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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    1.) What was the first episode of Stargate SG-1 you ever saw?
    S9, Stronghold

    2.) What or who drew you to the series?
    My sister recommended it.

    3.) What is your favorite episode of Stargate SG-1?
    This is very difficult since I love so many of them. If I must pick one, Reckoning 1-2.

    4.) Who is your favorite character? Why?
    Sam Carter. I like her.

    5.) Do you ship/slash? Who (and/or What) is your favorite pairing?
    Sam/Jack is my favorite pairing.

    6.) What friendship dynamic is your favorite?
    Sam/Janet was my favorite friendship. I also love Sam/Teal'c and Sam/Daniel. I begin to like Sam/Cam and Sam/Vala at S10.

    7.) In your opinion, what is the funniest Stargate SG-1 moment of all time?
    Urgo – I just re-watched this last night and laughed my head off again. Windows of Opportunity is a close second.

    8.) In your opinion, what is the most poignant Stargate SG-1 moment of all time? Or, if you want to be character-specific, what is the most poignant Sam moment of all time?

    SG-1: Janet's death.
    Sam: can’t decide - singularity, threads, Line in the Sand, before Daniel ascended, before Janet's eulogy.

    9.) Name one person in this thread who you haven't gotten a chance to talk to personally, but who you think you have the most in common with, and why.

    I haven’t had a chance to talk to any of you personally. I like reading your posts in general though.

    10.) What's your favorite kind of Sam (e.g. Soldier Sam, Science Sam, Pilot Sam, etc.)?

    I like them combined. I like the Science Sam because she is so smart. I love her techno babbles and rewind to listen to them often. I admire the strength in the Soldier/Pilot Sam. And the Anguished Sam always touches my heart.


      Originally posted by majorsal View Post

      i know that was hard for you to write. it's not always easy saying what you're afraid will upset someone(s).

      i think if we take some ideas and take some votes, we'll find a happy medium for everyone.

      adding in santuary talk IS going off the topic *of this thread*, but we have so little to talk about now that i don't know what we should do.

      we could keep this the 'sam's a great character thread', and create an 'amanda ~and her roles~ appreciation/discussion thread' too?...

      and what about us inviting some others from around the forum to come in here and discuss sam?

      what say you?


      I prefer to come to this one thread and read about both Sam and Amanda.


        Originally posted by the dancer of spaz View Post
        I kinda feel bad that there are some people who feel like they don't fit in, or that there are cliques. Part of me thinks it's the nature and ebb and flow of a forum where people hang out. In six months, assuming newer posters stick with it, I would think that they will unknowingly be a part of the "clique," while newer posters try to break through that invisible barrier. Meanwhile, posters who've been here for a while may weave in and out of the forum over a period of time. As long as people know it's unintentional, I think we can move forward.

        I don't know if anyone's interested, but maybe we should just kinda start from scratch for a day or so. Maybe some icebreaker questions? Here are a few I came up with off the top of my head:
        I will try to answer good as possible...

        1.) What was the first episode of Stargate SG-1 you ever saw?

        Movie/Children of the Gods

        2.) What or who drew you to the series?

        My brother and my father, when i was a little kid(6) i watched it with them(they rented the VHS)

        3.) What is your favorite episode of Stargate SG-1?


        4.) Who is your favorite character? Why?

        d'oh...Sam, Because she is great, fantastic, good character, i have to go on???

        5.) Do you ship/slash? Who (and/or What) is your favorite pairing?

        yeah...i really don't and can you think that
        I prefer S/J ship(as some have already noticed) why...because i can see the chemistry, i am a (relation)ship sucker, and like lots of fluff...angst...i like the shippie things in series... i that made any sense

        6.) What friendship dynamic is your favorite?

        I think Jack/Daniel...they are just funny together!!

        7.) In your opinion, what is the funniest Stargate SG-1 moment of all time?

        When Jack/ Tea'l 'c discover in WoO that they can do whatever they want without consequences(sp?) really like that bit...golfing through the SG, kissing(told ya i was a shipper) on the bike....etc.

        8.) In your opinion, what is the most poignant Stargate SG-1 moment of all time? Or, if you want to be character-specific, what is the most poignant Sam moment of all time?

