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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Apparently, Amanda didn't automatically get the part for Sanctuary. She had to audition - and it was a close call. Who knew?


    (This is the part where, if Amanda did ever actually read this thread, she would soo get to kick my butt - lol - maybe I better duck and run anyway, just in case!! )

    (( Amanda ))


    Live On Stage in Toronto - August 8,9,10 2008
    ~all proceeds to benefit charity~


      hey guys, do me a favor please.

      ANy who are sending me stuff for that little project of ours, please send it one of two ways

      In an envelope addressed to me but with 'for 'you know who' on it


      in an envelope with 'you know who's name on it inside another envelope addressed to me.

      I'm getting the occasional card for myself, so i don't think twice when i open then, then i see the note beginning 'you know who.....'

      I'm more than happy to forward whatever you feel like sending. But i dont' want to pry into any words for her that should be between her and you.

      Now, back to your regularly scheduled posting
      Last edited by Skydiver; 12 February 2007, 06:29 PM.
      Where in the World is George Hammond?



        Originally posted by minigeek View Post
        Apparently, Amanda didn't automatically get the part for Sanctuary. She had to audition - and it was a close call. Who knew?


        (This is the part where, if Amanda did ever actually read this thread, she would soo get to kick my butt - lol - maybe I better duck and run anyway, just in case!! )

        (( Amanda ))

        Where in the World is George Hammond?



          i'm going to answer this now, but come on, lurkers, reply to this!

          Originally posted by the dancer of spaz View Post

          1.) What was the first episode of Stargate SG-1 you ever saw?

          children of the gods.

          2.) What or who drew you to the series?

          it came on before or after 'poltergeist the legacy' (which was a fave of mine then), and i love scifi themes.

          3.) What is your favorite episode of Stargate SG-1?

          okay, this one's hard. i'm going with 'entity'.

          4.) Who is your favorite character? Why?

          sam! because i want to look like she does, do what she does, go where she goes, and love who she loves.

          5.) Do you ship/slash? Who (and/or What) is your favorite pairing?

          i ship - sam/jack, all the way.

          6.) What friendship dynamic is your favorite?

          i don't think i have a favorite, actually. each pairing has it's own charm and wonderfulness.

          7.) In your opinion, what is the funniest Stargate SG-1 moment of all time?

          i really don't know if this is my fave funny moment, but the first that came to mind was in 'urgo', when sam is going down the hall and arguing with urgo. she runs into janet and hammond, and is trying to talk to them and urgo. i just *loved* the way amanda played that.

          8.) In your opinion, what is the most poignant Stargate SG-1 moment of all time? Or, if you want to be character-specific, what is the most poignant Sam moment of all time?

          again, the first thing that came to mind was daniel's 'dying' in 'meridian'. very poignant. for sam exclusively... i'm not sure, but first thought gave me the scene where sam was chewing out dr lee about leaving the planet when jack went missing in 'paradise lost'. amanda nailed that scene, with her quiet and haunted expression.

          9.) Name one person in this thread who you haven't gotten a chance to talk to personally, but who you think you have the most in common with, and why.


          10.) What's your favorite kind of Sam (e.g. Soldier Sam, Science Sam, Pilot Sam, etc.)?[/COLOR]

          all of the above. and throw in womansam (with her family/friends and jack), and i'm in sam heaven.

          lurkers, answer.




            Originally posted by minigeek View Post
            Apparently, Amanda didn't automatically get the part for Sanctuary. She had to audition - and it was a close call. Who knew?


            (This is the part where, if Amanda did ever actually read this thread, she would soo get to kick my butt - lol - maybe I better duck and run anyway, just in case!! )

            (( Amanda ))

            Well if she doesn't I will

            my fanfic


              Spaz asked me offline about my husband's (and I assume mine ) take on the whole "Co-Command" issue on SG-1 currently. I figured I'd post my response here since others might be interested.

              And her PM box is full...

              Since I wasn't online until relatively recently, my husband and I weren't even aware of the whole 'co-command' issue at first. We only saw what was on the show. We assumed Sam never got formally reassigned back to SG-1, but was merely on temporary assigment reattached to SG-1 for the duration of the Ori situation as a subject matter expert. John (hubs) was in Special Forces and that sort of thing happens all the time. So we just figured she was there more on an advisory capacity than a subordinate to Mitchell because, frankly, it never crossed our minds she could possibly be under his command. Would not happen, and if you watch the show, he never really gives her a command, so we never knew he was meant to be her commander.

              I do love Sam's expression in RnT, though, when:
              Lorne or whatever his name is right before the credits says he's "SG-1 leader", and she gets this funny look on her face. Can't help but imagine she's thinking, "Why does EVERYONE get to say that but me?!?"


                Ok, here's anotehr topic.

                For those that have been living in a cave the past couple of weeks and not seen the ads, valentine's day is wednesday.

                What do you think is sam's favorite kind of chocolate?
                Where in the World is George Hammond?



                  Originally posted by JenniferJF View Post
                  I do love Sam's expression in RnT, though, when:
                  Lorne or whatever his name is right before the credits says he's "SG-1 leader", and she gets this funny look on her face. Can't help but imagine she's thinking, "Why does EVERYONE get to say that but me?!?"
                  Yea, I'd be wondering the same thing

                  my fanfic


                    Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                    Ok, here's anotehr topic.

                    For those that have been living in a cave the past couple of weeks and not seen the ads, valentine's day is wednesday.

