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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Trio –


    I have been SO looking forward to Trio, but it turned out to be a HUGE disappointment – I agree with Binkpmmc!

    True, like Sally said, we got action sam! leader sam! banter-with-mckay sam! science sam! whumped sam! And I enjoyed seeing those.

    However several scenes completely ruined it for me:

    (1) Sam’s comment regarding Zelenka was careless. She was THE commander of Atlantis! It would hurt Zelenka greatly when he hears that comment, and I bet he will hear it from Rodney. For the past 11 years, have we ever heard Sam uttering something like that? Not in character at all! Only to provide banter with Rodney.

    (2) Sam’s not being able to think because of her pain. Come on, for the past 11 years, when did Carter ever stop thinking because of her pain? Remember Line in the Sand? Death Knell? And many others. Completely out in character!

    (3) Sam’s not being able to help Rodney pull up Keller. Her hands are not broken. She could at least help by holding onto the ropes. Jennifer’s life is on the line here! Again, not in character for Sam. Not in character for anyone – because any normal person would have by instinct grabbed the rope, it was right next to her. Unfortunately Rodney's bloody hands needed to be highlighted.

    (4) Sam’s allowing Rodney to throw the grapple three times. Was it not obvious to us all that he could not throw that thing after his first try? Only because they needed to see the gas to allow McKay to use it as a bomb later. At Sam’s expense.

    (5) Sam should have been in the last scene with the two. I was disappointed in the way Keller was written. Wasn’t she with Ronon? Now she is asking Rodney out? I remember her saying she was inexperience in such matters, here I see a pro. The title says Trio, right? I say lose the “flirting” scene and let the three of them end the episode together.

    To me, all of these scenes meant to turn the focus on Rodney. I in fact do not mind him being a hero at all. However I resent it being done at Sam’s expense. I have to rant. I like Sam too much to do so in the episode thread. Sorry, if I happen to offend anyone here.


      Originally posted by hisg1fans View Post
      Thoughts on Trio:


      I just feel like something was missing or was a little 'off'.
      I agree about something being off. The episode was good, but there were things I think could have been done differently or just plain left out. Trio had the potential to be really great, but it didn't all sit quite right with me.


        Hi Everyone,

        Originally posted by JanSam View Post
        Well I remember seeing it on the yahoo group for Sanctuaryforall....

        Hi everyone!

        With apologies for the cross-post, and permission to forward on where
        you think Sam fans might wish to see it...

        A few years back now I was part of a project showing our appreciation
        for Janet, and thanking Teryl for all her work on Stargate, by
        showcasing everything we loved about the character in a music video
        featuring contributions from many of her fans. The finished video was
        played at Wolf's SG8 and seemed to go down well!

        Jumping back to the present, and we're a few months away from another
        fabulous Gabit weekend with Amanda Tapping - AT3! This being the
        first of these events to occur since the final episodes of Stargate
        SG-1 aired, what better time than to showcase everything we have
        loved for ten years about Samantha Carter?! This has been discussed
        with some of Gabit's fantastic staff, and subject to final approval
        once the video is made I am sending this e-mail out now with their

        So, what is the project and how does it work?

        The idea is that a video is made using scenes chosen by as many
        different people as possible, to go with text saying something they
        have loved about Sam. Since illustration by example is probably the
        easiest way, the Janet video can be found here:

        Obviously for Sam we're looking at more of a celebration than a
        tribute! But the principle is the same. It may also be possible to
        include a section about what we're looking forward to (or have
        already been enjoying!) in Atlantis, so do feel free to include ideas
        in that direction.

        To make this work, I need your help! And this is not in any way
        exlusive to those attending the event, everyone is welcome to
        contribute! So, it'd be great if as many people as possible contacted
        me with the following information:

        1) Your name and location (country)
        2) What you would like to say about Sam (character trait or similar)
        3) Your top three choices of Stargate scene to illustrate this point.

        I will then compile as many of your contributions as possible into
        the video, with text subtitles with what you tell us in (1) and (2)
        put over one of your scene choices from (3). Obviously we don't want
        to be repeating ourselves, so try to be as original as you can!! And
        do keep in mind when you write your submissions that the text needs
        to fit on the video, without obscuring the picture underneath. Please
        don't make it too long!

        The information should be sent to: [email protected] (Please do not
        send replies to any of the lists this goes out on!!)

        The closing date for submissions is Thursday, February 14 2008. That
        gives you a couple of weeks in which to think and send me your ideas.

        So get thinking! With your help this can hopefully be a great
        celebration of a fantastic character.

