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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Just running in before I run back out to go to an engagement party....I had a lovely day with Sir Patrick Stewart today...told us a wonderful ghost story and had us in stitches...very lovely funny man. At the event, they were releasing information about show renewals and so forth so I mentioned that Sanctuary was renewed for the third season and with 20 eps...was kinda cool to know something and share it with the rest of the class/audience!!
    Am totally pooped but now have another function to attend...shouldn't have had that beer with the pizza tonight...oi!
    "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
    Hug Your Loved Ones!!
    ~Amanda Tapping


      Originally posted by Rocky89 View Post
      The othe night? And you're telling us about it now?

      EH-T! What's going on here? you used to always be on top of it, now you're slacking. If you don't say something, I won't know it's on and I can't upload. By not saying anything, we're letting many Amanda fans down. When was it on?

      Why EH-T? Why?!

      It's called life.

      Just had a lovely brisk walk to work in -38 including along the riverwalk which has both skating and walking paths. One thing about the cold, it is usually accompanied by bright blue sky and lots of sunshine. Arrived all covered in frost and gave the security guard a laugh. My eyebrows and lashes are now thawing and if I can get the feeling back in my thighs, it will be a great day.

      Also had a brief moment to watch part of Penance today. Lovely to see

      MS and AT together again. Had to laugh that his first line was about the hair. Made me think of the thread as that's what the discussion always comes back to it seems.

      Thanks to Pengyn, SamJackShipLover and Mala for the sig.


        I hesitate to add to this needle talk, as we *really* need to move on, but according to family lore , when I was about four years old I had my first blood draw out of my arm. It took my mom and two nurses to hold me down. I don't remember that. Over time it became no big deal. I can even watch the blood going into the vial, just not the needle going in.

        Sam is kind of the medic on the team. How do you think that came about? Was she the least squeamish? Was it b/c she was the only other military officer and just got assigned? As "the girl" was she naturally more of the caretaker? Certainly in Brief Candle she didn't fit the stereotype. I loved when the girl was going into labor and the guys seem to expect her to be a natural midwife or something. Sam says : "Don't look at *me*!"


          Originally posted by jckfan55 View Post
          I hesitate to add to this needle talk, as we *really* need to move on, but according to family lore , when I was about four years old I had my first blood draw out of my arm. It took my mom and two nurses to hold me down. I don't remember that. Over time it became no big deal. I can even watch the blood going into the vial, just not the needle going in.

          Sam is kind of the medic on the team. How do you think that came about? Was she the least squeamish? Was it b/c she was the only other military officer and just got assigned? As "the girl" was she naturally more of the caretaker? Certainly in Brief Candle she didn't fit the stereotype. I loved when the girl was going into labor and the guys seem to expect her to be a natural midwife or something. Sam says : "Don't look at *me*!"
          Well, she and Jack would be the only two to have received the medical training as part of their military training. Since Jack was the CO the role of medic would naturally be delegated to her. Although Jack would also have the training I can't recall any example where he used it.

          The thing that always cracked me up was not only was Sam always the medic but she always seemed to get stuck carrying the wounded around, despite having 3 lovely strong men on the team.

          Thanks to Pengyn, SamJackShipLover and Mala for the sig.


            Originally posted by EH-T View Post
            The thing that always cracked me up was not only was Sam always the medic but she always seemed to get stuck carrying the wounded around, despite having 3 lovely strong men on the team.


              I think it's a combo:

              a) Female thus either more inclined - or the writers are more inclined to make her the medic
              b) like you said, her and jack getting basic training and it's not quite jack's MO to be a caregiver unless there's another choice
              c) you could extrapolate that, after solitudes, sam was driven to learn more so she wouldn't feel so helpless
              d) they needed to stick in a line about her being a medic in Nemesis and just tossed it in there
              e) yeah, sam seemed to ALWAYS have to haul around the wounded. course Chris has a bad back, Rick bad knees and most of the time if 'jack' had to carry something heavy (like tossing sam over his shoulder in crystal skull, dan shea did it)
              Where in the World is George Hammond?



