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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by Mandysg1 View Post
    From the Royal Fertilizer Agitator

    OMG now I know which polar bear you were with all the fertiliser talk a few days back! I wish I'd known your title then, I'd so have played on that. I'd have died laughing.



      Originally posted by LilFerret View Post
      LOL Aparently!

      Ah...see, you learn something new every day!

      *sigh* I'm still trying to give her character a chance.

      I don't...*shudder*...lurk. If I am listed, and I haven't posted a note's a fluke. Though I did go to bed quite late...around...I dunno....2am ish? I do post in a few other threads, though. *pimps AT/Sam Thunk Thread*

      You're welcome...and you're right. LOL

      *hands over entire new bag to new recruit*
      Thanks. Think I'll stay down here for awhile. It seems safer than up above.


        Originally posted by Edb View Post

        Next survey: How much Snow have you experienced where you live?
        0 = SNOW??? Never seen the stuff!!!
        1 = Oh yea, you mean that white stuff that fell from the sky.....ONCE.
        2 = Sure, I've seen it. I just use a broom to dust it off the sidewalks couple of times a
        3 = My Lord, yes. Really messes up the roads and sidewalks and makes everyone late for
        work every couple of weeks during the winter.
        4 = Oh sure, great stuff for skiing, snowshoeing, snowmobiling, snowboarding, making
        angels, sitting around the fire with a hot cup of chocolate in hand.
        5 = MY GOD WE'RE BURIED IN IT!! SEND HELP or a DOG TEAM to rescue us!!!!!!!
        That would be #2. Every few years we might get about 6 inches or so, shuts everything down for 2-3 days.


          Originally posted by PengYn View Post
          OMG now I know which polar bear you were with all the fertiliser talk a few days back! I wish I'd known your title then, I'd so have played on that. I'd have died laughing.

 garden is just fine, thank you

          my fanfic


            Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
            and since my typists didn't show up last night

            i had to do it myself


            Changing of the Guard

            complete spoilage for the end of S&R. Not changed, per se, just different.
            Thanks Sky! Great job....wish it was what we got.

            Shep and Sam

            Your solution for the Shep fiasco would have been easier to swallow too. Although I still feel that if they wanted Shep to be the hero than they should have put someone else with those injuries. The injuries he was reported to have just made the whole thing too unbelievable for me.

            some spoiler regarding discussion about Sam in The Seed


            Cazz writes: “I just read on Gateworld that the IOA removes Carter because she’s military. This doesn’t make any sense. Why would she have gotten the job in the first place if the IOA doesn’t want the military leading the expedition. Rob Picardo says he doesn’t know why Woolsey is even on Atlantis yet either. Is that right? You guys are filming episode eight and haven’t even explained the change in command?”

            Answer: You’re misunderstanding what was said in the interview. “At this point in the season the actor says Woolsey’s reason for taking the job has yet to be established.” This is true in that we have yet to reveal Woolsey’s personal reasons for accepting the command position. On the other hand, the reasoning behind the IOA’s decision to replace Carter is discussed in episode 2, The Seed.

            yeah well not the same as being able to see Carter's reaction after she over came the shock



              Originally posted by jckfan55 View Post
              Well this is my GW anniversary so I thought I'd say something profound…I got nothing.

              Ok, just a few thoughts then. I just wanted to say thanks to everyone for making this a great place to hang out. We're drawn together by our appreciation of Sam and Amanda Tapping. (Thanks majorsal, for starting the thread!)
              We have interesting discussions, lots of silly stuff, great pics & captioning. We pull together and show our support when a Samandan is in trouble. We've got Penguins & Polar Bears laughing and playing together, for crying out loud! Samanda has grown over the years, but the core philosophy and attitude has remained strong.
              Hic Comitas Regit!

              jckfan55 (Royal Minister Without Portfolio)
              Happy Anniversary jckfan!!


              Congrats Tracy!!

