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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by Famantha View Post
    Where is that fic ?? I'd like to read it too please

    and thanks for the link Sally I've just read the 1st line lol and I want to know more

    Good night to all
    It's this one Repercussions

    my fanfic


      Originally posted by L.A. Doyle View Post
      Thanks for all the info on GABIT. I'd LOVE to go, but I just don't know how quite yet. Um, maybe someone can tell Amanda that Texas is a nice place for conventions? Reeeeeeeeeeally nice?
      Yeah, preferably one in the spring. Actually any time but summer would be good. We wouldn't want to see her all sweaty up on stage. LOL. Ok, well I suppose some of us would.
      Last edited by ForeverSg1; 29 January 2007, 08:17 PM.


        Originally posted by tagger View Post
        One thing I seem to remember from somewhere, is AT attributes part of her very successful aging to being happy.

        What is happiness? Is it an emotion, a state of being, a choice, a response? All of the above? Can you just put it on in the morning, like your makeup?

        Are some of us hard-wired to be happy just like some of us are hardwired to be introverts or extroverts, Eyore’s or Tweety Bird’s? If it is an ingrained tendency, can it be trained or improved? Can happiness be a habit you form, just like working out and eating healthy? ...
        Funny you should mention the subject of happiness today. One of my friends asked me how I can always be happy. I'm glad that's how I come across but I never really thought about it. She thinks it's the reason I don't look my age.

        It isn't that I've always been a happy person. I wasn't really as a child--very shy and picked on in school, BUT when I went to art school I "got happy"--no drugs, not even pot. And after school a succession of not very exciting jobs--got sexually harrassed and escaped to the west (Seattle) where I really started being a happy person. My own business for one. And playing music again. Fun people, especially my wandering best friend. I kept her grounded and she kept me exploring new things and got me traveling after years of going nowhere (except maybe a car ride to the mountains). Now I can't wait for another trip--maybe to AT3 if I can afford it. I went to Avalon but didn't get to London and I'd really like to go there again. I love Amanda--she's such a great role model for young women and has such a good heart. Then a jaunt around England to as many gardens as can be fitted in in a possible 3 week trip.

        I love the new season 10 eps and wish they were actually on in Seattle now as at this point I have to wait till I get a disc from a friend.

        Oh, and Happy Birthday to all the Samandans who've been celebrating lately. Maybe if I get to AT3 I'll be able to meet you all.

        I'm actually in the process of building a web page with the Avalon pictures so I'll send the url when I've got it published.



          Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
          skydiving is a BLAST!!!!

          if you're unsure, do a tandem jump. the dude you're attached to has a very vested interest in getting you through it in one piece. it is a rush unlike any other
          I kind of figured you were a skydiver.
          Originally posted by minigeek View Post
          Speaking of "fandom" - Dr Phil is on in the background here (don't laugh... okay, do laugh, but do it quietly ), and they're interviewing "stalkers", people who "cross the line between fan and fanatic". This one girl believes that Jay Z is going to marry her, she's sent him hundreds of letters, driven past his house, phoned him numerous times, called his SISTER, and though she is now on a talkshow where the D.A. of (some state) is telling her she will end up prosecuted if she persists, she still believes she and Jay Z were meant for each other and will end up together (we don't even want to go into what she thinks of Beyonce ).

          Anyhow, while it was on, I kept thinking - this is why "fandom" gets a bad rap. Because they interview people like this all the time, and you never get to see the level-headed, successful, entrepreneurial individual who also happens to be a fan of (someone or something). I used to think the same way (before I joined gateworld and got to know a lot of people online), I used to think that "fans" were all alike - all like this girl - and it's a real fallacy (I could also say stigma) which I wish didn't exist quite so powerfully. It's unfortunate, really. A person really can't acknowledge being a fan now-a-days without knowing they'll be simultaneously (if inaccurately) labeled a fanatic.

          Stereotyping sucks, huh?
          I wanted to green you, but it wouldn't let me. This was an excellent post, and I agree completely. Honestly, when we went to our one and only Stargate convention, I wasn't really comfortable telling people what we were doing. I said we were going to take the kids to NYC, and we were checking out a SG-1 convention while we were in town. I didn't mention that we wouldn't have been going to NYC at all if it weren't for the convention. I didn't want to be labeled as the Stargate equivalent to a Trekkie. Man, I'd spent way too many years making fun of those guys. It doesn't really bother me that people know I'm a fan gurl now, because I know I'm in really good company.
          Originally posted by minigeek View Post
          I'm in a worse predicament. I want hard-core kick butt Sam Carter with a great plot, AND S/J RST in it. Thus far I do not believe such an animal exists (well written).
          If you find some then post a link please!
          Hey, no shooting me, I've always said I was a shipper!


            Originally posted by m_wendy_r View Post
            I just wanted to say THANK YOU so much to all the welcome you guys have been sending me. You generosity is similar to Amanda in that respect. I feel truly welcomed!

            Hopefully by the time the next AT (AT3?) convention comes around and I get to go, I'll get to meet some of you fantastic people.

            I noticed that at conventions it's the people who go that make it. Which is why I perhaps enjoyed Avalon more than the wolf conventions, the atmosphere was 10 thousand times more brilliant, now I know why. It was the Samandan's!!!

            Thank you

            That goes double for me. I had never been to a convention and I found all the participants unfailingly welcoming. I just figured all us Stargate-gazers must be really, smart, nice, friendly folk:>) And that fefinitely includes all the staff as well as Rick and Amanda. I had a BLAST!!!