        Thank you!
        I'm a bit confused about the video thing, do we need to make the little scenes our self or just suggest them?

        Thanks to Ambermoon for the wonderful Avatar Sig by: Me


          Originally posted by samcarterrules View Post
          Hi Everyone,

          I'm a bit confused about the video thing, do we need to make the little scenes our self or just suggest them?

          I was just trying to help Chelle out by posting the announcement here. I don't know anything more about the project but I suggest those with questions go to the site and ask there.


            Originally posted by JanSam View Post
            I was just trying to help Chelle out by posting the announcement here. I don't know anything more about the project but I suggest those with questions go to the site and ask there.
            Thanks Jann I'll e-mail tomorrow

            Thanks to Ambermoon for the wonderful Avatar Sig by: Me


              Originally posted by jz9 View Post
              Trio –


              However several scenes completely ruined it for me:

              (1) Sam’s comment regarding Zelenka was careless. She was THE commander of Atlantis! It would hurt Zelenka greatly when he hears that comment, and I bet he will hear it from Rodney. For the past 11 years, have we ever heard Sam uttering something like that? Not in character at all! Only to provide banter with Rodney.

              (2) Sam’s not being able to think because of her pain. Come on, for the past 11 years, when did Carter ever stop thinking because of her pain? Remember Line in the Sand? Death Knell? And many others. Completely out in character!

              I have to wonder of some of that had to do with the SGA writer not really "knowing" Sam. As you say
              Line in the Sand comes to mind. She's in terrible pain even *with* morphine and she still thinks her way out of the problem.


                or her comments

                after she got hurt....she had field medic training, she knew about the hazards of broken bones
                Where in the World is George Hammond?



                  My thoughts on Trio -


                  SuperSam rocked...the fact that SHE kept getting hurt was not cool. I'm not about the Sam whump.

                  The Zelenka comment was odd but I didn't take it the way Keller and McKay did. I totally knew she was referring to the fact that it was a small, enclosed space.

                  I so wanted Sam to DECK McKay like she did Ba'al. Good gods he (McKay) gets on my last nerve. The bumbling, whiny idiot is old folks. Yes David is good at it, but really...can we have him grow up some, please?

                  The bit with Keller and McKay at the end was funny but really, Keller is better off with Ronon, imho.
                  I prefer to be called Sunny, Sun or SK. Thanks.



                    you know, i think that keller and mckay is a combo of a couple of things

                    first, i think her and sam telling him that he dumped katie will prod him into making up with katie.

                    second, i think she was just following ronon's advice...'wanna be part of hte group? get yourself into the group'

                    she was socializing to make friends
                    Where in the World is George Hammond?



                      My 2 cents
                      Originally posted by jz9 View Post
                      Trio –

                      I have been SO looking forward to Trio, but it turned out to be a HUGE disappointment – I agree with Binkpmmc!

                      True, like Sally said, we got action sam! leader sam! banter-with-mckay sam! science sam! whumped sam! And I enjoyed seeing those.

                      However several scenes completely ruined it for me:
                      (1) Sam’s comment regarding Zelenka was careless. She was THE commander of Atlantis! It would hurt Zelenka greatly when he hears that comment, and I bet he will hear it from Rodney. For the past 11 years, have we ever heard Sam uttering something like that? Not in character at all! Only to provide banter with Rodney.
                      Actaully I took it that Sam actually saw Zelenka looking at her chest in the lift and felt uncomfortable with him. And then him getting nervous and not understanding some of her jokes. Sam doesn't having anyone to talk to about things because I don't care how many cammanders/ leaders there are they are human. THey can't keep it all bottled up forever. Sam spoke without thinking. It's probably something she thought and pushed around in her head and in a relaxed moment with her mind on getting out of there she give her true feeling about it.
                      (3) Sam’s not being able to help Rodney pull up Keller. Her hands are not broken. She could at least help by holding onto the ropes. Jennifer’s life is on the line here! Again, not in character for Sam. Not in character for anyone – because any normal person would have by instinct grabbed the rope, it was right next to her. Unfortunately Rodney's bloody hands needed to be highlighted.
                      I took that as her internal injuries wouldn't allow her to.
                      (4) Sam’s allowing Rodney to throw the grapple three times. Was it not obvious to us all that he could not throw that thing after his first try? Only because they needed to see the gas to allow McKay to use it as a bomb later. At Sam’s expense.
                      lol I think that sounds very much like McKay's personality not wanting to admit he can't do something. THat has been consistant through out the life of the character. Sam allowed him to try. I actually thought it said a lot for Sam to allow him to try.
                      (5) Sam should have been in the last scene with the two. I was disappointed in the way Keller was written. Wasn’t she with Ronon? Now she is asking Rodney out? I remember her saying she was inexperience in such matters, here I see a pro. The title says Trio, right? I say lose the “flirting” scene and let the three of them end the episode together.
                      I actually liked that scene because it showed how bad Rodney really is at that sort of thing. Which is how they started the episode with him not realizing he had broken up with his girlfriend. It was cute and funny IMO. I'm sure another group in fandom enjoyed it
                      To me, all of these scenes meant to turn the focus on Rodney. I in fact do not mind him being a hero at all. However I resent it being done at Sam’s expense. I have to rant. I like Sam too much to do so in the episode thread. Sorry, if I happen to offend anyone here.
                      Again I saw this different as well. To me they all contributed to the show. They all came up with different ideas and granted each one failed and in a fluke they were able to turn something negative into something positive. I like Rodney and I was finally glad he was able to step up to the plate so to speak instead of running and hiding. I think writing Sam hurt allowed Rodney to be developed more and maybe it was their friendship that made him step up.

