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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    who here has watched the newest sg1 ep? i can't remember it's name, but it's teal'c focused.

    from what i've heard, it's BIG on teal'c torture and stuff. i really, REALLY don't want to see this stuff again, so can someone tell me if the violence scenes are too harsh, and if there's anything else of interest in this ep (like sam)?




      Originally posted by Gate gal View Post
      As a S/J shipper, I've been thinking that for years. But, seriously, I hope it was a misquote or just taken out of context. Maybe he meant something along the lines of 'what's done is done' and we can't undo it, because we already filmed it. I don't think so, but I'm willing to give the benefit of the doubt for now.

      I really want season 4 to be a big success, escpecially since Amanda is joining the cast. Season 4 really needs to start strong and get stronger.
      You never know. In my opinion the article does have a bit of a bias in that it's written in such a way that the reporter seems somewhat miffed at Joe, herself. Or perhaps miffed he didn't answer all her questions. It's difficult to say for certain, but anything in quote marks should be word for word, it's the context you can end up twisting around.

      What's disappointing is that by now they really should have learned that - while you can't go changing your stories willy-nilly over fan whims (obviously) - there's a huge resource out there in the viewership that you simply don't want to make sweeping "we don't really care what you think or say" type comments about. Any creative production can march to its own drummer - that's fine - but to completely dismiss fan feedback as irrelevant entirely is rather an act of foolish arrogance.

      It's for reasons like this that mainstream television is going to go the way of the dodo bird, and media such as "SANCTUARY" is going to become more and more the way of the future. Viewers don't want (or deserve) to be treated as mindless morons. Not in this day-and-age. Not the internet generation.

      Television producers and network executives really need to catch up to the ball on that one.


      Live On Stage in Toronto - August 8,9,10 2008
      ~all proceeds to benefit charity~


        Viva Sanctuary! Viva the Revolution! Power to the Viewers!

        Isn't it really awesome that we are in on the ground floor on this internet series revolution? Do you think any of you would be this excited about Sanctuary if Amanda weren't in it? I'm pretty sure I would give it a try eventually, but I doubt I'd go out of my way if just anybody was the lead.


          Originally posted by minigeek View Post
          What's disappointing is that by now they really should have learned that - while you can't go changing your stories willy-nilly over fan whims (obviously) - there's a huge resource out there in the viewership that you simply don't want to make sweeping "we don't really care what you think or say" type comments about. Any creative production can march to its own drummer - that's fine - but to completely dismiss fan feedback as irrelevant entirely is rather an act of foolish arrogance.
          I agree - it's very dangerous. I mean, I expect a lot from the producers in terms of respect, and I rarely agree with the way Joe Mallozzi handles things. That said, I don't think he or the rest of them should feel pressured to listen to one fanbase over another. They should feel free to tell the stories they want to tell. However, completely disregarding the fans (or at least giving the impression that that's how you feel) demonstrates a level of arrogance I don't think I've seen from any other producer.

          Ah well. Ya reap what ya sew, you get what you give, and all that jazz.

          Here are two more places where Amanda's move to Atlantis is mentioned:
          zap2it and eCentral

          They don't say anything new, but it's for people who like to see where SG news is published.


            Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
            actually, jack got hurt because rda's girlfriend had Wylie

            originally the arrow was supposed to miss. but Apryl Prose (which i probably misspelled) went into labor and rick wanted to go be with his daughter, so jack got hurt, the show was tweaked, his lines given to sam and she took over so that rda could take time off

            MS' girlfriend/wife was due to go into labor soon after, which is why daniel was written out of Matter of give michael time off to be with his new daughter
            Yeah, I figured it was something like that. Actually, since this is Stargate, you pretty much knew there had to be a kid involved somewhere. Which is one of the few 'behind-the-scenes' excuses which, as a viewer, I'll forgive 'obviousness' for.


              it is true that tv show makers can't alter every single episode to please 'the fans' because you can't please THE FANS as a whole group. It's impossible. there isn't a tv show/movie/book in existence that everyone likes. Just as there's not a tv show/movie/book that everyone hates.

              What you can do, however, is pick an audience and tweak the show towards thier general likes and tell your story, geared towards the general audience.

              If Stargate was aimed for saturday morning tv and the pre-teen market, you bet your bootie that the show would be structured a LOT differently. Same if it was geared towards the housewife soap crowd. Two totally different shows, literally.

              But while i fully acknowledge that TPTB can't totally gear their show towards fans' whims...they can't totally dismiss them either. Cause, well, fans are what keeps the show on the air and them in a job.
              Where in the World is George Hammond?



                Originally posted by Sg Gato View Post
                I focused on this snip :

                There were no plans at present, he said, to have Ben Browder (who plays “SG-1’s” Cameron Mitchell), Claudia Black (“SG-1’s” Vala Mal Doran) or Michael Shanks (“SG-1’s” Daniel Jackson) guest on “Atlantis,” but Mallozzi didn’t rule it out.

                "They’re going to be in the two [‘Stargate SG-1’ DVD] movies” that are being filmed this spring, Mallozzi said. As far as bringing them back to “Atlantis,” “it’s a matter of coming up with a believable story and the actors’ availability and everything else."

