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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by Frostfox View Post
    That was great, thank you. She's so enthusiastic!

    Yeah, I thought so too! She's sorta jumping out of the chair...very cute!!



      Originally posted by Erin13 View Post
      This may be old news.... there's a new trailer for Continuum up at the MGM, SG-1 website. It's really cool. Short bit with Amanda

      *giggle* For some reason that clip made my want to poke people. In a loving playful way, of course...
      The Von MajorSam Family Singers debut CD... Coming soon

      |||Official Member of the Chevron Guy Fan Club||


        Originally posted by Erin13 View Post
        This may be old news.... there's a new trailer for Continuum up at the MGM, SG-1 website. It's really cool. Short bit with Amanda
        New to me. Thanks. Can't green ya so virtual green!

        Thanks to Pengyn, SamJackShipLover and Mala for the sig.


          Ann I can't use the attachment function here cause the file's to big. I'll post it as just text. I hope you don't mind that you eh select it and print it. The flowers are suppose to stand next to the Sam with bagles pic It's too bad technology intervenes with nice gestures.


          I heard everyone gave you a get well message, or was with you in prayer or other way.
          Now here’s my 2 cents! A little get well note.

          I don’t know you so well, but we’re Samandans and we help each other, it’s what we do. You’re a polite, sweet, helpful, funny and strong Lady.
          I don’t know what you have or why you had surgery, but don’t give up OK. You helped/ thought (of) us many many times, now it’s time to help you (see 1st paragraph). I think I speak of all Samandans when I say: we never give up on you.
          I hope this gesture, this small note will do for you. I hope you can rejoin us soon.

          Warm greetings and get well


          PS, the bagels are for you


          Of course in the document I made it is just a bit better. Hope ya don't mind selecting and printing.

          Thank you Ambermoon for the sigs!


            Originally posted by chelle db View Post
            Thank you Mandy for the update...that does sound more the stubbornness...that's Polish is it?? My mum has Polish in I totally understand!! It's all makes sense now!!

            I know you love wanted to steal my color title....hehe...I got it first!!!
            Purple is such a lovely color though...personally I prefer yellow but purple is second on my list!!

            Good luck with your hubby tara.
            I know what you mean about the whole never met thing...I have never met Deejay but have had the pleasure in conversing with her through GW and I'm absolutely proud of her courage and determination and I think she's a truly remarkable person.
            This morning on my way back home after dropping Niki off at the train station, I found myself trying to recite the lord's Prayer...I'm not a religious person but there have been times when I look up and just ask whoever it is up there to please look out for my friends...well this morning it was just bizarre...I couldn't remember it as far as
            "Our Father, who art in heaven,
            hallowed be thy name.
            Thy Kingdom come,
            thy will be done,
            on earth as it is in heaven
            Give us this day our daily bread.
            And forgive us our trespasses,
            as we forgive those who trespass against us."

            So this afternoon at work, I'm doing my thing and I remember that I have to contact the office to see if the chemicals have been ordered and if they were going to be off I choof to make the call and there's this gathering in the front dining room. So I go ahead and make the call and after I step out I ask one of the girls what's happening. The Archbishop of Melbourne came to do his thingy with the residents and no sooner had I asked, did he begin the lords I followed along with him and couldn't help but think of Deejay and her family and everyone here in was just so weird...but there you is just so fickle and unpredictable.
            Anyhoo...I'm off to do mummy stuff...and wifey stuff...later I shall do MY stuff!!!
            Night night all, take care and stay safe.
            ......and lead us not into temptation,
            but deliver us from the evil one,
            for thine is a kingdom and the power and the glory for ever and ever Amen.
            Matthew 6v9-13

            Originally posted by wibbling View Post
            The rest of the Lord's Prayer, if you want it Chelle.
            And lead us not into temptation
            But deliver us from evil
            For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever and ever. Amen.

            I'm sure any and all prayers will be positive for Deejay.

            Oh drats you bet me to it *hmph*

            Originally posted by tara3583 View Post
            Thankyou for the update and glad to hear of her stubborness! I just want to add that i've never met DeeJay and would just walk by in the street without ever knowing and yet in the last 24 odd hours i've found myself thinking of her and wondering how she is doing, add this to the fact that my husband is facing surgery tomorrow is turning out ot be a very strange week for me.
            ((((((DeeJay)))))) you just keep on using that stubborness girl!
            Sending Toughts and prayers your way Tara

            Originally posted by MajorSam View Post
            *giggle* For some reason that clip made my want to poke people. In a loving playful way, of course...
            *Moves out of MajorSam's pokeing range*



              I finished with Season 10 and AoT, so am now starting SG1 over with the pilot and Season 1. I caught something for the first time (I'm sure others have already seen this) with Sam and Daniel. In the 2nd episode, Sam and Daniel are in the briefing room looking out at the gate room. Daniel asks "What is Kowalski doing in the 'embarkation' room?" Sam replies, "Yes, what IS Kowalski doing in the 'embarkation' room?"

