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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Hey guys...quick question then I'm gone...the other day, someone posted a thing where we could participate in the making of a tribute video for Amanda...or rather Sam...I'm not sure if it was posted here or in the Sanctuary forum but I was wondering if anyone knew where it was...I've tried to find it but my head is a little woozy...I'd appreciate any help in finding the post...does this ring a bell with anyone???
    The people who are doing this made a tribute video to Janet Fraiser...

    Thank you!!
    "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
    Hug Your Loved Ones!!
    ~Amanda Tapping


      HI Chelle

      OT: I've just played a game of Simpson's minopoly and i lost i had to give all my money and houses to my brother DO'H! i'm so bad at that game this is the first game we've played as family in a long time .

      Oh and i'm so looking forward to seeing TRIO i so wanna see it know
      (''For all Eternity'') Ripperette,MultishipperAmanda=Angel Magnett,Teslan,Willen


        Originally posted by samcarterrules View Post
        Hey Everyone,

        I missed you all yesterday, RL got in the way of posting, damn RL

        You hit the nail on the head jckfan, the team had lost its 'family' feel, it felt kinda like putting your shoes on the wrong feet, you know uncomfortable. IMHO only of course, although I did buy seasons 9 and 10 b/c I have the other 8 seasons

        IMHO, there was no team in s9 and 10...largely because folks thought as long as they were on the screen at the same time, they were a 'team'

        a team is agroup of interacting people that care for each other. in s9 adn 10 all we got was a bunch of people with the same patches on thier uniform that kinda muddled thier way through a bunch of misadventures
        Where in the World is George Hammond?



          Originally posted by EH-T View Post
          I like some of the season 9 episodes but there are lots I skip. I bought season 9 for a friend who was a major Stargate fan, already had seasons 1-8 and was going through some difficult times. I sometimes wonder whether, given it was season 9, she really appreciated the gift!
          Well the imfamous "they" do say it's the thought that counts.

          Originally posted by chelle db View Post

          You should try watching grass's kinda enlightening!!
          I shall add it to my list of things to do instead of watching S9.


            Originally posted by KatG View Post

            I shall add it to my list of things to do instead of watching S9.
            I have the DVDs but skip over the Sam-less episodes. If that makes me a Demanda, so be it. I'll stop complaining here and try to confine my ranting to the "anti season 10" thread though. (S9 &10 are kind of a unit)

            I have my fingers crossed that Trio will be a good episode. I'm trying not to get my hopes up too much, but from the clips I accidentally saw it could be a good one for Sam.
            I wish the trio would have included Teyla, but I guess that's what the "Women of the Gate" ficathon is for. What's the word on that?--have assignments been handed out?


              Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
              IMHO, there was no team in s9 and 10...largely because folks thought as long as they were on the screen at the same time, they were a 'team'

              a team is agroup of interacting people that care for each other. in s9 adn 10 all we got was a bunch of people with the same patches on thier uniform that kinda muddled thier way through a bunch of misadventures
              I think they were able to accomplish somewhat of a team feel, because I actually felt seasons 5 and 6 were more disjointed in the 'family feeling'. There were some good team scenes in 9 and 10 that didn't have the antagonistic feel from 5 and 6 in my opinion. I felt the lack of character bantering type stuff with parts of 9 and 10, but it also felt like they were working hard to isolate Sam from her original team mates for some odd reason. We got some decent Sam and Cameron scenes, some decent Sam and Vala scenes, but where were the really good character scenes between Sam and Teal'c and Sam and Daniel?

              I swear, Sam and Daniel didn't even get to have a decent, friendly, not plot-moving-along type of conversation in both the last too seasons, and that's too bad. The show used to be full of a lot of that sort of casual bantering type stuff between the different characters.

              I just hope they do something creative and non-demeaning with Sam regarding her future based on the new news about season 5 of ATL.
              sigpic Heliosphere- multi-shipper, multi-thunker


                Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                IMHO, there was no team in s9 and 10...largely because folks thought as long as they were on the screen at the same time, they were a 'team'

                a team is agroup of interacting people that care for each other. in s9 adn 10 all we got was a bunch of people with the same patches on thier uniform that kinda muddled thier way through a bunch of misadventures
                I agree. What I *really* hated in S9 and S10 were those awful, blatantly obvious, trying to be sentimental, "we're all together" scenes when Sam returned in Beachhead. They made me sick. I'm not sure exactly what TPTB were trying to do but it sure as hell backfired on me at least.

                There's only one SG-1 team in my mind and that's that group of people I watched for the past 8-years and that includes when Jonas was part of the team in S6 and even when Jack became the SGC C.O. in S8 he still felt a part of SG-1.