        **goes first to translates what poignant means(yeah i\m stupid with english)**

        Can't choose...i love more aspects...really!! a bad choser(if that is a word)

        9.) Name one person in this thread who you haven't gotten a chance to talk to personally, but who you think you have the most in common with, and why?

        Dunno...i know more people here...but that's also because they are shippers...i like you all

        10.) What's your favorite kind of Sam (e.g. Soldier Sam, Science Sam, Pilot Sam, etc.)?

        thats difficult...can't i say i like them all**pouts**


          1.) What was the first episode of Stargate SG-1 you ever saw?

          Don’t know, my daughter channel surfed to it, I only half paid attention, to make sure it was safe for her to watch, then I paid a little more attention, and was impressed!

          2.) What or who drew you to the series?

          RDA and his humor, then I admired Sam’s character for her strengths, smarts, and femininity.

          3.) What is your favorite episode of Stargate SG-1?


          4.) Who is your favorite character? Why?

          Jack for his sense of humor, snarkiness, handsomeness.

          Sam for her ethics, smarts, equal to the boys mentality. Initially, I really disliked Sam, but then she seemed to chill out a bit, became more human. Also, as I learned more about AT and her kindnesses, I began to like Sam more.

          I must also remain loyal to Thor. The slapstick, joke-a-minute, genius that he is.

          5.) Do you ship/slash? Who (and/or What) is your favorite pairing?

          Sam/Jack are a given for me. Sam and Barrett are a possibility if Jack was not anywhere in the picture.

          6.) What friendship dynamic is your favorite?

          Sam and Janet – both successful women, strong women, and good friends.

          I also like Sam and Teal’c because he is always quietly there when she needs him, sweet and strong, very supportive.

          7.) In your opinion, what is the funniest Stargate SG-1 moment of all time?

          I love the goofy Felger episodes, probably, because I am/was a nerd myself.

          8.) In your opinion, what is the most poignant Stargate SG-1 moment of all time? Or, if you want to be character-specific, what is the most poignant Sam moment of all time?

          SG-1: Daniel’s death, Janet's death.

          Sam: Singularity, Threads, and Grace during Jacob’s scene and Jacks’ pep – talk/ kiss scene.

          9.) Name one person in this thread who you haven't gotten a chance to talk to personally, but who you think you have the most in common with, and why.

          One person? Too hard. Also, I am so new, I don’t really know too many people yet. Probably all the mommys and anyone who likes outdoor stuff. Actually, anyone on the thread would be interesting and fun as far as I can tell. Pretty neat we get to virtually talk with so many people from around the world! The people I have begun to know through PM and email are wonderful!

          10.) What's your favorite kind of Sam (e.g. Soldier Sam, Science Sam, Pilot Sam, etc.)?

          Team Sam – when the original SG1 team is together, all their snickering, looks, and jokes. I couldn’t understand any of it at first – quite a bit of insider humor on the show as well as on this thread.

          Being new to the thread, it took me nearly 3 months to understand what penguins and polar bears were and I still don’t fully understand the emu’s, but emu’s are inherently funny, so I laugh every time I see one!

          PS - The emu's must not be told they look funny, they take themselves very seriously and would be devastated.
          Last edited by tagger; 12 February 2007, 11:36 PM.
          Words have tremendous power. The right words spoken by the right people at the right times can lift up communities, transform lives, mend relationships, break hearts—even topple empires.
          Quint Studer


            Originally posted by tagger View Post
            Being new to the thread, it took me nearly 3 months to understand what penguins and polar bears were and I still don’t fully understand the emu’s, but emu’s are inherently funny, so I laugh every time I see one!

            PS - The emu's must not be told they look funny, they take themselves very seriously and would be devastated.
            I hate to break it to you but I'm sad to say you get the emus just fine.

            We were trying to pick a Royal bird...and someone recommended the emu. Why? Because they're so dang funny looking. And who doesn't like to look at and joke about emus?!??

            Great answers by the way.

            ...You're ALWAYS Welcome in Samanda: Amanda's Community of New Fans and Old Friends...


              Originally posted by tagger View Post
              *snip* (sorry!)

              PS - The emu's must not be told they look funny, they take themselves very seriously and would be devastated.

              Neep, NZBG, Eileen!

              Made with love and chocolate brownies by Spacegirlnz

              Pooh-Bah/Ko-Ko FTW!