              Thanks to Ambermoon for the wonderful Avatar Sig by: Me


                Originally posted by Edb View Post
                Hey, hi there, Fresh Horse, fancy meeting you down here. What's happenin'?Wanna share a cookie?
                Originally posted by LilFerret View Post

                *hands over entire new bag to new recruit*
                Ooh, cookies! Wait, I have some jaffa cake as well.

                Now that Jan and Mandy have come out to play I am sure they will join us shortly.

                Quick poll:

                What is your favorite Stargate episode for a rainy day? (rainy day as in "bad day where it is more fun to vege out in front of the tv")

                My top 5:

                Point of view - because I love AT's reaction shots to Dr. Carter
                Nightwalkers - Sam in cool clothes and command
                Descent - lots of water to go with the weather
                Matter of Time - because time is relative, especially when the weather is bad, those days just never seem to end
                Torment of Tantalus - similar weather conditions and I will never understand why Sam did not show more interest in the "this explains the whole universe thingamagic" and no, it's not enough to just say she was busy saving their butts


                  Originally posted by majorsal View Post
                  this is going off our sam centric topic, but i've felt that the inclusion and obsession with vala is what hurt the show more than anything else. and then having her almost glued, story wise, to only daniel made it all the worse.

                  i had issues with mitchell having the team instead of sam, but i got over it because mitchell greatly improved and *fit in* in the stargate structure. it's vala that i felt seriously damaged the integrity of the show, because she just never should have been a regular, let alone on the team, to begin with. there's just some characters that should be recurring, because to bring them in full time and having to create a 'realistic' reason for them there... i didn't see vala being out of character, i saw everyone putting up with her being out of character. oy...

                  yeah, they improved vala too, but she still had such a central role in the only storyline going on in s9/10, and the only other character to reap that storyline was daniel. why'd they write it like that?

                  yeah, i guess it's still a sore spot.

                  And here I still have issues with Mitchell "fitting in" (square peg/round hole scenario) only because they broke the team to reassemble it around him. I found bring a Lt. Commander -Sam- into the same position she had as a *Captain* after two promotions (to team lead then leading whatever she did in Area 51) to be too much of an insult to ignore. Period. Especially when Mr. Lead Hewo was written as not having the proper experience for the job.

                  Vala - at least when she wasn't glued to Daniel and/or not acting the twit - was a fun character. Loved her with Tomin and Muscles. Would have loved to see some exploration of how being a host changed Vala and Sam physically and emotionally.

                  Mourning Sanctuary.
                  Thanks for the good times!


                    Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                    as to sam

                    there's that fic that speculates that

                    the military knows that she's getting short shrift, and will 'make it up to her' with her choice of assignments

                    this i can see happening. CAuse you have to know that the military isn't too fond of the IOA running things. they will see sam as the wronged party and another example of 'civilians screwing things up' and will take care of their own.

                    and, hwen woolsey messes things up, it'll jsut be more ammo for the military to say 'dude, the ioa are idiots, they can't control stuff' and be a stepping stone to kicking the IOA out of it

                    basically, i see it as the military setting the ioa up to fail
                    Except I don't think that'll happen:
                    You really think they are going to write Woolsey as incompetent? No, I think he'll end up with the same "You did a good job" kudos Sam got, because the writers are thinking of the actors professionalism instead of how a beaurocrat would respond to things in a dicey situation.

                    That being said, I see glimmers of possibilities for Woolsey. I don't know. I keep thinking a not so willing to kill people for his own benefit Maybourne.

                    Mourning Sanctuary.
                    Thanks for the good times!


                      Originally posted by Fresh_Horse View Post
                      Ooh, cookies! Wait, I have some jaffa cake as well.

                      Now that Jan and Mandy have come out to play I am sure they will join us shortly.

                      Quick poll:

                      What is your favorite Stargate episode for a rainy day? (rainy day as in "bad day where it is more fun to vege out in front of the tv")

                      My top 5:

                      Point of view - because I love AT's reaction shots to Dr. Carter
                      Nightwalkers - Sam in cool clothes and command
                      Descent - lots of water to go with the weather
                      Matter of Time - because time is relative, especially when the weather is bad, those days just never seem to end
                      Torment of Tantalus - similar weather conditions and I will never understand why Sam did not show more interest in the "this explains the whole universe thingamagic" and no, it's not enough to just say she was busy saving their butts
                      Let's see, on a 'rainy' day, to make me feel better I like to see episodes with Kickass Soldier Sam

                      so they would be...

