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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
    man, i need to move to vancouver and find people to suck up to and get a walk on...or even background or be an extra
    The DJ is from Oregon.
    My View From The Peanut Gallery


      Originally posted by tsaxlady View Post
      The DJ is from Oregon.
      HE IS??? So who do I suck up to???


        Originally posted by JanSam View Post
        HE IS??? So who do I suck up to???
        Don't forget your friends in low places

        my fanfic


          Originally posted by JanSam View Post
          HE IS??? So who do I suck up to???
          you need to be a radio dj, magazine writer, on tv, someone that can get teh show publicity, thus get noticed so that your walk on can generate more good publicity as you talk about what a great time you had
          Where in the World is George Hammond?



            Originally posted by Mandysg1 View Post
            (all thinking)
            Daniel: Boy I look good in this suit.
            Teal'c: I wonder if Major Carter knows how good she looks in her dress blues.
            Sam: If I calculate the decay rate of naquada.....
            Walter: I know I could lead SG1.




              Originally posted by scifithinker View Post
              Joe is not going to tell you what you want to know no matter how many times you and others ask him. Anything comments from anyone else is conjecture. There's no way for you to know in advance whether the show will use Sam in the way she could potentially be used.
              i know he won't , but i wanted more clarification, like you guys have been giving me. but i know he doesn't want to - or can't really - give too much away, and i understand that totally.

              If you only watch Amanda's scenes in the episodes she's been in, you will have no idea of how Sam could fit in because you won't know who the players are and how they relate to each other. In the meantime, no one can tell you how TPTB will use Sam.
              when sam actually joins the show, i'll watch the entire episode. because i not only want to know what's going to be going on, but i want to 'like' the show she's on.

              these conversations are helping.




                Originally posted by Mandysg1 View Post
                Don't forget your friends in low places
                like me



                  Originally posted by majorsal View Post
                  that's what i said in joe's blog.

                  amanda looks *gorgeous*.... but i miss the short more blond hair.

                  I love it short, but there was a time where they just bleached it too much. I like the color in season 10 better than season 9. And I like the current color the best (probably because that's the color I am aiming for)


                    i don't know if it was bleached as much as AT just spent a lot of time in the sun and her hair lightened up

                    especially in smoke and mirrors, she had such a nice tan, and either the contrast or the sun made her hair look very, very blonde
                    Where in the World is George Hammond?



                      Originally posted by chelle db View Post
                      Good night everyone...I'm off to bed...I had the best time with Carmen and Don this weekend and I plugged GW as much as I could and Smiley and I couldn't say enough about Amanda...we're nuts!!
                      Take care everyone, be safe, be happy and hug your loved ones!!


                      thank you, chelle, for the write up on your con adventure! you're super sweet too.




                        Originally posted by jckfan55 View Post
                        I don't know that we *will* see that, but that's what I hope for too. I think it would be interesting to see her chafing at NOT being the one doing all the science research herself. I hesitate to mention that ill conceived stint at Area 51, but I wonder how much administrative work she did there & how much she was able to do hands on herself? I really can't see her wanting to be a paper pusher & I don't want to see that either. From hints we've gotten (if they can be believed) she'll do more than sit around waiting for the team to come back.
                        wasting this fantastic and mutli talented character and actress with just sitting behind the desk...

                        i've really got to rid my mind of sam on atlantis being as focused on as sam of season 10. (i know we'll never get back the sam focus of seasons 1-8.)

                        that picture of amanda and jason on joe's blog; does it look like her hair's pulled back onto some kind of bun thinger, or maybe in a braid (like tracy's pics above)?




                          Originally posted by tagger View Post
                          Great analogy.

                          That's just what I am hoping. I loved Jonas (yet another character goes poof) and how he gently, tentatively became a part of the team.

                          I hope they do the same with Sam.
                          i thought jonas was THE best thing to ever happen to teal'c. teal'c was jonas' mentor, and it allowed teal'c to be pulled out of the 'resident alien' of the show (because jonas became that).

                          i wonder if sam will bond with anyone there? and i'm thinking more along the lines of what jonas did for teal'c. will sam be anyones' jonas? or visa versa?




                            Originally posted by majorsal View Post
                            that picture of amanda and jason on joe's blog; does it look like her hair's pulled back onto some kind of bun thinger, or maybe in a braid (like tracy's pics above)?
                            Yes, it looks like it's pulled back.

                            Which begs the question: Are we going to see a passage of time before Sam comes to Atlantis? I mean, her hair's short for the remainder of S10. What will it be like for the movies? People's hair can grow fast, but not that fast.

                            Of course, we won't know how long it is if she keeps it pulled back like that for the movies and/or Atlantis.


                              Originally posted by RepliCartertje View Post
                              Yes those were a few my issues I had with Weir...I really liked her character and what they did with her. They made her into a strong woman, and then they let Sheppard take over...or not let het listen to her. But that was the same with Caldwell, he also just did his thing... But then I always thought it was because of the fact that Weir wasn't military...With Sam being military, I can't see that happening. I think Sheppard knows about Sam and about her experience and all...So I can't see him ignoring anything she says... So in that context I really hope they will give Sam command in a good way. But then on another note they could have done that with Weir too...
                              i hope they don't write sheppard running all over sam, like i've heard he did with weir...

                              (re: 'the void')
                              Granted it wasn't an horrible movie, but the story was not that great at all I mean it was such a cliché. But I think Amanda really shined in it and that is why the movie was great. Cause Amanda really made it into a movie worth rewatching. I think she did every emotion very good.
                              'the void' reminded me of sam without kickbutt. i liked amanda's chemistry with adrian paul (her boyfriend in the movie). shipper that i am, i've got to have my hot romance talking place. but i'm glad they picked someone *i* was attracted to.




                                Originally posted by majorsal View Post
                                i hope they don't write sheppard running all over sam, like i've heard he did with weir...

                                Well, I think Sam could put him in his place.

