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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by jckfan55 View Post
    Well this is my GW anniversary so I thought I'd say something profound…I got nothing.

    Ok, just a few thoughts then. I just wanted to say thanks to everyone for making this a great place to hang out. We're drawn together by our appreciation of Sam and Amanda Tapping. (Thanks majorsal, for starting the thread!)
    We have interesting discussions, lots of silly stuff, great pics & captioning. We pull together and show our support when a Samandan is in trouble. We've got Penguins & Polar Bears laughing and playing together, for crying out loud! Samanda has grown over the years, but the core philosophy and attitude has remained strong.
    Hic Comitas Regit!

    jckfan55 (Royal Minister Without Portfolio)
    Congratulations Jckfan!!! 4 years eh? WOW.

    Originally posted by scifithinker View Post
    "Reckoning" is awesome for a rainy, blah day. The scenes near the end of part 2 are nothing less than brilliant. The juxtaposition of Sam, Jack and Teal'c fighting while Daniel is dying combined with the music Goldsmith uses is awesome. The writing, cinematography/lighting, acting, set design and everything else is just about as perfect as they could possibly get it. It would have made an excellent series finale.

    Unlike "Unending."

    Four years later, the episode still blows me away.
    I totally agree. I just rewatched it yesterday, brilliant how they all fight together, but apart.

    My eps in nor particular order (and I haven't seen S9 or 10):
    Divide and Conquer
    Paradise Lost
    Window of Opportunity or Space Race

    Ask me next week and I name 5 different eps lol.


      Originally posted by Fresh_Horse View Post
      Ooh, cookies! Wait, I have some jaffa cake as well.

      Now that Jan and Mandy have come out to play I am sure they will join us shortly.

      Quick poll:

      What is your favorite Stargate episode for a rainy day? (rainy day as in "bad day where it is more fun to vege out in front of the tv")

      My top 5:

      Point of view - because I love AT's reaction shots to Dr. Carter
      Nightwalkers - Sam in cool clothes and command
      Descent - lots of water to go with the weather
      Matter of Time - because time is relative, especially when the weather is bad, those days just never seem to end
      Torment of Tantalus - similar weather conditions and I will never understand why Sam did not show more interest in the "this explains the whole universe thingamagic" and no, it's not enough to just say she was busy saving their butts
      My five
      Lost City (two parter)
      Broca Divide
      Fifth Race

      (sorry - can't help myself )

      For details of AT10 go to


        Originally posted by SWMBOTGSG View Post
        My five
        Lost City (two parter)
        Broca Divide
        Fifth Race

        (sorry - can't help myself )

        pssst...Lost City is one episode on the DVDs


          Originally posted by JanSam View Post
          pssst...Lost City is one episode on the DVDs
          Oooo! Then I'll have Paradise Lost as well then

          For details of AT10 go to


            Rainy day shows....As in you are stuck inside all day with nothing to do??

            1) Boxed Set - Season 4
            2) Boxed Set - Season 7
            3) Boxed Set - Season 8
            4) Boxed Set - Season 1
            5) Boxed Set - Season 5

            I know that is cheating, but I have the boxed sets running the time anyway, I'd just keep watching them.


              More dragon eggs (I'll post a photo when they are coloured and varnished) more Stargate. The start of season two.

              In The Serpents Lair

              I'd forgotten that Jack was about to blow Klorel's ship and SG1 with it, sky high before Apophis turns up.
              Ah, I love Sam biting Jack's hand, feisty to the end! That's our girl.
              Nice subplot of the battle for control between Klorel and Skarra and Apophis faith in his progeny. Peter Williams is suitable unworldly pretty, not at camp as I remembered.
              Poor Daniel takes one for the team
              and cue slashy moment number one, with RDA and MS saying so much without words, sigh.

              I love the deathgliders floating in space, gradually towards their doom, the music, the lighting, the sensawunda on Sam's face, it's a lovely scene.
              And then the re-uniting of the team, which is heart warming all round and uniquely SG1.
              And, of course, The Spacemonkey Hug.

