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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by Coley View Post
    Hi everyone.

    I have just watched another Classic SG1 ep - FOOTHOLD. I love the little bit of Sam and Teal'c in this - they go well together. I'm sure these 2 could have made a go of leading in a third spin off.
    There is of course the great ad lib scene with Maybourne. Also another Jackism when he's naming the gas - I love it when he does that - my fave was when he called Nutrino's Nintendo's in Crystal Skull.
    Sam is pretty slick with the old hangun - I like the way she cocks it cooly with one hand once out of the SGC.
    Finally there is that lovely smile right at the end!!
    What bits of Foothold do every one else like?

    I have also managed to get through season 1 and 2 of Atlantis over the Christmas period (many thanks for the present 1speed). For me without a doubt the stand out character is Carson Beckett - he seems to be the most believable and has a rich character. I'm pretty gutted they wrote him out in season 3. In all it is a bit too much the John Shepherd Show for me - though he is very easy on the eye - not enough of the rest of the team. I was also disapointed they got rid of Ford - I liked him much better than Ronan.

    Back on topic Does anyone know what channel Sanctuary is likely to be broadcast on - and for those of us without TV's will we be able to purchase downloads like before?

    Hope everyone had a good weekend!!
    I love "Foothold". Great Sam-ep. I think my favorite scene is the one where Sam is going for help and tells Teal'c she'll be back. Teal'c says "Of that, I have no doubt". Of course, the fact that Sam looks georgeous in this scene is an added bonus.

    I hope we haven't seen the last of the Sam we saw in Foothold. Maybe "Continuum".

    Last edited by mapsc; 13 January 2008, 11:53 AM.


      Originally posted by Celandine View Post
      I'm planning on AT4 in what...2009 now? Getting a Charmed ticket early and being able to sit amongst the chosen few with AT at the cocktail party where she circulates the tables and such will be cool. Not to mention the photo op and autographs with her as well. Might be the closet thing to being close to her that I might get.
      I really hope they have another AT convention and that it's in the summer. I think I'd be most nervous to meet AT, out of everyone on the show, except RDA. I've only been to one con, and at first it was just surreal...but when I actually got face to face with them, I was calm...except I almost turned to goo with MS. But...maybe one day I'll get the chance to see her and find out what I'd do.


        Originally posted by jckfan55 View Post
        Somehow I can believe that. Everything I've read says she puts people at ease. She hasn't let our admiration (adoration? ) go to her head.

        She doesn't come off as la di da "actressy" if you know what I mean. She may have been in her early days based on her self deprecating comments on her "not wanting to prostitute her art" in tv (coming from a theatre background) and then changing her mind once she got a job. I think if she really thought that today, she'd never say that about herself.

        ETA: oh and on the superbaby comment, the only one I know about is AT's own Olivia.
        I remember being extremely nervous when I first met her, and she is just so nice and shows a real interest in you, that you forget about those nervs.
        She's just such a classy, down-to-earth person, that after meeting her you love her even more

        edit: Noticed that this was my 600th post I'm getting closer to the 1000


          foothold is a favorite of mine. sam simply taking charge and getting stuff done...and picking up the pieces later

          girl power without the emphasis on 'girl power', if you get my drift
          Where in the World is George Hammond?



            Originally posted by sofie View Post
            I remember being extremely nervous when I first met her, and she is just so nice and shows a real interest in you, that you forget about those nervs.
            She's just such a classy, down-to-earth person, that after meeting her you love her even more

            edit: Noticed that this was my 600th post I'm getting closer to the 1000
            They are all just people, people with cool jobs, but just people, putting them on pedestals isn't something I feel good about. Let's save the pedestal for Mother Theresa or Nelson Mandela, rather than TV stars.
            I'm always more impressed by Amanda or RDA or whoever's charity work, by them using their popularity to for good, than just their star factor.

            Talking to the actor about something other than the show is always a good in, when I met Amanda, we talked about Coronation Street (I went to collage with the son of one of the Corrie actors). When I met MS, all you needed to do was mention his new baby and he stopped being MS the Actor and became MS the Dad in one swift moment and was just so happy to talk about his new addition to the family.

            But the main thing to remember is that they are just people like you and me, they have good days and bad. Amanda has very good people skills and is particularly good at making people feel at ease. Other actors are less skillful in this, but we shouldn't judge them harshly if they are less than gracious at times, Conventions are highly stressful (I've run more than one and attended about 3 a year since 1982) and hard work for the actors. In SF we are very lucky, most media fans never get the opportunity to meet their heroes, we do, that's a great gift.



              Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
              foothold is a favorite of mine. sam simply taking charge and getting stuff done...and picking up the pieces later

              girl power without the emphasis on 'girl power', if you get my drift
              That's one of the things about Sam I've always loved.


                she's a kick butt soldier that just happens to be a girl
                Where in the World is George Hammond?



