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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by Tracy Jane View Post
    Random (Alkyhole fueled) post of the day:

    What sort of drunk would Sam be? A silly drunk, a violent drunk, a melancholy drunk, a slightly dirrrrrrty drunk....?

    Would she ever have "one too many" or would she always restrain herself?
    Hehehe definitely silly! Just cause it'd be a complete contrast! Hehe it's like in Lost City when Daniel has a few beers and he becomes kinda silly. Sam would be right up there with him.


      Originally posted by rderoch View Post
      I'd also like to share a pic I found that I had never seen before.

      Wow that is a good find!

      One Of My Favorite Sam Lines

      This is totally unbelievable! You are a small and pathetic man! Those were my theories on spinwave technology and the effects of anti-gravity on electromagnetism and you know it! Now, just because my reproductive organs are on the inside instead of the outside doesn’t ... God, that’s horrible! Who would ever say that?!

      "The bravest are surely those who have the clearest vision of what is before them, glory and danger alike, and yet notwithstanding, go out to meet it."--Thucydides


        Originally posted by Tracy Jane View Post
        Random (Alkyhole fueled) post of the day:

        What sort of drunk would Sam be? A silly drunk, a violent drunk, a melancholy drunk, a slightly dirrrrrrty drunk....?

        Would she ever have "one too many" or would she always restrain herself?
        Sam wouldn't drink. She'd contribute her beer to Jack's omelettes.

        THE TARDIS DATA CORE - Encyclopaedia and reference site covering DOCTOR WHO, K-9 AND COMPANY, TORCHWOOD, THE SARAH JANE ADVENTURES,
        K-9, CLASS and much more...


          Hey guys! (and girls lol) I read the interview. It was a bit short but, intresting. If there wasn't a title I'd name it : In a heartbeat. I can follow her about Australia! Aussie Cowboys, Bush... Aussie accent , nature and for the kids, the 'roo's !! Too bad I missed that previous interview about her cooking! I knew she could cook, and I know if I'd taste it... I could never have enough lol!

          Me seeing Sam drunk: I'd think she'd be realy funny, eh ridiculous funny. Like me. Imagine the whole of SG-1 drunk: jumping in a pool with their clothes on, I can see Sam: Watch out guys, here I come! Or Sam blindly agreeing and fully explaining Jack's "magnets" theory lol.

          Hey for the gabit convention goers (sadly you prolly can't film) ask Amanda to do a "How'd Sam be if she's drunk impression". Actually I wanna know if (after the 2 movies) the gang still comes together (RDA, Chris, Daniel, Amanda... Ben?) like: occiaionly going out.... or watch the Superbowl or...

          BTW On that video about Amanda's laugh the Puffy... Ruffy... that one, OK she still looks GREAT! but on that video she looked 20-25, don't y'all agree.
          Anyone who visits a convention where Amanda is one of the eh guest speakers.. (by the lack of a word) and said he didn't have fun has NO sense of humor... Amanda is one of the funniest peeps I know. I wonder how Alan could still be alive , not dying by a laugh attack lol. I know I'd beg to stop for just one minut to regein my breath again! Her neighbors are so luckly to live next (or on the other site of the street) of her.

          I'm planning to watch some Stargate episodes soon.. Window of Oppertunity, Fragile Balance, The 90 Minuts of Threads (if my DVD version is the long version) OK Threads cause I wannt to see Pëte's expression again when Sam breaks up with him... Stalking her is not something ya do when ya really respect her! Anyone!

          Going to bed now.... Night all, sweet dreams y'all

          PS Yeah I realise it too, momentarilly I'm in a phase where I use a lot of ..... don't know why

          Thank you Ambermoon for the sigs!


            One of my personal faves...

            "You know, you blow up one sun and suddenly everyone expects you to walk on water."

            Originally posted by sofie View Post
            edit: Just noticed I reached 1100 posts *woohoo*
            Whee! Congrats on your milestone!


              Favorite quotes:

              "It's all Pheonician to me, Sir." (the land mine episode)

              "Welcome to MY life!" (after Jack and Jacob go at each other)

              "I'm having fun NOW, Sir". (when Jack says "You go girl!")


