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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by EH-T View Post

    I have often wondered about that shot in the past -- stop stealing my thoughts Jckfan! I don't want to have to start wearing tin foil on my head (wasn't there a crazy lady referred to by Jack in Desperate Measures who did that?)
    Ah, but the question is who is stealing whose thoughts?
    Urgo, are you there? Feel like eating dessert or anything?


      Originally posted by JanSam View Post
      I believe your talking about this....

      and I haven't been able to find an episode it's from yet either.
      I think that when I was rewatching S1 I went "oh, that's the intro shot they use for Sam". Of course now I can't remember which one I think it was an opening briefing room scene, with BDUs not uniform, and I think she's doing that in reaction to something Jack's said which has vaguely amused her. Which narrows it down to...ooh, most eps in that season...

      Or I'm imagining things. Which is easy to do when you're alternating between watching eppies and writing essays into the wee hours
      Last edited by resurgamlaura; 02 July 2008, 01:44 PM.

      Courtesy of smurf, as always


        Originally posted by jckfan55 View Post
        Ah, but the question is who is stealing whose thoughts?
        Urgo, are you there? Feel like eating dessert or anything?

        Wow, that's amazing, I was feeling like eating dessert! .... No, wait, not so amazing after all, I always feel like eating dessert.

        Thanks to Pengyn, SamJackShipLover and Mala for the sig.


          OMG I have been wondering about that shot for many moons now! Good to know I'm not just some doofus who kept missing it. I once did a season one marathon searching for it without daring to leave the room, and got mad at myself because I thought I must have missed it anyway. *face palm*


            I was looking through You Tube and came across these two behind the scenes videos. The title says it's season 1, but there are some scenes from s4. Anyways I just thought it was interesting going back to when it all began knowing the show did last for 10 seasons lol like Brad Wright jokingly predicted years earlier. I enjoyed JG's thoughts on the show (the more human side to the stories) and selecting Amanda to play Sam. Sorry none of the clips show the scene of Sam in the opening credit.



              Originally posted by MerryK View Post
              Great answers, everybody! Definitely not a girl to take things lying down...I had in mind something a little different, so as a follow-up, how do you think Sam would react if she couldn't do anything—if she was trapped or imprisoned and about to die, or her team was about to die and she was incapacitated, etc? Especially if she wasn't in charge (like Trio), and even more if she was alone? Have we ever seen Sam like that? Maybe COT, but even then she's somewhat in charge...has she ever been alone and helpless?
              What about Insiders when she is taken by Ba'al to get the security code?

              She tells him to go ahead and kill her at first.

              But when one of the clones goes to kill Barrett she gives in.

              Then she does something to slow down the download.

              She goes to get the disc but Ba'al doesn't trust her and grabs it from her then locks her in the room by herself.

              She kicks the door in frustration when she realizes she can't get out.

              Thinks about what to do next.

              Is seen on the computer when Mitchell opens the door.

              Realization that something is up when Mitchell tells her the clones are all gathering.

              Sam rushes off without explaining.

              Forges ahead without any protection.

              She gets to the doorway and thinks she has stopped him.

              Ba'al beams out.

              Not being able to do anything while she was trapped in the room just made her more determined when she got out. She didn't just sit there while in the room; she was trying to do something on that computer.


                Originally posted by JanSam View Post
                What about Insiders when she is taken by Ba'al to get the security code?

                Forges ahead without any protection.
                Thanks for that Jan but it raises another question. Why on earth did Sam go after Baal twice without a weapon? I understand why she did not have a weapon when questioning him (to avoid exactly what happened with Barrett) but once the alarm is sounded why doesn't she gab the or a gun from the SF? When she gets out of the room, why not grab a gun from Mitchell or someone else?

                Thanks to Pengyn, SamJackShipLover and Mala for the sig.