                Originally posted by samcarterrules View Post
                Hey everyone,

                Loving the discussion! I went to try and give blood once and they turned me away, but wait till you hear the reason why, they turned to me away because I couldn't lie down on one of their beds! I had explained to them that my wheelchair could lie almost flat. However, they said rules were rules and they wouldn't take my blood. I was so disappointed, there is nothing medically wrong with me and all I wanted to do was help.

                I am registered on the Oregon donor list though, so I guess that is a start.

                I'm sorry to hear that hon, we know you were trying to help, and it wasn't right for them to send you away. Like I said, I've never donated blood because I'm afraid of what I heard would happen to the person is true.

                Originally posted by helenmagnus23 View Post
                I'am so with you on the neddle thing Rocky i remeber when i was first told about my thyroid contion and all the tests i had to get i had to get a blood test then this dye injected tinto me so they could x-ray or scan my throat i hate needles everytime i got one of them done it felt like someone was leaning on it i hated it i cant look at them or i'll faint those tests made me to scared i hate needles know .
                Originally posted by rderoch View Post
                I can beat that several times, but will only relate one story.

                I've had surgery on my wrist twice. First time went perfect. The anesthetic block worked and it was like my arm had fallen off, couldn't feel it at all. Second time was a completely different story. A student was giving me the anesthetic with the doctor watching. They stuck the needle in and the doctor says "you've gone too far, you're at the bone". So the student pulls back on the needle while still pushing the plunger and pulls it out all the way. Squirted me in the face with the anesthetic.
                So they reinserted the needle and injected the rest. Unfortunately for me, I didn't get enough of the medicine. While they were wheeling me to surgery, I was thinking to myself that I was feeling a lot more than the last time. But I didn't say anything. Until they made the first incision, and I'm like "Um, I felt that." (and I kid you not) The doctor said, "No, you didn't." "Yes I did" (I was ready to punch him with that arm to prove it wasn't numb yet) They had to give me a second block, and we killed time chatting until it kicked in.
                Originally posted by Tittamiire View Post
                When I was a toddler I was having a vaccination (I can't remember which one, but it was before the pre-school injections). The nurse in charge asked my Mum if she minded if the student did it because I seemed such a calm child. My Mum replied that of course the student could do it.

                I very calmly lay across my Mum's lap while the student had FIVE goes at injecting me with the vaccine. I didn't cry. Apparently all I did was look up at my Mum at each failed attempt, clearly unhappy with the situation, but not actually upset, at which point my Mum reassured me and then the student had another go.

                I got a certificate for it *g* and I am really fine with needles and enjoy watching them go in when I donate etc.

                As fussy (reasonably so) as they are about international travel....interplanetary travel would have to be a no no (if it wasn't classified of course).

                Heh...should the Stargate program ever get declassified and gate travel become more common it'll play havoc with their neat surveys
                Originally posted by katjoy View Post
                my most scarring needle memory was my first tetanus shot... i was at the doctors for something or other and little did i know about the secondary reason... we'd finished up with the doc and mum was carrying me, so i was looking over her shoulder... the doc came up behind me and gave me the tetanus shot in my butt of all places... well they hurt ALOT and i had trouble sitting for the rest day

                i HATE the dentist, and ive never even had a filling... i dont know what it is they just freak me out...

                yay to those of you in canada who will finally get to see the end of s2!
                Wow, cool stories. I don't mind the dentist my aunt works. 4 years I had to get my only wisdom tooth pulled out, they gave me an anesthetic shot to numb the pain, but it wasn't completely numb as they were pulling it out. And it hurt. I was bleeding of course, and it was a long tooth, wow.

                I had to work that day too, and I was still bleeding and my mouth was still numb when I went there. One manager was like, "What happened to you?"

                Originally posted by jckfan55 View Post
                We were talking about "The Shroud" on another thread and how Sam didn't get a scene with Daniel.

