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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by minigeek View Post
    God, honestly, I was so truly blessed to have been given the opportunity. It's a rare and wonderful bit of karma to end up spending two entire days with so many fabulously talented, unbelievable women. And to have been embraced as part of the cast - the way they all treated me, I was awed and humbled. Starrgazer is probably one of the hardest working, most inspirational women I've ever met. She pulled double duty on VDAY 2007 as both a producer and a cast member, she gave up sleep and food at times, she worked late and came in early to work with Tanisha (the director). Everyone was so warm and welcoming, and Amanda.... what a beautiful spirit she has. To end up with the opportunity to spend two entire days in the professional company of someone I admire so tremendously. Wow. I made so many unforgettable acquaintances, and even a few new friends. I basked in their collective brilliance. I fed my soul with dialogue and an inspirational communion of sisterhood. I. Am. Blessed.
    ((((Samandans for not destroying Toronto or terrifying Amanda))))
    ((((Stargazzer for working so hard and doing an excellent job))))
    ((((Amanda for being her lovely self and visiting with the crazy Samandans after the show))))

    It sounds like it was a very memorable weekend for a very worthwhile cause.

    I'm going off subject (kind of) for just a minute here, but I'll put it in spoiler tabs. This relates to the Sam and ship issue we've been discussing, but it also relates to Sanctuary and a ship trend ( I know that some of you are groaning right now) that I already see developing.
    I've been hanging out at a Sanctuary forum, and there has already been a lot of speculation about the main characters (of course). Shipping has already come up, but it isn't being mentioned much on the Helen or Ashley (Helen's daughter) threads. It is primarily on the Will thread. Who will Will be shipped with? That's the big question.

    Why am I bringing this up here, you ask? Well, on SG1, it seems like the question has always been who will Sam be shipped with next? She was the only girl on the team, and Amanda was the one being asked all the ship questions. Now, we have (what appears to be) a 3 person team with 2 women and one man. Everyone is wondering who he'll be shipped with instead of shipping the ladies.

    Personally, I think this is refreshing. I'm trying really hard not to ship for this one (yeah, I know I'm going to fail and ship eventually), but I love it that for this series the tide seems to have turned. I wonder if it will be Robin Dunne getting all the ship questions in the interviews instead of Amanda or Emily...Poor Robin.

    Last edited by Gate gal; 05 March 2007, 08:46 PM.


      Originally posted by Gate gal View Post
      I'm going off subject (kind of) for just a minute here, but I'll put it in spoiler tabs. This relates to the Sam and ship issue we've been discussing, but it also relates to Sanctuary and a ship trend ( I know that some of you are groaning right now) that I already see developing.
      I've been hanging out at a Sanctuary forum, and there has already been a lot of speculation about the main characters (of course). Shipping has already come up, but it isn't being mentioned much on the Helen or Ashley (Helen's daughter) threads. It is primarily on the Will thread. Who will Will be shipped with? That's the big question.

      Why am I bringing this up here, you ask? Well, on SG1, it seems like the question has always been who will Sam be shipped with next? She was the only girl on the team, and Amanda was the one being asked all the ship questions. Now, we have (what appears to be) a 3 person team with 2 women and one man. Everyone is wondering who he'll be shipped with instead of shipping the ladies.

      Personally, I think this is refreshing. I'm trying really hard not to ship for this one (yeah, I know I'm going to fail and ship eventually), but I love it that for this series the tide seems to have turned. I wonder if it will be Robin Dunne getting all the ship questions in the interviews instead of Amanda or Emily...
      Oh! I didn't realize people were speculating on that at this point.

      All I know is...

      I hope beyond hope that Helen and Will do not, in any way/shape/form/stretch of the imagination, get shipped together.

      But Will/Ashley is fair game. And I actually see that happening at some point... Maybe. Is DK notorious for shippiness?


        Originally posted by SWMBOTGSG View Post
        And I was so careful to leave it in one piece after bringing some slightly warmer weather with me.

        I'm back from my snowy sojourn across the wilds of Canada, Toronto to Vancouver on a train. Had a great time - good company, good food, and mile upon mile of the pretty white stuff to look at. Lots of tales to tell and hilarious stories of getting into bed on the train....

        I wrote a journal and will get it typed up and add pictures when I unscramble my brain from the Jet lag.