              Which launched a thousand fanfics. And even if you don't slash them, it's lovely friendship.

              In The Line of Duty

              Brilliant action packed start to this one, don't know how much of their budget they spent but it was worth it. Fabulous moment when Sam looks up and her eyes flash!
              Indeed a great episode for Amanda throughout. Sam is just that little beat off all the way through the set up. I so wish the writers had written more challenging stuff like this for Amanda later in the show. She got some (Replicarter is the one which immediately springs to mind) but nothing really stretching her the way this episode and Sing ularity did.
              Good scene between Teal'c and Jack on interrogating a Goa'uld; Daniel has already brought up Kawalsky and how badly that ended, Jack clearly doesn't want Sam to go the same way. Jolinar's access to Sam's memories aren't as comprehensive as a Goa'uld, it's plea to "Jack!" doesn't cut any ice with him, or us, when he knows Sam would have been much more likely to call him "Sir" It's and interesting insight into the Tok'ra/Goa'uld control, we are finding out with each appearance that they are not as all powerful as they would like their slaves to believe - Skaara was clearly fighting Klorel in the last episode. All this early myth building adds to SG1 lore and is the sort of thing I missed when I first saw these episodes as a casual viewer.
              Thought swapping the Doctor for the Goa'uld assassin was very clever; an empty bed would have been noticed, a filled one was not. And the handy dandy Tok'ra finding device is a neat effect, like the skull showing beneath the skin. And again, someone has thought it through, if it damaged those it was scanning, it wouldn't be a stealth device so not as much use to the assassin.
              Go Doc Fraiser riding the crash cart into the infirmary! She has such fire, I love our feisty little doc. The make up here is fabulous for Sam, she looks so fragile (and so close to death unlike Line in the Sand where she looked way, way too hale and hearty for someone with a life threatening injury, no matter how well Amanda acted the scene) and so near to death. Great acting all round, poor Jack and Teal'c, unable to help, just standing there watching, the hardest thing of all for a soldier to do. Jack praises Sam for holding on, but Sam knows the truth of it, Jolinar saved her.
              Jolinar dying to save Sam is so interesting, so unlike the Goa'uld we have met so far, was it telling the truth about the Tok'ra? We don't yet know.
              I totally heart the last scene with Janet/Jack/Daniel and particularly Cassie, we seldom get such good closure on SG1 but this was fabulous. And the young lassie playing Cassie is good but Amanda is brilliant in that scene, for all that she's doing nothing!
              Love this episode, it's clearly a Sam heavy one but all the cast are well used, whether it's Daniel interacting with the refugees (I like the widow of Jolinar's last host, nothing sexual between them but a clear bond developing) Teal'c on the ever mystical 'Jaffa Lore' which CJ seems to deliver with some nuance which makes you think that Teal'c doesn't necessarily believe it to be true but remembers it anyway, Jack fretting over his team mate as always, he's just got Daniel back in one piece and then this, no wonder he goes grey!


