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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by Celandine View Post
    The Seed and Sam
    Totally and undeniably STILL the most horrible way to write out of existence a major and beloved character. The only mention of Sam was a brief two-liner between Keller and Teyla in the beginning...something along the lines of, "Cant believe Sam isnt coming back." Nothing was said as to why the IOA demoted her and no mention was made as to what Sam was reassigned to next...if anything. No explanation by Woosley personally either when he arrived in Atlantis...nothing!!

    I changed some major plans tonight to make sure I would at least see the beginning of this ep because I have to admit I was dearly anticipating what, if anything, the PTB might do to redeem themselves concerning Sam after last week's botched ending. Just wish I handnt changed my plans now cos it totally wasnt worth it.
    Celandine, you must have missed a scene, because the "team" discussed the change of command in a way that explained things nicely, IMO.

    Basically they said that Sam was a victim of her own success in defeating Michael. The IOA could claim that a military leader was no longer necessary, and paraphrasing Rodney, they could finally come in and take over as they'd been wanting to do all along.

    I feel much better about things tonight than I did last week.



      Originally posted by Celandine View Post
      The Seed and Sam
      Totally and undeniably STILL the most horrible way to write out of existence a major and beloved character. The only mention of Sam was a brief two-liner between Keller and Teyla in the beginning...something along the lines of, "Cant believe Sam isnt coming back." Nothing was said as to why the IOA demoted her and no mention was made as to what Sam was reassigned to next...if anything. No explanation by Woosley personally either when he arrived in Atlantis...nothing!!

      I changed some major plans tonight to make sure I would at least see the beginning of this ep because I have to admit I was dearly anticipating what, if anything, the PTB might do to redeem themselves concerning Sam after last week's botched ending. Just wish I handnt changed my plans now cos it totally wasnt worth it.

      Thanks Celedine

      No major plans missed for me; just late getting home and missed the first few minutes.......thanks for saving me from having to watch it again at the next showing so that I could be very disappointed when nothing was there.


        the seed spoilers -

        Originally posted by NearlyCircular View Post
        Celandine, you must have missed a scene, because the "team" discussed the change of command in a way that explained things nicely, IMO.

        Basically they said that Sam was a victim of her own success in defeating Michael. The IOA could claim that a military leader was no longer necessary, and paraphrasing Rodney, they could finally come in and take over as they'd been wanting to do all along.

        I feel much better about things tonight than I did last week.

        are you being snarky with this or serious? if the latter -

        then it doesn't come off as sam being a bad leader at all. i mean, even if the ioa didn't say it, relieving someone of command doesn't come off too well.

        i hope you're being serious.




          The Seed and Sam continued:

          I was pleasantly surprised when Woolsey mentioned that even Sam was quarantined back at SCC. I fully expected them to conveniently forget that she had been to the planet too, and might be infected, or more likely, not bring it up.



            Originally posted by majorsal View Post
            the seed spoilers -

            are you being snarky with this or serious? if the latter -

            then it doesn't come off as sam being a bad leader at all. i mean, even if the ioa didn't say it, relieving someone of command doesn't come off too well.

            i hope you're being serious.

            No, I'm totally serious.
            Just before Woolsey came in for a briefing, Rodney, Teyla, Ronon, Sheppard and Keller talked about it. Ronon and Teyla couldn't understand why Sam was replaced, and Sheppard offered up the explanation that she'd been too successful.



              Ih what's been said about the seed is true, then I'll feel much better too!

              Originally posted by jckfan55 View Post
              As much as I have a problem with the ending--mostly because I don't think they'll follow up on it-- or follow up well--I don't think it makes Sam look incompetent at all. Woolesy says
              "different skill set." I interpreted that as them going for civilian rather than military command. Typical stupid IOA moves again is what I see the decision as.
              I interpreted it the same way in terms of it being an IOA decision to return to civilian command - it was the way it was done. No warning, no opportunity for Sam to tie up any loose ends or say goodbye to her people, and out in public right after she walked through the gate. I just felt it was disrespectful.
              Royal Page of Samanda
              "Bravery is being the only one who knows you're afraid."