        It's nearly half past one in the morning as I write and I am still wide awake (and I have been home since last Wednesday!). The older I get the longer it takes to get back to normal. Mind you having some thirty pages of this thread to catch up on doesn't help.

        I'll put up a link when it's ready.

        Kay aka Mumsey
        Glad you had a good time! Looking forward to hearing about your adventure.


          Originally posted by SWMBOTGSG View Post
          And I was so careful to leave it in one piece after bringing some slightly warmer weather with me.

          I'm back from my snowy sojourn across the wilds of Canada, Toronto to Vancouver on a train. Had a great time - good company, good food, and mile upon mile of the pretty white stuff to look at. Lots of tales to tell and hilarious stories of getting into bed on the train....

          I wrote a journal and will get it typed up and add pictures when I unscramble my brain from the Jet lag.

          It's nearly half past one in the morning as I write and I am still wide awake (and I have been home since last Wednesday!). The older I get the longer it takes to get back to normal. Mind you having some thirty pages of this thread to catch up on doesn't help.

          I'll put up a link when it's ready.

          Kay aka Mumsey
          Welcome home Kay!! Glad to hear you had a safe and enjoyable trip!


            Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
            alan is good looking.

            Not in the rick or michael 'pretty' kind of good looking, but...oh the closest thing i can think of is jamie denton of desperate housewives. good looking but 'normal' and welcoming.

            i saw him at one of the gatecons and he's just a nice guy.

            I felt so sorry for amanda at that gatecon. it was the one where she,chris and michael were on stage (it was the july before she had olivia) and they were teasign her on stage about being a 'finisher'....yes, too 'bad' to explain fully here on the forum but...anyway, her hubby AND inlaws were in the audience...i'm thinking she gets some good teasing when she gets home
            Oh c'mon started it now you have to finish it...what does that mean???...PM me if it's that can't be that bad...this is Amanda we're talking about right??
            "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
            Hug Your Loved Ones!!
            ~Amanda Tapping


              Thank you all for the wondeful tales from Toronto...I'm so glad that you all had a fantastic time!.
              Not staying on tonight...going to bed as I just can't survive on 4.5 hours sleep...not after having to work over the weekend and being not so crash hot...but I'm so glad I got to catch up on the VM news...thanks for the you tube link too...I so wish I had been there!
              Welcome back from your trip Kay...glad it all went well for you...ever been on the Ghan here in Australia???...David Nykl seems to think it's pretty good...worth mentioning over and over again at the con anyway...I think he couldn't say a thing unless he incorporated the Ghan trip into his answers....seriously though...I am glad you had a great time one your journey!
              Good night everyone...take care, be safe, stay happy and hug your loved ones...hubby got an extra big hug tonight for putting up with me typing on the keyboard til god knows what time last night...I ended up crawling into bed at 4am...just as he was getting up for work...he was not impressed but I was too wired to sleep...yay!!!
              "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
              Hug Your Loved Ones!!
              ~Amanda Tapping


                Everyone thank you so much for the reports of the trip to Toronto and TVM...I loved reading every part of it...It seems like it was a great experience to all of you!! I hope you all enjoyed your time and that everyone arrived save at home!

                Originally posted by Famantha View Post
                I agree with that !! Wow I'm so glad Mini and you are still able to be articulate and write so well after this week end, I personallly can't not yet !!

                I'm glad you came home in one piece !!

                Yeeahhhhh for the big thank you to Amanda !! we are such lucky fangirls, aren't we ?

                I'm not sure I can do that but here it is for now nonetheless, the small video about the Vagina Monologues from CTV


                there are just some images of Amanda
                Thank you for this I really enjoyed it...I think Amanda looked great and it seems that she really had fun on stage... And also I love it that Amanda supports this cause...
                Thank you!!!


                  Originally posted by the dancer of spaz View Post
                  Hey Sapphire! Are these short films that have been released in the past, or are they new films?

                  OK... I guess I might as well just click on the link and find out.
                  Amanda's two films are not new: the Stuck trailer and the film she did for Crazy 8s.

                  In memory of Deejay.
                  May we all be so well loved.


                    Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                    alan is good looking.

                    Not in the rick or michael 'pretty' kind of good looking, but...oh the closest thing i can think of is jamie denton of desperate housewives. good looking but 'normal' and welcoming.

                    i saw him at one of the gatecons and he's just a nice guy.
                    Cool, and Jamie Denton is quite good-looking to me, in that he's very manly. I prefer that type of guy rather than 'pretty'.