              Bit of a silly one, if I recall. Jack calls his team 'kids', melts...
              The guy on the run does a very good acting job of being scared out of his gourd. Great start, the blue light of the justice scene is simple but effective (and makes MS look beautiful but not old enough to be out alone) I love Sam chipping in and Teal'c looking deep! The judges remind me of The Judges, if you know what I mean. I expect Dredd at any moment.
              On Hadante, Vishnor grabs Sam, Teal'c, ever vigilant shows he's paying attention, Sam head butts Vishnor, go girl!
              "Teal'c, look scary and take point." Thank you, Jack but having Daniel bring up the rear is not a smart command decision, even without Linaea's protection of Sam, you should know who the weakest link in your team is and put him in the middle of the pack.
              SG3 (looking for SG1) has a black team leader, yay for cultural diversity in teams and yay for the pretty dark haired female tech in Walter's seat, she's been in the last few episodes.
              I do like the casting choice for Linaea, she's no dolly bird and has a good, rich, commanding speaking voice, you could see how she could build a powerbase on Hadante. Sam's eyes light up at the cold fusion! Jack's eyes glaze over.
              Nice use of background characters; the weasley little perp trying to get into SG1's good books by showing them the ropes and offering to be Teal'c's 'friend' (and yes, judging by RDA's reaction, that does have the implications you think it does) and SG3 and SG9, good to see the diplomatic SG team in action.
              Interesting shot of the rear of the SGC Stargate and Hammond and Kovacek (SG9) going through it, not a shot used before or since, sadly.
              Daniel causes trouble (so no change there then) and Vishnor puts him in a headlock. I just noticed Sam gently stroking Daniel's hair when she goes to check on him, how sweet!
              Unique scientist to scientist bonding; Linaea is Sam without the decency and human compassion, a crooked mirror to her own scientific soul.
              Linaea is one smart cookie, I like that. And the SGC let her loose, I like that too when the good guys lose.
              A stronger episode than I remembered.

              The Gamekeeper

              Ah, pants of the first order. How fortunate that SG1 line themselves up perfectly to be ensnared by the chairs...
              Kawalsky!!!! Yay!
              Teal'c's bad wig!!!! Yay!

              It's a solid SF premise, living vicariously through others and the actors playing the soldiers really sell it, so does RDA but wouldn't having Charlie still alive be a more poignant, more urgent need to set right rather than a botched mission, no matter how close he was to his comrades?

              The Gamekeeper himself is over acted and unbelievable and it wastes the good ideas behind it.

              MS really conveys Daniel's pain and his conversation with his parents is heartbreaking but again, wasted in an inconsistent episode.

              Points for The Wonder Twins looking pretty fine throughout and particularly in the end with their long fair locks blowing in the wind.



                Originally posted by LilFerret View Post
                Turtleneck pix from Nemesis:


                That's the one! LOVE the third piccie.

                Originally posted by majorsal View Post
                this is going off our sam centric topic, but i've felt that the inclusion and obsession with vala is what hurt the show more than anything else. and then having her almost glued, story wise, to only daniel made it all the worse.

                i had issues with mitchell having the team instead of sam, but i got over it because mitchell greatly improved and *fit in* in the stargate structure. it's vala that i felt seriously damaged the integrity of the show, because she just never should have been a regular, let alone on the team, to begin with. there's just some characters that should be recurring, because to bring them in full time and having to create a 'realistic' reason for them there... i didn't see vala being out of character, i saw everyone putting up with her being out of character. oy...

                yeah, they improved vala too, but she still had such a central role in the only storyline going on in s9/10, and the only other character to reap that storyline was daniel. why'd they write it like that?

                yeah, i guess it's still a sore spot.

                I never warmed up to Mitchell. I enjoyed Vala, especially with Tomin. Absolutely loved Tomin.

                Originally posted by Mary-Jane View Post
                Didn't she wear a blue one in the episode-who's-title-I-can't-put-my-finger-on-at-the-moment in season 5 after Daniel has died and her Jack and Teal'c go out to eat....and also perhaps an orange one in Point of No Return?

                Why I know this I have no idea ..........

                *slinks away*
                I think you're right about the blue one. Trying to remember the other one, but nothing is coming to me at the moment.

                And you know this because you are dedicated.
                Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none.
                William Shakespeare

                Meddle ye not in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and tasty with ketchup.


                  Originally posted by LilFerret View Post
                  I just can't see that ever happening with Keller. I think she's too afraid of stepping on toes, and making a bad impression, to demand her patients put their health and well-being first.

                  Keller is a bit too meek for realism, IMHO.

                  Originally posted by MerryK View Post
                  That's a good observation...however, you're comparing SG-1 to SGA. Janet is a military doctor, on a military base. Dealing with soldier, who are not the easiest of patients, she would have to be that way. However, Beckett, a regular doctor, did not have the clout that Janet did, because he didn't need it. Neither does Keller, for the same reason. And since I'm not military, the only doctors I've met have been much more like Beckett and Keller than Janet.