                Ooooober! Whenever I see your sig, I just have to put my hand to my mouth and say "really?"

                Ack. Shoot me now!
                Neep, NZBG, Eileen!

                Made with love and chocolate brownies by Spacegirlnz

                Pooh-Bah/Ko-Ko FTW!


                  Originally posted by ÜberSG-1Fan View Post
                  I hate to break it to you but I'm sad to say you get the emus just fine.

                  We were trying to pick a Royal bird...and someone recommended the emu. Why? Because they're so dang funny looking. And who doesn't like to look at and joke about emus?!??

                  Great answers by the way.

                  A word to the wise - do not laugh at emus (unless separated by a very large fence) they be quite fearsome when attacking!!! Which is why I suppose they are guard emus???


                  Oooooooober!!! (No wait!! I'll do this properly)

                  Über!! I'm loving the new banner for the online chat with Amanda


                    Here's kind of a "grungy" take on a wall for Sanctuary. It's a bit different from the nice wall Kat posted earlier, although the same Sanctuary pics were used.

                    Sanctuary Wall


                      [QUOTE=the dancer of spaz;6320490]
                      1.) What was the first episode of Stargate SG-1 you ever saw?
                      Children of the Gods. I always forget the English title, mainly because I've seen it in French far more than in English. In fact, I just had to look up the title again Such a dunce!

                      2.) What or who drew you to the series?
                      I really enjoyed the film and when my mum sat down to watch the pilot, I joined her on the sofa. I had never heard of Richard Dean Anderson or anyone, so that was hardly a draw. I was quite excited when I saw Amanda, though. I was going "It's the dead chick! It's the dead chick! It's Skinner's prostitute!". Yeah... again... DUNCE.

                      3.) What is your favorite episode of Stargate SG-1?
                      It changes on a daily basis, to be honest. I love Window of Opportunity, Singularity, The Other Guys, Heroes, Solitudes... I used to say that Point of View was my all time favourite. I still love that episode, but there have been so many more great episodes since then, the lines get blurred. But I think we can go with a top three line up of Point of view, Heroes and Singularity.

                      4.) Who is your favorite character? Why?
                      I love Sam, obviously. She's smart, funny, compassionate and so on, but she's also vulnerable and flawed in the most charming way. In terms of main characters, I adore her. I also love Hailey and wish they had done more with her.

                      5.) Do you ship/slash? Who (and/or What) is your favorite pairing?
                      I used to be a HUGE Sam/Jack shipper but nowadays I find it a bit squicky. Perhaps it is the mounds of shockingly bad fic that does that to me because I actually do scream at the screen when I watch episodes like Threads. Having said that, Sam/Janet is a special one for me. I'm not sure I'd like it on screen, but I do like my Sam/Jan fic. Then again, I do find that ship is much better off screen than on.

                      6.) What friendship dynamic is your favorite?
                      Oh, so many! I love Sam/Janet. Two fantastic, strong women and the friendship between them was portrayed beautifully. You knew that they were incredibly close without it ever taking over their professional lives. It never needed to be thrust upon the viewer. I like Sam/Vala and Sam/Cam to a lesser extent and I love Sam/Teal'c for the same reasons as Sam/Janet.

                      7.) In your opinion, what is the funniest Stargate SG-1 moment of all time?
                      Moment rather than episode? The bit where Jacob's having a b*tch about "missing the last opportunity he ever has to be right", Jack's face in response and Sam's "Welcome to my Life" comment.

                      8.) In your opinion, what is the most poignant Stargate SG-1 moment of all time? Or, if you want to be character-specific, what is the most poignant Sam moment of all time?
                      I have three. My first would be the whole lift thing in Singularity... Sam with Cassie in her arms on the way down and then the anguish as she travels back up to the rest of the team and then her decision to hit the button and join Cassie. I love it. I love this whole storyline because it was one of the first times we really saw Sam as a person rather than as a soldier, we got such an insight into what makes her tick, like her conversation with Daniel. My second would be Sam's anger when she comes back from the mission in Heroes, the way she yells at the camera man.

                      My third poignant Sam moment, though, would be from Point of View. At the end, as/after AU Sam and Jack kiss, you see our Sam's reaction through the quantum mirror. I think that was a really hard hiting moment for her, seeing how her life could have been. I'm not saying that she was necessarily lusting after Jack or anything so crude, but I do think it made her evaluate her life, think about the differences between the two of them, the possibilities her life still held and so on.