                Re: The Seed. I just watched the scene again, and Rodney offered up another point of explanation, which kind of sets up another part of the episode.
                He says that Sam didn't exactly follow protocol, to which Ronon replies "Neither did Weir." It's then that Rodney points out that for 4 years the IOA has been waiting to put in someone who will do what they want.

                Of course, not following protocol is what Woolsey struggles with throughout the episode and leads to his final statement about not being sure if he can do the job.



                  The Seed

                  While I still don't approve of the way they sent Sam off, the episode tonight did make me feel a little better. During her command, they'd put a major dent in the alien baddies, so apparently they felt safe enough to finally be able to send a civilian like Woolsey in. Like NC mentioned, she was a victim of her own success. It's still not want I'd have liked to have seen, but at least they touched on it again and tried to make good.


                    Re: The Seed

                    Yes, the small scene, in the conference room was nice. It was great that they acknowledged Sam did a good job over the year she was there. Too little, too late in my opinion. It's just speculation on the characters parts. They (John, Teyla, Ronan, Rodney & Jennifer) don't know what happened in the gateroom of the SGC. So, it doesn't in any way expain Sam's treatment last week. When Woolsey comes into the conference room, he doesn't give his 'lead' team any kind of explanation of the leadership change at discussion. They had more discussion when Sam took over for Weir and everyone knew she (Weir) was was a replicator for crying out loud! I am not a happy camper....very disappointing. And I'm the one who thought TPTB just wouldn't do this.



                      Originally posted by majorsal View Post

                      i have more to say, but i'll just

                      <sigh> No kidding.

                      Congrats on 12, 000!!

                      Mourning Sanctuary.
                      Thanks for the good times!


                        Originally posted by Erin13 View Post
                        Re: The Seed

                        Yes, the small scene, in the conference room was nice. It was great that they acknowledged Sam did a good job over the year she was there. Too little, too late in my opinion. It's just speculation on the characters parts. They (John, Teyla, Ronan, Rodney & Jennifer) don't know what happened in the gateroom of the SGC. So, it doesn't in any way expain Sam's treatment last week. When Woolsey comes into the conference room, he doesn't give his 'lead' team any kind of explanation of the leadership change at discussion. They had more discussion when Sam took over for Weir and everyone knew she (Weir) was was a replicator for crying out loud! I am not a happy camper....very disappointing. And I'm the one who thought TPTB just wouldn't do this.
                        After all the stuff TPTB have pulled over the last few years
                        it's (unfortunately) exactly what I expected. Actually, it's more than I expected.

                        Mourning Sanctuary.
                        Thanks for the good times!


                          Originally posted by majorsal View Post

                          i have more to say, but i'll just

                          Wow congtratz on the 12000 post....thants lots...I would green you but it wont let me so ill have to lick you insteid *Lick*



                            Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                            i could possibly look it up, if i were so inclined...but i'm not
                            I'm not thinkin' it matters much.

                            Originally posted by NearlyCircular View Post
                            The Seed and Sam continued:

                            I was pleasantly surprised when Woolsey mentioned that even Sam was quarantined back at SCC. I fully expected them to conveniently forget that she had been to the planet too, and might be infected, or more likely, not bring it up.

                            LOL, I was thinking about that too!

                            Originally posted by Charlie View Post
                            Ih what's been said about the seed is true, then I'll feel much better too!
                            I still wish she were there to finish it herself, but. *sigh*

                            It was just too rushed, IMHO. All of it.


                              Amanda's illness's

                              Originally posted by Daivy View Post

                              Oh yeah one more thing: I went to the doctor and he said I'm suffering from a dieseace with no cure: Amanda Tapping itis.