                    I felt so sorry for amanda at that gatecon. it was the one where she,chris and michael were on stage (it was the july before she had olivia) and they were teasign her on stage about being a 'finisher'....yes, too 'bad' to explain fully here on the forum but...anyway, her hubby AND inlaws were in the audience...i'm thinking she gets some good teasing when she gets home
                    Oy. I'm sure she did, but I hope she smacked the boys upside the head after that.
                    Pixie's Haven


                      Originally posted by SWMBOTGSG View Post
                      And I was so careful to leave it in one piece after bringing some slightly warmer weather with me.

                      I'm back from my snowy sojourn across the wilds of Canada, Toronto to Vancouver on a train. Had a great time - good company, good food, and mile upon mile of the pretty white stuff to look at. Lots of tales to tell and hilarious stories of getting into bed on the train....

                      I wrote a journal and will get it typed up and add pictures when I unscramble my brain from the Jet lag.

                      It's nearly half past one in the morning as I write and I am still wide awake (and I have been home since last Wednesday!). The older I get the longer it takes to get back to normal. Mind you having some thirty pages of this thread to catch up on doesn't help.

                      I'll put up a link when it's ready.

                      Kay aka Mumsey
                      Welcome back, and it sounds like you had quite the time in my fair country! Can't wait to read more about your travels.
                      Pixie's Haven


                        Originally posted by ForeverSg1 View Post
                        Woo! I made it home!

                        I'm sorry for taking so long to post anything, but unfortunatley our plane was a bit late due to icy conditions and then on the way home we had to sit in two hours of downtown Dallas traffic. Woo! NOT!

                        On the way home, we ( my daughter, hubby, and I) decided to get some lunch and upon my arrival home I managed to unpack, turn on my computer and read three posts on the Samanda thread, before passing out on the couch with my laptop laying in my lap. Lucky for me, my husband kindly removed my already broken laptop before I managed to toss it on the ground yet again. I guess that's what I get for staying up till 2:30am yacking with a bunch of crazy Samandans when I have to get up at 4:30am to catch a flight home. Ah well. I'm home. I'm safe. And I miss everyone terribly.

                        The trip to Toronto was f**king fantastic! Big thanks to AmberMoon, Scari, Mini, Famantha, MandySG1 and J.J for making the trip so fun. You were all great. Another big thank you to all the other lovely women we met at the theatre! You all rock!

                        But most importantly, I really want to thank Amanda for not only providing us all with a wonderful reason to have this great party in Toronto in the first place, but for taking time after the shows each night to come out and chat with us, take photos and just share this wonderful experience with her. She is such a truly sweet person as is her family for allowing us take up so much of her time after the shows. They were so kind and understanding and I'm sure I speak for most of us when I say "Thank you Amanda!'

                        The plays were wonderful. I have to admit I originally I went to the play specifically to see Amanda, but I was pleasantly surpised by the performances of all the women involved in the cast. The monologues were a perfect balance between emotionally stirring monologues and light-hearted and uplifting ones; and every actress involved was a joy to watch.

                        In my opinion, Sarafina DiFelice( Six Year Old Girl), Jessica Moss( Reclaiming ) and Amanda( My Angry Vagina ) did phenominal job of adding light-hearted moments with their performances without feeling ackward or out of place in between the more dramatic and heart-wrenching skits such as the ones performed by Briana Brown( My Vagina was my Village), Assata McKenzie( The little Coochie Snorcher) and Tarah Consoli ( Crooked Braid) -- all of whom were simply amazing.

                        In short, I loved every moment of the play and I thank everyone involved, especially JJ and Amanda, without whom I would have never known about the Vagina Monologues.

                        Big hugs and thank you's to everyone who came and made the weekend such a blast. You all rock! Hopefully we'll get a chance to meet again.


                        Kat, you continue to amaze me! Where is the woman who was afraid to fly?! You continue to open yourself to new experiences and journeys and that's so inspirational and terrific.

                        And what a weekend you had!! Hope there are some photos to be shared once you are past the jet lag!


                          Originally posted by pixiesio View Post
                          Welcome back, and it sounds like you had quite the time in my fair country! Can't wait to read more about your travels.
                          Neither can I. Kay, your adventures must have been so much fun!


