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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    I decided to get verbose today and reply to a lot of posts. Now GW is telling me to shut up and fit in to the 12000 character limit

    Originally posted by minigeek View Post
    I understand the request and from a "tidy sock drawer" point of view I think it's very valid.

    My thing? I don't like going to four different places to discuss Sam/Helen/Amanda. I like ... well, I like ... Samanda. A one stop shop. I'm probably in the minority, but I find it difficult to keep up already some days and with 3+ threads? I don't go into the "Amanda" thread much as it is, because of that. I've never been to the "Helen" thread even once, didn't know it was there frankly. If it is at all possible to have (or create) a place that is "Samanda", where it all can be discussed, I would really be for that. It's not hard to find all those other threads, but I think there's a common thread that ties us all together anyhow. Maybe it's because I tend to be more social than analytical when it comes to my forum involvement. I can see how some might want to have those in-depth character discussions without interruption or side-tracking and I think that's fair. But a lot of the time, I just want to talk to 'everyone' (I'm a social trollop like that ). So I really don't have a solution to this - just a personal point of view, I guess.

    Yeah, I like the one stop shop too. I tend to not post a lot unless I have a soapbox to stand on issue to pursue but I do read everything. I really like it here because it covers pretty much all angles of Sam and Amanda and yet if people want to delve more intensely into particular aspects like shipping or OT or other stuff then there are other threads for that BUT this thread seems to be the hub where everything happens. I'm quite happy with the way things flow here and flow they do. At the moment there tends to be a lot of OT but that's OK for me because there is such a big gap when then are no new eps on. I haven't participated in the Amanda thread but I have read all the posts and have enjoyed people's in depth coverage of things.

    Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
    hey, all you aussies, wanna go see corin???
    I'm definitely considering it, I'm waiting to see what other quests are lined up.

    Originally posted by RepliCartertje View Post
    See RoX this one is cute...Adorable even...for a polar bear that is eh...and you have even more scary ones there has to be something wrong down under
    Nah, nothing wrong down here, we just have a more bizarre sense of humour

    Originally posted by GateGirl422 View Post
    *is now confused over whether or not I can put this here. I must admit I do like to buy my bread and milk at the same store. I like Samanda. GW is big, and I confuse easily.*

    Anyway I made an attempt at a Sanctuary video. I think my movie maker hates me. Today I'm like the Ron Weasley of vid making because bits of my clips kept getting stuck, and then I'd un-stick them, and then another one further down the track would get stuck. So, sorry if it, you know, sticks.

    That was a great remix and I really enjoyed it.

    Originally posted by rderoch View Post
    I have a Sam related question.

    A friend in our little group of Toronto goers last month, is not a fan of SciFi. Said she tried to watch SG and didn't like it (she saw part of the prison planet ep - don't remember the name at the moment). She is a fan of AT after seeing her in TVM, so I'm trying to get her to give SG a chance.

    If you could show someone only 1 episode to get them hooked on the show, what would it be? Preferably, a Sam eppie. (and remember, it can't rely too much on past events)
    Originally posted by Frostfox View Post
    Try them with season one, Singularity.
    Fabulous episode, fabulous Sam. I always like to start people near the beginning of a series.

    Yes, Singularity would be a good one but I found Children of the Gods to be a great intro to all the characters. You could also try Hathor, Solitudes and Foothold. Really any of the early eps would do.

    Originally posted by Rachel500 View Post
    And following my own advice...

    I love Season 1 Sam. If I picture Sam in my head its of an eager, enthusiastic astrophysicist going through the Gate for the first time and fangurling over the DHD

    Of course, this could be because its COTG week on the S/J thread...
    I love the bright eyed enthusiasm of the early eps. The look on Sam's face as she stops in front of the wormhole and watches the changing face of the event horizon. Her enthusiasm of seeing the DHD for the first time or Sam and Daniel discussing the cartouche on Abydos and figuring things out.

    Originally posted by Frostfox View Post
    Must have been harmless, it didn't get my back up and I'm the biggest nonshipper on the block. I liked the episode, even though the team were appart, they were working together.

    Ah yes, the team apart but still being a team and working together, I love that but it is something that gradually disappeared over the last few seasons.

    Originally posted by minigeek View Post
    I rather liked it also, I thought they worked well together to solve that problem and, in fact, I've always enjoyed Carter and O'Neill working together to solve problems because of their diametrically different mindsets within an overall military subtext. They're both Air Force, they both follow the same rules but their thought processes are essentially extremely unique when it comes to problem solving. What I would have loved to see, had SG-1 gone further and had Jack continued to be a part of the scenario, would have been a blow-up between them as Carter came into her own, command-wise and in terms of experience. Not just the innocuous disagreements we were privy to on occasion, but something bigger (in the general's office perhaps, or her lab, when there weren't prying eyes). I think eventually, Carter would have come to a point where she thought something she was doing was a better way to go than O'Neill did and by virtue of their long standing friendship, at some point after a decade, she'd have had the moxy to be a little irreverent in the sense that she'd openly disagree with him and not back down.
    I would have liked to have seen a big disagreement and treated in a realistic way. There was a lot of scope for it to have happened because of the differences in characters, Sam and Jack simply do not think the same way even though they have some similarities.

    Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
    it was a lot like tangent in a way, expect tangent was jack and teal'c in danger, sam and daniel to the rescue

    at its most basic, it was the same story. but since the team was split up differently, we got to see a different aspect of them. sam was still the soldier, but she was in command, not kinda in charge of the guy that was too banged up to do his job...and it was just the two of them anyway.

    jack didn't have unconsciousness to fall back on so had to deal with his impending death. Daniel got to actually physically do something to help them....and teal'c sat in the front seat of the glider

    but even though they were literaly separated by light years, they were still a team and friends striving towards the same goal...finding and rescuing thier friends.

    i know that mallozzi was surprised that folks found tangent so good because it was 'a boring bottle episode'...but it wasn't just the effects that folks enjoyed, it was the interactions of the characters and their depth of friendship for each other.

    that's what made it sucha good episode.

    oh, and sam got to pull one over on her dad too....not to mention daniel's 'maktel shree lotak meta setak oz!!!'
    Unfortunately, I really do not think that the current PTB really understand the magic essence that is SG-1. They think that having all members of the team present makes it a "team" episode, BAH! I'm currently rewatching Seasons 1 to 8 and am in a nostalgic mood, currently I'm half way through S3. Ah the good ole days.

    Originally posted by Strix varia View Post
    I'm having a hard time keeping up with this thread, much less any others. I hate missing any discussion that might involve Amanda's other roles, but I sort of view this thread as being my main reason for hanging out on GW, so this is where I'd prefer to spend most of my time. It's my GW home.

    In my ideal world, all things AT/Sam could be discussed here so I dont' have to spend the time tracking down other threads where information might be shared. I understand the logic behind keeping Sanctuary info sort of separate, but I'd still prefer one-stop AT fangirl shopping. This is me being selfish, perhaps, but there you have it.

    That said, I realize that discussion of all things AT doesn't fit within the description of this thread, or Sal's intention for the thread. So I understand the reason for starting other threads. I just prefer the convenience of a single thread with all things Amanda, without having to worry about missing something on threads that might overlap significantly.

    We've been getting a lot of noise on this thread... private jokes, OT stuff. I enjoy that sort of thing and often contribute to it, but I have to admit that it takes a lot of time to wade through. Perhaps some of that could go to the Blue Jello Corner which was started for that purpose. With fewer OT posts to go through here, I might be able to follow another thread or two.

    It's not my intention to sound bi*chy or bossy, just letting you know my opinion, for whatever that is worth. But the more threads I have to follow, the more likely I'm going to get overwhelmed and just chuck it all because I'm going to feel like I'm missing too much anyway. I'm almost already to that point with the addition of the Sanctuary stuff... There just aren't enough hours in the day.
    Luckily, I am a very fast reader and usually have about 30 threads at a time I'm subscribed to, I just work my way through my subscriptions each day usually starting with Samanda but it can get a little bit much, luckily I'm a night owl and have free time to fit it all in.

    Originally posted by ÜberSG-1Fan View Post
    Yes yes. Good points all.

    But more importantly, what did you think of my hybrid???
    LOVE it!

    Originally posted by majorsal View Post
    that's the main reason i created the 'amanda *and her roles* discussion and appreciation thread'. i'd love for any amanda/characters she's played fans to come over, but also just amanda appreciation is good. it's not in replacement of this thread, just a different lane that ends up taking us to the same place in the end anyways (our shared love of amanda and her characters).

    And I'm loving the posts so far!

    Originally posted by Agent_Dark View Post
    The solution is simple: If you want to talk about Sam - post about Sam. If you want to talk about Amanda - post about Amanda. If you want to talk about other stuff - talk about other stuff. If no-one takes you up on your posts.... well no-one's taken you up on your posts. They're not gonna think you're a dick for bringing it up though
    Yup, that's it in a nutshell.


      Originally posted by chocdoc View Post
      I think that phenomenon of "Sam hate" from a small minority of fans as a result of Sam being equal to another favorite character in the show will not happen for the character of Helen. AT is the lead in Sanctuary, without question, and that small minority won't be giving Sanctuary the time of day, fortunately. AT/Sam had the "misfortune" (not a misfortune for the extensive and fervent Sam fanbase, mind you) of being a lead character in SG-1 from the beginning of the show equal to another lead character. Sam/AT held her own throughout the SG-1 years, and some fans didn't like the attention she received. AT's Helen won't have to deal with this dynamic in Sanctuary, I doubt. Even with the Sam hate from a minority, to me it is a small price to pay for AT, given that she has made this character very popular, and one for whom a large number of fans enjoy and some even consider a role model. AT has touched a lot of lives with the character of Sam, and in different ways.