                              Amanda has 16 vote's on that person of the year site

                              The site is also avaible in English, you prolly need to scroll way down, yes WAY down.
                              No cure...ok . If I do have Amanda Tapping itis, and the symptoms are her beauty, great attitude towards people and fans, and so on, then I don't want no cure. Btw, I voted *YAY* but what does she win?

                              Originally posted by LilFerret View Post

                              I wore my "Amandaholic" shirt to Comic Con last year and Damian (Kindler) said I am addicted to Amadahol.
                              "Amandaholic"? Yeah, that's me , I have everything from Amandaholic to Amanda Tapping itis to tappination syndrome. Oh and I'd love to see that shirt.

                              Originally posted by rderoch View Post

                              If they could bottle the wonderfulness that is Amanda, I would definitely be addicted to Amandahol.

                              Ummm. Yup

                              In spoilers for length.

                              Season 5
                              Ascension - Martin Wood, James Tichenor, Amanda Tapping
                              Red Sky - Martin Wood, James Tichenor, Amanda Tapping

                              Season 7
                              Evolution Part 2 - Peter DeLuise and Amanda Tapping
                              Death Knell - Amanda Tapping and Peter DeLuise
                              Resurrection - Amanda Tapping and Will Waring
                              Inauguration - Peter F. Woeste and Michael Greenburg
                              Lost City - Martin Wood and Amanda Tapping

                              Season 8
                              Covenant - Martin Wood and Amanda Tapping

                              Season 9
                              Camelot - Martin Wood & Amanda Tapping

                              Season 10
                              Line In The Sand - Alan McCullough, Jim Menard & Amanda Tapping
                              The Road Not Taken - Andy Mikita, Alan McCullough & Amanda Tapping
                              Unending - Robert C. Cooper, Jim Menard & Amanda Tapping
                              Originally posted by chelle db View Post

                              Bottled that's a concept!!
                              Originally posted by LilFerret View Post

                              I asked him if they'd bottled her yet but he said no.
                              Great idea guys, I can picture it now, the bottle's name is "Amanda's Essence", with the ingredients of-- love, joy, friendship, class, fairness, coolness, warm-hearted, etc, all in one good bottle. Actually it's so big and special, it comes in a kit. See, Amanda's bottle-


                              Own and wear a little bit of Amanda Tapping today

                              Now lets talk about S&R and Stuck

                              Originally posted by majorsal View Post
                              'search and rescue'

                              i actually saw this ep when it was leaked, so i went through my thoughts on it before. but seeing as it's been talked about so much here, i'll...

                              the *only* way i'm going to feel right on this sam's command being take issue is if woolsey/ioa has a very good reason for doing it. even though sam wasn't relieved by the military, the dismissal still stings and 'might' look bad for her.

                              seeing as there were a LOT of different ways to write sam out of commanding atlantis and this was the one picked, i'm going to assume it's for a very good reason.

                              joe answered a question today on his blog:

                              Masterchief writes: “1. Will Sam’s current job, after leaving Atlantis, (SG team, head of some facility, R&D at Area 51 etc) be mentioned in the 100th ep?

                              Answers: 1) Yes - provided Amanda is available to appear in the episode.

                              my reaction is i'm thrilled it'll be addressed and we'll find out what sam's been up to, but i'm not thrilled that it would only happen if sam/amanda made an appearance in the ep.

                              i also saw the sex scene clip from 'stuck' on youtube. i typed in amanda tapping and one of the choices was 'amanda tapping hot', so i decided to check it out. but one of the choices (first actually) was the sex scene in the elevator from 'stuck'.

                              oy... i'm really sorry i watched it. i don't care if they're not sam and martouf, i still saw martouf there and couldn't help seeing sam because of him... i'm tramatized.