                Just watched Upgrade.

                There are only two 'super abilities' shown for Sam when she is wearing the armbands, seeing in the dark and typing fast. I consider Sam was always good at pool, so that shot was normal for her

                What other abilities or skills of Sam's do you think were 'enhanced'?


                  Originally posted by Conn8d View Post
                  Oooh! Very cool! Love the second Amanda one!
                  Originally posted by kir_fect View Post
                  I was the one who posted that picture. tsk tsk. Just so you know I am the Senior Citizen around these parts and I know of these places that might help with your memory problem we all them Memory Care Units.

                  I am fresh out of green jello blocks otherwise I would have greened ya! The Sigs are lovely. Bravo!
                  Thanks so much everyone!!!!
                  Originally posted by NZNeep View Post
                  Hehe, my sister filmed me...

                  (warning... a said a bad word...)


                  I finally realised who Murry was and sent my sister a link to a picture of Caldwell (his double, I swear). She said "OMG yes! WTF?"

                  When I informed her that he was also in Grey's Anatomy with a fish in his penis and X-files naked with Amanda Tapping, she said "did Amanda give him the fish? Trollop."

                  I just watched the audio commentary for Avenger 2.0, and when Sam calls Chloe in the 'dream scene', Amanda was like "yep. that's my word. trollop, hehe!"
                  Originally posted by Sg Gato View Post
                  Some cute pics of Sam



                  May i snurch???? pretty please?
                  Originally posted by Tracy Jane View Post
                  Oh, so sad *sigh* I'll go back to my swamp and wallow in trollopy loneliness.
                  *joins in wallowing*
                  Originally posted by Bekah See View Post
                  Oooooo! Pretty! I like them all! I didn't even recognize Teyla in that last one!

                  Here's a YouTube vid about Amanda commenting on her laugh. She's not roaring with it, but it's pretty funny. It's been recently posted, but here it is for you:

                  I don't think Sam would allow herself to get rip roaring drunk. I think she'd loosen up a bit, but I think she'd be too worried about slipping with Jack (before S9, of course), or saying something stupid. Maybe if it was just her and Daniel, but I can't really see that as their kind of thing. They'd probably spend all night talking about something cerebral.
                  thanks Bekah See!

                  omg, that vid is hilarious! especially when Amanda runs off the stage when one of her TOTALLY AWESOME giggles sneaks out.... Amanda rocks!!!
                  Originally posted by sofie View Post
                  They're great, love the bright colors, very cheerful
                  Great job!!!!

                  edit: Just noticed I reached 1100 posts *woohoo*
                  Thanks, and CONGRATS ON 1,100!!!
                  Originally posted by SamJackShipLover View Post
                  Sig for EH-T, who wanted a 2010 sig. I hope you like it, let me know if you want anything changed, or your name on it or something. Please upload it through your own computer (don't hotlink). And I've seen with some people, if you upload through your computer, it seems Gateworld automatically changes the (file) size, so that it fits the rules.

                  This one took a little longer than expected .... a little more patience for the peeps still waiting ... sorry
                  Beautiful sig, I love that one pic of AT in the black dress with her hand on her hip (i think). Rockin' the bad@$$ look!


                    Originally posted by hisg1fans View Post
                    "Welcome to MY life!" (after Jack and Jacob go at each other)
                    Just a quick question about that quote (love the fun...hate to ruin it). What exactly was Sam referring to? Jacob says he doesn't want to lose his last chance to be right, and Jack just stares. So was Sam referring to her frustration in growing up with Jacob as a dad, or was it a jab at Jack's equally competitive nature, and now he's getting a taste of what it's like to be the rest of the team? While the first option makes sense, I think I prefer the latter interpretation. I love that Jack annoys Sam and Daniel, and I love that they get chances to get back at him.

                    I love all the lines mentioned...I love Sam's less-than-serious lines.

                    "Well, lately the dating scene's been pretty stale, but then again I have been marooned on a space ship."

                    "That sounds like a pretty typical male fantasy to me."

                    Mitchell: "I've been thinking." Sam: "Uh oh." (And I love how she manages that even gravely wounded...what a woman!)