                      Side Note: I'm not offended by your post I just didn't view the program the same as you and that's all good. I too hope no one takes offense to my post
                      Last edited by ann_sgcfan; 09 February 2008, 06:49 PM.


                        Here we go again with part 3, sorry it took a while, long story:

                        Originally posted by scifithinker View Post
                        I have to agree, golfbooy.

                        While I have watched every episode of SGA this season, it's been uneven in quality. As far as Sam is concerned, it's also been uneven in quantity, one minute here and there and the rare significant contribution to the storyline. While I've hoped for more, it hasn't really materialized, and I can't say I'm surprised.

                        Since it's been so long since the last episode of Sanctuary, I've wondered if it was going to fade away. Amanda was right when she said it's too easy to download without paying on the internet. I'm glad it will be on TV since that means some stability for its production. I do hope that s3m will be able to permanently maintain creative control. I think there's a good chance they will.

                        I can't say I'm surprised by the decision Amanda made. There are only so many hours in the day, after all. We may very well see as much of Sam as a guest star as we have this season anyway. I suspect TPTB would have to create something significant for Sam to do if AT's going to guest star.

                        I'm not disappointed by the change; there's too much potential For more.
                        Originally posted by majorsal View Post
                        for me, i wasn't thrilled with the amount of screentime sam got on atlantis (as a whole), but i understood the rescrictions well enough and just accepted it. i would have preferred sam getting much more focus and time, but i knew she wouldn't. i was hoping, though, that with amanda's time being freed up (not doing two sg1 movies at the same time), i thought we'd get 'more' sam screentime in s5.

                        but it's not that simple for me that amanda's got sanctuary now. i think this is the right move, career wise, and i think sanct is going to take off BIG time. but with sam being on atlantis, i still got to see the continuing adventures of my fave character. limited or not, it was still seeing sam. so i'll miss that.

                        because i started watching atlantis in s4, *that's* how i view the show. i've never seen beckett and i've only seen weir in a couple or so eps. i don't miss them because i never saw one and barely saw the other. i guess what i'm trying to say is, just like with s9/10 of sg1, sam was what was my only reason for watching. heck, sam had become my main reason even before s9/10.

                        i'll look forward to sam popping up on atlantis. i hope it's something cool and i hope it gives her *more* to do than what we've seen in s4.

                        btw, would becoming a ship commander be a step backwards in her career? maybe it would depend 'why' she went from one command to the other???

                        I guess I can see where you two are coming from, with her screentime being uneven with everyone else's and having a minute here and there appearance. But no matter how little her screen time was, she always lights up the screen with her beauty . And I agree with you sal, a ship commander would be a step backwards in her career. I want to see her move forward and higher. And like you, Sam was the main reason I watched season 4. I don't know how I'll watch S5.

                        Originally posted by Celandine View Post
                        I have to admit, I was a bit upset last night after reading the news here that Sam won't be back for S5. I've come to grips though. She has to move on and I support her in whatever her plans may be. I look forward to some awesome projects in the days to come from her either before the camera or behind. I'm way behind in watching Sanctuary, but if this is going to be her main focus for now, then I've got some catching up to do.

                        My only concern is that AT's last ep on Atlantis be well written and realistic, one of class and one that ties up all those lose ends so we're not left wondering anything. She's been a mainstay for 11 yrs in the Stargate world and to do a flippant ep that does not satisfy and really say 'goodbye' would be awful.
                        Couldn't agree more, I wrote to Amanda-- I wrote her a question here Ask Amanda Tapping and I was trying to find out how good her last ep would be. I has to be perfect, because RDA didn't really get a really awesome "good-bye" episode. some fans like it, some didn't. I just hope she urges them to give Sam a great sound off. Awesome, or not, I'll still miss her

                        Originally posted by Tracy Jane View Post
                        Wow. I finished the interview and couldn't help but go "God, I love that woman".