                              Hey Sally what's up, about S&R
                              I agree with you %110, like I've said planety of times before, the only way I'll be alright is if the fix this problem soon. Either this season or in Continuum, which takes place before the season ends. If Sam does appear in the 100th episode that'd be awesome, but it's after Continuum, so if she's alright by then that'd be great. But yeah, like you, I'm still wondering why they picked this way, and it still hurts just thinking about it. But Sally, your posts always me feel better And thanks for posting that quote from the blog , I was always thrilled thanks to you.

                              And now on to Stuck, before to start talking Stuck, I want to tell you, Chelle and anyone else who's uncomfortable with that clip being on Youtube, guess what? It'S NOT THERE ANYMORE! After I read these comments, I typed in what you wrote up there, found the video which was there before, I clicked on it, and it said in big letters in a pink box "This video is no longer available due to terms of it's violation" or something. I'm actually glad it's gone from Youtube, because the guy who put it up there shouldn't be exploiting Amanda, and the movie like that IMHO. I super respect Amanda like crazy, she's a wonderful, caring and gentle woman, I also respect and support everything she does, and I wouldn't want someone exploiting her in bad way. That being said, I'm glad it's gone.

                              Btw, I bet you search Amanda's name on Youtube as much as me , I even have a playlist dedicated to her.

                              Originally posted by chelle db View Post

                              Good to hear some positivity with regard to S&R. I don't understand why they necessarily have to have Sam present in the ep for them toi clarify what happened to her.
                              So...the eps aren't finalised plenty of room for modification.
                              With regard to the youtube clip from Stuck...I have to say that this disappoints me to no end. Why did the person who put that scene on YT have to do that?? I was under the impression that the few of us that purchased a copy did so with the intention of watching it for our own entertainment and not to go around and plaster it on YT....especially that scene. I knew a little while ago that there was something out there coz a friend of mine had mentioned that he had seen something of Amanda he had never seen before.
                              I treat my ownership of Stuck as a privilege and not something to put on YT...if that is what Lindsay Bourne wants to do with his movie than that's his prerogative...I'm thinking it must be some sort of breach of copy write or something...isn't it???
                              I loved that had a huge message or two and it really makes you think. The "scene" which you mention Sally, actually didn't worry me at all. I never saw Martouf and Sam in the characters of Bernie and Liz. I think JR was superb in that role. It's a great movie.

                              Gonna sign off for now...hubby is picking Niki up from work and bringing home dinner and Tom is watching Stargate...think I'll join him!!
                              Night night all...take care and have fun!!
                              Yeah, Chelle it is good to finally hear some good stuff from S&R, thanks to Sally. And I agree with you, they don't necessarily have to have Sam there to make it right, but I'd feel better if she is. And I agree with you even more about the YT vid, I can't believe someone even put it there, or that it lasted as long as it did, quite disappointing . You're right again, when a person buys a movie, they should enjoy it for their own fun and entertainment, not to have it exploited online because one scene.

                              I'm proud you consider your ownership of Stuck a privilege, I would too if I had the movie, but I consider my Stargate DVD's and mags a privilege to have, anything of Amanda's is a privilege to have. Anyway, again, I'm jst glad it's not on YT anymore. Good for you, good thinking Chelle, and have fun watching Stargate with your hubby. *Thumbs up*

                              Originally posted by silly sally View Post
                              'Stuck' is crap, if only for the botch editing/directing that allowed Amanda's 'nip slip'; I don't think Amanda would be too pleased to learn that such a craptacular piece is being sold...
                              Originally posted by chelle db View Post
                              I disagree about Stuck...strongly...because even though it was obviously done on a very small budget...the story was actually quite intelligent and thought provoking. The music was elevator music...almost aptly chosen but not very nice to listen to...but the message in it...I thought it was great.
                              With regard to "the scene"...I do wish it was edited at that one point only because we know about Amanda's nudity for her and the fact that some n00b has now put it on YT...for that reason I wish it had been edited. I don't watch it for that scene...I've seen it 3 times now...once on my own, once with hubby and once with a friend of mine who's a member here in GW...and for me one of the best parts was when they were telling their stories...I like Fred Henderson...when he warms up...he's good!!
                              So yes...while it was done on the still was great.
                              Originally posted by Celandine View Post
                              Actually she does know about it and I don't think she minds that fact whatsoever. Personally I dont care for your comments on it either. Remember the thread title here and you can't go wrong. If you didnt like it, just keep that fact to yourself.
                              That was not nice at all Silly Sally . I agree with Chelle and Celandine, what you said was wrong and just because Stuck was low budget doesn't make it bad. I mean a lot of really good movies were made with low budgets, look at Rocky (the movie). And like Celandine said, remember the title of this thread, either keep the fact to yourself, or take it elsewhere.

