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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by EH-T View Post
    Bekki, just noticed your icon. You are the only person I have seen with a Pete icon. Care to share regarding your choice?
    Not only does Bekki have a Pete icon, but she's also a Sam/Jack shipper too...the mind boggles!!!
    Originally posted by Mandysg1 View Post
    *remembers having to go on my tip toes, until Amanda bent down to take a pic with me*
    Oh yay...I might need to pack a soap box or something when I meet Amanda!! Although I think it would be more fun if she bent down...Tony Amendola got down on his knees when we had our picture taken with him in 2006...I'm not tall...I think I'm about 5'3 ish...nearly 5'4..I think...but I can't remember when I was measured last so I may be a little shorter given that we do shrink as we get older....and wiser!!!!...I wonder if Amanda is still 5'9???
    Originally posted by Aveo_amacus View Post
    Hi I thought I'd delurk and say hi
    I can normally be found on the Sam/Jack family thread but thought I would come and say hi here
    Oooh yay!! Another S/J shipper/penguin!!!!
    Originally posted by JanSam View Post
    [COLOR="Blue"]Morjana found this link about the extras for Atlantis on the Yahoo SG-1 spoiler group!
    Amanda (and Martin) is listed for commentary for Lifeline, Tabula Rosa, Quarantine, and Trio. And this special feature is listed.....A New Leader: Amanda Tapping Joins Atlantis. Full listing at link.
    The only other commentary with an actor/actors speaking is Midway with Chris Judge and Jason is just so awesome to be doing all the commentaries that she'!!
    And there's bloopers and deleted scenes and the making of Trio!!
    Thank you Jan and Morjana!!
    Originally posted by suse View Post
    If I had a pic taken with Chris my head would be somewhere around his pecs. And I'd be on tip-toe...
    Well I'm hoping that when I have my picture taken with the man in just over a weeks time, I'll be over his belly button!! least!!!!!
    Originally posted by majorsal View Post
    i'm sorry to see jewel not doing the commentary with amanda (and i wish david could have been in there too), but look how many amanda commentaries there are!! and i love her doing them with martin!
    this dvd has a lot for me to be excited about! i'll even buy a dvd player for my bedroom.
    Yeah it's a pity isn't would have been fun to hear the three least they have a making of Trio...maybe we get to see more of the three and what they got up to behind the scenes!!!
    Originally posted by kir_fect View Post
    For the Record I bring an offering a photo you can't find anymore.
    I miss this picture...why did they remove it FCOL?? I still haven't ordered my hoodie yet...not sure if I will...I've been wearing my Sanctuary t shirt with a black long sleeved top underneath it and it works!!!
    Originally posted by Bekah See View Post
    How tall is Chris Judge?
    I thought Amanda was 5'9", and RDA was 6'2" I don't know about MS though.
    Chris Judge is too tall!
    Amanda is 5'9...or is it 5'7???
    RDA is 6'2...and IIRC
    Micheal Shanks is 6'1...or 6' of those!!!
    Originally posted by SamJackShipLover View Post
    I'm 172 cm, no idea what that is in feet. Over here, that's not tall at all, but I think Dutch people are the tallest people in the world.
    Uhm...all the Dutchies I know are either as short tall as me or shorter than me...or just a wee bit taller than me...but not by much!!! We don't have many tall Dutchies here...well none that I know of!!

    Would you believe I have to work again this weekend...that's the third weekend in a row of work...and then I won't get time off til next Thursday!!! Good thing is...the bills will be paid on time this month!!! Yay!!
    I got a little something sent to me on my mobile/cell phone yesterday that I would have shared with you last night but I didn't get online for more than 10 minutes last sent this to some of my contacts but I wanted to share it with everyone here...

    An angel opened up the windows of heaven,
    And asked what is your wish to be?
    I said, take care of the person reading this,
    Because they mean the world to me.

    Good night all...take care and have fun!
    "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
    Hug Your Loved Ones!!
    ~Amanda Tapping


      Does anyone have that photo of Judge licking Amanda?
      Neep, NZBG, Eileen!

      Made with love and chocolate brownies by Spacegirlnz

      Pooh-Bah/Ko-Ko FTW!


        Originally posted by kir_fect View Post
        .For the Record I bring an offering a photo you can't find anymore.

        Oooh very pretty! I love this pic of her as she's looks very natural and not all posed like she had to think about it.

        And as we've suddenly become fixated on heights I'm 5' 3''. I must live in an area that has shorter people cos I've never felt vertically challenged. Most of my friends are my height or less and it's not uncommon to find guys shorter than I am around here. Must be something with that Lake Michigan water...hehe.


          Originally posted by NZNeep View Post
          Sky and I are gonna noodle each other in an inflatable paddling pool full of blue jello.

          In bikinis.