              Originally posted by minigeek View Post
              Speaking of "fandom" - Dr Phil is on in the background here (don't laugh... okay, do laugh, but do it quietly ), and they're interviewing "stalkers", people who "cross the line between fan and fanatic". This one girl believes that Jay Z is going to marry her, she's sent him hundreds of letters, driven past his house, phoned him numerous times, called his SISTER, and though she is now on a talkshow where the D.A. of (some state) is telling her she will end up prosecuted if she persists, she still believes she and Jay Z were meant for each other and will end up together (we don't even want to go into what she thinks of Beyonce ).

              Anyhow, while it was on, I kept thinking - this is why "fandom" gets a bad rap. Because they interview people like this all the time, and you never get to see the level-headed, successful, entrepreneurial individual who also happens to be a fan of (someone or something). I used to think the same way (before I joined gateworld and got to know a lot of people online), I used to think that "fans" were all alike - all like this girl - and it's a real fallacy (I could also say stigma) which I wish didn't exist quite so powerfully. It's unfortunate, really. A person really can't acknowledge being a fan now-a-days without knowing they'll be simultaneously (if inaccurately) labeled a fanatic.

              Stereotyping sucks, huh?
              My friends tease me unmercifully about my love of Stargate and but now I've got my best friend watching the DVDs and she admits she's enjoying it. I'll get everybody hooked one unbeliever at a time.



                Originally posted by minigeek View Post
                Oh that was cute! Thanks Sal
                it really is wonderful. i just reread it... so teamy/lovey + shippy feeling. (((sg1)))

                i think my fave line was, “Carter! My arm’s dead!”.




                  Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                  my muse is being a bit picky at the moment i'm afraid.
                  *gently shoves Sky's muse*

                  And Kat, you're not the only one with control issues! I felt the same way when my family went to Colorado last summer! I was stressing out whenever I wasn't driving.

                  As for AD's list... Yeah, I figure AD is "teh sexy," so it's all good.
                  Last edited by the dancer of spaz; 29 January 2007, 09:26 PM.


                    So I was pricing plane tickets from Dallas to London...and it's twice as much as my ticket from Dallas to Vancouver. So...hum. Can someone tell me about how much the tickets for GABIT are so I can see what kind of money needs saving?


                      Sounds like they're trying to patch any holes in Carter's personality to allow her to fit into Atlantis as an established and welcome character.


                        Originally posted by minigeek View Post
                        Oh, try one of those two-for-one discount courses! I hear those are really great.

                        :::blinks innocently:::


                        Mwah ha hah!

                        Originally posted by ann_sgcfan View Post
                        Is that not the most fun!!! I bungee jumped several years ago and it was amazing!!

                        I think CG mentioned that AT jumped out of a plane! That would be my next adventure... well that or hang gliding!!!!
                        Owning and learning to ride a motorbike, skydiving and hang gliding are all on my life list! I just admitted to having a life list. It's a big one!

                        Originally posted by donamac View Post
                        My friends tease me unmercifully about my love of Stargate and but now I've got my best friend watching the DVDs and she admits she's enjoying it. I'll get everybody hooked one unbeliever at a time.

                        Yes! We will convert the heathens! I even have my sister and mother watching.

                        "Look mum! It's Macgyver!" *tries to ignore mother drooling*

                        "Look [insert name of sister], it's a hot blonde kickass scientist!" *tries to ignore the fact sister shouldn't be lusting after hot girls when she is trying to have a "normal" realtionship with a boy*
                        Neep, NZBG, Eileen!

                        Made with love and chocolate brownies by Spacegirlnz

                        Pooh-Bah/Ko-Ko FTW!


                          I've always been a fan of carter!
                          and ofcourse I'm still. She's the best and I hope she gets a good role in atlantis

                          You go girl!


                            Originally posted by minigeek View Post
                            I'm in a worse predicament. I want hard-core kick butt Sam Carter with a great plot, AND S/J RST in it. Thus far I do not believe such an animal exists (well written).

                            Hey, no shooting me, I've always said I was a shipper!
                            *wonders whether she failed on the kick-butt Sam, the S/J RST or the well-written bit in her stories*

                            Can I just give a shout out for the fanfic in the Women of the Gate ficathon - won't meet any shippy needs but they are all stories showing a great kick-butt Sam....

                            *runs off to get link*

                            EDIT: Women of the Gate
                            Last edited by Rachel500; 30 January 2007, 12:45 AM. Reason: Added link
                            Women of the Gate LJ Community.
                            My Stargate Fanfiction. My LiveJournal.


                              Originally posted by majorsal View Post

                              this is off our topic, but i just wanted to say how excited i am with sam going over to atlantis! i feel a bit guilty too, because i know there's some atlantis fans that are feeling what we felt in season 9. i'm at odds with that personally, but very excited about seeing sam again nonetheless. and in a completely new (for me) scenario! but when the new season starts for atlantis, i'm going to steer clear of certain atlantis threads because i feel i don't want to step into their territory (especially if they're not happy with things). i guess i feel a bit like amanda; tread lightly.

                              I'm looking forward to S4 of Atlantis as well, I think Amanda has got the right attitude; take care and tread lightly. But personally, I think she's suits it just fine and I know she'd treat the show with respect. But then she's my favourite character and because SG-1 is ending, I'd really like to see her somewhere, why not Atlantis?

                              Made by the lovely Jakie


                                Originally posted by minigeek View Post
                                I'm in a worse predicament. I want hard-core kick butt Sam Carter with a great plot, AND S/J RST in it. Thus far I do not believe such an animal exists (well written).

                                Hey, no shooting me, I've always said I was a shipper!
                                I know one. It's called My Andromeda It's by Mabyn and I thought that it was well written, very Sam heavy, she kicks butt and it has your S/J RST in it.

                                Made by the lovely Jakie