                Assume Sam and Daniel did meet and talk. How do you think Sam would try to judge if Daniel was really himself?
                Maybe he could remind her of how they first met, the little moments they've shared together over the years. That's something I would have like to have seen.

                Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                I would imagine, as i think FrostFox said, Sam likely can't give blood. the naqahdah in her system, the protein marker, could make donating tough, even if they can screen it out there's still the classified does the military explain to teh local blood bank how come one of their officers has an unknown metal in their blood?

                then there are issues like with New Ground and Desperate Measures, when she was the victim of unwanted needles.

                I would imagine, after all the years of radiation exposure and alien planet exposure, none of the SG teams could safely give blood
                I agree, Sam has had a lot of things done to her body over the years, and I doubt she'd be able to give blood or an organ to someone.

                Here's a thought, what if she ever got into an accident like a car crash or something, and she had to be taken to the hospital. And while there of course doctors would have to do tests on her, what would happen if they found naqahdah in her system? Of couse they wouldn't know what it is, but I'm sure they'd be baffled as to what it was. Oh, and what if they did a head MRI and found that tiny device left in her head from Urgo?


                  Originally posted by rderoch View Post
                  You don't gain weight now. Many of us could eat that way when we were younger. It will change eventually.

                  My theory is that since some food preferences etc are undoubtedly tied to our body chemistry, that when someone receives a transplant sometimes they "absorb" some of that chemistry and suddenly like/dislike foods that they didn't like/dislike before.
                  I actually don't care about my weight, or my health, I'm more worried about the outside. Which is why I'm going to great lengths to achive my goals and have myself fixed.

                  No, it's not plastic surgery, but hopefully these things will patch me up and I'll be an all new me.

                  Originally posted by EH-T View Post
                  It's called life.
                  Excuses, excuses. I find not having a life is much harder than actually having one.

                  Just had a lovely brisk walk to work in -38 including along the riverwalk which has both skating and walking paths. One thing about the cold, it is usually accompanied by bright blue sky and lots of sunshine. Arrived all covered in frost and gave the security guard a laugh. My eyebrows and lashes are now thawing and if I can get the feeling back in my thighs, it will be a great day.

                  Also had a brief moment to watch part of Penance today. Lovely to see

                  MS and AT together again. Had to laugh that his first line was about the hair. Made me think of the thread as that's what the discussion always comes back to it seems.
                  I'm glad you liked your walk, and even more so that you remembered to watch the episode and didn't let a board meeting get in the way of your Sanctuary viewing. The episode was great, that is the Sanctuary I remember and waited for. We waited for.


                    Originally posted by EH-T View Post
                    It's called life.

                    Just had a lovely brisk walk to work in -38 including along the riverwalk which has both skating and walking paths. One thing about the cold, it is usually accompanied by bright blue sky and lots of sunshine. Arrived all covered in frost and gave the security guard a laugh. My eyebrows and lashes are now thawing and if I can get the feeling back in my thighs, it will be a great day.
                    Brrr! Yesterday I was so hot my knees were sweating, but you don't want to hear that

                    Originally posted by EH-T View Post
                    Also had a brief moment to watch part of Penance today. Lovely to see

                    MS and AT together again. Had to laugh that his first line was about the hair. Made me think of the thread as that's what the discussion always comes back to it seems.
                    Come on EH-T... if it was really like this thread he would've mentioned the boobies.

                    Originally posted by Rocky89 View Post

                    I had to work that day too, and I was still bleeding and my mouth was still numb when I went there. One manager was like, "What happened to you?"
                    Yeah... don't think I would have been fit to work. The clients would be on the phone so they wouldn't be able to see the blood in my mouth, but I couldn't actually open my mouth enough to talk. My sister put a photo up on facebook (that's an icepack). I had been up since 4.30am for a nursing shift and the surgery was at 7pm. They joked that I was out before the anesthesiologist went near me.

                    spoiler for gross

                    She might get surgery soon, for this mysterious dent that appeared on her nose. She's the one with dark straight hair...


                    Think I should repay the favour with gory photos for her friends to see?