      I think Helen will be a lot of fun and I like the character already, but Sam may be one of a kind in that she rocks in both science and the military. That doesn't make Helen a less valuable character -- but just a very different character. I personally can't wait to see Sanctuary.

      Also, I can't wait to see Sam on Atlantis, and I plan to chime in now and then about Sam's role in Atlantis on this thread and in the episode threads. I hope, ForeverSg1, that you will post about Sam in SGA, at least on this thread. I'm very happy to hear that AT has been welcomed with open arms by the Atlantis cast and crew, and not surprisingly. I'm glad to know that AT has said that she is very happy there. As a result, I"m looking forward to seeing how Sam is integrated into the show. Sam lives on in Atlantis (and the SG-1 movies), and I'm glad because I don't want to give her up just yet! I'm looking forward to Sam's commanding presence, and how the character grows with interactions from other characters like Sheppard, Teyla, and I hope Ronon too. I think it will be interesting to discuss Sam's character as she moves to this new setting.
      Today I'm looking forward to S4 Atlantis and seeing how Sam is integrated but I do wash back and forwards between optimism and pessimism. Today I'm optimistic!! But I do see the chance that TPTB will get it wrong and stuff the series up, here's hoping that they don't because they have a great scenario and great characters to work with.

      Originally posted by ÜberSG-1Fan View Post

      New Heal/Hurt game in the Fun and Games section.

      Who's smarter...Carter or McKay???

      As if there's any doubt.

      -------------------> <-------------------

      Aaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrggggggggghhhhhhhhh not another Sam / McKay thread

      Why does one have to be better/smarter than the other? They're both super brilliant, why can't people leave it at that?? Stargate is a universe where I don't actually have a favourite character and enjoy the good and the bad of most of the characters.

      This isn't directed at you Oooober it's just a pet hate of mine about "who is smarter". It doesn't matter how smart or not you are, it's about who you are as a person and what you do in your life.

      Originally posted by majorsal View Post
      i don't even watch atlantis (yet), and i doubt i'll actually be a part of that fandom. granted, i'm only seeing the angry/negative side right now with the weir-beckett situation, but still... don't know to go exactly to talk atlantis, when i don't want to read sam being trashed to shreds. i'll figure it out when the time comes i guess.

      I do watch Atlantis and I read the Atlantis threads but don't participate very much in them, it seems to be a very polarised fandom. I suspect I'll keep most of my posts here about Sam's role but sadly I have no doubt that I'll be out on my soapbox sometime in the future in other threads defending Sam.


        Oy. I can't keep up now that I actually have to go to *work*

        A couple of quick notes:

        The fishing scene in Threads and Moebius really reminded me of the final scene of Star Trek TNG. ("Five card stud, nothing wild. The sky's the limit."). Had the same sort of *happy sigh* feeling.

        As for Geeky!Sam's past. I always thought that she didn't lose her mother. Then it was mentioned that maybe she lost her father instead and that sort fo made sense to me. Maybe PoV Sam didn't lose either parent. Feel free to make up whatever you want for your fic.


          Originally posted by chocdoc View Post
          I think that phenomenon of "Sam hate" from a small minority of fans as a result of Sam being equal to another favorite character in the show will not happen for the character of Helen. AT is the lead in Sanctuary, without question, and that small minority won't be giving Sanctuary the time of day, fortunately. AT/Sam had the "misfortune" (not a misfortune for the extensive and fervent Sam fanbase, mind you) of being a lead character in SG-1 from the beginning of the show equal to another lead character. Sam/AT held her own throughout the SG-1 years, and some fans didn't like the attention she received. AT's Helen won't have to deal with this dynamic in Sanctuary, I doubt. Even with the Sam hate from a minority, to me it is a small price to pay for AT, given that she has made this character very popular, and one for whom a large number of fans enjoy and some even consider a role model. AT has touched a lot of lives with the character of Sam, and in different ways.
          I totally missed this earlier, and I thought it deserved quoting. Very well said chocdoc. Couldn't have said it better.


            Originally posted by the dancer of spaz View Post
            I totally missed this earlier, and I thought it deserved quoting. Very well said chocdoc. Couldn't have said it better.
            What I don't understand is why there is so much 'Sam hate' in the first place. How can you call yourself a fan of the show and *despise* one of the main characters, especially to the point of needing to bash them online.

            I have never been a fan of a show where I hated one of the main characters (except those that we love to hate). I don't know how I would stand sitting through even one ep.