                    Jonas: "Mm. I'm really starting to enjoy this, uh, traditional American food." Sam: "We have another tradition, called hardened arteries."

                    ~Friendshipping (among others) the two most awesome women of Stargate.
                    ~My Stargate fanfic can be found on my Livejournal


                      Originally posted by Tracy Jane View Post
                      Random (Alkyhole fueled) post of the day:

                      What sort of drunk would Sam be? A silly drunk, a violent drunk, a melancholy drunk, a slightly dirrrrrrty drunk....?

                      Would she ever have "one too many" or would she always restrain herself?

                      With Sam being serious in performing her duties all day long, I think she'd be a silly drunk. I can see her laughing at some of Daniel's exposition, remembering expalaining how a wormhole works to Jack, and staring at Teal'c
                      eyebrows, giggling when he raise's one of them.

                      One of my fav quotes is from Urgo - - -

                      CARTER: I don't have time to play, Urgo. I don't care if I'm "it". Because I have work to do. No I am not hungry. Look, go eat pie with Colonel O'Neill. I am very busy right now.

                      HAMMOND: Major.

                      CARTER: Hi. I was just talking to Urgo, sir.

                      HAMMOND: I see.

                      CARTER: Oh, I wish you did.


                        Originally posted by LaCroix View Post
                        With Sam being serious in performing her duties all day long, I think she'd be a silly drunk. I can see her laughing at some of Daniel's exposition, remembering expalaining how a wormhole works to Jack, and staring at Teal'c
                        eyebrows, giggling when he raise's one of them.

                        One of my fav quotes is from Urgo - - -

                        CARTER: I don't have time to play, Urgo. I don't care if I'm "it". Because I have work to do. No I am not hungry. Look, go eat pie with Colonel O'Neill. I am very busy right now.

                        HAMMOND: Major.

                        CARTER: Hi. I was just talking to Urgo, sir.

                        HAMMOND: I see.

                        CARTER: Oh, I wish you did.
                        That was a great ep for Sam in general, since it was overall way lighter than most eps are, which allowed all the characters to be a bit more...... wacky ..... than usual


                          Originally posted by Tracy Jane View Post
                          Yes. I actually feel the same way as you. I was just wondering if we could actually try and reason out why Sam might have grown her hair out, because, like you, I can't see Sam growing her hair out.
                          I probably couldn't see her growing it out either, for several reasons, but.... *puts on thinking cap* I can think of a couple reasons that she might grow it and none of them involve Jack...

                          * As the Atlantis commander she had more time to be able to mess with longer hair. When she was with SG-1, the SGC's premier first contact field unit, she had crazy hours and crazy missions that didn't lend themselves to the kind of care and attention that much longer styles take. (Plus long hair takes forever to dry. Off world she could wet it, soap it, rinse it, scrunch, scrunch, scrunch, and go...)
                          * She had long hair as a teen (per the flashbacks in S3's Jolinar's Memories & The Devil You Know) and a growing desire to try the style again.
                          * Looser rules for her being the commander and especially on a post like Atlantis, so why not let it grow?
                          * Time to try it long again.

                          As someone who's done the short and the long, I can identify with some of the reasons the character might want it long again. Mine was long as a child, up to shoulders by high school, chin-length and cropped by college and then after that up and down in 5-7 year cycles. This last time (about 2 years ago, I let it grow for a year, year and a half. Had gotten tired of messing with it short. It grew about 8 inches or more during that time. But then got tired of the issues that come with long hair and about a month before AT2, got it all lopped off.

                          Can you imagine Sam's thoughts during the different growing out stages? (Since in the series we only were shown the short and then suddenly the really long....)

                          And when do you think she went from long to short? High school? College? The Academy? Gradual? Quick lop off on a dare? (How do you think Jacob reacted to see his "little girl's" crowning glory suddenly gone?)
                          Convention Pix Shore Leave ('06 to '09), AT2, AT3, & AT4 ('06, '08, & '09), and Vancouver ('07)
                          My SG fanfic! ..Click Here.