                  Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                  she's a kick butt soldier that just happens to be a girl
                  Which is exactly how it should always be, of course. And yet sometimes...

                  I do like that ep. Its been a while since I last saw it. Might have to try and kick-start the rewatching thread after it all died down, as we were going to start season me an excuse

                  Courtesy of smurf, as always


                    Just a quick reminder of the names that you can vote for for our star!!

                    You can vote for any one of these....

                    Julia's Samanda
                    Hic Comitas Regit
                    Blue Jello Rules

                    Its simple to vote just PM me with the name your voting for, you have until Thursday 17th January to vote


                    Thanks to Ambermoon for the wonderful Avatar Sig by: Me


                      Originally posted by Coley View Post
                      Hi everyone.

                      I have just watched another Classic SG1 ep - FOOTHOLD. I love the little bit of Sam and Teal'c in this - they go well together. I'm sure these 2 could have made a go of leading in a third spin off.
                      There is of course the great ad lib scene with Maybourne. Also another Jackism when he's naming the gas - I love it when he does that - my fave was when he called Nutrino's Nintendo's in Crystal Skull.
                      Sam is pretty slick with the old hangun - I like the way she cocks it cooly with one hand once out of the SGC.
                      Finally there is that lovely smile right at the end!!
                      What bits of Foothold do every one else like?

                      I have also managed to get through season 1 and 2 of Atlantis over the Christmas period (many thanks for the present 1speed). For me without a doubt the stand out character is Carson Beckett - he seems to be the most believable and has a rich character. I'm pretty gutted they wrote him out in season 3. In all it is a bit too much the John Shepherd Show for me - though he is very easy on the eye - not enough of the rest of the team. I was also disapointed they got rid of Ford - I liked him much better than Ronan.

                      Back on topic Does anyone know what channel Sanctuary is likely to be broadcast on - and for those of us without TV's will we be able to purchase downloads like before?

                      Hope everyone had a good weekend!!
                      Foothold!! That's one of my early favourites
                      I'm not sure that I have specific favourite parts but I do love the whole ep. The Maybourne snark was totally cool

                      As for Atlantis, I'm going to be doing a mini marathon this week and watch season 4 (so far) back to back and get a good solid overview of how the changes have been incorporated. So far I like it, it's not great but it is good and headed in what I feel is the right direction. I hope we get to see more Sam in S5!!

                      As for Ford and Ronon, I have similar opinions but I found that as season 3 progressed and into season 4 I am really starting to dig Ronon I'd like to see a follow up between Sam and Ronon to see how their relationship is developing after their shakey start.

                      As for Sanctuary no details of TV broadcasts have been released just yet only that they are in talks for release in more than one country. They have said though, that the TV version will probably be a cut down version and you will still be able to purchase and watch longer webisodes on the net.


                        Dedicated to all those attending AT3

                        Sam: Daniel this is the last time we let you make reservations over the internet!

                        my fanfic


                          Originally posted by mapsc View Post
                          I love "Foothold". Great Sam-ep. I think my favorite scene is the one where Sam is going for help and tells Teal'c she'll be back. Teal'c says "Of that, I have no doubt". Of course, the fact that Sam looks georgeous in this scene is an added bonus.

                          I hope we haven't seen the last of the Sam we saw in Foothold. Maybe "Continuum".

                          Foothold is one of my favourite Sam eps too...I wish they'd done more with the great Sam and Teal'c friendship that was so strong in that ep but it took them so long! Ah well...and yes we need more of that Sam, tough Sam, smart Sam, get-it-done Sa,

                          Originally posted by L.A. Doyle View Post
                          I really hope they have another AT convention and that it's in the summer. I think I'd be most nervous to meet AT, out of everyone on the show, except RDA. I've only been to one con, and at first it was just surreal...but when I actually got face to face with them, I was calm...except I almost turned to goo with MS. But...maybe one day I'll get the chance to see her and find out what I'd do.
                          I really hope they do and it's sometime between May and October too...I don't get time off in the Winter and I am on the wrong continent! But I do really hope there is an AT4 I can save towards and plot for

                          Heh...I don't chat a lot with the actors at cons, mostly because I tend to be quite quiet around people I don't know well, though I have usually relaxed by the end of the weekend!...but I don't get really starstruck either, there was only one time when I had a completely tongue tied moment and that was when Alice Krige appeared in my peripheral vision at a bar nothing like the borg queen looming into your vision for you to lose your power of speech.
                          Thank you to Lies for my signature pic
                          My Fanfic~My Femslash


                            Originally posted by ames View Post
                            I had the same problem with the streaming. Try pausing or stopping the feed, and then starting again. It worked wonders for me ...