                        Seriously, she's so up-front and honest, it's so refreshing. And the things she talks about.... she says what I'm thinking, but puts it in such a thoughtful and eloquent matter. Everything she said about the characters being the heart and soul of a show, she said it ten times better than I ever could.

                        Amanda rocks the rock rock.

                        In fact, Amanda rocks the entire cliff face.
                        Originally posted by Mandysg1 View Post
                        I'm still catching up...boy you guys have been talkative

                        First of all....((( Amanda)))

                        After playing Sam for 11 years, I'm sure Amanda is as attached to the Sam character as we all are, and this must have been a hard decision for her to make. But I will say, we have been blessed with such a great character, and now Amanda must do what is best for her. Sanctuary is definitely a boost to her career, and I would much rather have the character of Helen starring in the show, than have small snippets of Sam on SGA. As being a guest star on SGA, I'm sure the role they write for Sam will be meatier (sorry vegetarians ) than being a supporting character. Will I miss Sam?...HELL YEA! but I support Amanda in her decision and look forward to seeing a full season of
                        Sanctuary, starring Amanda Tapping
                        You 2 said it so right . I loved Amanda more now, because she was so loving, sweet and honest. I can see how hard it was for her, saying all that, I wish it was an audio interview, so we could actually here her feelings. The way she spoke about the cast and characters, it was just do her.

                        And Mandy, you're right, we are blessed and lucky to have Amanda and Sam in our lives. I can't imagine how or where some of us would be without her. Oh yeah, "starring Amanda Tapping" I like it.

                        Originally posted by antoa315 View Post
                        *sniff* I'm all teary-eyed now.

                        She does indeed rock and all that.
                        she does.

                        Originally posted by hisg1fans View Post
                        NO NO NO NO NO NO NO

                        I can't believe this! I'm really mad! What else is this woman going to do!

                        She gets to work with gorgeous men every day. She gets to do cool stuff like blow up suns. She gets paid to go on adventures. She gets to eat cafeteria food (oops, went a little over board on that one ). And now this! It just isn't fair!

                        Because you know what......Sam's gonna make General!

                        Gosh darn it! Sam has received promotions 1-2 years BEHIND me for the last 11 years and now she trumps me making General. I'm up for General the first time next Tuesday, and Sam just has to go and make her announcement today. She did it just for spite I tell ya! Because we all know the only possible move for TPTB is for Sam to make General.

                        Darn that woman! It just isn't fair!!!!!!

                        (P.S. In case you didn't read this in the manner in which it was intended, everything in this post was said in jest. I wish nothing but the best for the one and only Ms. Amanda Tapping, Goddess.)
                        I actually thought you were writing an anti for a second. It would be cool to make her a General

                        Originally posted by jckfan55 View Post
                        That's my hope too. That they write something logical and respectful of AT's contribution and Sam's place in the SG world. If they use the "Cassie's having a crisis" excuse I think my head might explode.
                        I'm guessing they'll put either
                        Caldwell or Ellis
                        in as the new base commander. I read on another thread someone's recommendation for a scenario of Sam moving out of command. Which was actually what we were thinking a couple of years ago that would have made sense for her stepping out of SG1 command. She does something incredibly heroic but also totally against orders & they (IOA) punish her by taking away her job. They can't get rid of her b/c she's too important, but they can take her out of a command. I'm guessing she either goes back to the SGC or gets command of a ship & gets called in as needed. I do hope that when she is used she gets something significant to contribute. I was
                        so disappointed that AT had only a cameo in this latest episode. I would hope her "guest star" spots next season amount to more than that.
                        Some good guest star spots will be a nice bonus. But I'll definitely be shifting my AT "fix" over to Sanctuary next season. As I've said before Sanctuary means AT in the *lead*which is way better for AT & means we get to see her more than a few minutes per ep. my 2 cents
                        Originally posted by Alan View Post
                        Like you both I also don't want Sam to lose a position of command but unfortunately TPTB have disappointed me once before and that was at the start of Season 9 when she lost command of SG-1 to Mitchell. In spite of the fact that Sam had been in command of SG-1 for a year before and on various missions before that when Jack was absent and had 9-years worth of experience off-world.

