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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Oh wow! I am glad to see that he said
    I am a bit more happy as a Sam fan to see that he said Command position!


      Originally posted by majorsal View Post
      i logged back in to share the latest off joe's blog.

      spoilers for 'the seed'

      Otoole writes: “I would ask that even if she isn’t available that there would be some way to fix the wrongs done to Carter? Let her fans know how this did/didn’t affect her career.”

      Answer: Many fans are interpreting the I.O.A.’s decision to replace Carter as coming about because of a failure on her part but just the opposite is true as evidenced by the team’s conversation at the beginning on The Seed. Under Carter’s command, the human form replicators were destroyed and the wraith severely weakened. At the beginning of season four, she was brought in because the military felt that the dangers the Atlantis expedition faced were too great to allow the city to be run by civilian hands. One year later, she had dealt with those threats, making the Pegasus Galaxy a much safer place, indirectly setting up an opportunity for the I.O.A. to re-assume control of the expedition. In any case, you’ll get to find out all about Carter’s new command position in episode 20.

      so did you guys catch that last part, about sam's new command position?!?

      but it's all total proof that this WON'T hurt her career!!


      I'm definitely ecstatic now! (Though I always had more hope than most members here, methinks )

      Spoiler for SGA S4 and Continuum
      I'll bet she either gets command of the new moon base, or the Phoenix

      ~Friendshipping (among others) the two most awesome women of Stargate.
      ~My Stargate fanfic can be found on my Livejournal


        I Hope the Pheonix.. cus its so Sam

        And i found some great pics of Amanda. you guys have proberly seen them already.. i'm a bit slow on the uptake


        Pity i graduated last year or i would be wearing that!!
        Thanks to Nad for my awesome sig!
        Proud member of the SSHSOP, S.H.I.P and MOP!


          Originally posted by hedwig View Post
          Well, I'm only a 3 hour drive away from Vancouver, B.C., in Washington state, and it is highly unlikely I'll ever meet Amanda either ... I would love to meet her, but it's highly unlikely ...
          Living out here in Australia makes it hard to get to events like Comic Con and the Vancouver con where you can tour the's hard when you have kids and the air fares are astronomical to say the least. But if I lived as close as you do to those events...I'd be there in a heart beat. I've been saving and planning for over 2 years now to go to AT4...and although it's meant I have to really really stretch the family budget...I know that if I don't take the opportunity to do this at least once in my life...I'll, never do it and I'd regret it. Not to say that this is what everyone should do...but if your heart so desires to go and meet Amanda...then's too short...I'm so glad I found the Stargate of the best things I've ever done.
          Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
          I know why i have sympathy for sam and what's happened to her
          in my job, we've been re-organized and rearranged. and now, my 'manager' is a person that can't do my job. Literally, he's a photographer, nto a videographer/editor. he simply cannot do my job. but he's my boss. and - to feel in control - he LOVES to break out the rule book and 'advise' us on what we may or may not be doing right. how we should do stuff, etc. (he's also so incompetant that he can't frelling get stuff done when it's due, but that's another story)
          anyway, when i do my job i have two choices, run to him and spend time explaining to him what i'm doing, asking for him to 'advise' me, or just do it, knowing where hte rules are and what the boundaries are and then 'oh by the way, i got this one' once it's over.
          i tend to do the latter a lot, just cause i don't have time to track him down and explain stuff to him
          the issue that can crop up, however, i do something wrong, he'll deny all knowledge and it'll all by MY fault. I'm kinda on my own. and, honestly, his memory is so creative unless it's in writing, i don't think he'll back me.
          i think sam, in jack and hammond, had a commander that was secure in their command, so they didn't feel disempowered by letting the subordinant do their job. they didn't feel the need to micromanage or nitpick or cling to the rules. they had faith in sam's abilities and let her loose, trusting her to do her job and do it well.
          the IOA - and to an extent woolsey - are just the opposite. the cling to rules because they lack the skill, knowledge and ability to do what they're expecting others to do. rules are how they control. so they drive you nuts with rules because it makes them feel better.

          its frustrating and demeaning to continually have to answer and justify yourself to people that have no idea what you're doing. they don't trust you and they don't respect you and your abilities.