                THE TARDIS DATA CORE - Encyclopaedia and reference site covering DOCTOR WHO, K-9 AND COMPANY, TORCHWOOD, THE SARAH JANE ADVENTURES,
                K-9, CLASS and much more...


                  Originally posted by Mandysg1 View Post
                  Anything to help

                  this pic is awesome!!!!

                  "The men cheered! The women fainted! The children waved multi-colored flags!" -Amanda Tapping

                  SG-1 FanFiction
                  Sanctuary Fanfiction


                    I wish the trio would have included Teyla, but I guess that's what the "Women of the Gate" ficathon is for. What's the word on that?--have assignments been handed out?
                    i have a funny feeling that, had rachel not been pregnant, she might have been along. but it just wasn't physically possible.

                    as to the ficathon, yep, the assignments are all out - with the exception of one person that never replied to my mails.
                    Where in the World is George Hammond?



                      Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                      i have a funny feeling that, had rachel not been pregnant, she might have been along. but it just wasn't physically possible.

                      as to the ficathon, yep, the assignments are all out - with the exception of one person that never replied to my mails.
                      Trio was one of the last episodes they filmed wasn't Rachel already on maternity leave by then? I do wish Rachel and Amanda had more scenes together.

                      Watching Keller, McKay and Sam in tonights episode should be a blast! I'm looking forward to it after the behind the scene clips on Joe's blog


                        Originally posted by ann_sgcfan View Post
                        Trio was one of the last episodes they filmed wasn't Rachel already on maternity leave by then? I do wish Rachel and Amanda had more scenes together.
                        and that is definitely what fic is for.
                        +I thought I was a fool for no one
                        but oh baby I'm a fool for you


                          Originally posted by resurgamlaura View Post

                          Just going through the PB and came across some random bits and bobs

                          Captionary, if you please?

                          Sam: Tell me again your joke again, Teal'c.

                          Teal'c: What is long, brown, and sticky?


                          Teal'c: A stick.

                          [long pause]

                          Sam: Nope, still don't get it...


                            Originally posted by chelle db View Post
                            Hey guys...quick question then I'm gone...the other day, someone posted a thing where we could participate in the making of a tribute video for Amanda...or rather Sam...I'm not sure if it was posted here or in the Sanctuary forum but I was wondering if anyone knew where it was...I've tried to find it but my head is a little woozy...I'd appreciate any help in finding the post...does this ring a bell with anyone???
                            The people who are doing this made a tribute video to Janet Fraiser...

                            Thank you!!
                            Well I remember seeing it on the yahoo group for Sanctuaryforall....

                            Hi everyone!

                            With apologies for the cross-post, and permission to forward on where
                            you think Sam fans might wish to see it...

                            A few years back now I was part of a project showing our appreciation
                            for Janet, and thanking Teryl for all her work on Stargate, by
                            showcasing everything we loved about the character in a music video
                            featuring contributions from many of her fans. The finished video was
                            played at Wolf's SG8 and seemed to go down well!

                            Jumping back to the present, and we're a few months away from another
                            fabulous Gabit weekend with Amanda Tapping - AT3! This being the
                            first of these events to occur since the final episodes of Stargate
                            SG-1 aired, what better time than to showcase everything we have
                            loved for ten years about Samantha Carter?! This has been discussed
                            with some of Gabit's fantastic staff, and subject to final approval
                            once the video is made I am sending this e-mail out now with their

                            So, what is the project and how does it work?

                            The idea is that a video is made using scenes chosen by as many
                            different people as possible, to go with text saying something they
                            have loved about Sam. Since illustration by example is probably the
                            easiest way, the Janet video can be found here:


                            Obviously for Sam we're looking at more of a celebration than a
                            tribute! But the principle is the same. It may also be possible to
                            include a section about what we're looking forward to (or have
                            already been enjoying!) in Atlantis, so do feel free to include ideas
                            in that direction.

                            To make this work, I need your help! And this is not in any way
                            exlusive to those attending the event, everyone is welcome to
                            contribute! So, it'd be great if as many people as possible contacted
                            me with the following information:

                            1) Your name and location (country)
                            2) What you would like to say about Sam (character trait or similar)
                            3) Your top three choices of Stargate scene to illustrate this point.

                            I will then compile as many of your contributions as possible into
                            the video, with text subtitles with what you tell us in (1) and (2)
                            put over one of your scene choices from (3). Obviously we don't want
                            to be repeating ourselves, so try to be as original as you can!! And
                            do keep in mind when you write your submissions that the text needs
                            to fit on the video, without obscuring the picture underneath. Please
                            don't make it too long!