                  That being said, Keller tries to put her foot down, and sometimes succeeds...she's just not iron-fisted.
                  Having worked with many, many doctors over the years, I would say Beckett and Frasier are much more realistic than Keller. I like the actress who plays Keller, but I think Keller is played a bit too timid and unsure of herself. The process of medical training gives you a spine if you didn't have one going in. Med school and residency toughen you up and make a leader of you.

                  Just my opinion, and not a super important issue. There are kind, sweet aspects of Keller I'd want in a doc any day of the week!

                  Originally posted by jckfan55 View Post
                  Well this is my GW anniversary so I thought I'd say something profound…I got nothing.

                  Ok, just a few thoughts then. I just wanted to say thanks to everyone for making this a great place to hang out. We're drawn together by our appreciation of Sam and Amanda Tapping. (Thanks majorsal, for starting the thread!)
                  We have interesting discussions, lots of silly stuff, great pics & captioning. We pull together and show our support when a Samandan is in trouble. We've got Penguins & Polar Bears laughing and playing together, for crying out loud! Samanda has grown over the years, but the core philosophy and attitude has remained strong.
                  Hic Comitas Regit!

                  jckfan55 (Royal Minister Without Portfolio)


                  And thanks for all you bring to the thread!

                  Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                  and since my typists didn't show up last night

                  i had to do it myself


                  Changing of the Guard

                  complete spoilage for the end of S&R. Not changed, per se, just different.
                  Great fic! Thanks!

                  Originally posted by Fresh_Horse View Post
                  Quick poll:

                  What is your favorite Stargate episode for a rainy day? (rainy day as in "bad day where it is more fun to vege out in front of the tv")

                  My top 5:
                  Threads - for my shippy little heart, and I like all the father/ daughter moments between Sam and her Dad.

                  Space Race - because it makes me laugh. And I like seeing Sam's pure enjoyment of going fast, competing, and winning. Good team episode.

                  Grace - I just like this episode - even though the mystery of the highly-advanced-race-we-never-meet-again still bugs me.

                  Singularity - I like Sam helping Cassie.

                  Rite of Passage - I think I like anything with kids in it. =)
                  Words have tremendous power. The right words spoken by the right people at the right times can lift up communities, transform lives, mend relationships, break hearts—even topple empires.
                  Quint Studer






                    Tie between Foothold and Deathnell

                    Much credit to Replicatertje and Ann Sgc_Fan for their lovely sigs


                      i think vala could have been a wonderful addition. just think of all she and sam could have accomplished. the history, the past, two warrior women.

                      IMHO, they just took the easy way out with Daniel and Vala and it was a detriment to BOTH of the ladies. Daniel/Vala is easy. Writing smart women is evidently hard At least in recent years.
                      Where in the World is George Hammond?



                        Originally posted by hisg1fans View Post
                        Quite a coup having a turtleneck shirt that was worn in only one show! Congratulations.

                        As for the pink lining....I'd noticed this on the show too. A lot of flight jackets have an 'orange' lining for pilots to flash during rescue. Maybe 'pink' is in the desert camo versions for the same reason, but matches the outside colors better.
                        Or maybe they just chose pink so Amanda could feel girly under all that camo. Didn't she say she got her bellybutton pierced for that reason?

                        Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                        Kids, little mod note, TIIC (the idiots in charge) is NOT an appropriate term to use.
                        *gasp* Who could even conceive of such a horrible title for TPTB??

                        Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                        and since my typists didn't show up last night

                        i had to do it myself


                        Changing of the Guard

                        complete spoilage for the end of S&R. Not changed, per se, just different.
                        hey, I was there! I was just, uh, sleeping.

