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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    so, what did we all get up to during the great Upgrade Outage???

    I posted all the Mirror, Mirror fic if anyone is interested (link in my sig)

    anyone else get any fic done that they can share?
    Where in the World is George Hammond?



      Interview stuff:

      AT: She's a much more accessible character now. She's more laid back, she's got a better sense of humor, she's not so uptight, and she's not out to prove herself so much. She's really comfortable in her own skin and it's nice to play a character like that. It's nice to see she's evolved this much and it's nice to be a part of the evolution of her. In the last couple of years, I don't think there's been as much play on Carter and that's been the challenge for me over the last couple of years, to keep it real and interesting when there's not a lot to do, when the character hasn't been given a lot of development over the last couple of years. So that's been the challenge, but then you look at that, and you go, "Okay, that's my challenge as an actress, to try and find something interesting there."
      I'm glad that she's finally saying that she feels that both she and Sam Carter have been underused, underdeveloped, and flat out ignored by the writers over the past couple of years. I know these folks are her friends and surrogate family, but that doesn't change the facts of the situation. I've read that she makes a similar comment in a phone interview that's been written up in the current Cult Times. I think the pretending that everything has been A-OK in seasons nine and ten has bothered me more than anything else.

      Originally Posted by geek
      AT: I don't know if Rick would come back for the TV movies.

      (LOL! ROTFLOL! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Sorry, what was that? )
      /Joins minigeek in riotous (not riteous or righteous ) laughter at the notion that RDA would say no to movies.

      And it wouldn't surprise me if RDA's involvement was already secured, and was deemed necessary for MGM to even commit to such an endeavor.


        Originally posted by golfbooy View Post
        Interview stuff:

        /Joins minigeek in riotous (not riteous or righteous ) laughter at the notion that RDA would say no to movies.

        And it wouldn't surprise me if RDA's involvement was already secured, and was deemed necessary for MGM to even commit to such an endeavor.


        Live On Stage in Toronto - August 8,9,10 2008
        ~all proceeds to benefit charity~


          Woo Hoo we are back on line

          *Mandy does happy dance*

          Now back to your regularly scheduled sane program (Oh who am I kidding, ths place is anything but sane )

          my fanfic


            Originally posted by Mandysg1 View Post
            Woo Hoo we are back on line

            *Mandy does happy dance*

            Now back to your regularly scheduled sane program (Oh who am I kidding, ths place is anything but sane )
            Great to be back here
            Hubby has just seen your funny dancing smilie and is wondering what i'm doing!Lol
            Great news about two films to look foreward to next year and a nice little interview from Amanda as well


              Originally posted by golfbooy View Post
              Interview stuff:
              I'm glad that she's finally saying that she feels that both she and Sam Carter have been underused, underdeveloped, and flat out ignored by the writers over the past couple of years. <...> I think the pretending that everything has been A-OK in seasons nine and ten has bothered me more than anything else.
              I was glad to read that too, among other things (read: everything else she said about Carter). In fairness to AT, however, she intimated a long time ago that she was having troubles with Carter's role, and, as far as I know, she's never really changed her tune. The difference with this interview, perhaps, was that she was even more straightforward -- nigh on blunt -- about it.

              P.S. Interesting "view post" feature. Is that supposed to cut down on the excessive amount of quoting?
              Last edited by DEM; 12 October 2006, 10:02 AM.


                I think it is very interesting that she's willing to come out in the open and express her concerns. and i do agree with her, Carter has been little more than the exposition girl for the past couple of years, and prior to that she was the token girl to be rescued or to deal with all that relationship stuff

                Sam really hasn't had a strong storyline...well for quite a while

                and especially now that the tok'ra are all but gone, it'd be like trying to make a place for teal'c if all the jaffa were dead. or daniel after shau'ri's death. he'd joined sg1 to save his wife and with his wife dead, why hang around????

                yes, i know that storylines are finite and all have thier endings. but there seems to be little to no impetus to make new storylines for anyone but the ori and vala. even cameron's storyline is toast now that the sodan jaffa are gone

                part of me knows what they're doing. they're making no character valuable. every character is expendable and replacable - yet in getting rid of these storylines they're getting rid of some of the richness of the show. the extra bits and pieces that gave the main storyline (defeating the goa'uld/ori) some depth and vitality

                it's like in getting rid of all those pesky character specific stories (to make the actors expenable) they're forcingfocus on the main storyline. and if that storyline is teh least bit weak (and face it, defeating the goa'uld IS weak in itself) tehn that weakness is laid bare to the unforgiving eyes of the viewers.

