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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by Mandysg1 View Post
    Yea, we know you shortened it from susesusesusesusesusesusesuse
    And yours is from Mandysgrkll;seo;jgpsnjaapnjrjanapfnumero1...

    Mourning Sanctuary.
    Thanks for the good times!


      Originally posted by Mandysg1 View Post
      Yea, we know you shortened it from susesusesusesusesusesusesuse
      Originally posted by scifithinker View Post
      Actually, it's short for Sususudio. Where do you think Phil Collins got the name from?
      <<feels abused>>>

      Mourning Sanctuary.
      Thanks for the good times!


        Probably very behind the times and shame on me for not knowing this, but has there ever been a huge Stargate convention in Australia?


          Originally posted by PengYn View Post
          Adding that it's pronounced "Leese" not "lies".

          *imagines a bunch of Samandans running around the lobby yelling "Lies! Lies!"*

          Although, something's nudging me to try your screen name at least once during the event.
          Originally posted by Mandysg1 View Post
          *Imagines the scene in the hall...."SamJackShipLover! It's PengYn, where are you!!!!!"

          that better or worse than 'tits?' my online friends call me titi with long i's or titta, but my best friends son, then aged 4, did run right across the concourse at DIA yelling 'tits' over and over at the top of his voice a couple of years ago.

          Originally posted by resurgamlaura View Post
          My actual name is two...I think () so I guess I'm OK then

          Is it natural
          to be worrying over the way you're addressed a woman who you have never met before and have just sent a CV and covering letter to? Because there was no title given with her full name, and I don't have the time in the next few days to spend ages trying to call this person to find a decent excuse to waste her busy professional time by asking "are you Miss, Ms. or Mrs?" so I've gone with the second. And I'm now frikkin' paranoid about it, because it can be insulting and I personally really dislike it when I'm called Ms. Oh, such a complicated, silly world, all because women spent so long being defined by whether they were married or not, and then by prejudices relating to their abilities and committment to work if they did happen to be married...
          Well...if she hasn't put a form of address down then it is kinda her own fault...which doesn't stop her being annoyed. I don't find Miss, Ms or Mrs offensive at all and it could be that she just doesn't like forms of address...given the chance I just ditch the Ms/Mrs/Miss. I just think they create fuss and who really needs their marital status proudly displayed in front of their name?

          though it has led to some funny phone company has me down on their records as 'Mr' and I've not corrected them.

          Now if I had a decent form of address I'd go with that one 'actually, it's colonel not Ms'
          Thank you to Lies for my signature pic
          My Fanfic~My Femslash


            Originally posted by Tracy Jane View Post
            It's times like this that I'm glad my screen name is my real name
            For me, since my username is ridiculously long, JT4L is an abreviation that most people use, or my real name Kate will do fine. I shoulda picked a shorter username....

            Mary-Jane, lemme just say that i love your sig!!!!

            Good night Samandas! I still have school work to do before I turn in, so see you all later!!!


              Originally posted by Tittamiire View Post
              that better or worse than 'tits?' my online friends call me titi with long i's or titta, but my best friends son, then aged 4, did run right across the concourse at DIA yelling 'tits' over and over at the top of his voice a couple of years ago.

              Well...if she hasn't put a form of address down then it is kinda her own fault...which doesn't stop her being annoyed. I don't find Miss, Ms or Mrs offensive at all and it could be that she just doesn't like forms of address...given the chance I just ditch the Ms/Mrs/Miss. I just think they create fuss and who really needs their marital status proudly displayed in front of their name?

              though it has led to some funny phone company has me down on their records as 'Mr' and I've not corrected them.

              Now if I had a decent form of address I'd go with that one 'actually, it's colonel not Ms'

              It may have offended her, but its more likely she'll think I haven't done my homework properly. Though how I'm meant to find out this info without badgering people who have better things to do is unknown. It is a little bit ridiculous at times, isn't it? Personally I'd like to be Mistress ______ once I have a few more years, as I already am to several of my friends However there are the inneundo-related connotations, which in a professional capacity might be a hinderance...well, most professions anyway...

              Courtesy of smurf, as always


                Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                i'll bet if anyone kept the smart quotes in, they got stripped. smart quotes are the pretty ones with the curl on them. I have my word processors set to do just regular ones because they will survive the translation to text while the curly ones won't.

                chances are the -- and ... all were stripped too. Because those are 'fancy' characters that everyone uses.

                this move by has probably frakked up 90%of the fic.

                I'm not going to fix mine. I just don't have that much time.
                I didn't even realize you had fics at FF.N. I stumbled Emerald City years ago, so now it's in my regular 'fic crawl' rotation. I mostly read S/J shipper fics, but you're on the short list of the writers I seek out when I want something a little more astringent.

                Don't let the turkeys get you down.



                  Originally posted by Tracy Jane View Post
                  Celandine, please, please come to Gabit! If you've found a flight for that price.... take it as a sign!
                  A sign huh? Well if the airfare rate is still there by next week then I'll definitely take it as a sign and grab it up quick. The randomness of it is right up my alley but I need to muddle through some finances to see if I could actually justify the expense of it all first.

                  Originally posted by SamJackShipLover View Post

                  Mmm, on topic, some caps from 2010 I capped last weekend (I will get to the sigs, just a little more patience ... busy times )


                  he was feeling left out

                  Lovely! Thank you for sharing them!