                            Originally posted by ShimmeringStar View Post
                            * As the Atlantis commander she had more time to be able to mess with longer hair. When she was with SG-1, the SGC's premier first contact field unit, she had crazy hours and crazy missions that didn't lend themselves to the kind of care and attention that much longer styles take. (Plus long hair takes forever to dry. Off world she could wet it, soap it, rinse it, scrunch, scrunch, scrunch, and go...)
                            * Looser rules for her being the commander and especially on a post like Atlantis, so why not let it grow?
                            Sam's hair had already grown out before she took command in Atlantis. Then there's AoT, where she's got it long while still on the team.


                              Originally posted by ShimmeringStar View Post
                              I probably couldn't see her growing it out either, for several reasons, but.... *puts on thinking cap* I can think of a couple reasons that she might grow it and none of them involve Jack...

                              * As the Atlantis commander she had more time to be able to mess with longer hair. When she was with SG-1, the SGC's premier first contact field unit, she had crazy hours and crazy missions that didn't lend themselves to the kind of care and attention that much longer styles take. (Plus long hair takes forever to dry. Off world she could wet it, soap it, rinse it, scrunch, scrunch, scrunch, and go...)
                              * She had long hair as a teen (per the flashbacks in S3's Jolinar's Memories & The Devil You Know) and a growing desire to try the style again.
                              * Looser rules for her being the commander and especially on a post like Atlantis, so why not let it grow?
                              * Time to try it long again.

                              As someone who's done the short and the long, I can identify with some of the reasons the character might want it long again. Mine was long as a child, up to shoulders by high school, chin-length and cropped by college and then after that up and down in 5-7 year cycles. This last time (about 2 years ago, I let it grow for a year, year and a half. Had gotten tired of messing with it short. It grew about 8 inches or more during that time. But then got tired of the issues that come with long hair and about a month before AT2, got it all lopped off.

                              Can you imagine Sam's thoughts during the different growing out stages? (Since in the series we only were shown the short and then suddenly the really long....)

                              And when do you think she went from long to short? High school? College? The Academy? Gradual? Quick lop off on a dare? (How do you think Jacob reacted to see his "little girl's" crowning glory suddenly gone?)
                              I can relate. My hair was above shoulder langth as a little kid, past the shoulders in elementary, really short on middle school, and now i'm growing it out again. But i'll cut it short again once it's long enough!

                              As for why Sam did it, I thik it was just time for a change. Having the (relatively) same hair length for ten or possibly more years could've gotten a bit old for her.
                              Originally posted by L.A. Doyle View Post
                              Sam's hair had already grown out before she took command in Atlantis. Then there's AoT, where she's got it long while still on the team.
                              So wait- what order does the timeline go in? After S10 of sg1, does S4 of atlantis come next, or does AoT come next? it's quite confuzziling....


                                Originally posted by ShimmeringStar View Post
                                I probably couldn't see her growing it out either, for several reasons, but.... *puts on thinking cap* I can think of a couple reasons that she might grow it and none of them involve Jack...
                                **When first see Carter in SGA, she's at the Midway station fixing it. That leads me to believe that with the Go'auld, Replicators and Ori gone, she probably spent more time in her lab. Being in her office more might lead to her wanting to grow it out. Imagine being in the field, running from bad guys with your hair falling out of it's braid/bun/etc. She turns to shoot, trying to blow the wisps of hair out of her eyes as she aims her P-90. lol. But then again her hair was long in AOT and Continuum.

                                ** Maybe with her growing a bit as a woman, with her relationship to Pete, she realized she didn't have to be "one of the guys" and could "fem it up" a bit?

                                Originally posted by ShimmeringStar View Post
                                And when do you think she went from long to short? High school? College? The Academy? Gradual? Quick lop off on a dare? (How do you think Jacob reacted to see his "little girl's" crowning glory suddenly gone?)
                                I think she would have cut her hair after her mom died or when she joined the Academy. She seemed to make a conscious decision to downplay her femininity and always wanted to prove herself worthy of the military. Whether that was because of her relationship with her dad or after experiencing the military (and the sexism therein) I'm not sure. But I bet that had a lot to do with it.
                                No pessimist ever discovered the secret of the stars or sailed to an uncharted land or opened a new heaven to the human spirit.

                                -Helen Keller