          Sky's a penguin!


          sweetie, this body ain't been in a bikini since i was ten, and there's a very good reason for that. I think it's illegal in several states
          Where in the World is George Hammond?



            Originally posted by ames View Post
            [SPOILERS]Interesting outfit for hitting the slopes - didn't it create drag?
            Very nice looking though!
            create drag or look like drag? I aint a natural skirt wearer it wasn't too windy and the advantage of snowboarding was that I go down sideways so the skirt doesn't act like a sail. Mary's dress did flap behind her beautifully though.

            Originally posted by RepliCartertje View Post
            OMG You are finally home eh and found your camera and put the pics on the computer and posted it, awesome I love it thankeeee

            can't wait to meet you at AT3 "
            me either! squee!

            Originally posted by samcarterrules View Post
            Hey everyone,

            I feel so short reading everyone's heights(sp?) I'm only 4'10"
            Ah well, good things in small packages and all that

            as my brother once said so someone giving him a hard time at school..."you don't get bricks the size of diamonds"

            and YAY someone shorter than me at AT3 *g*
            Thank you to Lies for my signature pic
            My Fanfic~My Femslash


              Originally posted by RepliCartertje View Post
              you are tall for me I am only 1m64 and I am not considered to small in Belgium so. 1m72 is actually rather normal in Belgium so
              and 1m72 is 5'6"
              1m64 is 5'4"
              I'm 1m78, last time I checked. I remember being very suprised the first time I met Amanda at AT1 at how tall she was. She was a bit taller than me, and I thought that was very cool lol . I'm usually the tallest in the room. All the girls at school are shorter than me, which used to annoy me from time to time. But now it doesn't bother me at all
              I'll probably be a bit taller than her now (if she's not in heals)


                Originally posted by chelle db View Post
                ..I got AoT yesterday morning and watched it after work last night...spoilers ahead:...
                I have to say that it totally blew my mind away...I'm so stoked about Continuum now...I loved AoT..I think the replicators were awesome...I loved what they did with Merrick...well not loved in the sense that they kinda did a bad thing there but what cool CGI's...that was awesopme to watch...I'm beginning to really like Tomin...and that poor gotta feel for the Priors in the a small degree...oh...and Sam...what a me I got the feeling that I was watching Amanda at the end in the infirmary scene with Cam...not Sam Carter...I loved the way she said sorry when she patted his sore leg...and when she bounces back into the room and says..."I baked these for you" me...that was more Amanda than Sam...or am I the only one seeing this???? But I loved it...didn't like that she kissed Cam on the cheek...and not just because I;'m a shipper...but because she just doesn't do that enough with the other boys...but...I really really loved the film!!!
                I kind of agree with you on the Cam thing.
                Thei dea of the macaroon thing was kind of nice, but the way the scene played it felt, I don't don't know, artificial? And I was thinking "what's with the kiss on the cheek?" Not that I thought it was shippy, just a bit OTT.


                  Originally posted by NZNeep View Post
                  Antoa can use her fancy new lense, we promise not to get jello on it.
                  Dragging me into your debauchery. *sigh*

                  Originally posted by NZNeep View Post
                  Does anyone have that photo of Judge licking Amanda?
                  This one:

                  I couldn't find the original off hand.


                    Originally posted by antoa315 View Post

                    I couldn't find the original off hand.
                    Ok, gotta stop reading things quickly. I read this as "signal off hand" and then thought "hand signal" which put me in mind of Sam as the "hand signal person in charge"...I blame the incipient migraine...
                    Maybe if Jack came over and rubbed my temples....

                    (anyone have screenshots of Sam & hand signals? I don't have many pics )


                      Originally posted by chelle db View Post
                      Oh yay...I might need to pack a soap box or something when I meet Amanda!! Although I think it would be more fun if she bent down...Tony Amendola got down on his knees when we had our picture taken with him in 2006...I'm not tall...I think I'm about 5'3 ish...nearly 5'4..I think...but I can't remember when I was measured last so I may be a little shorter given that we do shrink as we get older....and wiser!!!!...I wonder if Amanda is still 5'9???
                      Good question -- I used to be 5'9", but am now down to 5'8", though that may be more the result of a minor back operation. I refuse to believe it's 'cos I've now hit the VERY young age of 40....!

                      Originally posted by Skydiver View Post

                      sweetie, this body ain't been in a bikini since i was ten, and there's a very good reason for that. I think it's illegal in several states
                      You and me both, Sky. There are certain things that other people don't need to see, and I don't think I dislike anybody enough to inflict the sight of me in a bikini on them!
                      "Many a good hanging prevents a bad marriage," William Shakespeare, Twelfth Night


                        Originally posted by Tracy Jane View Post
                        You see, I read that question as why did "Sam", the character, grow her hair out rather than "Amanda", the actress. I've been sat pondering upon that question. Maybe she wanted a change, but I really have problems seeing "Sam" sat in a chair at the salon for hours getting nice extensions just for a "change". There must have been something more.
                        Oh, I read it that way, too. But I happen to believe that Sam grew her hair out because Amanda wanted long hair. Which is another way of saying that I think Sam would keep her hair short for as long as she was in the military, so it doesn't seem in character to me. I don't know if this will make sense, but I think it's a case of the actor projecting her desire onto the character rather than Sam suddenly telling Amanda that she's tired of short hair. Not that I blame Amanda for wanting a change.

