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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by antoa315 View Post
    Is there an echo in here?

    And what does scifithinker want with Mandy's box....
    It was actually PengYn's box, I stole found it and gave it to scifithinker for her birthday

    Originally posted by PengYn View Post


    my fanfic


      Originally posted by Mandysg1 View Post
      It was actually PengYn's box, I stole found it and gave it to scifithinker for her birthday
      OK, so what does scifithinker want with PengYn's box...



        Yay on season 5!

        As long as Amanda is treated well I'd love to keep seeing her on SGA.

        Thunder only happens when it's raining!

        Hallelujah! It's raining! And yes, I did a dance outside in it. It's been very dry here. Not as bad as California, but enough that we didn't send firefighters to help.
        Mourning Sanctuary.
        Thanks for the good times!


          Originally posted by antoa315 View Post
          Is there an echo in here?

          And what does scifithinker want with Mandy's box....
          Originally posted by antoa315 View Post
          OK, so what does scifithinker want with PengYn's box...


          Neep, NZBG, Eileen!

          Made with love and chocolate brownies by Spacegirlnz

          Pooh-Bah/Ko-Ko FTW!


            Originally posted by hisg1fans View Post
            After the earlier discussion of Sam's voice changing, I was wondering about others noticing Amanda's 'Canadian' accent creeping into Sam's dialog.

            I didn't know AT was Canadian until season 9 and only then noticed just one word being pronounced a little differently (process with a long 'o' like boat, not a short 'o' like clock). I don't know of any US accents with a long 'o'. Yes, I know. Eight years of cluelessness. I didn't care, I just loved the show Plus, AT was so good, I couldn't tell she wasn't an American.

            Has anybody else noticed any other 'Canadian' tendencies in Sam's voice?

            In my new program here in the States is included a class called "Voice production and speech" included in this is how to adopt a totally neutral dialect, so that one can't really tell where you're from... And I tell you, there are things as a Canadian I neeever knew I said... Now I look at SG, and I think Amanda has done a fantastic job over the years! I can't really find any glaring Canadianisms, plus with the million and two regional American accents i've heard, her neutrality is great. It would be fun to pick out some little mistakes here and there tho

            And question: Is there any actual confirmation that Amanda will still be the leader of Atlantis in S5? (Congrats Atlantis!)
            The Von MajorSam Family Singers debut CD... Coming soon

            |||Official Member of the Chevron Guy Fan Club||


              no confirmation at all about ANY casting for s5
              Where in the World is George Hammond?



                Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                here's a question, given all the new US tv shows, which ones do you think sam watches and why?

                which ones does she enjoy? which ones are guilty pleasures? which ones can she just not stand?
                I think she'd get a kick out of Eureka. And Boston Legal maybe. They both have a sense of humor. They're the only ones I watch with any consistency as I've not watched even a whole show of most of the others. If they don't measure up in the 1st 15 minutes I go back to SG1 or Atlantis DVDs. Also just bought the whole Due South series. Or just listen to music. Pretty soon BSG will be back on.



                  Originally posted by NearlyCircular View Post

                  Happy Birthday scfithinker!

                  Hope it's a day of happy everything for you.
                  Originally posted by Alan View Post
                  I do believe she has. Check the link below for more:


                  Checked...though it's just hearsay (at least in this link). Nothing definite from Amanda's own mouth yet.

                  Originally posted by jckfan55 View Post
                  Thanks Ooober and all the *many* Samandans who have expressed your good thoughts. You really are a circle of friends here and I appreciate the support. It is also great to come here and take my mind off things.

                  We're waiting for full word from the docs on just how bad things are for dad. I'm trying not to panic, but I think it will be very bad. I will be sure to tell him about all the Samanda prayers and good wishes. He was quite impressed with you guys when I told him about the outpouring during his last crisis. (I think he thinks my having online friends is a bit odd, but nice.)
                  Crossing a few more appendages for you and wishing your dad the best in this latest trial he's going through. Hopefully the news from the docs won't be more than either of you can handle.

                  Originally posted by sandwich View Post
                  In the comments someone is claiming they're L Bourne and that they want to sell it. Any idea if thats actually her?
                  Originally posted by SamJackShipLover View Post
                  The person who made the vid (Famantha, she used to come to Samanda but I don't think she does anymore) seemed to think it was the real L Bourne. But I don't think anyone has tried contacting him / her yet.
                  Well, I've officially stuck my neck out. Contacted this L Bourne to find out some more info. on this dvd. Guess I'm that desperate!

                  I'll let you all know if I hear anything back.