                      1.Foothold...Sam saves the day
                      2.Hathor...yes I said Hathor, nothing better than Sam leading a small group of women (and Teal'c) to save the base
                      3.In the Line of Duty...great Sam episode
                      4.A Matter of Time...gotta love donuts
                      5.Death Knell...whumped Sam, need I say more

                      my fanfic


                        Originally posted by suse View Post
                        And here I still have issues with Mitchell "fitting in" (square peg/round hole scenario) only because they broke the team to reassemble it around him. I found bring a Lt. Commander -Sam- into the same position she had as a *Captain* after two promotions (to team lead then leading whatever she did in Area 51) to be too much of an insult to ignore. Period. Especially when Mr. Lead Hewo was written as not having the proper experience for the job.

                        Vala - at least when she wasn't glued to Daniel and/or not acting the twit - was a fun character. Loved her with Tomin and Muscles. Would have loved to see some exploration of how being a host changed Vala and Sam physically and emotionally.

                        If I ever write a fic, its Sam and Vala on a mission/jaunt on another planet. Probably with Teal'c as well. Because that scenario, and that dynamic? So much more potential for all of them. Maybe a Jonas cameo, because he brings out the funny snark in Sam (I loved seeing her like that) and because I think he'd actually cope beautifully with Vala

                        Sam and Vala being put in a situation where they could both face their past in this regard, and learn from each other, would have been great. You've got someone who was a former Tok'ra host and another who was host to a Goa'uld and then 'released' by the Tok'ra, who then left her where she was. That's got to be an awkward but interesting conversation right there.

                        Courtesy of smurf, as always


                          Originally posted by resurgamlaura View Post
                          Sam and Vala being put in a situation where they could both face their past in this regard, and learn from each other, would have been great. You've got someone who was a former Tok'ra host and another who was host to a Goa'uld and then 'released' by the Tok'ra, who then left her where she was. That's got to be an awkward but interesting conversation right there.
                          Hey! Are you in my head? I'm just attempting to write that conversation as part of a much bigger AU fic I have some serious whump going on for poor Vala and Janet...and slightly less for Sam..but still some whump.

                          don't trip over the plot bunnies.
                          Thank you to Lies for my signature pic
                          My Fanfic~My Femslash


                            Originally posted by silly sally View Post
                            Sky, are you on something? Cut a Rodney scene? It's M&M... What are you thinking?

                            In memory of Deejay.
                            May we all be so well loved.


                              Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                              and since my typists didn't show up last night

                              i had to do it myself


                              Changing of the Guard

                              complete spoilage for the end of S&R. Not changed, per se, just different.
                              I like the way you handled this. Very in character for all concerned. Too bad we can't get you on the writing staff.

                              5 Rainy Day Episodes off the top of my head

                              Foothold--Sam saves the day & gets to be snarky w/ Maybourne
                              Matter of Time--interesting premise and great Sam stuff
                              Death Knell--Whumped, but unbroken Sam (fast forward through the non Sam stuff )
                              Fail Safe--science Sam and teamy
                              Beneath the Surface--Not Sam but really totally Sam; teamy
                              Last edited by jckfan55; 13 July 2008, 12:23 PM.


                                Originally posted by Mandysg1 View Post
                                Let's see, on a 'rainy' day, to make me feel better I like to see episodes with Kickass Soldier Sam

                                so they would be...

                                1.Foothold...Sam saves the day
                                2.Hathor...yes I said Hathor, nothing better than Sam leading a small group of women (and Teal'c) to save the base
                                3.In the Line of Duty...great Sam episode
                                4.A Matter of Time...gotta love donuts
                                5.Death Knell...whumped Sam, need I say more

                                GMTA.* Or something.

                                *Great Minds Think Alike.
                                Mourning Sanctuary.
                                Thanks for the good times!

