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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by resurgamlaura View Post
    Funny how the conversation has turned this way, because myself and a Gater friend of mine on Tuesday were discussing how stunning Amanda is, and how her figure has naturally evolved over the years the way a tall woman who has had given birth should. She's tall. Her having slightly broader shoulders is natural because of this. As is the increase in the upper body department, because she's had a child past her twenties-its what happens. We think she looks lovely- and has done over the last ten years.

    Women are incrediably varied in their size, shape, proportions and metabolism. Once you know how your body works and why it works, and accept what always will be and what you can change in order to be more healthy in yourself, then you're fine. The diet brigade ignore the main problem- that a)some people are just small/big anyways b)that the important thing is to teach children how to enjoy a varied lifestyle and food, and not encourage people to be obsessed with having huge portions, predominately meat, when your stomach has the mere capacity of both your fists put together. Sorry...someone pressed my 'rant' switch
    I would have to agree.
    I'm 5 foot 3 and 1/3, (trust me the 1/3 is very important.) When I was in school, about 17, I was a UK size 6 (US size 2) and probably smaller and I was miserable. I hated my body, hated looking bony, having no breasts, looking like a child. I was demeaned, made to feel inferior and bullied. Don't get me wrong, I didn't have any food disorders, I was actually quite a healthy eater but and I'm getting to get my point.

    I don't get why some women want to be skinny or the obsession with being this (UK4 US 0) size. I really don't.

    Amanda has always been a role model for me. Back in the first few seasons she always looked healthy, fit, strong but not skinny or like someone who had dieted to size whatever. I think she's looking better than ever now. She is a normal women who has developed like a women does and I applaud her for giving all of us, especially those who needed it, someone who they could, for lack of a better phrase, respect and look up to.

    I'm now a much more healthy UK size 10(US 6) and I couldn't give a damn how much I weigh as long as I'm happy, which is most of the time.

    So now back to the TV, I'm about to watch Dominion. God I can't believe it's ending.


      Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
      all they'll say at this time is 'summer'

      so keep june, july, august open

      there's a weekend in there somewhere that'll work i'm sure
      Ok thanks lol, well i'll try and keep those moths open.. but i guess just looking for updates will be better. Do you know when news on that might be available..anways time will tell i guess. Thanks for the help thought Skydiver i appreciate!
      Amanda ROCKS and you know it!! ~XxXx~


        Originally posted by SunKrux View Post
        And the comment about Amanda's body size. Really get over yourself. It's a FACT that the average WOMAN is 5'4" and wears a size 14! There is NOTHING wrong with that.
        Really? Wow, I didn't realize I'm actually an "average woman"! LOL!

        This world is truely frelled when a gorgeous woman like Amanda is critizied for her body size when she's not even over weight. That and having a gorgeous woman of 5'4" being told she's too short to be a model. Frell that!
        The world is supposed to make sense? But yeah, it is pretty dang stupid when people pass judgements like that, amongst others. I say we go back to the days when more voluptuous, REAL women were appreciated!

        Pixie's Haven


          Originally posted by SamJackShipLover View Post
          I normally lurk, but now I've made some icons of Sam / AT so I thought it was a good idea to post them here

          It's easy to make pretty icons, with her in it

          *gently nudges SamJackShipLove out of lurkdom*

          Very nice icons!


            Originally posted by scarimor View Post
            Totally cool.

            A woman once asked me, "If you could change one thing about your body, what would it be?"

            I replied, "I'd like to have 20 20 vision." (I have mild/medium short-sight - need the specs or lenses for driving, TV etc.)

            She stared at me with her jaw round her ankles for a few moments, which made me so self-conscious that I began to wonder if I was growing a boil on my nose or something, and then she said, "Yes, but what if you could change part of your body?"

            I stared at her like she was growing a boil on her nose or something, pointed at my eyes, and said, "Hello? Part of my body!"

            Granted, I have something resembling a Neanderthal gene in the furry leg department and wouldn't mind losing that yearly winter coat, and if I do put on any weight over Christmas it goes straight to my backside, but really... 20 20 vision would be way more useful than a cosmetic depreciation
            Obviously someone didn't know their anatomy. But I'm with ya, scari, I'd gladly have 20/20 back.