                      9.) Name one person in this thread who you haven't gotten a chance to talk to personally, but who you think you have the most in common with, and why.
                      I don't know, really. I know it sounds cheesy, but there's a hell of a lot of people on here that I'd still love to get to know better. Like scifithinker, the two GGs, jckfan, nolamom.... Even the people I was lucky enough to meet at Gabit, I feel I want to get to know better.

                      10.) What's your favorite kind of Sam (e.g. Soldier Sam, Science Sam, Pilot Sam, etc.)?

                      Fireman Sam!! Seriously, I adore geeky Sam and Replicarter. In terms of OUR Sam, though, I like to see the whole mix. I like to see Sam thinking as both a soldier AND a scientist - the two aren't mutually exclusive.

                      Anyway, I now have a lesson with 7E. Catch you later!
                      Yepp, it's blank down here.


                        1.) What was the first episode of Stargate SG-1 you ever saw? Children of the Gods

                        2.) What or who drew you to the series? My friend drew me to the series by constantly babbling on about these two characters (Sam and Jack) and how the show has action and humor in it, so I watched the first episode. I immediately took a liking to Sam so I carried on watching.

                        3.) What is your favorite episode of Stargate SG-1? Grace - It's Sam all the way

                        4.) Who is your favorite character? Why? Sam - because she is strong and intelligent yet beautiful, she's your average human being who just happens to be intelligent and she is courageous without being stupid.

                        5.) Do you ship/slash? Who (and/or What) is your favorite pairing? Sam and Jack, and blame my friend who babbled about it

                        6.) What friendship dynamic is your favorite? It's used to be Jack and Daniel, but now eh, it's Teal'c and Vala. kidding... mostly

                        7.) In your opinion, what is the funniest Stargate SG-1 moment of all time? The Other Guys - I laughed so much at that episode that I hurt.

                        8.) In your opinion, what is the most poignant Stargate SG-1 moment of all time? Or, if you want to be character-specific, what is the most poignant Sam moment of all time? SG-1 moment would have to be when they destroy Anubis in the Lost City, Sam moment would have to be in the final scene of In the Line of Duty.

                        9.) Name one person in this thread who you haven't gotten a chance to talk to personally, but who you think you have the most in common with, and why. I'd love to meet every single one of you and I hope I get the chance. I'd love to meet Eve, Julia (samcarterrules), Gater88, Sky, Sally, foreversg-1, Schelle, dancer of spaz, scari, GateGirl, L.A. Doyle etc etc etc Truly, I'd love to meet you all.

                        10.) What's your favorite kind of Sam (e.g. Soldier Sam, Science Sam, Pilot Sam, etc.)? Science/Soldier Sam, you know where she's doing both. LOL. Science Sam is my favourite but I also like Comedy Sam, whom we don't see often

                        Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                        Ok, here's anotehr topic.

                        For those that have been living in a cave the past couple of weeks and not seen the ads, valentine's day is wednesday.

                        What do you think is sam's favorite kind of chocolate?

                        Seriously, I think she'd like truffles.

                        I love those Magic Stars for some bizarre reason. I don't know why

                        Originally posted by RepliCartertje View Post
                        Nope my brother isn't into the internet thing...Although he does still watch the show...And also likes Carter the most...He does go on the net for spoilers but the fandom thing he doesn't do that never know eh

                        Some icons of Sanctuary in spoiler cut:

                        Hope you all like it
                        Love em, Eve!!!!! I may just snurch a few

                        Originally posted by RepliCartertje View Post
                        Snurch away sally...everything I post is snurchable...yes that is a word lol...Well it is a word of me but still a word lol

                        Originally posted by L.A. Doyle View Post
                        I can't get the 'Sanctuary' teaser to play! Grrrrrrrr! I'll figure it out!

                        As for talking about the show on this thread. Hmmmm... I like talking about Sam here and being able to do so freely without anyone bashing her. Talking about AT and her projects and things in general is okay, she's an awesome person and actor. As for specifics concerning "Sanctuary", I don't know... I think another thread would be good for in depth show discussion. I've read some good points from both sides. I don't really mind either way, honestly, as long as I still can come here and talk to my heart's content about Sam and have my fan girly moments.
                        I can't play the Sanctuary teaser either grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

                        I think we should stick to what we do. That's my ten pence, now I'm just gonna shut up about it.