                  Originally posted by resurgamlaura View Post
                  My actual name is two...I think () so I guess I'm OK then

                  Is it natural
                  to be worrying over the way you're addressed a woman who you have never met before and have just sent a CV and covering letter to? Because there was no title given with her full name, and I don't have the time in the next few days to spend ages trying to call this person to find a decent excuse to waste her busy professional time by asking "are you Miss, Ms. or Mrs?" so I've gone with the second. And I'm now frikkin' paranoid about it, because it can be insulting and I personally really dislike it when I'm called Ms. Oh, such a complicated, silly world, all because women spent so long being defined by whether they were married or not, and then by prejudices relating to their abilities and committment to work if they did happen to be married...
                  I dunno about preferences as that's a personal issue, but if I'm not mistaken the general rule when your in doubt is to just use the Ms. like you did. It's a safe way to address a female when you don't know their martial status.

                  ...and I'm out the door. Gotta nother date. whee!


                    Originally posted by Celandine View Post
                    A sign huh? Well if the airfare rate is still there by next week then I'll definitely take it as a sign and grab it up quick. The randomness of it is right up my alley but I need to muddle through some finances to see if I could actually justify the expense of it all first.

                    Lovely! Thank you for sharing them!

                    I dunno about preferences as that's a personal issue, but if I'm not mistaken the general rule when your in doubt is to just use the Ms. like you did. It's a safe way to address a female when you don't know their martial status.

                    ...and I'm out the door. Gotta nother date. whee!
                    Have fun hun!


                      Originally posted by scifithinker View Post
                      If you ask Sky nicely, I bet she'd make Mumsey official for you.
                      No, I'm very attached to it and it is something of a conversation piece.

                      Originally posted by scifithinker View Post
                      So what does SWMBOTGSG stand for? I run out of steam after Single White Man's Bum...
                      LOL. Verrrry long and convoluted story involving sibling fights between Becky and No.1 son,... and gerbils....

                      She Who Must Be Obeyed The Greater Superiour Gerbil

                      or Mum's in Charge!

                      For details of AT10 go to


                        Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                        emerald city will stay there...but i'm not going to spend hours writing a fic to then spend hours more messing with their bulky thing to put in scene breaks. they're getting that picky they can write the fic themselves for crying out loud.

                        I'm not going to spend a ton of time on their site just so that they can rack up more ad views (i don't even like reading fic there because of all the OTT and pushy ads that hijack your browser)

                        I'm contemplating just taking all my fic down and abandoning them

                        their tool works great for the person that writes really short stuff, but i usually upload 10+ pages at a time....which will take forever to go in and reformat.

                        I may end up comingup with some sort of scene break that uses letters that they can't mess with.

                        I'd be happy if no one put their SG fic on I hate trying to read fics on there, especially if they are more than one chapter. If you can't read the entire thing at once, you can't keep track of where you left off. I like to download fics and read them at my leisure. I'm a big fan of the authors that post text files of their fics.
                        Last edited by rderoch; 26 March 2008, 05:41 PM.
                        Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none.
                        William Shakespeare

                        Meddle ye not in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and tasty with ketchup.


                          Originally posted by EH-T View Post
                          According to a post by Prion in the News thread Season 4 of Atlantis will be available in Canada and the U.S. July 8th (sorry, no word on other places).

                          Highlights for AT/ fans:

                          Disc 1 has a special feature titled "A New Leader: Amanda Tapping Joins Atlantis".

                          Disc 2 features a commentary by AT with Martin Wood and Alan McCullough for Tabula Rasa. It is also supposed to feature the bloopers but there may be a problem with the blooper special according to Joe's recent blog.

                          Disc 4 has a commentary on Quarantine by AT and MW. Amanda also does the commentary on Trio with Martin Gero, MW and Jewel Staite (how much fun will that be!). There is also a feature on the making of Trio.

                          Disc 5 will feature the deleted scenes
                          which I'm sure the shippers will be thrilled about because of the deleted scene from Trio

                          I can hardly wait!
                          WOO HOO! Three commentaries by AT. And deleted scenes.
                          Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none.
                          William Shakespeare

                          Meddle ye not in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and tasty with ketchup.


                            Originally posted by rderoch View Post
                            I'd be happy if no one put their SG fic on I hate trying to read fics on there, especially if their more than one chapter. If you can't read the entire thing at once, you can't keep track of where you left off. I like to download fics and read them at my leisure. I'm a big fan of the authors that post text files of their fics.
                            same here. I generally don't read fic off if they're long. I look for them elsewhere or give them a pass.

                            fic with dozens of chapters are near impossible to read
                            Where in the World is George Hammond?



                              Originally posted by rderoch View Post
                              WOO HOO! Three commentaries by AT. And deleted scenes.
                              Yeah, I think I'll own SGA S4. It's a good think I stopped being completist years ago. SG-1 S1-S8, and SGA s4. Maybe I'll own the SGA S1-S3 one day, but not for more than US$20 a pop.

                              Mourning Sanctuary.
                              Thanks for the good times!



                                Not sure if this has been posted yet...


                                "Defining Sam Carter From A-Z"

                                Mourning Sanctuary.
                                Thanks for the good times!

