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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by wibbling View Post
    On a different note, has anybody else seen this:

    d'you think there's any chance Amanda will do one of these later in the series? I'd certainly buy it, am a great fan of talking books, especially for long car journeys.
    Amanda has a lovely voice to listen to and she can do a lot with her voice. I bet she'd be great doing audio books. (I'd listen to her read the phone book. )I don't know if they could afford her, but it could be something she'd do when she wants a break from 12 hour days but wants to keep her hand in.


      Hi all

      I saw "The Void" yesterday, was quite great...
      Amanda played very well, that was awsome

      Greetings, a Amanda Addict
      Greetings O´Neill (signature by me)


        Ha ha! For all those yearning for crazy fic involving millipedes - TA DA!!!!'s 2am...what's a girl to do?

        For your reading pleasure, not one, but TWO variations! Dont ya feel special? Just be is 2am. And my beta is asleep. Both 100% spoiler free. whenever Sam's a major I guess. Sounds about right.


        A Bug A Day

        It was childish she knew. A woman of her age and experience, a major in the USAF, should not even be considering such a childish prank.

        But Jack - the colonel, Sam sternly reminded herself - had been particularly annoying that day. So what if SG-1 had pulled another 'boring' mineral survey this rotation? It wasn't Sam's fault. There was no reason for the colonel in question to spend the wholeday glaring at her and muttering something that sounded suspiciously like 'geek guard duty'. Sam was an astrophysicist for pity's sake! It wasn't as if she liked spending her day grubbing around in the dirt while her team mates whined like three year olds.

        Besides. It was just one little bug. All soft and squishy, almost exactly like a millipede except for the bright purple hue. He probably wouldn't even notice. And for yet again sticking her and Daniel with setting up camp while he and Teal'c 'patrolled the area', he definitely had it coming.
        Two hours later and the sun had well and truly set in a spectacular blaze of colour. The teams companiable chatter had died down, along with the fire that now glowed softly. Adding a few more sticks, Daniel announced he was going to take a walk then turn in. Teal'c nodded.

        'I will accompany you Daniel Jackson.'

        Watching the two men melt into the night O'Neill turned to Sam.

        'Well Carter, looks like you drew first watch. I'll be out in a few hours to relieve you.'

        Nodding to her CO as he turned and headed for one of the two tents she had set up earlier, Sam lazily fed a few more twigs into the flames. Not two seconds later the peaceful silence was shattered by a strange cry. Sam jumped to her feet, and P-90 in hand rocketed towards the tent into which her CO had disappeared and the noise had originated.

        Oh. Sam tried to hold the laughter in. Really she did. But she couldn't help but shake with the effort of holding in her mirth at the sight of her fearless CO wavign his gun at the small millipede-like creature she'd left sitting on his pack a few hours ago.

        'Damn space bugs!'

        Realising he had an audience, Jack suddenly stood still, drawing himself up in an attempt to look dignified.

        'Come to help me with my little guest Carter?'

        'I'm sorry Sir, I you...squeal...' the corner of her mouth quirked up ' and though I should...'

        'I didn't squeal Major.'

        'No Sir, of course not.'

        'I was surprised, that's all. Space bug.'

        Eyeing her warily he continued. 'At least I didn't snort...nice pipes Carter.'

        'I did not!....Sir.'

        Woops. Nothing like a bit of insubordination to help a girl sober up, thought Sam

        'Yes, well...' Jack was saying, 'What do you say we keep this ourselves?

        'Yes Sir'

        'Good.' Sam turned to leave.


        She turned back to see the colonel still waving his gun towards the

        'Space bug.'

        Quickly Sam moved to scoop up the bug in her hand, repressing a smile at the colonels shudder.

        Travel through the Stargate: very cool.

        Picking up alien bugs: gross, but all in a days work.

        Hearing Colonel Jack O'Neill squeal like a schoolgirl: priceless.



        The cry brought Sam running.

        'Oh my God! Colonel, I'm so sorry! I thought I heard...sorry!' Blushing furiously, Sam backed away fromt he sight of her CO caught literally with his pants down.

        'Carter! When I said watch my six, I didn't it quite this literally!'

        Keeping her back turned, Sam replied 'Sorry Sir. I thought I heard someone cry out.'

        'Yes...well...that may have been me.' Judging by the noise of zippers and belt buckle, Sam figured was safe to turn around. Slowly opening one eye she saw with relief that her CO was once again fully dressed, though looking slightly pissed. Bewildered she asked 'What happened Sir? I
        thought someone...'

        Noticing Jacks expression shift from annoyed to uncomfortable...possibly even embarassed, Sam did a sweep of the clearing. No other people, no irregular plant or animal life. Nothing out of the ordinary, excepting perhaps the squashed pile of slime that must have been some form of insect not too long ago.

        Raising an eyebrow she just had to ask.

        'Spider, Sir?'



        Hope ya liked! Exclusive to the Samanda thread! Coz I luvs ya!