                    OK... really trying to get past the needle thing, but some of you are wondering if Sam can give blood. My best bet would be that she gives blood regularly to be stored for her own use. Maybe she can't accept normal blood? I dunno. Kinda like the president does, even without naquadah in his blood (that we know of ).

                    I'm actually down as having first aid training for the juggling convention next weekend. I'm hoping that a trained paramedic or doctor or *someone* higher up than me registers... pretty scary to be an official medic. I'm told there will be a good first aid kit so that's good. Might just review my notes on shock and burns, with the fire twirling and juggling that will be happening (probably around alcohol).
                    Last edited by NZNeep; 30 January 2010, 04:46 PM.
                    Neep, NZBG, Eileen!

                    Made with love and chocolate brownies by Spacegirlnz

                    Pooh-Bah/Ko-Ko FTW!


                      Originally posted by jckfan55 View Post
                      Sam is kind of the medic on the team. How do you think that came about? Was she the least squeamish? Was it b/c she was the only other military officer and just got assigned? As "the girl" was she naturally more of the caretaker? Certainly in Brief Candle she didn't fit the stereotype. I loved when the girl was going into labor and the guys seem to expect her to be a natural midwife or something. Sam says : "Don't look at *me*!"
                      I've actually thought about this

                      Jack: Ok, we need a medic on our team, as leader, since I'll be busy someone else has to do it.
                      Teal'c: As jaffa's seldom needed 'medics', only the harshest injuries needed to be treated...I am well very experienced in field amputations.
                      Jack: Okaaaay, Daniel what about you?
                      Daniel: *looks up from book* Huh, did you say something Jack?
                      Jack: OK, Carter it is then.
                      Sam: *looks shocked* What?


                      my fanfic


                        yep, probably happened about that way
                        Where in the World is George Hammond?



                          Originally posted by Mandysg1 View Post
                          I've actually thought about this

                          Jack: Ok, we need a medic on our team, as leader, since I'll be busy someone else has to do it.
                          Teal'c: As jaffa's seldom needed 'medics', only the harshest injuries needed to be treated...I am well very experienced in field amputations.
                          Jack: Okaaaay, Daniel what about you?
                          Daniel: *looks up from book* Huh, did you say something Jack?
                          Jack: OK, Carter it is then.
                          Sam: *looks shocked* What?

                          Bingo! Green for you, milady.



                            Just dropping in with a fic rec...


                            A Sam fic set during Solitudes. Safe for the polar bears.
                            Women of the Gate LJ Community.
                            My Stargate Fanfiction. My LiveJournal.


                              Originally posted by Mandysg1 View Post
                              I've actually thought about this

                              Jack: Ok, we need a medic on our team, as leader, since I'll be busy someone else has to do it.
                              Teal'c: As jaffa's seldom needed 'medics', only the harshest injuries needed to be treated...I am well very experienced in field amputations.
                              Jack: Okaaaay, Daniel what about you?
                              Daniel: *looks up from book* Huh, did you say something Jack?
                              Jack: OK, Carter it is then.
                              Sam: *looks shocked* What?

                              LOL! Nicely done, I can see that happening!

                              I think probably the deciding factor was that Sam got field medic training via the Air Force. Though it was a great moment in Brief Candle when all the guys looked at Sam and she was like 'What?!?'

                              Originally posted by Rachel500 View Post
                              Just dropping in with a fic rec...


                              A Sam fic set during Solitudes. Safe for the polar bears.
                              Wow, really good fic, thanks for the link!

                              The author also has some other interesting posts about the Bechdel test and how Stargate fared over the seasons (she's up to S3), as well as some good fics for other episodes. My favorite was this one for Emancipation: Uncommon Threads



                                Originally posted by EvenstarSRV View Post
                                The author also has some other interesting posts about the Bechdel test and how Stargate fared over the seasons (she's up to S3), as well as some good fics for other episodes. My favorite was this one for Emancipation: Uncommon Threads
                                I second that recommendation.