                  LOL I didn't write the episode EH-T or she would have got a gun from a SF or Mitchell because Sam is not normally that careless. I remember thinking exactly what you posted when I watched it for the first time.....ok so maybe I said another phrase that I can't repeat here


                    Originally posted by EH-T View Post
                    Thanks for that Jan but it raises another question. Why on earth did Sam go after Baal twice without a weapon? I understand why she did not have a weapon when questioning him (to avoid exactly what happened with Barrett) but once the alarm is sounded why doesn't she gab the or a gun from the SF? When she gets out of the room, why not grab a gun from Mitchell or someone else?
                    What I wanna know is why was she allowed access in the SGC data base after everyone knew that there was a hostage situation? She's in enemy hands, you lock out her codes, while you plan for a rescue misson. It's that simple.


                      Originally posted by jasminaGo View Post
                      What I wanna know is why was she allowed access in the SGC data base after everyone knew that there was a hostage situation? She's in enemy hands, you lock out her codes, while you plan for a rescue misson. It's that simple.
                      LOL Yeah but she would be the one to lock out the codes normally. Dr. Lee was preoccupied with figuring out how to release something in the air ducts I believe. Siler was preoccupied with something else... I forget what he was doing. Did they know she was in enemy hands? It's been a while since I have seen that eppy.


                        Lock Sam out of the database *snickers*.....well they tried to do that a few times and Sam got in (Upgrades and 5th Man) but Ba'al didn't know that or did he?


                          Originally posted by JanSam View Post
                          What about Insiders when she is taken by Ba'al to get the security code?

                          She tells him to go ahead and kill her at first.

                          But when one of the clones goes to kill Barrett she gives in.

                          Then she does something to slow down the download.

                          She goes to get the disc but Ba'al doesn't trust her and grabs it from her then locks her in the room by herself.

                          She kicks the door in frustration when she realizes she can't get out.

                          Thinks about what to do next.

                          Is seen on the computer when Mitchell opens the door.

                          Realization that something is up when Mitchell tells her the clones are all gathering.

                          Sam rushes off without explaining.

                          Forges ahead without any protection.

                          She gets to the doorway and thinks she has stopped him.

                          Ba'al beams out.

                          Not being able to do anything while she was trapped in the room just made her more determined when she got out. She didn't just sit there while in the room; she was trying to do something on that computer.
                          The writers really did a number with Sam's character in this one.
                          1.She should have insisted that all Baa'ls have their transmiter removed
                          2.She shouldn't have given Baa'l the info. Some infos are more important than a life!!! We don't negotiate with terrorists!


                            Originally posted by ann_sgcfan View Post
                            LOL Yeah but she would be the one to lock out the codes normally. Dr. Lee was preoccupied with figuring out how to release something in the air ducts I believe. Siler was preoccupied with something else... I forget what he was doing. Did they know she was in enemy hands? It's been a while since I have seen that eppy.
                            Yeah, I think they knew she was captured. And there should be more people in the SGC then Lee and Siler. *sigh* I guess those scenes in Avalon where Mitchell is looking for member for SG1 is true and everyone are idiots. Doesn't bode well for the SGC while Sam is on Atlantis, does it?
                            Last edited by jasminaGo; 02 July 2008, 02:45 PM.


                              Originally posted by JanSam View Post
                              Lock Sam out of the database *snickers*.....well they tried to do that a few times and Sam got in (Upgrades and 5th Man) but Ba'al didn't know that or did he?
                              Ba'al didn't know that, so she could have played him...them...whatever. But I guess that would have ruined the entire set up for the Quest and Ba'al's role there. Not that he did much anyway. But I did enjoy the punch in the face.


                                Originally posted by jasminaGo View Post
                                Yeah, I think they knew she was captured. And there should be more people in the SGC then Lee and Siler. *sigh* I guess those scenes in Avalon where Mitchell is looking for member for SG1 is true and everyone are idiots. Doesn't bode for well for the SGC while Sam is on Atlantis, does it?
                                Very true! I hadn't thought of that before... need an episode to see if the SGC is still standing with accident prone Siler and Dr. Lee after Sam went to Atlantis.