                        Made by the lovely Jakie


                          Originally posted by the dancer of spaz View Post
                          Figuring out what makes Sam tick is really cool - and it helps when you get AT's perspective on certain situations as well. She really is a complex character when you get down to it.

                          And, oh no... I kept you from writing some Sam/Cam fic? *wipes forehead* Phew! OK, OK, go back to it and I'll go give it a go... I can probably dig it coming from you... And, btw, my sister is already a self-proclaimed Scammer.
                          LOL! I did end up spending too much time here and didn't get to it!

                          But since you asked my pretty.... *flashes evil ship pusher grin* You might want to check out what I literally whipped up in an hour on Sunday. A LiveJournal member had been posting some nice SG icons in the sam_cameron community and then posted 2 Sam/Cam walls. The wall she did that I've got the link to in my profile - it inspired my muse like you wouldn't believe! *waggles brows at spaz* Try it... you'll like it... It's not so heavy on the ship, heavy on the angst, and only... *drum roll* 1500-ish words. (Yeah, I know... a quickie from Ms. Wordie...)
                          "Hold Me":
                          Last edited by ShimmeringStar; 13 February 2007, 05:36 AM.
                          Convention Pix Shore Leave ('06 to '09), AT2, AT3, & AT4 ('06, '08, & '09), and Vancouver ('07)
                          My SG fanfic! ..Click Here.


                            Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                            What do you think is sam's favorite kind of chocolate?
                            Dark liqueur.

                            Or this (quick PG femslash)
                            Last edited by scarimor; 13 February 2007, 02:32 AM.


                              Originally posted by tsaxlady View Post
                              I know this is OT - but I found it interesting to read tonight in The Hollywood Reporter that BSG has been renewed for a S4 but for only 13 episodes - HR Article

                              Amanda will be in more episodes of SGA than BSG will get for a season
                              So, what your saying, basically is that, while SG-1 didn't get renewed for another season, Sam and Amanda did? Thats... Um...


                              *sits down not wanting to start a war with anyother fan base but is happy for Sam/AT and thinks she's awesome


                                Originally posted by majorsal View Post
                                my thoughts on this...

                                i also don't always feel we're an easily accessible thread, so newbies coming in might feel out of place, or feel they can't/don't want to join in because we might feel too much like a 'clique'. while our samanda kingdom and certain members having titles is fun for us, it might come off very intimidating for new ppl. (this is something that happened on the shipper thread a couple or so years ago)

                                we could rename this thread, 'sam/amanda appreciation thread', or 'samanda', or just keep it the same and start another thread with either one of those names and keep this thread for what it was intended: 'sam' discussions, with a side dose of amanda.

                                Originally posted by m_wendy_r View Post
                                New Person (on this thread anyway)

                                And I have to say I did find it intimidating but it's my style to generally stick with it, and although i don't feel I have a place yet... I'll make you let me in

                                But, I'm not like everyone and it isn't easy to come in. Hugs
                                Originally posted by RepliCartertje View Post
                                I have to agree with you on this one Sally...I don't think we are an easy thread to jump in... Ok you can jump in and say hey but to really stick here is really hard IMO...I really also feel like there is a 'gang' here and honestly I think that is normal...But for new members it is hard to fit in...I think that is why we loose a lot of newbies. Cause they feel ignored or left out. <snip>

                                But I think it would be so much more fun if we could be a family like Sam and Jack thread now is...I know when I recently joined Sam and Jack was much like this thread...hard to fit in...And I don't know what changed it but now I really feel like we are a family over there...I just hope we could be too...that would be so amazing
                                And sorry if I offend anyone with this post...this really isn't my intention but I just think we should make an effort in enjoying Amanda and her fans...Cause I know some of you and you are all really amazing people!!!!
                                I honestly never felt like this group was a clique or it was hard to jump into the fray. I actually feel less welcome at the shipper thread because I'm not much of a squee-er. Different threads have different personalities. I post more here because this thread better matches my personality and interests.

                                In memory of Deejay.
                                May we all be so well loved.