                        Originally posted by Fresh_Horse View Post
                        Quick poll:

                        What is your favorite Stargate episode for a rainy day? (rainy day as in "bad day where it is more fun to vege out in front of the tv")
                        Line in the Sand
                        Jolinar's Memories

                        Originally posted by resurgamlaura View Post
                        If I ever write a fic, its Sam and Vala on a mission/jaunt on another planet. Probably with Teal'c as well. Because that scenario, and that dynamic? So much more potential for all of them. Maybe a Jonas cameo, because he brings out the funny snark in Sam (I loved seeing her like that) and because I think he'd actually cope beautifully with Vala

                        Sam and Vala being put in a situation where they could both face their past in this regard, and learn from each other, would have been great. You've got someone who was a former Tok'ra host and another who was host to a Goa'uld and then 'released' by the Tok'ra, who then left her where she was. That's got to be an awkward but interesting conversation right there.
                        I would love Love LOVE to see that fic!! Who's gonna do it?? Huh? huh?

                        Originally posted by Tittamiire View Post
                        Hey! Are you in my head? I'm just attempting to write that conversation as part of a much bigger AU fic I have some serious whump going on for poor Vala and Janet...and slightly less for Sam..but still some whump.

                        don't trip over the plot bunnies.
                        Ooo, yay!! Whump is good.

                        Originally posted by jckfan55 View Post
                        I like the way you handled this. Very in character for all concerned. Too bad we can't get you on the writing staff.
                        absolutely. Those guys definitely need some estrogen to tone down all the testosterone that gets flung around in those script ideas

                        Originally posted by suse View Post
                        Brownies? <<studiously ignores the word "points" behind the most important word>>

                        Mmmmm, brownies. I had some last night, actually.

                        Originally posted by scifithinker View Post
                        "Reckoning" is awesome for a rainy, blah day. The scenes near the end of part 2 are nothing less than brilliant. The juxtaposition of Sam, Jack and Teal'c fighting while Daniel is dying combined with the music Goldsmith uses is awesome. The writing, cinematography/lighting, acting, set design and everything else is just about as perfect as they could possibly get it. It would have made an excellent series finale.

                        Unlike "Unending."

                        Four years later, the episode still blows me away.
                        Agreed. Reckoning is by far one of the best SG-1 eps ever written

                        Originally posted by suse View Post
                        Ahh. I thought the dissertation was finished. Good luck!

                        You might want to donate the plot bunny somewhere. (See Sky, I'm pretty sure there's a place for it on lj.)

                        That's an interesting idea. A plot bunny adoption center?

                        Originally posted by hisg1fans View Post
                        Rainy day shows....As in you are stuck inside all day with nothing to do??

                        1) Boxed Set - Season 4
                        2) Boxed Set - Season 7
                        3) Boxed Set - Season 8
                        4) Boxed Set - Season 1
                        5) Boxed Set - Season 5

                        I know that is cheating, but I have the boxed sets running the time anyway, I'd just keep watching them.
                        hahahahahahaha!! I agree with your top 5!

                        "The men cheered! The women fainted! The children waved multi-colored flags!" -Amanda Tapping

                        SG-1 FanFiction
                        Sanctuary Fanfiction


                          1. Window of Opportunity
                          2. Threads
                          3. Moebius (both parts... )
                          4. Grace
                          5. Divide and Conquer

                          Need anyone ask why? No, didn't think so...


                            Originally posted by suse View Post
                            Except I don't think that'll happen:
                            [SPOILERS]You really think they are going to write Woolsey as incompetent? No, I think he'll end up with the same "You did a good job" kudos Sam got, because the writers are thinking of the actors professionalism instead of how a beaurocrat would respond to things in a dicey situation.
                            Actually, I'm positive that they've already said that Woolsey is going to be out of place and awful for the first bunch of episodes, and then he is going to start toughening up slowly. Considering how they've improved the character from his first appearance on Heroes, with his realistic growth of sympathy for the SGC and Atlantis, I have decent hopes for him on SGA in a full time position.