          that's what sam was facing for that last year. and, i think, woolsey will finally get a taste of his own medicine
          but, in the course of the show, i think it shows just how much freedom and respect sam had, and how confident in their abilities jack and hammond were, that they didn't need to nitpick her, they just let her do her job
          I think, personally, that's why i'm having such a knee jerk reaction to woolsey, i feel like i'm watching a show based on my own life - from a work aspect - and it's beyond frustrating
          I'm sorry that you are in this position Sky. Funny how we can see life imitating art...well maybe not so funny but I do understand your frustration. I've been having "issues" at work that are starting to concern me greatly. The meeting we had a few weeks ago was an eye opener...I should have seen this I'm aware of what's happening...I'm better prepared! Basically...that highlighted part...that's my job situation right now. But what can you do.
          Originally posted by hedwig View Post
          This may just be repeating part of what you've said, only in a round about way - however, nobody at the IOA has any real time experience with what Sam, Jack and everyone at the SGA does on a daily basis. They read the reports, and instantly (or almost instantly) assume they can do everything so much better, and therefore that's why they think Sam, Jack, etc. are so easily replaceable. Let any one of them go out on a daily basis to do what the SGC does, and they will quickly find out how woefully inadequate they all are to do those jobs they are criticizing people about. Obviously, I confuse myself very easily, so I hope this wasn't too confusing?
          What the pencil pushers see on paper is not what it is like out there in the field. You can't assume that a report is 100% accurate and true. What I mean is that reports are detailed only to a certain extent. Being out there...the experience of the the mission...that's so much more different than what you read in an official piece or red tape bull dust required to keep the "suits" happy. Funny thing is...Woolsey has been there and done that. Surely he understands better than most IOA representatives what actually goes on. And surely the IOA knows how uncertain and second guessing Woolsey can be?? Having said that...I'm still hopeful that Woolsey is going to prove to be a good guy and he'll tell the IOA where to stick it...that's my hope!!
          *does this post need spoilers...coz I don't think what I've written is spoiler-ish?? Just tell me and I'll fix it!
          Originally posted by mapsc View Post
          The Seed, S & R
          The speculation by Shep & company on the leadership change was nice. But that's all it was, speculation. All we really know is what Woolsey said in S & R(the skillset comment).
          It in no way makes up for the last scene of S & R. My SGA viewing days are over. Although I'll probably will tune in to Ep 20, if Sam makes an apperance. An appearance which I fully expect to be of the "cameo" variety.

          So, what's next for Sam?
          SG1 Leader: not a chance
          SG1 2Ic : that's my bet(in any future SG1 movies, her year on Altantis will be ignored)
          SGC Commander: Colonel's don't run the SGC and it wouldn't work for future SG1 movies
          SGC 2IC: I could live with this. She could go out with SG1 on an as-needed basis(say, future SG1 movies).
          Ship Commander: I could also live with this. Future SG1 movies are more likely to involve a ship rather than the stargate(see S9 & S10)
          Command of R & D at Area 51: I would view this as "Sam can't command on the front lines, so let's banish her to Area 51 and let her command a bunch of scientists.
          Sam's a Colonel. She belongs and is needed on the front lines.
          Hey Mike.
          I don't understand why you think there is no chance that Sam can command SG1??
          Also...if a civilian can command the SGC, why not a colonel???
          I do however agree with the R& demotion...unless Sam herself requested it.

          Originally posted by majorsal View Post
          'the seed' and 'the last man' spoilers
          i got to watch 'the seed' just a bit ago. the part of the ep where everyone's talking about why sam was replaced... there's a part where keller says to sheppard about this being like that alternate timeline that he lived through, where woolsey came in to take command. sheppard says... i'm just going to c/p the transcript.
          KELLER (to John): Colonel, when you were in the future and you learned all those things that were gonna happen, wasn't this one of them, Woolsey taking over?
          SHEPPARD: Well, the circumstances were different.
          KELLER: Still, it is a little unsettling. I mean, maybe it's harder to change the course of events than we thought.
          McKAY: Well, I wouldn't worry about it. I mean, the fact that Sheppard's here makes all the difference, right?

          i wonder if this ep is forshadowing what sam's future really IS going at...
          if it's commanding a ship (or the phoenix), then i hope sheppard fills her in on ALL the details. but knowing sam, she'd do it all over again... i'm getting scared.
, no, no ,no, no....did I mention no???
          Oh please no!!!!
          Originally posted by majorsal View Post
          i logged back in to share the latest off joe's blog.
          spoilers for 'the seed'
          Otoole writes: “I would ask that even if she isn’t available that there would be some way to fix the wrongs done to Carter? Let her fans know how this did/didn’t affect her career.”
          Answer: Many fans are interpreting the I.O.A.’s decision to replace Carter as coming about because of a failure on her part but just the opposite is true as evidenced by the team’s conversation at the beginning on The Seed. Under Carter’s command, the human form replicators were destroyed and the wraith severely weakened. At the beginning of season four, she was brought in because the military felt that the dangers the Atlantis expedition faced were too great to allow the city to be run by civilian hands. One year later, she had dealt with those threats, making the Pegasus Galaxy a much safer place, indirectly setting up an opportunity for the I.O.A. to re-assume control of the expedition. In any case, you’ll get to find out all about Carter’s new command position in episode 20.

          so did you guys catch that last part, about sam's new command position?!?
          but it's all total proof that this WON'T hurt her career!!
          Thank you Sally...that is good news...a great way to end the day!!! Yay!!!