        Oh, and hey, if anyone's got some spare vibes of the good variety left, can they send them my way??? I found out today that I got accpeted into the University course I wanted - and I start on Tuesday! AAAAAAAAAAAH! It's a degree in Digital Film and Television production....what do ya reckon my chances are of getting a job on Sanctuary?

        What? A girl can dream, right?

        'Night all! Hopefully now the plot bunny demons have been written out I can get some sleep!

        I HEART SAM!

        Royal Page of Samanda
        "Bravery is being the only one who knows you're afraid."


          ROFL They were both great Charlie! I could so see that happening.
          I especially like the first one. Sam planning a little payback and prank was indeed priceless! lol

          And congrats on getting into the University program!! That's very cool... I'm excited for you!


            Originally posted by Charlie View Post
            Ha ha! For all those yearning for crazy fic involving millipedes - TA DA!!!!'s 2am...what's a girl to do?

            For your reading pleasure, not one, but TWO variations! Dont ya feel special? Just be is 2am. And my beta is asleep. Both 100% spoiler free. whenever Sam's a major I guess. Sounds about right.
            hee hee, very funny! thank you for posting!

            Originally posted by O´Neill View Post
            Hi all

            I saw "The Void" yesterday, was quite great...
            Amanda played very well, that was awsome

            Greetings, a Amanda Addict
            I saw that about a week ago, and thought it was alright. the acting was good (how could it not be with amanda doing it?), but the writing was a little flat. That love scene threw me a bit, but I'm pretty sure they used a body double whenever they showed...stuff.

            Originally posted by chelle db View Post
            What is Extra?? I'm so not happy that we miss out on all the other little shows in between...dang it!!!

            I was thinking the same thing about Jack's can actually see blood coming out of his I'm wondering if he got shot twice...but it looks rather grim...but must stay positive....they just cannot possibly kill him off...could they???

            When hubby and I went away for an "adults only" weekend....not gutterish I can assure you...all very just shouldn't take children on winery tours...well I prefer not to anyway...anyhoo....we stayed up at this alpine town and there just happened to be the Indian motorbike club up there for the weekend...I was in heaven...all I wanted to do was check out the bikes...some were in pristine condition having been painstakingly repaired and restored...others were in their original condition and looking a little bit "loved"...of course I couldn't help thinking if only Sam were here to see it...there must have been about 30 was so cool...there was this red one...oh boy...that was so....yum!!
            well, as you know, Continuum is
            about a screwed up timeline, so even if they do kill him off, they can always bring him back again once everything is set to rights. and then maybe Sam will give him a big kiss because she'll be so relieved that he's alive. runs away and hides behind Chelle from the polar bears

            I like Indians too, Chelle, but Harleys are much cooler. Especially when they're all chromed out and have super loud pipes.

            Does anyone know if Amanda knows how to ride? I saw a video of her at a con where she said she did, but it was quick, so i may have misunderstood her.

            "The men cheered! The women fainted! The children waved multi-colored flags!" -Amanda Tapping

            SG-1 FanFiction
            Sanctuary Fanfiction


              Originally posted by jckfan55 View Post
              Amanda has a lovely voice to listen to and she can do a lot with her voice. I bet she'd be great doing audio books. (I'd listen to her read the phone book. )I don't know if they could afford her, but it could be something she'd do when she wants a break from 12 hour days but wants to keep her hand in.
     and me both!

              Originally posted by O´Neill View Post
              Hi all

              I saw "The Void" yesterday, was quite great...
              Amanda played very well, that was awsome

              Greetings, a Amanda Addict
              Welcome O'Neill to Samanda!

              Originally posted by Charlie View Post
              Ha ha! For all those yearning for crazy fic involving millipedes - TA DA!!!!'s 2am...what's a girl to do?

              For your reading pleasure, not one, but TWO variations! Dont ya feel special? Just be is 2am. And my beta is asleep. Both 100% spoiler free. whenever Sam's a major I guess. Sounds about right.
              *applauds* Nicely done! The first fic was awesome! Being a personal fan of random harmless jokes now and again, this one was right up my alley.

              The second made me lol. All the unspoken questions I'm sure Sam wanted to ask and didnt. Good girl for holding it together!


                hey, have you guys seen this thing with Amanda and Teryl? It looks like it's at a con. It's hysterical!! I was rolling the whole time! The quality is actually pretty crappy, but it's worth watching. There's three parts to it, here's the link to the first:


                If anyone has seen it in better quality, please let me know!

                "The men cheered! The women fainted! The children waved multi-colored flags!" -Amanda Tapping

                SG-1 FanFiction
                Sanctuary Fanfiction


                  Hello here is the link to an video with Amanda Tapping from MGM enjoy

                  it's from the Extra show.
                  Thanks to lil ferrett for the picture


                    Originally posted by Rocky89 View Post
                    My people, sorry, I've been gone for so long, my lap-top is still down, apparently it needs a new coverboard, so until then my time here will be here and there. But thankfully March break is coming up, so I'll be able to come by more often. So to make up for my absence, I came by here to show you guys this new Amanda video I found on Youtube- Amanda Tapping on Extra

                    Well gotta go, got to study for a test.