                            Originally posted by tagger View Post
                            Having worked with many, many doctors over the years, I would say Beckett and Frasier are much more realistic than Keller. I like the actress who plays Keller, but I think Keller is played a bit too timid and unsure of herself. The process of medical training gives you a spine if you didn't have one going in. Med school and residency toughen you up and make a leader of you.

                            Just my opinion, and not a super important issue. There are kind, sweet aspects of Keller I'd want in a doc any day of the week!
                            I haven't been around many doctors, thankfully, as I've only been in the hospital a few times. But of the seven or eight that I've met, of different ages and roles, at least one reminded me a lot of Keller, and there was another one who was about a cross between Beckett and Keller. The rest were somewhere in between Beckett and Frasier.

                            Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                            i think vala could have been a wonderful addition. just think of all she and sam could have accomplished. the history, the past, two warrior women.

                            IMHO, they just took the easy way out with Daniel and Vala and it was a detriment to BOTH of the ladies. Daniel/Vala is easy. Writing smart women is evidently hard At least in recent years.
                            I thought Vala was written quite smartly for most of her episodes, it was just a few where her naivety or just plain not-very-smart behavior was an issue. But usually, she showed plenty of street smarts and was definitely sharp witted. That's why I like her. And I can see your point about the easy way out being Danie/Vala, but I think the relationship was good for both characters when it was well done (sometimes, not so much). Usually when it wasn't shippy, just the way their characters complemented each other as a team.

                            But I've always been in the minority who likes Season 10 best for all the characters' portrayals...don't mind me.

                            Edited to add:
                            Oh, and my top five rainy day episodes?

                            200 (for the laughs)
                            Window of Opportunity (ditto)
                            Line in the Sand (one of the best episodes ever)
                            Ascension (because I love Sam here, and Orlin was nice)
                            Moebius (geeky!Sam + geeky!Daniel = my happiness)

                            There are some more moody episodes that I absolutely love, but I wouldn't watch those on a rainy day.

                            ~Friendshipping (among others) the two most awesome women of Stargate.
                            ~My Stargate fanfic can be found on my Livejournal


                              Wow..since I posted this morning, you've chatted away at least 5 pages! Go Samandans!

                              Originally posted by Tracy Jane View Post
                              I can't really comment on S&R, as I don't watch Atlantis. For me, Unending was the Swan Song, with the films being a bonus. And I'm happy with that little perspective filter I've got going on, because we had a strong Sam who was guilt ridden and trying desperately to get them home. We had a Sam who was flawed, a Sam who lost hope, and a Sam who eventually (along with Teal'c) saved the day. That episode showed so many facets of our favourite character and I'm happy to think that Unending was the final episode

                              For anyone interested, the Blue Moon Awards have opened for the preview round. It's generally adult works - that doesn't mean that it's kinky or anything, just that it's not necessarily Disneyfied. There are quite a few PG works up there as well.

                              Related, but slightly off topic

                              I've got nominations! Wooot! I never get nominated for anything, so whoever did it, thank you! I've got both Shattered and Land of the Setting Sun in the R-NC17 Team Drama category, in R-NC17 Best Author and in R-NC17 Best Story! I can't believe it. So big, big thank yous!

                              Anyway, voting starts on July 26th, I think. So there's a couple of weeks to read the stories.

                              ETA: I guess the link would help
                              Congrats Tracy on your nominations! Tis a very special honor indeed!

                              Originally posted by hisg1fans View Post

                              Not quite the right example, but the first scene that came to my mind was the 'Napoleonic Powermonger' scene, when O'Neill was insisting he could go find Daniel. Sam was out cold on the other bed. Dr. Frasier says 'No', but he tries to get up off the bed and immediately collapses. Then Teal'c kindly picks him up off the floor and plops him on the bed again. Totally hilarious! One of my favorites of the whole series
                              hahaha, I've *always* loved that scene! Goofy Jack and the matter-of-factness of Teal'c's actions as if he almost expected it. Those two were the Laurel and Hardy of Stargate imo. They played off each other so well.