                          Live On Stage in Toronto - August 8,9,10 2008
                          ~all proceeds to benefit charity~


                            Originally posted by minigeek View Post
                            God, honestly, I was so truly blessed to have been given the opportunity. It's a rare and wonderful bit of karma to end up spending two entire days with so many fabulously talented, unbelievable women. And to have been embraced as part of the cast - the way they all treated me, I was awed and humbled. Starrgazer is probably one of the hardest working, most inspirational women I've ever met. She pulled double duty on VDAY 2007 as both a producer and a cast member, she gave up sleep and food at times, she worked late and came in early to work with Tanisha (the director). Everyone was so warm and welcoming, and Amanda.... what a beautiful spirit she has. To end up with the opportunity to spend two entire days in the professional company of someone I admire so tremendously. Wow. I made so many unforgettable acquaintances, and even a few new friends. I basked in their collective brilliance. I fed my soul with dialogue and an inspirational communion of sisterhood. I. Am. Blessed.
                            You once called attention to my good karma, friend, and now I am so so happy to hear of yours! Couldn't have happened to a nicer person.

                            I noticed that Amanda's old hometown has a newspaper column entitled Acts of Kindness where readers write in and thank people for little, sometimes random, acts of kindness which really made an impact on their lives. Couldn't help but think about Amanda's own belief in kindness and her generosity of spirit.

                            She must have been bowled over to see all you Samandans after her performance(s) and how lovely that she shared herself, once again, with her Sam Carter fans!

                            Kat, mini, scari, mandy, fam, et al ... you guys rock! Backstage photos, anyone?!

                            Hic Comitas Regit


                              well, it's what the boys were teasing her about. under the spoiler tags for those that don't wnat to read

                              being a 'finisher'
                              ok, sometimes during coitus, well sometimes the guy just can't get 'done' during the act - ie he can't orgasm during the normal sometimes he needs a little helping hand to....finish.

                              thus the term 'finisher'

                              and yeah, if i was amanda i'd have smacked chris and michael upside the head

                              now how it came up in the conversation, they talked about how amanda often had the last scenes of the day schedule wise cause tehy knew that she could get them finished on she'd know her lines and be able to knock out here scenes in short order and everyone could get home on time.
                              Where in the World is George Hammond?



                                Originally posted by ChopinGal View Post
                                You once called attention to my good karma, friend, and now I am so so happy to hear of yours! Couldn't have happened to a nicer person.

                                I noticed that Amanda's old hometown has a newspaper column entitled Acts of Kindness where readers write in and thank people for little, sometimes random, acts of kindness which really made an impact on their lives. Couldn't help but think about Amanda's own belief in kindness and her generosity of spirit.

                                She must have been bowled over to see all you Samandans after her performance(s) and how lovely that she shared herself, once again, with her Sam Carter fans!

                                Kat, mini, scari, mandy, fam, et al ... you guys rock! Backstage photos, anyone?!

                                Hic Comitas Regit
                                She really *was* bowled over, and so thrilled that everyone came to see the show. During the second performance on Sunday, a couple of people sent some really special little gifts backstage for her. I only know that because I was sitting there at that moment - when those came in from the bouncers. They handed her each gift and she leaned right into me (a couple of the other actresses were also chatting with us at the time) and she said: "Oh my god, how cool is this?!" and showed us all the great and really funny messages on one of them (it was a Ralph Wiggum book about "wisdom", I think, if I recall? I'm sorry if I got that wrong, but there were messages all over it and it was VERY fun and funny). There was a beautiful CD with lullabys on it. She really loves everyone here, she just lights up when she talks about how great and wonderful her fans are. I cannot speak for her, of course, but I saw how moved she was by every fan who showed up. And (being one, myself *ahem*), I couldn't help having a little moment of fangirl frustration with her when she debated vehemently with me that she was only a "reflection" of how awesome the people around her are. They are, of course, but so is she all on her own. The lady is classy. She keeps it real. She's grace, incarnate. So professional, so considerate, so funny! (and she gives amazing hugs!) Actually every lovely woman in the cast gives AMAZING hugs. I joked at one point that I was going to take one of the gals home with me because she was so great at hugging (I love hugs). Send me hugs in the mail, please, I'll take 'em any way I can get them. LOL. Starrgazer will attest, we had a blessed and beautiful experience together, everyone.


                                Live On Stage in Toronto - August 8,9,10 2008
                                ~all proceeds to benefit charity~