                I find the ori storyline very weak. however if the individual characters each had something else to do and a storyline of their own, it would help to shore up and support the main storyline.

                in getting rid of those pesky character bits, they aer instead weakening the show. and have, unfortunately, weakened it beyond redemption
                Where in the World is George Hammond?



                  Originally posted by minigeek View Post
                  AT: She's a much more accessible character now. She's more laid ...

                  Ahem. 'Nuff said.
                  Wel yeah, cuz...
                  Vala's around now!


                    On the interview

                    On dealing with changes after Season Nine:

                    For me, personally, it was a weird season. For quite a while I felt like I had a hard time finding my groove, not because I was coming back to work with a little baby, but because I had missed the first four episodes. So I had missed that whole bonding time of the cast, and I felt like I had walked into this weird, alien environment. It was Stargate, but it didn't feel like my Stargate, like the show I was so used to. It felt very different and I felt like I scrambled a bit, just personally, to find my feet on the show. The character was there and I felt really confident with her, but I felt in between things. So [Season] Nine felt weird for me.
                    I've always felt there was something wrong with this How could they make someone who had been part of the family for 8 years feel like an "outcast" (for lack of a better word) It just never sat right with me

                    In the last couple of years, I don't think there's been as much play on Carter and that's been the challenge for me over the last couple of years, to keep it real and interesting when there's not a lot to do, when the character hasn't been given a lot of development over the last couple of years. So that's been the challenge, but then you look at that, and you go, "Okay, that's my challenge as an actress, to try and find something interesting there."
                    Yep that's what we've been saying since S9, and it's nice to hear it from AT also. I agree with DEM, that she has always alluded to this and never changed her tune, sometimes bluntness is a nice change.

                    The best part of the interview is that she has an upcoming project but darn it we have to wait til Feb. until she starts talking about it

                    my fanfic


                      hi everyone

                      glad that gateworld is back although i've had lots of time to do my uni work during the time it was off. hope ur all ok

                      it was nice hearing amanda's views in the new interview. and the character has been underused in the past few years, which is such a shame because sam is a great character, sometimes i think tptb dont realise what an asset a character like sam is to a tv show.

                      as far as the direct to dvd movies are concerened. im glad that the show is contiuning in some form, and i really hope that all the cast sign up as well as rick. and i think that a movie could be really great, i hope it works that way.

                      anyone think they'll do more than two? if the first two are good, then im all for them carrying on doing more

                      sig by starlover1990


                        Originally posted by Mandysg1 View Post
                        On the interview

                        The best part of the interview is that she has an upcoming project but darn it we have to wait til Feb. until she starts talking about it

                        it'll good to see her in something other than stargate, i havent seen much of her in other shows. curious as to what the new project is, and im sure she'll be in great in whatever project she takes on

                        sig by starlover1990


                          Originally posted by minigeek
                          AT: She's a much more accessible character now. She's more laid ...

                          Ahem. 'Nuff said.

                          Originally posted by scarimor View Post
                          Wel yeah, cuz...
                          Vala's around now!

                          Somehow, don't ask me how, I had a feeling you were going to come up with that conclusion

                          my fanfic


                            Originally posted by scarimor View Post
                            Very nice page. Much Sam and RepliCarter love and worship from me I gave you an up vote.

                            I haven't figured out how those site channels work yet. (well, to be accurate, I haven't had time). And seeing ones like yours putting up such great stuff makes me think... hey, why do I need to bother?

                            Ooh! Ooh! I just noticed! You used two of my icons! *is so chuffed*

                            There must be some alternative universe versions of her wreaking glorious havoc, at least.

                            Tell me which icons I snurched and I'll credit you! See I just dl'd a bunch of stuff over the past several years and don't know what's from where.

                            That's true of anyone here. If I post your stuff and don't credit you, please let me know so I can...okay?!??

                            ...You're ALWAYS Welcome in Samanda: Amanda's Community of New Fans and Old Friends...


                              Originally posted by ÜberSG-1Fan View Post

                              Tell me which icons I snurched and I'll credit you! See I just dl'd a bunch of stuff over the past several years and don't know what's from where.

                              That's true of anyone here. If I post your stuff and don't credit you, please let me know so I can...okay?!??

                              Oh, and public thanks to Uber for uploading ATs entire Urban Rush interview. Very cool. Greened ya!


                                Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                                so, what did we all get up to during the great Upgrade Outage???

                                I posted all the Mirror, Mirror fic if anyone is interested (link in my sig)

                                anyone else get any fic done that they can share?
                                SionnachOghma and I got another chapter of Stargate: Athena done.

                                Sig courtesy of RepliCartertje