              Comparing the use of the word 'embarkation' with 2010 when the tour guide asks what is on Level 28. Sam and Daniel both look at each other and say that 'Gate' Room is right.

              So, question of the day:

              1) Was it intentional by the writers to have both Sam and Daniel question what the room was called in 2010, when they both were part of the conversation in Season 1?

              2) Or, was it just a coincidence and I've finally reached the advanced rank of 'Total Stargate Geek' (which I consider to be a compliment )?
              Last edited by hisg1fans; 04 June 2008, 04:33 PM.


                Yes I've notice them calling it the embarkation room, I think that it is called the "embarkation room" but is known as the "Gate room" and refered to as "the gate room" and the look was cause of the woman herself not cause of the name, man she was over the top are all guides like that or is that just a steriotype? or maybe the look was cause she said that "the gate room" was wrong while it really wasn't.



                  OK, second question of the day: For those who have seen Indiana Jones:

                  I caught several 'Stargate' references in the movie.

                  1) However, were they actually 'Stargate' references?

                  2) Or, did Stargate steal the ideas from early Indiana Jones movies, so these were actually 'earlier Indy' references?

                  I feel like I'm in a time travel episode with the Grandfather Paradox

                  Oh. And my favorite reference was at the very beginning when Indiana calls the Soviet chick 'Colonel Doctor'. I burst out laughing thinking about Daniel calling Sam 'Captain Doctor' in the first few episodes


                    Indiana Jones:
                    I'd say, they were early Indy refereces. You know how Stargate writers love to "hommage" films....


                      Originally posted by MajorSam View Post
                      *giggle* For some reason that clip made my want to poke people. In a loving playful way, of course...
                      *pokes Major Sam* Just because.

                      *licks Major Sam* To make Neep come out to play*

                      In memory of Deejay.
                      May we all be so well loved.


                        Originally posted by hisg1fans View Post
                        OK, second question of the day: For those who have seen Indiana Jones:

                        I caught several 'Stargate' references in the movie.

                        1) However, were they actually 'Stargate' references?

                        2) Or, did Stargate steal the ideas from early Indiana Jones movies, so these were actually 'earlier Indy' references?

                        I feel like I'm in a time travel episode with the Grandfather Paradox

                        Oh. And my favorite reference was at the very beginning when Indiana calls the Soviet chick 'Colonel Doctor'. I burst out laughing thinking about Daniel calling Sam 'Captain Doctor' in the first few episodes
                        I'm with Nolamom. Considering that Indiana Jones: Raiders of the Lost Ark was made in 1981 and the original Stargate Movie was made in 1994 I'd say Stargate the series is paying homage to Indy. ;D
                        I prefer to be called Sunny, Sun or SK. Thanks.


                          Originally posted by Amanda_Tapping_Fan View Post
                          Yes I've notice them calling it the embarkation room, I think that it is called the "embarkation room" but is known as the "Gate room" and refered to as "the gate room" and the look was cause of the woman herself not cause of the name, man she was over the top are all guides like that or is that just a steriotype? or maybe the look was cause she said that "the gate room" was wrong while it really wasn't.
                          you know, i can just 'see' jack going 'embarkation???? there's no bark in there. it's a room, there's a gate, that's the gateroom'
                          Where in the World is George Hammond?



                            Originally posted by chelle db View Post
                            I know you love wanted to steal my color title....hehe...I got it first!!!
                            Purple is such a lovely color though...personally I prefer yellow but purple is second on my list!!

                            *trades you for hideous Chartreuse color....*


                              it's fic


                              sam and jack, post threads. just a short thing, 1700 words or so
                              Where in the World is George Hammond?



                                Originally posted by Amanda_Tapping_Fan View Post
                                Yes I've notice them calling it the embarkation room, I think that it is called the "embarkation room" but is known as the "Gate room" and refered to as "the gate room" and the look was cause of the woman herself not cause of the name, man she was over the top are all guides like that or is that just a steriotype? or maybe the look was cause she said that "the gate room" was wrong while it really wasn't.
                                Not all museum guides are like that...I hope...I am a museum guide and none of us are that annoying ( I think) lol

                                Thanks to Erin13 for the continuum clip!

                                For once babysitting my cousins this weekend proved to be more interesting than usual. They are in that phase where they are really into horror and suspence but are still too little to go to real horror films. So what are they into? there I was half way into a 4 hour Goosebumps marathon and who should appear as the mom in one of the episodes? Amanda Tapping! Is Goosebumps Canadian? I guess so. Anyhow, my cousins couldn't figure why I was so excited all of the sudden! Lol Amanda's funniest line "Alright everyone; French Toast!" So funny.