                    What do you think is sam's favorite kind of chocolate?
                    Ummm Sky didn't we already clarify Sam's favorite chocolate on your birthday... I do remember something about chocolate and Jack being mentioned


                      Originally posted by ann_sgcfan View Post
                      Ummm Sky didn't we already calrify Sam's favorite chocolate on your birthday... I do remember something about chocolate and Jack being mentioned
                      Oh yea, that's my favourite chocolate for sure

                      my fanfic


                        1.) What was the first episode of Stargate SG-1 you ever saw?

                        No idea. I watched very mixed-up eps for a while (no continuity) before I figured it the story. Something from S1-S4 certainly.

                        2.) What or who drew you to the series?
                        RDA. But I stayed for the cool action stories. Love the technobabble.

                        3.) What is your favorite episode of Stargate SG-1?
                        It's a tie between A Matter of Time and Foothold. With Desperate Measues thrown in. See a theme yet?

                        4.) Who is your favorite character? Why?
                        Duh. Amanda is an amazing actress. Such facial expressions! And I respect anyone that can hold her own with the guys.

                        I like the way Sam was written in the early years. She was a woman but still got the job done. She was no more a damsel in distress than Daniel. Or Teal'c. And she's the one who usually pulled crazy ideas out of her...head.

                        5.) Do you ship/slash? Who (and/or What) is your favorite pairing?

                        Sam/Jack. But I don't mind other parings as long as they make sense within the context dreamed up. The characters still have to stay *in character* for it to work for me In other words I ship in fanfic... I also ship Sam/Thor / because I find it so amusing.

                        6.) What friendship dynamic is your favorite?
                        Original Team. They had a great energy that has not been duplicated.

                        7.) In your opinion, what is the funniest Stargate SG-1 moment of all time?
                        This is stooopid. In Red Sky when they were greeted at the gate by the natives with 'tribute', RDA (completely ad-libbed I'm sure) starts rooting through the basket and says" Whatcha got in here?" It struck me just right and I rolled. He was background but still played it perfectly.

                        8.) In your opinion, what is the most poignant Stargate SG-1 moment of all time? Or, if you want to be character-specific, what is the most poignant Sam moment of all time?

                        Janet's eulogy. But any serious scene with Jacob. AT/CA have great chemistry.

                        9.) Name one person in this thread who you haven't gotten a chance to talk to personally, but who you think you have the most in common with, and why.
                        AGateFan. Not sure if she's been on the thread though. Scarimor. Though I think we don't have nearly as much in common I'd love to chat with her. AT3!!!!

                        10.) What's your favorite kind of Sam (e.g. Soldier Sam, Science Sam, Pilot Sam, etc.)?
                        I really like all the Sams. Yes, I'm that easy. Except the Make Sam Do Stupid Things She's Never But We have To Move The Plot Along Sam. I don't like her.

                        Last edited by suse; 12 February 2007, 07:03 PM. Reason: spelling errors
                        Mourning Sanctuary.
                        Thanks for the good times!


                          Originally posted by ann_sgcfan View Post
                          Ummm Sky didn't we already clarify Sam's favorite chocolate on your birthday... I do remember something about chocolate and Jack being mentioned
                          it's mine too. and why i'll be wearing a size 16 to my sister's wedding in a few months

                          Seriouly though, if it's not sam's, what's your favorite chocolate?
                          Where in the World is George Hammond?



                            Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                            it's mine too. and why i'll be wearing a size 16 to my sister's wedding in a few months

                            Seriouly though, if it's not sam's, what's your favorite chocolate?
                            Hershey's Special Dark. I will pick those out of a bowl of Hershey's Miniatures and save them for last.


                              Originally posted by MajorSam View Post
                              That would be the one!

                              (sry, definately don't have time to go through every page/post each day... I figured someone would have posted it, just posting a friendly reminder and saying I love the pic)

                              I would be tempted to put it as my desktop background but I think I would just laugh to hard every time I saw it...

                              I'm just waiting for someone to make an awesome new wallpaper using the pic of her in her leather jacket and handgun DEFS going to snag that! *hinting to all the graphics ppl out there*

                              Couldn't figure out a way to make the tiny leather jacket picture look good when it was enlarged, but hopefully this will do...



                                Originally posted by JenniferJF View Post
                                Spaz asked me offline about my husband's (and I assume mine ) take on the whole "Co-Command" issue on SG-1 currently. I figured I'd post my response here since others might be interested.

                                And her PM box is full...

                                Since I wasn't online until relatively recently, my husband and I weren't even aware of the whole 'co-command' issue at first. We only saw what was on the show. We assumed Sam never got formally reassigned back to SG-1, but was merely on temporary assigment reattached to SG-1 for the duration of the Ori situation as a subject matter expert. John (hubs) was in Special Forces and that sort of thing happens all the time. So we just figured she was there more on an advisory capacity than a subordinate to Mitchell because, frankly, it never crossed our minds she could possibly be under his command. Would not happen, and if you watch the show, he never really gives her a command, so we never knew he was meant to be her commander.
                                Thanks for the insight Jennifer. I'm always interested to see how people who had little to no affiliation with the online fandom interpreted certain issues. Of course, unless new people come on board, that's kinda hard.

                                I do love Sam's expression in RnT, though, when:
                                Lorne or whatever his name is right before the credits says he's "SG-1 leader", and she gets this funny look on her face. Can't help but imagine she's thinking, "Why does EVERYONE get to say that but me?!?"
                                Hahaha - I totally know what look you're talking about!

