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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by RepliCartertje View Post
    OOh nice pic, I love it awesome Sam looks so different in it, so different then SG-1.

    Wow, I didn't notice it either. I take it that she still is a part of SG-1 when she goes to Atlantis then eh. I do wonder if that stays on for the whole season of SGA, or if it is only for the first few eps...
    I bet your right, hence the bdu's we see here which is in direct contrast to the biker/rollerderby garb we see in the promo pics, but I know I've seen her wearing in others the outfits that look definitely Trekky in style, so perhaps when she takes command of Atlantis she puts the SG1 patch aside then. I dunno. Just a random thought.


      Originally posted by morjana View Post
      A NEW SGA banner ad from the SciFi Channel (I found it at the SG1 site):

      I've been musing on this picture while at work and something was oddly familiar about it (beyond the obvious). She really reminds me of Janeway in this I nuts or can other people see it too? (or both )
      Thank you to Lies for my signature pic
      My Fanfic~My Femslash


        Originally posted by Tittamiire View Post
        I've been musing on this picture while at work and something was oddly familiar about it (beyond the obvious). She really reminds me of Janeway in this I nuts or can other people see it too? (or both )
        I don't see it (and I loved Janeway so much!) but others have mentioned it. Maybe in the Sam/JAck thread? So no, you're not going crazy
        Neep, NZBG, Eileen!

        Made with love and chocolate brownies by Spacegirlnz

        Pooh-Bah/Ko-Ko FTW!


          I think she looks like Carter.... ;o


            Originally posted by Mandysg1 View Post
            Go to this page
            scroll down to category film - directors then click on John Bolton-Breakdown
            Oh and watch out for
            flying pillows
            Originally posted by ~Sarah~ View Post
            waterbottles used as cell phones....

            ...thank you...much appreciated!!!
            Originally posted by majorsal View Post
            my fave part of the film was
            the throwing pillows segment. and that slo-mo of amanda's character, screaming... i actually laughed out loud during this segment. i laughed in a lot of parts, and that's a LOT more than i can say for most of the so-called comedy things i see nowadays. it was really cute.

            I'm having trouble watching it as I's kinda jaggered and all over the place...bummer!!
            Originally posted by NZNeep View Post
            My media player tells be it's sending away for a codec, then it becomes non-responsive.
            That makes me sad.
            At least you get a message...mine starts then stops....then starts then's driving me bananas!!
            Originally posted by RealmOfX View Post
            I downloaded it because I couldn't play it. I can share if people are having probs.
            rderoch helped me get the direct streaming URL and I saved it using Super
            I'm having problems!!! I'm trying it with the link from rderoch...(see below)'s loading as we speak...if I have more trouble tonight, I'll PM you if that's alright?? Thanks for the help!!
            Originally posted by rderoch View Post
            Did I hear my name?
            The file is up on megaupload in mpg format. It's about 64mb.
            Have fun!
            Thank you rderoch...trying that now...will take a while but I'm exiting GW for the night in about 5 minutes so...cross fingers it works...otherwise you might hear some profanity from down here...
            Originally posted by the dancer of spaz View Post
            I hope TV Guide does something on Atlantis next week in addition to Extra!. That would totally make up for the relative lack of advertising on MGM/SciFi's part, and the lack of quality promo pics.
            I'm hoping that my little rant to our TV Guide will pay off and we get something on Stargate soon...I think I might have mentioned it already about my rant that got printed...anyway...the actually did a story on Dr Who....but I wanted Stargate...crossing fingers...I might write and see if they will do something to honour the show when the last ep airs soon...tis so sad!!!
            Originally posted by Agent_Dark View Post
            heh, I just noticed in those pics that she still has her SG1 patch on
            Originally posted by Tittamiire View Post
            You can take the girl out of SG1....but you can't take SG1 out of the girl
            So true...I hope that SG1 isn't disbanded or has new members...I hope they keep Daniel and Teal'c and Sam on as permanent SG1 members and call on them as required...did that makes sense?? I think what I mean to say is that I hope that SG1 remains as is and that Sam's posting is not seen as permanent and more as a visit to help out for a while...but that her permanent posting be with SG1...was that better??? I think I might quit while I'm ahead...that is to say if I am ahead...ok......I'm gone...goodnight everyone, take care, be safe, have fun and hug your loved ones!!
            (I'm up to 47% downloaded for breakdown...dang..I might have to quit and restart tomorrow...dang, dang, dang!!!!)

            I miss Sanctuary already...I'm going to re watch the webisodes this weekend after fave web was web 2...I laughed a lot with that one!!!

            "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
            Hug Your Loved Ones!!
            ~Amanda Tapping


              Hey Everyone,

              Originally posted by jckfan55 View Post
              Good to see you around chocdoc!