                              Originally posted by MerryK View Post
                              That's a good observation...however, you're comparing SG-1 to SGA. Janet is a military doctor, on a military base. Dealing with soldier, who are not the easiest of patients, she would have to be that way. However, Beckett, a regular doctor, did not have the clout that Janet did, because he didn't need it. Neither does Keller, for the same reason. And since I'm not military, the only doctors I've met have been much more like Beckett and Keller than Janet.

                              That being said, Keller tries to put her foot down, and sometimes succeeds...she's just not iron-fisted.
                              Perhaps due to her being relatively new to Atlantis, she might not have gained that confidence one acquires through experience and well, time. Either that or deep down she's just not a very emotionally secure person inside and who constantly doubts herself and her abilities. I've known people like that personally who no matter how much head knowledge they have on a skill or subject, they just constantly second guess themselves in fear of making a mistake. But then again, that insecurity could be mastered by experience and...yes time again.

                              *feels herself going round and round in circles*

                              Originally posted by jckfan55 View Post
                              Well this is my GW anniversary so I thought I'd say something profound…I got nothing.

                              Ok, just a few thoughts then. I just wanted to say thanks to everyone for making this a great place to hang out. We're drawn together by our appreciation of Sam and Amanda Tapping. (Thanks majorsal, for starting the thread!)
                              We have interesting discussions, lots of silly stuff, great pics & captioning. We pull together and show our support when a Samandan is in trouble. We've got Penguins & Polar Bears laughing and playing together, for crying out loud! Samanda has grown over the years, but the core philosophy and attitude has remained strong.
                              Hic Comitas Regit!

                              jckfan55 (Royal Minister Without Portfolio)
                              Yay! Happy Anniversary Jckfan!

                              Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                              and since my typists didn't show up last night

                              i had to do it myself


                              Changing of the Guard

                              complete spoilage for the end of S&R. Not changed, per se, just different.
                              Nice fic Sky! Love the way that Sam finally gets a voice and even challenges Woosley for a more definite reason for her dismissal.

                              Ah, I must say though. I was hoping you'd have written in some way that she could have been reassigned to something bigger and better.

                              Originally posted by Fresh_Horse View Post
                              Ooh, cookies! Wait, I have some jaffa cake as well.

                              Now that Jan and Mandy have come out to play I am sure they will join us shortly.

                              Quick poll:

                              What is your favorite Stargate episode for a rainy day? (rainy day as in "bad day where it is more fun to vege out in front of the tv")

                              My top 5:

                              Point of view - because I love AT's reaction shots to Dr. Carter
                              Nightwalkers - Sam in cool clothes and command
                              Descent - lots of water to go with the weather
                              Matter of Time - because time is relative, especially when the weather is bad, those days just never seem to end
                              Torment of Tantalus - similar weather conditions and I will never understand why Sam did not show more interest in the "this explains the whole universe thingamagic" and no, it's not enough to just say she was busy saving their butts
                              Gah! I have to choose *only* five?! *sigh* Okay, in no particular order:

                              Window of Opportunity - I *love* the humor of the whole thing!
                              Death Knell - Sam Whump! What more is there to say?
                              Small Victories - Love the action and edge-of-your-seat suspense at the end.
                              Foothold - Sam just plain rocks in this one.
                              Fragile Balance - This one just plain amuses me...hee

                              Ooh..Moebius (both parts!)
                              Ripple Effect
                              Road Not Taken
                              Line in the Sand

                              Okay, so I couldnt decide!!


                                Originally posted by jckfan55 View Post
                                Well this is my GW anniversary so I thought I'd say something profound…I got nothing.

                                jckfan55 (Royal Minister Without Portfolio)
                                HAPPY ANNIVERSAY JCKFAN 55

                                Much credit to Replicatertje and Ann Sgc_Fan for their lovely sigs