                I don't understand his response as Sam will be in the movie as well. My first thought was that this was an indication that Sam will have a small role. Although I know AT can do so much with so little, I'm pretty greedy and would want her to play a major role. Interpretations?
                I don't really think that is what he was saying at all. I read it as him saying that there were no plans as of yet to bring MS, BB or CB onto Atlantis for a guest spot, either because they haven't thought of a believable reason to have them on the show or because the actors may not be available.

                We know Browder lives in L.A and if he has started looking for other jobs, he may not be able to rush back to Vancouver to do a guest appearance on Atlantis. We also know that Michael never signed a contract for Season 11. I won't even try to speculate why he did not sign as I'm sure he had his reasons, but he's publically stated that he's very interested in working in L.A and I believe he's been actively persuing roles in California as he's a SAG member now, correct?

                No one really knows the reason whyTPTB asked Amanda to do Atlantis and not Michael. In my opinion, it's all spectulation that tends to make fans on both sides of the issues hot under the collar.

                I personally want to believe it was because Amanda had already signed a contract with the Stargate franchise. Amanda has also publically stated that she believes that the franchise has been very good to her and she really enjoys working in Vancouver -- because her home and family are there. And after reading what Damian Kindler said about her on his blog and hearing the comments N. John Smith said about her at Vancouver Con last year, I believe Amanda has a wonderful work ethic and is a joy to have on set. In my opinion, it was all of these things combined that contributed in Amanda being asked to join the cast of Atlantis.

                Personally, I hope they will allow Sam to be an integral part in the movies, but seeing as they haven't really made Sam an integral part of S9 or 10, I won't hold my breath. The first movie is a wrap up of the Ori story and seeing as that story revolves around Daniel, I would assume Michael would have a larger part in that movie and I can live with that -- but that doesn't mean I don't want Sam to have an interesting part as well. I'm just hoping that Sam will have a larger role in the second movie since we know that it deals with
                time travel.
                Last edited by ForeverSg1; 20 February 2007, 07:05 PM.


                  Originally posted by ChopinGal View Post
                  I love reading all the supportive posts about Amanda changing roles from Sam to Helen. This change is so gutsy on so many levels.

                  First of all, the format itself is high-tech, computer-generated, green screen. I remember reading an interview where AT spoke about getting used to acting in front of a green screen as Stargate used that effect more and more. I think she is comfortable in that context and I bet that not every actor can master such a delivery system. Think about it. She will be delivering her lines and her reactions to a blank screen! It takes quite a polished actor to do that.

                  Secondly, Amanda and co-producers are walking the walk by funding this project so that it does, indeed, move ahead. There is a confidence here and a belief in self and product that show a certain maturity.

                  Third, Amanda is playing a professional woman who is obviously older and has an adult child. The anathema of acting and casting - women who have reached a certain age. "Don't know what to do with them." There is a bias in the business but she is hitting her 40s head on and being true to herself, not afraid to portray a character like that. I see so much growth and courage in that.

                  I, like many of my fellow Samandans, was quite upset at how the character of Sam was handled (er, mishandled) in the beginning of S9. The word went out "we don't know what to do with Sam Carter" and the writers flubbed and the producers pushed and shoved for the newbies. AT, just back from MLA, seemed tired and subdued in her early return scenes. Adjusting to the demands of motherhood and professional responsibilities would do that.

                  To her credit, Amanda is so resilient and beautiful that she rebalanced, handled what was given her with grace and humor, and Sam Carter survived to live and fight another day (S10). How fascinating that S10 "knew what to do with Sam Carter", eh? Someone got the message.

                  Now, with Stargate cancelled, Amanda is at a crossroads and she's chosen the path less traveled: Sanctuary. New, cutting edge, financially risky. She's doing theatre again (TVM). She's producing and may get to direct and probably blog a piece or two at Damian's website. All good, so good.

                  Amanda is modeling what she gave us in Sam Carter for so many seasons: a savvy multi-dimensional professional woman who can say to the world "I'm here. I've arrived. Deal with me!"

                  Obviously, she knew what to do with Sam Carter.
                  Well stated, CG!


                    Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                    But while i fully acknowledge that TPTB can't totally gear their show towards fans' whims...they can't totally dismiss them either.
                    That is exactly how I feel. That quote had me thinking of a kid who hears something s/he doesn't like and says:


                    Live On Stage in Toronto - August 8,9,10 2008
                    ~all proceeds to benefit charity~


                      and that's my response to him

                      whatever dude

                      hey, whatever he does makes no real difference to me. I just turn off the set and massacre a few protons playing online. but what he does DOES effect him in that it's in his resume. so whatever dude, have fun, he's gotta live wiht his choices, not me.

                      I have 8 wonderful years of sam to immerse myself in, 1.5 of ok sam, two movies and Sanctuary. no matter what he moves onto next, i'll still be able to get my fix so...whatever.
                      Where in the World is George Hammond?



                        Originally posted by ÜberSG-1Fan View Post
                        Hey all! Quick announcement for ya. Stay tuned for to be showing up within the next week and a half. Yes we're moving fast because the time is now.