                              To end this first part, here's what Amanda herself had to say about it- Amanda on stuck and from AT3 Amanda on Stuck from AT3

                              (To Be Continued)
                              Last edited by Rocky89; 18 July 2008, 09:01 PM.


                                Here we go again with Stuck and Amanda talk

                                Originally posted by samcarterrules View Post
                                Hey Everyone,

                                Hehe, I was watching Solitudes yesterday to chelle
                                I wondered if Sam's first fall, from the DHD down to Jack, was Amanda?? But would she have been allowed to the big fall from the hole Sam had made all the way to the bottom??? I know the actors did more of their own stunts in the early seasons but the way Sam fell made me think it was Amanda at the top before Sam started to fall and after laying at the bottom, but not during the big fall? What does everyone think? I agree about their clothes too.

                                I love that ep too, and yeah I wish we'd seen more Sam & Cassie in later seasons too.

                                Happy Birthday from me too.

                                Nice Rocky

                                I agree chelle I hold my copy of Stuck as special and I think I'm very privileged to have it. Its a fantastic movie. But I don't think Amanda knew Lindsay Bourne was selling it.

                                Originally posted by chelle db View Post
                                Hey Julia!!! How are you sweetie??
                                I think that when Sam fell the first was can hear her say "ow" and it sounded very genuine...more like Amanda saying it rather than Sam...know what I mean??? So my impression is that Amanda did the falls herself.
                                As for the second fall...the big one...I think it was Amanda all the way...I'm sure I've read or heard somewhere that it was her...that she didn't really get a stunt double til later in the series...but I could be wrong...she did ride that horse though in Emancipation!!!
                                I think Amanda found out at AT4 that Lindsay had sold some copies of Stuck...but IIRC, she wasn't upset by it...a bit surprised but not upset.
                                I won't be lending my copy out to I said before...I have only watched it a few times and those that have watched it with me, I trust explicitly. So any illegal copies and downloads will never come from me. I'm just sad and disappointed that someone has put that scene on YT.
                                Hi Julia, it's good to hear from you, how are you? Anyway yeah, that was Amanda who did that stunt herself . She spoke about it on a feature on the S4 or S5 DVD set, it's also on YT. Gotta love her, and her dedication to her work. Oh and thanks for that, I'm glad you liked that Sam and Jello joke. And yeah, Chelle is right about about Amanda just being surprised about the movie, I mean remember her reaction at AT3 when someone asked about it? : What?! I'm glad you guys feel privileged to have it, just as I do with my Stargate/Amanda DVD's and mags.

                                And Chelle, I know you're disappointed and all that some fool put that scene on YT, I am to, really . But at least it's off YT now, so that's good.

                                Originally posted by Mousie View Post
                                Yeah she found out at AT3. I remember her saying she it wasn't available when someone asked and these hands where hesitantly put in the air to the sounds of "I/we've got it"

                                She then asked us and was told Lindsay was selling it. She was fine with it and discussed it a bit.
                                Yup, I mean my joke up there with the Sam smile up there ^ says it all. And hey, I didn't know you went to AT3, cool

                                Originally posted by Daivy View Post
                                Rocky, I was typing an error I meant CAMEO. A (sometimes) appearence in a show or movie. (I think Hitchcock started this).