          Gotta choof...night night...hope your weekend was fab!!
          "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
          Hug Your Loved Ones!!
          ~Amanda Tapping


            Originally posted by atlantis_babe34 View Post
            And i found some great pics of Amanda. you guys have proberly seen them already.. i'm a bit slow on the uptake

            Pity i graduated last year or i would be wearing that!!
            If I had a body like that...I'd wear that dress shopping!!!
            "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
            Hug Your Loved Ones!!
            ~Amanda Tapping


              for those of you curious about Sam's rank in Continuum:

              Mitchell is still 'SG-1 leader', though he's not too in your face in my opinion. But the end credits list both him and Sam as Lt Col. So if TPTB are trying to make out it takes place after Sam's removal from Atlantis, they've screwed up a bit on continuity!
              "Many a good hanging prevents a bad marriage," William Shakespeare, Twelfth Night


                Originally posted by wibbling View Post
                for those of you curious about Sam's rank in Continuum:

                Mitchell is still 'SG-1 leader', though he's not too in your face in my opinion. But the end credits list both him and Sam as Lt Col. So if TPTB are trying to make out it takes place after Sam's removal from Atlantis, they've screwed up a bit on continuity!
                I think they screwed the credits, both Cam and Sam wear eagles insignias on their shoulders...


                  Originally posted by mapsc View Post
                  The Seed, S & R

                  The speculation by Shep & company on the leadership change was nice. But that's all it was, speculation. All we really know is what Woolsey said in S & R(the skillset comment).
                  It in no way makes up for the last scene of S & R. My SGA viewing days are over. Although I'll probably will tune in to Ep 20, if Sam makes an apperance. An appearance which I fully expect to be of the "cameo" variety.

                  So, what's next for Sam?

                  SG1 Leader: not a chance
                  SG1 2Ic : that's my bet(in any future SG1 movies, her year on Altantis will be ignored)
                  SGC Commander: Colonel's don't run the SGC and it wouldn't work for future SG1 movies
                  SGC 2IC: I could live with this. She could go out with SG1 on an as-needed basis(say, future SG1 movies).
                  Ship Commander: I could also live with this. Future SG1 movies are more likely to involve a ship rather than the stargate(see S9 & S10)
                  Command of R & D at Area 51: I would view this as "Sam can't command on the front lines, so let's banish her to Area 51 and let her command a bunch of scientists.

                  Sam's a Colonel. She belongs and is needed on the front lines.

                  I think I'm gonna go like Sal and pick any of those three.

                  Originally posted by majorsal View Post
                  i 'finally' watched it (was afraid they'd show scenes from the movies). i loved seeing amanda and enjoyed the amanda-martin quips!

                  amanda and martin talked over each other at one point, but i'd love to know what insults they were saying about one another.

                  In short...

                  in spoilers just is case
                  Martin was calling Amanda a diva who can't act and everything we've seen on screen in the last 11 years was his good editing. And Amanda said that Martin was the worst director ever.

                  For JM's blog

                  Command sounds good, but there is a very wide range of command positions, for all I know they can have her commanding SG-26. (I hope not )

                  Still, I'm trying to stay postitive.


                    Originally posted by majorsal View Post
                    'the seed' and 'the last man' spoilers

                    i got to watch 'the seed' just a bit ago. the part of the ep where everyone's talking about why sam was replaced... there's a part where keller says to sheppard about this being like that alternate timeline that he lived through, where woolsey came in to take command. sheppard says... i'm just going to c/p the transcript.

                    KELLER (to John): Colonel, when you were in the future and you learned all those things that were gonna happen, wasn't this one of them, Woolsey taking over?

                    SHEPPARD: Well, the circumstances were different.

                    KELLER: Still, it is a little unsettling. I mean, maybe it's harder to change the course of events than we thought.

                    McKAY: Well, I wouldn't worry about it. I mean, the fact that Sheppard's here makes all the difference, right?

                    i wonder if this ep is forshadowing what sam's future really IS going at...

                    if it's commanding a ship (or the phoenix), then i hope sheppard fills her in on ALL the details. but knowing sam, she'd do it all over again... i'm getting scared.


                    Originally posted by majorsal View Post
                    i logged back in to share the latest off joe's blog.

                    spoilers for 'the seed'

                    Otoole writes: “I would ask that even if she isn’t available that there would be some way to fix the wrongs done to Carter? Let her fans know how this did/didn’t affect her career.”