              Originally posted by antoa315 View Post
              What I don't understand is why there is so much 'Sam hate' in the first place. How can you call yourself a fan of the show and *despise* one of the main characters, especially to the point of needing to bash them online.

              I have never been a fan of a show where I hated one of the main characters (except those that we love to hate). I don't know how I would stand sitting through even one ep.

              Yeah... If you really hate one of the main characters that much, how can you watch a show they are so prominently featured on? Admittedly, I had(have) a case a Mitchell/Vala dislike. But, wow...I've seen some pretty vicious people...with such a case of hate and despise for a certain character that I'm surprised they became fans of the show in the first place.


                Originally posted by antoa315 View Post
                What I don't understand is why there is so much 'Sam hate' in the first place. How can you call yourself a fan of the show and *despise* one of the main characters, especially to the point of needing to bash them online.

                I have never been a fan of a show where I hated one of the main characters (except those that we love to hate). I don't know how I would stand sitting through even one ep.

                I know! I completely agree... and also TPTB bashing. If the show is worth fangurling (or fanboying) over, they must have done something right...

                Oh, call me a hypocrite. I just remembered a main character I can't stand... yah know Chakotay from Voyager? Argh. But I would never spend time *****ing about him, and I don't project my dislike on to the actor... I have no idea what Beltran is like.
                Neep, NZBG, Eileen!

                Made with love and chocolate brownies by Spacegirlnz

                Pooh-Bah/Ko-Ko FTW!


                  Originally posted by NZBG View Post
                  I know! I completely agree... and also TPTB bashing. If the show is worth fangurling (or fanboying) over, they must have done something right...

                  Oh, call me a hypocrite. I just remembered a main character I can't stand... yah know Chakotay from Voyager? Argh. But I would never spend time *****ing about him, and I don't project my dislike on to the actor... I have no idea what Beltran is like.
                  But with a show like Voyager, when that cast is so big and the majority of them are reduced to potted plants decorating the bridge most of the time (if you aren't 7of9 or Janeway), I can see someone disliking one of the potted plants. With SG-1 there are 4-5 main people and they are hardly ever reduced to potted plants.

                  And I second TPTB comment too. I am just one to trust the vision of the creators, and if I don't like the vision anymore, I'll walk away and *not* complain loudly about it on every forum and mailing list in site (Lost is a great example - they 'lost' me after the first few eps of season 3).


                    Originally posted by antoa315 View Post
                    But with a show like Voyager, when that cast is so big and the majority of them are reduced to potted plants decorating the bridge most of the time (if you aren't 7of9 or Janeway), I can see someone disliking one of the potted plants. With SG-1 there are 4-5 main people and they are hardly ever reduced to potted plants.

                    And I second TPTB comment too. I am just one to trust the vision of the creators, and if I don't like the vision anymore, I'll walk away and *not* complain loudly about it on every forum and mailing list in site (Lost is a great example - they 'lost' me after the first few eps of season 3).
                    True dat.

                    I agree with both points.
                    Neep, NZBG, Eileen!

                    Made with love and chocolate brownies by Spacegirlnz

                    Pooh-Bah/Ko-Ko FTW!


                      This may be a bit off topic......but after reading the posts this last I the only person on Earth who has never watched any incarnation of Star Trek?


                        Originally posted by L.A. Doyle View Post
                        This may be a bit off topic......but after reading the posts this last I the only person on Earth who has never watched any incarnation of Star Trek?
                        Yes. Yes you are
                        Neep, NZBG, Eileen!

                        Made with love and chocolate brownies by Spacegirlnz

                        Pooh-Bah/Ko-Ko FTW!


                          Originally posted by L.A. Doyle View Post
                          This may be a bit off topic......but after reading the posts this last I the only person on Earth who has never watched any incarnation of Star Trek?
                          How can you call yourself a [sci fi fan] and not worship at the alter of Roddenberry?


                            Originally posted by L.A. Doyle View Post
                            This may be a bit off topic......but after reading the posts this last I the only person on Earth who has never watched any incarnation of Star Trek?
                            I haven't. Star Wars > Star Trek


                              Of the four "Star" franchises: -wars, -trek, -gate, and -search, "-gate" is easily my third favorite!

                              I'm sure they get that a lot!
                              Neep, NZBG, Eileen!

                              Made with love and chocolate brownies by Spacegirlnz

                              Pooh-Bah/Ko-Ko FTW!


                                Originally posted by L.A. Doyle View Post
                                This may be a bit off topic......but after reading the posts this last I the only person on Earth who has never watched any incarnation of Star Trek?
                                No you're not! I've never seen it, and what's worse (I'll probably be thrown off this thread for admitting it), I've never seen a whole Star Wars movie! Just doesn't do it for me....
                                "Many a good hanging prevents a bad marriage," William Shakespeare, Twelfth Night