                  Originally posted by ann_sgcfan View Post

                  Just for my 1500 post
         pretty! *admires*

                  Congratz Ann on your 1500th!!


                    Friendly reminder time :

                    Don't forget to vote (and vote often) for Sanctuary at the TV Guide 2007 Online Video Awards


                      Hey all! My friend has made this, and since it's Sam I though I'd share! She kept asking me what outfits she should do, and I gave her about a million of them.

                      Have fun!

                      "I don't know how you can call yourself a scientist and not worship at the altar of Roddenberry" - Coombs
                      "The men cheered! The women fainted! The children waved multi-coloured flags!" - Amanda Tapping
                      My Livejournal my Tweets and my Tumblr


                        Originally posted by Spacegirlnz View Post
                        Hey all! My friend has made this, and since it's Sam I though I'd share! She kept asking me what outfits she should do, and I gave her about a million of them.

                        Have fun!
                        Oh wow... tell her it rocks!

                        Did she ever finish that painting?
                        Neep, NZBG, Eileen!

                        Made with love and chocolate brownies by Spacegirlnz

                        Pooh-Bah/Ko-Ko FTW!


                          Yes. She did.

                          And she even drew me this for my birthday


                          "I don't know how you can call yourself a scientist and not worship at the altar of Roddenberry" - Coombs
                          "The men cheered! The women fainted! The children waved multi-coloured flags!" - Amanda Tapping
                          My Livejournal my Tweets and my Tumblr



                            This game is too much fun... I can't imagine how long it took her to make...
                            Neep, NZBG, Eileen!

                            Made with love and chocolate brownies by Spacegirlnz

                            Pooh-Bah/Ko-Ko FTW!


                              Originally posted by Spacegirlnz View Post
                              Hey all! My friend has made this, and since it's Sam I though I'd share! She kept asking me what outfits she should do, and I gave her about a million of them.

                              Have fun!
                              so much fun! *g* I can't really play with it properly now but will later...that must have taken her forever
                              Thank you to Lies for my signature pic
                              My Fanfic~My Femslash


                                Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                                what i used to do when i wrote review was along the line of
                                Ok, so i have like no tolerance at ALL for spoof episodes. I just don't care for seeing people made fools of. That being said, however, i found 200 to be.....
                                then i'd review it. I'd say up front 'hey, i was predisposed to not like it just so that you know'
                                Or i think when i reviewed Death knell i said 'i love a good whump, and i'm especially partial to sam whump so....' or 'you know, as much as i like sam, i expected to really enjoy entity but....'
                                Well that kinda makes a lot of sense then...I must remember to use that technique next have such a way with words Sky!!!
                                Originally posted by jckfan55 View Post
                                Sorry for going Off Topic, but I'd like to appeal to my fellow Samandans for prayers, thoughts, vibes etc for my dad. We've gotten some seriously bad news about his health.
                                (((jckfan55 and family)))

                                I hope my PM helps...sending some good vibes across the seas!!
                                Originally posted by hisg1fans View Post
                                P.S. I'm diligently working on my Sam/Vala fanfic Sky It will be finished. I promise.
                                I'm still working on mine...I was hoping that tomorrow I would have a great excuse to finish it while on jury duty but they canceled my service so now I have to force myself to get it done!! It's getting there!!
                                Originally posted by samcarterrules View Post
                                I just watched reunion, here's my thoughts in spoilers

                                Well I think it was another excellent ep, the scene where Rodney found out Sam was going to command Atlantis and then the conversation in Sam's office (boy that sounds so good to say ) was very funny, her and Ronan's interaction was very nicely done I think. And I loved seeing Sam with her gun and off world too. But the best scene for me was the scene with Sam and Teal'c oh that just about broke my heart, when Sam said 10 years is a long time, I'm gonna miss SG1. I wanted to shout I miss SG1 too. And when Teal'c says SG1 will always be with you. (this may not be exactly what they both say) I had tears in my eyes, it was so moving to me. WTG Amanda and Chris!

                                Can't wait for more
                                I'm with you on that one Julia!! An excellent ep and I can't wait for more too...I think that season 4 is shaping up to be an excellent season as far as storylines go!!
                                Originally posted by NZNeep View Post
                                Fred wanted to be in all the photos so I climbed up on stage before each guest and put him on the sofa
                                The organisor kinda knows us from previous Wellington Armageddons, so when he heard it was ours he just rolled his eyes.
                                Yay for Bill!! He was fantastic down here!!! When I saw that picture of you and Bill...I was like...OMG...that's Bill!!! Yay!!
                                Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                                here's a question, given all the new US tv shows, which ones do you think sam watches and why?
                                which ones does she enjoy? which ones are guilty pleasures? which ones can she just not stand?
                                Ok...I would think that Sam watches The Simpsons...coz Jack does...I know what you're thinking but I can't help what I think.
                                I also would imagine she watches any scifi show that closely resembles what she does...just to see if they're she said in Orpheus!!
                                I like to think that she would actually enjoy shows like Californication and Everybody loves Raymond...even though I personally don't like them...and I think she would not like House...coz it's like trying to listen and watch Rodney at times...I'd much prefer to listen and watch Rodney over House!!!
                                I'm not that familiar with all the American shows so I'll just watch and learn from you guys!!
                                Originally posted by NZNeep View Post
                                A message from Chris:

                                That is all.
                                Originally posted by Spacegirlnz View Post
                                I have part one of my con report here. Most of the photos are the same as Eileen's, with a couple of extras.
                                I'll do the other days tomorrow.
                                *huggles everyone*
                                Yay!! Very very cool pics and mini report!!!
                                Originally posted by NearlyCircular View Post
                                Happy birthday from me too!!!
                                Originally posted by hisg1fans View Post
                                After the earlier discussion of Sam's voice changing, I was wondering about others noticing Amanda's 'Canadian' accent creeping into Sam's dialog.
                                Has anybody else noticed any other 'Canadian' tendencies in Sam's voice?
                                I've noticed that too...I first picked it up in Michael Shanks' voice then started noticing it in Amanda''s definitely the O' when she says "out" and "about"...but it's kinda weird picking it up coz now I notice it in other shows as well and I quite often say "I wonder if it's Canadian??"...and sure is!!!!
                                Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                                i notice it on 'hello' like in forsaken when she calls 'hello' into the ship. most of the time her accent is gone, but sometimes it shows up

                                oh, and folks, just because there IS a season 5 doesn't guarantee that sam will be a part of it. Just my cautious attitude creeping in. let's not count our sam before she's cast please
                                MS is the his "hello"...and Martin Wood...tis so cool when you can tell them apart!
                                As for Sam being a part of season 5...I'm fairly optimistic that she will be fact I would say I'm 99% sure!!!'s always that 1% though that nags at me incessantly at night!!
                                Originally posted by SWMBOTGSG View Post
                                Hmmmn. Sounds like a certain ferret that appears in all sorts of places at GABIT events!
                                Kay aka Mumsey
                                Originally posted by jckfan55 View Post
                                Thanks Ooober and all the *many* Samandans who have expressed your good thoughts. You really are a circle of friends here and I appreciate the support. It is also great to come here and take my mind off things.
                                We're waiting for full word from the docs on just how bad things are for dad. I'm trying not to panic, but I think it will be very bad. I will be sure to tell him about all the Samanda prayers and good wishes. He was quite impressed with you guys when I told him about the outpouring during his last crisis. (I think he thinks my having online friends is a bit odd, but nice.)
                                My dad is the same...he says I'm nuts...and he's probably right...but when I tell him about the things we do for each other...he thinks it's great...strange, but great!!!
                                Originally posted by ann_sgcfan View Post
                                Just for my 1500 post
                                Congratulations ann on your milestone!!!
                                Originally posted by Alan View Post
                                I've heard that Sanctuary starts production again next month. So...if someone knows when production begins on Stargate: Atlantis' 5th season then maybe someone can calculate if Amanda will be available for it. But I imagine that Amanda wouldn't have said she would like to do Season 5 if she didn't think she wasn't available for it.
                                Well I heard that Sanctuary got cancelled...which of course was so totally incorrect...but being the ever resourceful and multi tasking champion that she is...I'm sure that Amanda will manage to fit in Atlantis and Sanctuary with minimal complications!
                                Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                                if they follow past timelines, s5 won't start taping until after the first of the year
                                Yeah...don't they normally start in Feb/March???
                                Originally posted by NZNeep View Post
                                Happy Birthday! This is a tradition from another board, and I think it's time it made it's way here:
                                "This is your Birthday song
                                It isn't very long
                                Sweet...short and straight to the point...yay!!!
                                Originally posted by RealmOfX View Post
                                Friendly reminder time :
                                Don't forget to vote (and vote often) for Sanctuary at the TV Guide 2007 Online Video Awards
                                Thanks RoX...I did forget!!!
                                Originally posted by Spacegirlnz View Post
                                Hey all! My friend has made this, and since it's Sam I though I'd share! She kept asking me what outfits she should do, and I gave her about a million of them.
                                Have fun!
                                That is awesome...and it has Sanctuary stuff too...yay!!!
                                "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
                                Hug Your Loved Ones!!
                                ~Amanda Tapping