                    PS: My next post will probably be a big one!
                    PSS: A while ago, someone posted a video with Amanda and damian kindler, but I didn't see it. Can someone post it again? Please?
                    Awesome post rocky!


                      Apologies if this has been posted and for my inability to link.

                      Joe's Blog for Feb 28:

                      (re his previous mention of saying goodbye to Amanda)

                      Q: is this really goodbye? a while ago you said there's a chance to bring her back for 1/2 episode(s) in the back half. have things changed?

                      A: It's only goodbye insofar as she's no longer a regular on the show. She will definitely be back on Atlantis.

                      Thanks to Pengyn, SamJackShipLover and Mala for the sig.


                        Originally posted by O´Neill View Post
                        Hi all

                        I saw "The Void" yesterday, was quite great...
                        Amanda played very well, that was awsome

                        Greetings, a Amanda Addict
                        Hi O'Neill

                        Welcome! I remember the first time I saw the Void on TV. I didn't even know she was in the movie and I was flipping through channels and saw AT on screen with Adrian Paul. lol so needless to say I stayed tuned in. Thankfully it was at the beginning so I didn't miss much. It was a good movie.

                        THanks everyone for these great videos you are sharing... lol ChopinGal you asked how we will get our weekly dose of Sam Carter...

                        Coming to Samanda
                        Reading Fics
                        Watching video's of Amanda and team discussing Sam and SG-1
                        watching my DVD's


                          Originally posted by O´Neill View Post
                          Hi all

                          I saw "The Void" yesterday, was quite great...
                          Amanda played very well, that was awsome

                          Greetings, a Amanda Addict
                          Originally posted by Bekah See View Post
                          I saw that about a week ago, and thought it was alright. the acting was good (how could it not be with amanda doing it?), but the writing was a little flat. That love scene threw me a bit, but I'm pretty sure they used a body double whenever they showed...stuff.
                          It's not a bad movie at all. It was so weird seeing Amanda's character jumping on a security guys back and asking her boyfriend to "hit him". That's when I really realised that I wasn't watching Sam. If it were Sam, then she'd have been the one kicking the security guards @55.

                          The only thing I question about it is the end of it. The good guys leg is hurt and Amanda's character has to push him out of a building in a wheelchair to escape from this...


                          ...and they survive?! A little implausible maybe? But forgiveable. It *is* Sci-Fi after all. Not Sci-Fact.

                          THE TARDIS DATA CORE - Encyclopaedia and reference site covering DOCTOR WHO, K-9 AND COMPANY, TORCHWOOD, THE SARAH JANE ADVENTURES,
                          K-9, CLASS and much more...


                            Originally posted by Alan View Post
                            It's not a bad movie at all. It was so weird seeing Amanda's character jumping on a security guys back and asking her boyfriend to "hit him". That's when I really realised that I wasn't watching Sam. If it were Sam, then she'd have been the one kicking the security guards @55.

                            The only thing I question about it is the end of it. The good guys leg is hurt and Amanda's character has to push him out of a building in a wheelchair to escape from this...


                            ...and they survive?! A little implausible maybe? But forgiveable. It *is* Sci-Fi after all. Not Sci-Fact.
                            Yeah i was rising my eyebrow about that, but c´mon did anyone of of us really kept on the Story..., no not really...its more about...Amanda, yes

                            BTW: There were some similarities to Stargate.
                            The Photo of her,...yes a mirror image...^^
                            Her Car,...the silver Volvo..., it was in Stargate too, this Amandas real car?
                            And in the final szene..., where her boyfriend try to shut down the system,...its the hangar of the Seberus from 7th Season episode "SPACE RACE"

                            Great to be here with all
                            Greetings O´Neill (signature by me)


                              Originally posted by O´Neill View Post
                              Yeah i was rising my eyebrow about that, but c´mon did anyone of of us really kept on the Story..., no not really...its more about...Amanda, yes

                              BTW: There were some similarities to Stargate.
                              The Photo of her,...yes a mirror image...^^
                              Her Car,...the silver Volvo..., it was in Stargate too, this Amandas real car?
                              And in the final szene..., where her boyfriend try to shut down the system,...its the hangar of the Seberus from 7th Season episode "SPACE RACE"

                              Great to be here with all
                              You're quite right. The only reason I bought The Void in the first place *was* Amanda.

                              THE TARDIS DATA CORE - Encyclopaedia and reference site covering DOCTOR WHO, K-9 AND COMPANY, TORCHWOOD, THE SARAH JANE ADVENTURES,
                              K-9, CLASS and much more...


                                Originally posted by Alan View Post
                                You're quite right. The only reason I bought The Void in the first place *was* Amanda.
                                Well i thought about that, too
                                But i cant find it here in Germany...
                                *iam so addicted*
                                Greetings O´Neill (signature by me)