                        Myrth has already set up the new link to the Sanctuary forum at

                        Now...go forth and spread the word.

                        I am so on it!

                        "The bravest are surely those who have the clearest vision of what is before them, glory and danger alike, and yet notwithstanding, go out to meet it."--Thucydides


                          Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                          and that's my response to him

                          whatever dude

                          hey, whatever he does makes no real difference to me. I just turn off the set and massacre a few protons playing online. but what he does DOES effect him in that it's in his resume. so whatever dude, have fun, he's gotta live wiht his choices, not me.

                          I have 8 wonderful years of sam to immerse myself in, 1.5 of ok sam, two movies and Sanctuary. no matter what he moves onto next, i'll still be able to get my fix so...whatever.

                          Absolutely. There's nothing more powerful than taking that remote and either changing the chanel or hitting the OFF button.


                            Originally posted by Rachel500 View Post
                            Congratulations on the milestones!

                            I've just been watching Spirits ahead of writing the Aftershock for it and as you all may know, Sam has her first official off-world SG mission command in that episode to rescue SG11 and to approach the natives re a mining treaty.

                            My question is this: do you think Sam did a good job or a bad job with her first command?

                            Unsurprisingly I have my own opinion (when do I not ) but I'll save it until later after I've read some of yours.
                            Wow, a while since I have seen this one.

                            Sam’s first command flew right by me, I thought it was later.

                            I liked how Jack encouraged her and totally believed in her.

                            Her missions were to get SG11 back and negotiate a treaty for the metal. Hammond also reminded her to be diplomatic.

                            Carter prioritized finding SG11 until they were rescued, then began metal mining negotiations with the elders. She accidentally brought back aliens rather than SG11, but by doing that, indirectly returned SG11 home.

                            She displayed diplomacy on many occasions – “went with” the cultural spiritual references even though it was against her science and logic, offered to be called Sam rather than her complete title, spoke with the wolf, respected the planet inhabitants enough to go against Hammonds’s plan to steal the metal and lie to the planets’ people. Tried to come up with a less destructive mining method to satisfy the village elders.

                            SG1 returned home safely, SG11 was ultimately safe, but the mining deal fell through (mostly due to immoral leadership).

                            I think she did a great job for first command. Not perfect, but good – hehe not that I could necessarily have done any better.
                            Words have tremendous power. The right words spoken by the right people at the right times can lift up communities, transform lives, mend relationships, break hearts—even topple empires.
                            Quint Studer


                              Originally posted by ChopinGal View Post
                              She will be delivering her lines and her reactions to a blank screen! It takes quite a polished actor to do that.

                              Secondly, Amanda and co-producers are walking the walk by funding this project so that it does, indeed, move ahead. There is a confidence here and a belief in self and product that show a certain maturity.

                              Third, Amanda is playing a professional woman who is obviously older and has an adult child.

                              To her credit, Amanda is so resilient and beautiful that she rebalanced, handled what was given her with grace and humor, and Sam Carter survived to live and fight another day (S10). How fascinating that S10 "knew what to do with Sam Carter", eh? Someone got the message.

                              Now, with Stargate cancelled, Amanda is at a crossroads and she's chosen the path less traveled: Sanctuary. New, cutting edge, financially risky. She's doing theatre again (TVM). She's producing and may get to direct and probably blog a piece or two at Damian's website. All good, so good.

                              Amanda is modeling what she gave us in Sam Carter for so many seasons: a savvy multi-dimensional professional woman who can say to the world "I'm here. I've arrived. Deal with me!"

                              Obviously, she knew what to do with Sam Carter.

                              Originally posted by starrgazer
                              Ok... I got all of the show references (but thank you for the reassurance, Mandy! )... but I don't watch all of the shows... so I'm not entirely sure about answers...

                              1. If you could only save one DVD boxset due to a plane crash on a remote island....which season would it be?
                              Originally posted by Tracy Jane View Post
                              See, Mandy... I've watched the whole of ONE of those shows. In Germany. For about five episodes (Lost). Now, here's MY six questions.

                              1. The SGC have given clearance for a design to be sold to "Gizmos". What design would ...

                              How's that for cultural reference?
                              I failed all references from both sides of the pond.

                              Don't watch too much TV, and soon even less with Sanctuary!!

                              Originally posted by ForeverSg1 View Post
                              I was searching through the web today and came across a blog that had an interesting read so I thought I'd share it. On this page is a brief synopsis of Aeryn Sun, Sam Carter and Starbuck in a piece called 'Danger Gal Friday'. Sam's piece is the second one on the page so just scroll down if you don't want to read them all. I actually found all there quite interesting.

                              Danger Gal Friday
                              This was interesting - piloting her own asteroid, hehe.

                              Also Jckfan and ForeverSg1 are quoted.

                              Regarding the JM quotes: FUSS AND NONSENSE.
                              Words have tremendous power. The right words spoken by the right people at the right times can lift up communities, transform lives, mend relationships, break hearts—even topple empires.
                              Quint Studer


                                Let's play the caption game!
                                A pic from Spirits