                    Answer: Many fans are interpreting the I.O.A.’s decision to replace Carter as coming about because of a failure on her part but just the opposite is true as evidenced by the team’s conversation at the beginning on The Seed. Under Carter’s command, the human form replicators were destroyed and the wraith severely weakened. At the beginning of season four, she was brought in because the military felt that the dangers the Atlantis expedition faced were too great to allow the city to be run by civilian hands. One year later, she had dealt with those threats, making the Pegasus Galaxy a much safer place, indirectly setting up an opportunity for the I.O.A. to re-assume control of the expedition. In any case, you’ll get to find out all about Carter’s new command position in episode 20.

                    so did you guys catch that last part, about sam's new command position?!?

                    but it's all total proof that this WON'T hurt her career!!

                    These two put together equal one major explosive ending for my favorite character. Please, please let it not be so! I want a *happy* ending for Sam! Though going out in a blaze of glory sounds nice on paper, I'd much rather think she'd live to a ripe old age in command somewhere else.


                      Originally posted by chelle db View Post
                      If I had a body like that...I'd wear that dress shopping!!!
                      Me too.. i would need the other female anatomy to fill the dress tho Its a beautiful dress.. i wonder what designer it is
                      Thanks to Nad for my awesome sig!
                      Proud member of the SSHSOP, S.H.I.P and MOP!


                        Originally posted by majorsal View Post
                        i logged back in to share the latest off joe's blog.

                        spoilers for 'the seed'

                        Otoole writes: “I would ask that even if she isn’t available that there would be some way to fix the wrongs done to Carter? Let her fans know how this did/didn’t affect her career.”

                        Answer: Many fans are interpreting the I.O.A.’s decision to replace Carter as coming about because of a failure on her part but just the opposite is true as evidenced by the team’s conversation at the beginning on The Seed. Under Carter’s command, the human form replicators were destroyed and the wraith severely weakened. At the beginning of season four, she was brought in because the military felt that the dangers the Atlantis expedition faced were too great to allow the city to be run by civilian hands. One year later, she had dealt with those threats, making the Pegasus Galaxy a much safer place, indirectly setting up an opportunity for the I.O.A. to re-assume control of the expedition. In any case, you’ll get to find out all about Carter’s new command position in episode 20.

                        Wow, so speculation by the team is now "evidence"? You have got to be kidding! As Sky (I think it was her) wrote in one of her posts, it's not canon if we don't see it on screen. What we saw on screen was a rather harsh dismissal of a main character. Everything else is speculation. I don't care what anyone writes in their blogs because it is not what the viewers saw on TV. They saw a dismissal and speculation on the reasons for it. If that's the best tptb can do, than they screwed up. Big time.

                        As always, they are trying to clean up the mess they made but a *blog* that a couple of hundred people read is not the right way..and mentioning something 18 episodes from now isn't either.


                          I forgot to mention...I had another Amanda dream last night...and as a consequence, I slept in this morning and was nearly late for work....first time ever!!! Dang!
                          Anyhoo, in my dream, I was jogging up this road and Amanda came jogging up beside me...apparently we were jogging for some charity thing...and I don't jog so no wonder it only happened in my dreams...but...I said to Amanda "I wish I could jog like you" and she said "you can" and I pointed at my "chest" and said "not without getting black eyes I can't" which we both started giggling and stopped jogging and turned around and headed for the nearest service station to get a drink. We chatted all the way back down the road and then there were these other "Amanda fans" there and they were all swooning over her and we both just rolled our eyes at each other.
                          It was a really cool dream...I mean in my dream she was just Amanda and I was just me and we just chatted like we were friends. In fact my other 2 dreams were quite similar in that in my dreams, Amanda and I generally just chat and enjoy each others company. It's nice. Small wonder I don't like waking up!!
                          Ok...I only just remembered coz I'm about to go to bed and hubby reminded me of my dream. So...night night ...again!!!
                          "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
                          Hug Your Loved Ones!!
                          ~Amanda Tapping


                            Thats awesome Chelle. I had one last ngiht.. i was back in highschool *shrudders* and for some reason i was with John sheppard (not that i was complaining) and Sam was like my best freind LOL
                            Thanks to Nad for my awesome sig!
                            Proud member of the SSHSOP, S.H.I.P and MOP!


                              Originally posted by silly sally View Post
                              I think they screwed the credits,
                              both Cam and Sam wear eagles insignias on their shoulders...
                              Yeah but
                              those uniforms are not their own.
                              Last edited by RealmOfX; 20 July 2008, 03:29 AM. Reason: added spoilers for movie


                                Originally posted by RealmOfX View Post
                                Yeah but
                                those uniforms are not their own.
                                So then what? Sam was not only dismissed from here job, but she was also demoted?