              Add me to the S4 Sam whump fans. AT plays whump so well. Death Knell and LiTS stand out for me.
              YAY!! Add me to that list too gotta love Sam whump HeHe!

              Thanks to Ambermoon for the wonderful Avatar Sig by: Me


                Hi all,

                Dropping by to leave a pressie...

                Latest Aftershock which TAGs 'A Hundred Days'

                Truth Hurts

                Sam/Jack ship warning for those that need it.
                Women of the Gate LJ Community.
                My Stargate Fanfiction. My LiveJournal.


                  Originally posted by Tittamiire View Post
                  I've been musing on this picture while at work and something was oddly familiar about it (beyond the obvious). She really reminds me of Janeway in this I nuts or can other people see it too? (or both )
                  IMHO, Sam looks a bit old(er) in this pic. Perhaps that might be it, but there's something in her eyes that for me shouts Janeway as well. An inner confidence that shines outwardly I think, so alas! I cannot say your too crazy here cos I know what your talking about.

                  If anything, the stance is the same I think...


                  Last edited by Celandine; 13 September 2007, 06:00 AM.


                    Originally posted by Celandine View Post
                    IMHO, Sam looks a bit old(er) in this pic. Perhaps that might be it, but there's something in her eyes that for me shouts Janeway as well. An inner confidence that shines outwardly I think, so alas! I cannot say your too crazy here cos I know what your talking about.

                    If anything, the stance is the same I think...


                    They've both got that confidence, but I don't really think that she looks *like* her, I think that like you said the stance in the picture is the same, very posed...
                    awesome siggie courtesy of jasminaGo


                      but at least she escaped the 'bun of doom!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1'

                      poor janeway and that poor abused hair piece
                      Where in the World is George Hammond?



                        Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                        but at least she escaped the 'bun of doom!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1'
                        poor janeway and that poor abused hair piece


                          Originally Posted by Skydiver
                          but at least she escaped the 'bun of doom!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1'
                          poor janeway and that poor abused hair piece
                          Originally posted by Celandine View Post
                          Lol, and she wasn't the only one... Remember Troi from the first season... Oooh look an alien... funky hair

                          I like that Carter's hair kept up with the style. It made it all the more believable... And it looks just so darn good!
                          awesome siggie courtesy of jasminaGo


                            Wow you guys write really really fast lol I have some serious catching up to do *stupid school* (can anyone believe that I actually volunteerd to make 94km bike trip *D'oh*)

                            A few days back I saw 'bootycall' in one of the shops here in Belgium bought it and fasted forward to Amanda her part lol she's SO cute!! I LOVE seeing Jamie Foxx flirting with her (probably cause I love Jamie Foxx, evenhough he's a jerk in this one)

                            I also LOVE the new promo pics and I'm trying to download 'breakdown', but since my pc has it out for me, I don't think I'll see it any time soon *curses*.
                            Hope everyone is doing ok!! Is it just me or does the AT3 countdown go probalby cause I'm busy with the whole being a senior thing *woohoo*


                              Originally posted by Celandine View Post
                              IMHO, Sam looks a bit old(er) in this pic. Perhaps that might be it, but there's something in her eyes that for me shouts Janeway as well. An inner confidence that shines outwardly I think, so alas! I cannot say your too crazy here cos I know what your talking about.

                              If anything, the stance is the same I think...


                              The stance has it! and yes..the quiet confidence and also a commanding presence is what I think it is.

                              Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                              but at least she escaped the 'bun of doom!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1'

                              poor janeway and that poor abused hair piece
                              Yes, that is a relief...and Kate Mulgrew had such awesome natural hair! Why they felt the need for freaking stupid wigs I will never understand (nor did she)

                              Originally posted by ~Sarah~ View Post
                              Lol, and she wasn't the only one... Remember Troi from the first season... Oooh look an alien... funky hair

                              I like that Carter's hair kept up with the style. It made it all the more believable... And it looks just so darn good!
                              Oh yes...pretty pretty hair
                              Thank you to Lies for my signature pic
                              My Fanfic~My Femslash


                                Originally posted by chelle db View Post
                                I'm hoping that my little rant to our TV Guide will pay off and we get something on Stargate soon...I think I might have mentioned it already about my rant that got printed...anyway...the actually did a story on Dr Who....but I wanted Stargate...crossing fingers...I might write and see if they will do something to honour the show when the last ep airs soon...tis so sad!!!
                                Oh really? I didn't know you sent a rant that was published. What did you say?

                                I think Ileane Rudolph and G.J. Donnelly have been pretty consistent when it comes to covering Atlantis, so I'm hoping for something from them. Considering Atlantis is coming out during the huge premiere week, I don't expect them to make it in the mag, but we'll see.