            Pixie's Haven


              Originally posted by pixiesio View Post
              Obviously someone didn't know their anatomy. But I'm with ya, scari, I'd gladly have 20/20 back.

              Same here.

              Sig courtesy of RepliCartertje


                Originally posted by SunKrux View Post
                OH if we're playing the "name your fav Amanda moment" I'll just have to fall back on my (so far) ONLY experience of meeting her. At GateCon last year when I was in line for my photo op with AT I asked the Creation lady if I had to give my gifts to her or could I give them straight away to AT? I got to give them to AT myself. So I stood in line waiting and then my evil twinny (she was in line before me) made me switch because she wanted to see my reaction to AT's reaction to my gifts (for those who don't remember/know, I took two Glow-in-the-Dark Devil Duckies (see for them) - a normal 'rubber duckie' sized one for Olivia and a keychain one for AT). Anyhoo, I walk up to Amanda and she sticks out her hand and says hello. I shoke her hand (good strong handshake on that woman! ) and then proceeded to give her the gifts. She was genuinely appreciative about it, especially the one for Olivia. I mentioned that I had wanted to get the GIANT Devil Duckie (it's frellin' huge!) for Olivia, but decided against it since O is a toddler and I had images of her using it to pelt mom and dad would have killed them. She gave me a hug! That's right, I got a HUG from Amanda and didn't even ask. I NEVER ask actors on TV shows for hugs because it's, IMHO, quite rude. But if they offer one, you bet your eema I'll take it. HUGS ARE GOOD!

                Anyway...that's my fav Amanda moment.
                Awwww....and yeah, Amanda hugs are great. I actually got one after the Sunday TVM show, totally unexpected (and unasked for) but lovely!

                Pixie's Haven



                  Amanda is GORGEOUS and perfect just the way she is.

                  Don't want to be in an earthqauke, never experienced a tornado, but have been through a hurricane or two, though not the worst of it. But, I am a weather buff.

                  I look younger than I am...nothing ever fits cause I'm short and am quite flatchested....basically still built like a kid here...

                  And Amanda Rocks!

                  I think that is all.


                    Originally posted by NZBG View Post

                    It sucks! One tiny comment is sometimes all it takes to throw you off... My mother (bigger than me) and twin sister (smaller than me) are contantly on at me about me weight. Then my mum hassels me to eat more! Grrr...

                    Yeah, my parents can be like that. They're always shoving a big plate topped up in front of me when I come over for a meal and then go on about how little I eat. Well duh, I don't want that much!
                    Pixie's Haven


                      Originally posted by pixiesio View Post

                      Yeah, my parents can be like that. They're always shoving a big plate topped up in front of me when I come over for a meal and then go on about how little I eat. Well duh, I don't want that much!
                      You'll just have to explain to them that no, your stomach can't magically expand. You simply don't need that much food. I can eat a lot if its in front of me, but I don't have to have it. Ah well, mothers. Mine is never hungry and I am always coerced into eating the entire contents of the house because 'You're slim and it doesn't go anywhere'. Er, ever heard of cholesteral? Heart disease? If you stopped buying the darn cake...
                      And lets not talk about the 'funny' comments they make about your figure, grrr...

                      Courtesy of smurf, as always


                        Originally posted by SunKrux
                        It's a FACT that the average WOMAN is 5'4" and wears a size 14!
                        yyaayy! i'm average! (although i'm occassionally slightly below average)

                        never thought i'd be happy to be average or below average, but whatever. (shame i'm so damn ugly, cos otherwise i'd have it all! )


                          Originally posted by Mandysg1 View Post
                          Hmmm, maybe equating people with their avatars isn't always a good thing
                          why not? *looks up at own avatar* Ooh.


                            Originally posted by stargate barbie View Post
                            why not? *looks up at own avatar* Ooh.
                            But the good news is, you've got Barbie's figure.

                            Told you the mind was twisted


                              Originally posted by Mandysg1 View Post
                              Hmmm, maybe equating people with their avatars isn't always a good thing
                              Why? My avatars make me look like a hottie.


                                I suppose I could do worse than look like CN...
                                Or I could actually be my own gender...

                                I'd have to go and click on stuff, and choose a pic and... ah, monkey's to that. I think like a bloke half the time anyway

                                Courtesy of smurf, as always