                                For the link, go to that site. If needed select English. Than Nominees, go way down, bottem of the page, you see search, typ in "Tapping" than search, than on her name, and yes again at the bottem of the page you can click vote. Enter your e-mail addy, you get a mail from them asking to confirm your vote.

                                I hope to get more Amanda dreams, I think I had one a few days ago but can't tell ya what they we're about. Bad memory lol
                                Well I did it, I voted for her *YAY*. If she wins, what does she get? Oh, and as for the Amanda dreams, I'm still a little upset I didn't have one last night, could be because I'm always daydreaming about her all day But hey, maybe tonight .

                                Originally posted by chelle db View Post
                                If you watch and listen to can almost hear the pain in the bumps she wouldn't get that from a stunt person...but it just added to the authenticity of it. Poor Amanda...the things she's done for her art...ouch!!! Makes you appreciate her more for it though!!

                                Oh I would be fabulous as a play. And it won't appeal to everyone...I understand that...but I certainly wouldn't call it "crap"...I think I got something out of it that I totally didn't expect...I really enjoyed it for what it was.
                                I know eh, I'm so glad Amanda's as dedicated as she is, no other actress could ahve made Sam Carter the icon she is now. Just like she did in that episode, she did in Continuum for 2 weeks in the Arctic .

                                Originally posted by Daivy View Post
                                This is exactly what I think of it, oh and they way the brought it + somebody here made me realise it was HUMILATING for the character and well a bit for the actress. Amanda knows she did a good job, in playing Sam in Atlantis (the other cast members accepted her) and in playing Sam in general.

                                But I give Woolsey a change, nothing against the actor. I see RP as a big name in SCI FI. I'm glad Stargate / Stargate - Atlantis can come up with some big names from time to time. Or easy to recognised guest actors. Of course Amanda became a big name. When are you finally gonna give her an oscar, gone with the "Americans only" approach there. Here an Oscar is way more famous than a (Leo? Anyway the Canadian variant) I bet not a lot of people here heard of it.

                                Sam / Helen / Amanda, we don't give up on ya, never. Not even if you'd (Amanda) become a hospital nurse, cause your good hearted ness is the reason patients will leave the hospital 1 day earlier than doctors predicted.
                                Very well said Daivy, Amanda and we knows she did a good job, her follow SGA cast members know she did a good job, yet TPTB, want to make it look like Sam didn't . And yeah, I'm still waiting for Amanda to win an oscar :. Can you imagine if she did, the huge party here at Samanda, now that I think about it, I hope she wins a Saturn award for Sanctuary, or some kind of an award. And as for Amanda being a nurse, I have to disagree with what you said , sorry, but if she was my nurse, I'd be looking for ways to stay longer than the doctors predicted...much longer .

                                Originally posted by Celandine View Post
                                And I totally agree to your comment as well. Nice that we're all on the same page. Stuck was a dramatic opposite to what AT has ever played in the past so I can understand her interest in playing the part. Isn't every actor stretching the limits of what they can do professionally anyways?

                                The sex scene was..well just sex. *shrug* What I loved about the movie was how on such a small scale (an elevator fcol!) a whole movie could revolve around and take place. That takes real talent if you ask me cos your not benefited by scenery or impressive action (things blowing up) that might hold a viewer captive. The movie all revolved around the minuscule...being the characters intimate lives. The depth of the feelings told through each character's story and lines was brilliant and much, much harder to act out in comparison to some movies we have today with a mega-million budget to benefit from...seriously!
                                Agreed, this role, along with Helen, and of course Carter, all just go to show how great Amanda is, she takes on new roles, and gives 110% all the way. I mean she took care of Olivia everyday on the set, and that counts for something.

                                Well that's that, don't worry guys, they'll be more. Btw way, I wasn't kidding about "the scene" it really is off YT, check if you don't believe me.

                                (((HUGS SAMANDA)))
                                Last edited by Rocky89; 18 July 2008, 08:55 PM.