                            I heartily agree -- getting to chill at a bar/restaurant and pick brains in a relaxed environment (unlike the 'cattle-prod' queues I have experienced thus far) would be very cool! Not that I'm dissing my previous experiences, persay -- any contact is better than no contact ... but a longer chance to have a chat would be even better still! (I might be able to get past my deer-in-the-headlights squee urge that way )
                            Sorry, couldnt help it. Your use of words just put an amusing mental image in my mind that I couldnt help laughing at.

                            Originally posted by JuliaR View Post
                            In answer to your question, actually, yes some people do cry every time they meet Amanda. We've had everything from people shaking, crying, trembling, and speechless (not all together at the same time thank goodness!)

                            The one thing I can tell you is that we've managed to get everyone through meeting her so far successfully and coming away feeling on top of the world, so I'm sure you'll be ok Julia.
                            A couple of us are always on hand either during the autographs or during the photo session to calm people down or talk them through it before they reach her. We have kleenex, glasses of water and a sympathetic hug always on standby. Don't worry, it'll be fine!

                            Remember that Amanda is used to meeting people at her Conventions, and most people calm down within a few seconds of actually being face to face with her.

                            When I went to the Creation Con last year it was a bit mind blowing at first seeing all the actors in real life, but by a few hours time I was pretty cool. I mean, they are just people who might have bad hair days, bad gas, food/drink spillage on their shirts, food stuck between their teeth, stinky feet and all the horrendous stuff we try to hide but sometimes fail so miserably at. They're people who make millions more than me, but people just the same.

                            Originally posted by ZampraZ View Post
                            It would be really ackward to sit and chat with AT and Teryl at the same time due to some fic's ive stumbled across.
                            I can't agree more here. I've read and even written some femslash fic that was very *cough* explicit, but in a strange way, that just brings them down a bit from this pedestal and makes them more "normal" in my eyes. It happens.

                            Originally posted by DropsOfAngst View Post
                            Sorry this is so late...but, thank you all for your help with the search for a certain type of Sam pic the other week

                            Other reason I'm here...I'm not sure if it's okay to share it in this specific thread, as it's a crossover between Stargate and Farscape, but yesterday I completed a fanvid that focuses on the characters of Sam Carter and John Crichton. Which really is a trailer for a fic I'm working on, set from Sam's pov.

                            So yeah, not sure if it's okay to share, but hoping it is (if it's not, let me know and I'll edit the post to remove mention of it ).

                            It's on YouTube, or you can get a large version of it from my site (it sits at 17mb, and there's a smaller version available that comes in under 5mb in size).

                            ~ Dem
                            Very nice job and what a great song you picked for it! Thanks for sharing it with us.

                            Originally posted by L.A. Doyle View Post
                            I really hope they have another AT convention and that it's in the summer. I think I'd be most nervous to meet AT, out of everyone on the show, except RDA. I've only been to one con, and at first it was just surreal...but when I actually got face to face with them, I was calm...except I almost turned to goo with MS. But...maybe one day I'll get the chance to see her and find out what I'd do.
                            Same here but hopefully it'll just be very "wow" at first followed by a casual "cool...its Amanda" nonchalance.

                            Originally posted by sofie View Post
                            I remember being extremely nervous when I first met her, and she is just so nice and shows a real interest in you, that you forget about those nervs.
                            She's just such a classy, down-to-earth person, that after meeting her you love her even more

                            edit: Noticed that this was my 600th post I'm getting closer to the 1000
                            Yay! Congrats on your 660th!

                            Originally posted by samcarterrules View Post
                            Just a quick reminder of the names that you can vote for for our star!!

                            You can vote for any one of these....

                            Julia's Samanda
                            Hic Comitas Regit
                            Blue Jello Rules

                            Its simple to vote just PM me with the name your voting for, you have until Thursday 17th January to vote


                            doh...these reminders are just for me. Sorry. I said I was gonna vote and I completely forgot to when I came home from work that day. PM flying your way!


                              you know, i'm not even that fussed about the occasional smut fic i've written...but i'd feel funny if the actors knew 'yeah, this is the person that likes to whump the stuffins out of your character'

                              (although, i dunno, sam and teal'c have more 'fun' than either would probably like to admit to )
                              Where in the World is George Hammond?



                                Hi Everyone,

                                I just thought I'd drop in and say hi since I've been lurking for a while.

                                Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                                ...but i'd feel funny if the actors knew 'yeah, this is the person that likes to whump the stuffins out of your character'
                                I wonder about that too. I've whumped the crap out of sam (and jack and janet) more than once. i wonder what they think about that. or if they do at all.

                                oh, and to whoever it was that is going to AT4 next year, i am sooo going to be there!

                                "The men cheered! The women fainted! The children waved multi-colored flags!" -Amanda Tapping

                                SG-1 FanFiction
                                Sanctuary Fanfiction