                        There was absolutely no reason in the world why TPTB couldn't have have given the character of Mitchell a rank lower than Lieutenant Colonel and had him just cover the command of SG-1 until Sam returned. But no. Instead TPTB tried to cover themselves by saying that Sam and Mitchell had joint command. Something I never felt to be reflected on screen and from what I've heard about Stargate: The Ark of Truth this will still be the case. Mitchell leads. I'm still quite bitter at TPTB over this.

                        I just hope that when Sam leaves Atlantis during Season 5 it won't be a case of history repeating itself. She's a full-bird Colonel now and deserves to be a leader. She's proved her mettle. She's a 2IC to no one any more. I want a scene where Sam tells John Sheppard why she's leaving and what's in store for her (which will hopefully be a command post). After 11-years, Sam deserves more than just walking off into the Stargate and leaving us fans scratching our heads about what's going to happen to her. But I honestly can't see TPTB doing that with her. They've more sense than that...haven't they?
                        And like you 3 I also want to Sam to be giving the best possible final episode, it would be sweet and heart warming to see if she has some tears come to her eyes before she leaves Atlantis. It would seem right, because her crying would sorta reflect on how we feel. I just want her to leave right, well actually I don't want her to leave at all, but if she is, it has to be perfect.

                        (To Be Continued, yet again)


                          Originally posted by Skydiver View Post

                          you know, i think that keller and mckay is a combo of a couple of things

                          first, i think her and sam telling him that he dumped katie will prod him into making up with katie.

                          second, i think she was just following ronon's advice...'wanna be part of hte group? get yourself into the group'

                          she was socializing to make friends
                          Here's hoping because I just think...
                          McKay is all wrong for Keller. I think he'd drive her nuts. I think he and Katie are much better suited. Here's hoping right?
                          I prefer to be called Sunny, Sun or SK. Thanks.


                            to snurch from joe's blog

                            Answer: Official? All they did was go out for a drink together. Seriously. Applying that logic, given the number of times Carl and I have been out to dinner together, we should be happily married by now.
                            Where in the World is George Hammond?



                              Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                              to snurch from joe's blog

                              Answer: Official? All they did was go out for a drink together. Seriously. Applying that logic, given the number of times Carl and I have been out to dinner together, we should be happily married by now.
                              I prefer to be called Sunny, Sun or SK. Thanks.


                                I copied this from comments I made at the Joe Mallozzi Blogs Again thread because they're to do with Sam:

                                Regarding this part:

                                Dayse writes: “I was just looking back at the spoiler poem you posted in December and was wondering if this line:

                                The status quo shifts, a power play made.
                                The arrival of this one leave some feeling dismayed.

                                refers to Woolsey taking coming to Atlantis?”

                                Answer: My, my, my. That does look like a good guess.
                                "Leave some feeling dismayed". *Some*?!?!

                                Also "power play made". According to Wikipedia and with regards to Hockey - a power play is when a team takes advantage of the greater numbers on their side when the opposing team has one of their members in the penalty box. With the use of the word "power play" in that poem, that suggests to me that Woolsey's gonna be coming in and taking over when either Sam or Atlantis or both are going to be vulnerable and at a disadvantage.

                                With Sam going to be a recurring character in S5, could that possibly mean that once again that another of Atlantis' leaders has gone missing and Woolsey will take over the position maybe because they've somehow been separated from Earth once again and no one else can come over to do the job?
                                Prion responded later with this:

                                Originally posted by prion View Post
                                POWER PLAY was also a canadian tv show about hockey players, starring Dean McDermott who is now married to Tori Spelling and I realized that has no basis in this conversatin but it's just useless trivia. Anyway...sounds like the IOA is gonna take over. Well, with Woolsey there, yup. As for Sam going missing, can't see that happening. Not with potential movies down the road (I would think).
                                To which I replied:

                                I also can't see Sam going missing in S5 either. I mean it's been done with Weir already. Would TPTB *really* repeat the same trick twice but with a new twist? Doubtful but not beyond their thinking I think.

                                With regards to the Stargate SG-1 movies...if TPTB did crazily decide to disappear Sam in S5, they could still have her returned before the season is finished just in time for her to appear in a third movie and possibly for any future seasons of Stargate: Atlantis too.

                                I just want to be clear...I don't want Sam to go missing. I also don't want her to have been reassigned because she hasn't done done the job properly or been badly injured. I want her to go back to Earth with her health and her career intact. Sam is one of my favourite Stargate characters alongside Jack (not just because I'm a 'shipper) and if TPTB have done *anything* that doesn't have Sam leaving the way she came to Atlantis in Reunion...healthy, walking, and with a good career...then there'll be hell to pay.

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