                            The information should be sent to: [email protected] (Please do not
                            send replies to any of the lists this goes out on!!)

                            The closing date for submissions is Thursday, February 14 2008. That
                            gives you a couple of weeks in which to think and send me your ideas.

                            So get thinking! With your help this can hopefully be a great
                            celebration of a fantastic character.

                            Thank you!
                            Last edited by JanSam; 08 February 2008, 07:19 PM. Reason: fixed email for sending information


                              Originally posted by Mandysg1 View Post
                              Anything to help

                              Originally posted by Bekah See View Post
                              this pic is awesome!!!!
                              This pic was made by the very talented JanSam

                              my fanfic


                                Originally posted by Amanda_Tapping_Fan View Post

                                AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH you dont know about the licking oh you poor deprived thing.....and the noodle is taboo, no talking bout the noodle, the wet Noodle of doom is scary *hids from the noodle*

                                Watchoo talkin bout ATFan?

                                Originally posted by jckfan55 View Post

                                O'Neill: Are you on that site again, Carter?
                                Sam: I can't help it sir, they are just so crazy.
                                I'm not crazy! Am I crazy? When did you first notice?

                                Originally posted by suse View Post

                                I really hope there's time for some quality Sam in S5, but I'm not holding my breath.
                                The 'glass is half empty' side of me can't help but feel they'll have forgotten all about Sam by the time AT is available.

                                I think I'm one of the few relieved at who they brought in. This could make for some great conflict. Or train wreck. Only time will tell.

                                Well, hopefully we'll all be pleasantly surprised by season 5. I have a feeling i'm going to be full of anticipation like I did every time I saw Carmen Argenziano's name in the credits and knew that "Dad" was coming to visit.

                                one thing for sure he raises Sam's hackles whenever he tries to throw that bureaucrat BS in her face. I just want her to sock him in the nose like she did Ba'al. Juust once...come on it for me. do it for Jack.

                                Originally posted by rolleson View Post
                                Thanks, I'm glad it's not just me. I mean, I'll take the 15 seconds, I'll take whatever I can get. You know I would've loved there to be more of that scene.

                                And I'm glad you like my fic, and am enjoying my foray into mad Sam pairings, bwah ha ha. I'm not even half way through my list yet. Sam/Fran is with the beta though, and Sam/Cassie half way done (but ****ing hard to write). But every time I complete another pairing, someone suggests another for me to write. lol. It's never ending!!!!!!! (I think that's mostly a good thing though).
                                bwahahaha! don't worry i love your mad pairings. how do you come up with all this stuff? i read it and i'm like DAMn! that was good! Like now, I just read your Sam/Hammond pairing. And I was, "God! This is something that Sam would totally do." It reminded of the commentary that AT did when she did "The Road Not Taken" and she said that seeing Don again was a great morale booster and that there was something in the timbre of his voice that hit you in the chest and she couldn't quite describe that feeling, but I think you caught it just right in this story.

                                Originally posted by Bekah See View Post
                                I just got back from the dentist, and found out I have 13 cavities!! 13!! Who gets 13 cavities??? Stupid soda, stupid not-working toothbrush, stupid dentist. Would someone please just zat me a couple of times and put me out of my misery???? *Whines pathetically*
                                dang girl! well, teeth are overrated anyways. just get some grillz. myself, i'm going to get some FaSho-Gold Grillz. 6 teeth, semi invisible set, 2.5 krt diamonds, 14k white gold....

                                You like?

                                Originally posted by Bekah See View Post
                                of course I'm referring to his fishing rod. what ELSE would i be talking about???
                                of COURSE!you were..

                                Originally posted by 1speed4Sam View Post
                                Sam: Tell me again your joke again, Teal'c.

                                Teal'c: What is long, brown, and sticky?


                                Teal'c: A stick.

                                [long pause]

                                Sam: Nope, still don't get it...
                                of COURSE!it is.

                                Originally posted by 1speed4Sam View Post
                                O'Neill: Carter, exactly when did you hack into the security camera in Teal'c's quarters?

                                Sam: Mmmmmmmmmm...... oh, sorry Sir, did you say something?

                                Teal'c: Perhaps she will enjoy this pose as well...

                                Originally posted by helenmagnus23 View Post
                                Oh and i'm so looking forward to seeing TRIO i so wanna see it know
                                yup yup. and as an added bonus we get to read about it on JM's blog. I'm in awe of Amanda facing her fear of heights like that.

                                Sam Carter Tribute