                        Amanda has had a history of growing her hair out between seasons and/or putting in extensions (as I recall), so I sort of suspect that Amanda actually prefers having long hair. This makes sense to me, because her hair is beautiful, and she looks great with long hair.

                        My LJ


                          Originally posted by Strix varia View Post
                          Oh, I read it that way, too. But I happen to believe that Sam grew her hair out because Amanda wanted long hair. Which is another way of saying that I think Sam would keep her hair short for as long as she was in the military, so it doesn't seem in character to me. I don't know if this will make sense, but I think it's a case of the actor projecting her desire onto the character rather than Sam suddenly telling Amanda that she's tired of short hair. Not that I blame Amanda for wanting a change.

                          Amanda has had a history of growing her hair out between seasons and/or putting in extensions (as I recall), so I sort of suspect that Amanda actually prefers having long hair. This makes sense to me, because her hair is beautiful, and she looks great with long hair.
                          Yes. I actually feel the same way as you. I was just wondering if we could actually try and reason out why Sam might have grown her hair out, because, like you, I can't see Sam growing her hair out.
                          Yepp, it's blank down here.


                            Originally posted by Tracy Jane View Post
                            Yes. I actually feel the same way as you. I was just wondering if we could actually try and reason out why Sam might have grown her hair out, because, like you, I can't see Sam growing her hair out.
                            Well, I can sort of rationalize it as an external reflection of a significant internal life change. So, maybe if she's seeing Jack, now, coupled with taking the desk job in Atlantis... it might make a little sense. Especially since she seemed to undergo a personality transplant in Atlantis, too.

                            My LJ


                              Originally posted by Tracy Jane View Post
                              Yes. I actually feel the same way as you. I was just wondering if we could actually try and reason out why Sam might have grown her hair out, because, like you, I can't see Sam growing her hair out.
                              i can.
                              short hair is the norm for someone with the rough and tumble lifestyle that sam had. where you can't wash it for days and can't have it in your eyes in a fight.

                              longer hair is something that someone at a desk job would have because they'd have the time in the morning to put it up and comb it out.

                              i think, also, after years of dressing and looking - kinda - like a boy, the woman wanted to come out. and she did that with long hair.

                              it also, symbollically, could represent sam, the polite and proper second in command, 'letting her hair down' and taking charge
                              Where in the World is George Hammond?



                                Originally posted by chelle db View Post
                                Yes indeedily it does!!! *too much Simpsons and Flanders!!*
                                Are you coming over ames??

                                Thank you Mandy...I actually quite enjoyed that...well done!!!
                                Hey, if the invitation stays open long enough, you never know who's likely to end up on your doorstep

                                ...and ditto, Mandy (although tech you already knew that, seeing as I left fb and whatnot, but still - miss' 2nd rule: repetition leads to retention ... so, well done Mandy!)

                                Originally posted by NZNeep View Post
                                Sky and I are gonna noodle each other in an inflatable paddling pool full of blue jello.

                                In bikinis.

                                Sky's a penguin!

                                Well now ... that's ... um ... an interesting mental image, I must say
                                (Neep, where the heck do you come up with these things???)

                                Originally posted by Skydiver View Post

                                sweetie, this body ain't been in a bikini since i was ten, and there's a very good reason for that. I think it's illegal in several states
                                Sky, I swear, I'm laughing with you, not at you!!!

                                Originally posted by Tittamiire View Post
                                create drag or look like drag? I aint a natural skirt wearer it wasn't too windy and the advantage of snowboarding was that I go down sideways so the skirt doesn't act like a sail. Mary's dress did flap behind her beautifully though.
                                Very cool, and I meant create drag, of course - although I'm guessing y'all turned a few heads on your ways down

                                Originally posted by antoa315 View Post
                                Dragging me into your debauchery. *sigh*

                                This one:

                                I couldn't find the original off hand.
                                Hey, the more the merrier, right?
                                (No, I was NOT inviting myself in, nor was I suggesting that I would be a good addition to said jello-y noodling!!! Stop looking at me like that )

                                Anyways - is it just me, or does CJ have an enormously long tongue??? Or maybe it's just that picture... hmm.

                                As always, AMANDA ROCKS!!!
                                ...awaiting inspiration...and time/energy/know-how!

                                SanctuaryWorld - Enter the New Reality
                                ames on facebook
                                ames on LJ (codename "bluejelloqueen", of course! )

