't remind him every day about his wife past AF adventures ... You still haven't answered my question...
                            I did read your question and I answered why I think Sam wore her hair long after unending.. because Amanda the actress wanted her hair long therefore Sam had to wear her hair long.

                            I also answered why I think Sam wore her hair short in 2010 because they filmed in the middle of the season and the actress wore her hair short and instead of wearing a wig they decided to keep Sam's hair the same way the actress wears her hair.

                            Also you didn't mention in your first question that you think Joe wanted Sam to be subdued but this is your quote(
                            even though it probably would have made more sense for her to have it long to look more feminine as being married to the ambassador Joe Flaxon they probably attended many social events and functions)
                            I pointed out that it didn't need to be long to be feminine or to be an ambassadors' wife. That seems to be a misconception usually formed by men. Sorry men lol

                            Now for your next question did Joe want Sam more subdued? I don't know... I know some fans feel that way. To me it didn't appear that way at the first of the show. And Sam is very comfortable acting independently by coming up with a plan and knowing Joe would go along with it... so doesn't look like he subdued her too much... But I think you are talking about the last of the episode where he didn't want her involved. I think he was worried about her. However, I don't agree with him and his actions at the end, but she did go back and save the day and he didn't stop her.


                              Originally posted by silly sally View Post
                              Hi Samandans,
                              I've seen '2010' the other day and I couldn't help but notice that in this Alternate Future where Sam wasn't in the AF she still had short hair (even though it probably would have made more sense for her to have it long to look more feminine as being married to the ambassador Joe Flaxon they probably attended many social events and functions)
                              In 2008 after 'Unending' she decides to grow her hair. Why? What could possibly determine her to do that, to make such a crucial decision?
                              Please, No 'funny' answers!
                              Sorry, long hair isn't necessarily more feminine. Some women look fabulous with short hair - and Sam is one of them. I never cared for the long-haired alternate Sam. Just straight like that wasn't the most flattering. Sam (well, AT) has great bone structure and the short hair shows it off. Remember how "feminine" she looked when Sam and Pete went out dancing? It isn't just hair that makes the woman.

                              Being married to the ambassador didn't end Sam's life as a scientist. Remember that she was studying solar science with the Aschen and her schedule may not permit for too much fussing with long hair.


                                Originally posted by silly sally View Post
                                Read my post again, more carefully please, it's not about Amanda it's about Sam! I just got the impression that Joe F, like Pete later would have loved a more subdued wife, something that won't remind him every day about his wife past AF adventures ... You still haven't answered my question...
                                Originally posted by ann_sgcfan View Post
                                I don't understand people taking Amanda to task about her hair, I mean curiosity is one thing ...

                                The episode 2010 aired in 2001 and 6 years later after Unending the actress wanted to grow her hair out... The series was over. She had short hair for 10 years most people like the choice to either grow their hair out or keep it short. Amanda hasn't been able to make that decision for 10 years because they always ended the previous season on a cliffhanger. So it's the actors choice. Much like Christopher Judge decided to grow his hair as well. I don't think it's detrimental to either character.

                                2010 she would have had to wear a wig since the eppy took place in the middle of the season. And why can't she have short hair married to ambassador Joe in the eppy? Look at Condoleezza Rice and Hilary Clinton both in high political positions and they both have short hair. There are those that have long hair too... So I don't think the length of hair has anything to do with a woman's status in society or makes us less feminine.

                                Also, 2010 was an alternate universe and the Stargate Universe has long since altered the events in that eppy with eppy 2001. So many changes occurred, Joe is not on Earth, Aschen are not in control, General Hammond is still alive, but Janet is not and Jack is working in Washington ... Sam being commander of Atlantis and the way she wanted to wear her hair.
                                I agree with Ann on this one, I don't understand the curiosity over the hair but....Sam was affected with long hair after unending and into the movies because Amanda decided to grow her hair long. In this case it Sam didn't get a vote....As for Joe, the ambassador wanting a more "subdued wife"???? He shoulda married someone other than our Sam then I think!!! And as for not being reminded of her past, in that particular ep, they were national heroes, and Daniel, Janet, and Teal'c, no matter how seldom she saw them, were still her family, not something that she would let go of. So IMHO he would just need to get over it.


