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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by RepliCartertje View Post
    Ok gals...I would love to make those vids for you BUT...yes yes there is a me with the lyrics...and tell me what you want with the lyrics...Cause it looks like you both have a great idea's in your head...So it makes the task for me easier if you kind of say what you want...
    And if I find the songs I will try to make it for you gals!! and well finding the song is most of the time the hardest part for me

    yeah see what you started...if I lack is all your fault you know that right
    Hey, I'm even willing to get you the song. I'll PM you with the other in a day or two.


      Originally posted by jckfan55 View Post
      I was just reading on another site that in the latest issue of Cult Times AT said
      that she reads stuff online and most of it is nice, but she gets really upset about the mean comments--they even make her cry.
      She needs to spend her time here where we love her. I'm ready to send the Royal
      to kick some butts of the mean posters.
      All the more reason I'm glad so many Samandans are going to the event(s) in England. You can let her know the Samandans are with her. I'm so glad I was able to sign the poster too.

      Edit: Yikes--I didn't even notice I had hit 3,600. Talk about running off at the mouth!

      Bless. It's a very human reaction that we forget any compliments we might have received as soon as we see/hear a negative comment. And I'm sure as much as Sam is a character, it must smart given how long she has played Sam and how much she has invested in her, when she reads negative comments about the character as well.

      It's unfortunate a lot of people can't seem to distinguish between the character or the actor, or even when they do they don't provide an intelligent critique or well-thought opinion, they simply denigrate or bash.

      If she does occasionally trail this thread here at GW, I'm sure she sees how admired she and Sam are and I'm sure she'll enjoy mini's poster and the positive energy she'll receive from fans at AT2 and Avalon.

      EDIT: And congrats on your milestone jckfan55
      Women of the Gate LJ Community.
      My Stargate Fanfiction. My LiveJournal.


        Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
        i dunno guys, i kinda like that, if AT lurks here, she lurks anonymously.


        remember when Torri came into the Torri thread earlier this year? Teh little thread, with 20 regular members all of a sudden had a coupel HUNDRED lurking and posting questions and the thread grew by about 20 pages in a single day

        he regulars were annoyed by the lurkers who - they felt - came out of the woodwork and 'stole' their nice little thread. The newbies felt unwelcome and it really wasn't a fun thing

        I personally would love it if she came here as herself, and as a mod i would do anything she wanted to protect her anoniminty, yet as a poster that witnessed the mess of the Torri thread, I'm just as happy that it stays anonymous, so that she can see us for us and we keep Samanda a nice quiet little corner of the net
        Hmmm. Are you sure you have the right adjective? I mean quiet's not the word I'd use with all this talk of doohickeys...
        Women of the Gate LJ Community.
        My Stargate Fanfiction. My LiveJournal.


          Ok Sky, I need to ask you a very important question:

          What is the correct spelling of doohicky?



            Originally posted by scarimor View Post
            Ok Sky, I need to ask you a very important question:

            What is the correct spelling of doohicky?

            Hmmm? I always thought it was

            but who knows, you could be right

            my fanfic


              Originally posted by chelle db View Post
              Nah...I can't imagine Amanda having the time to pop in here...besides it's too addictive...once you've visited you can't stay away!!
     would be so totally wicked if she would pop in and say hi to all of us Samandans...but then I think GW would so totally crash!!

              AT: "Hey Samandans it's Amanda"

              and then 50 kind of post would follow (if it didn't crash of 10.000+ visits to the thread first, lol)

              Edit: way better topic then the last couple of days!!!

              Thank you SO much Amanda! (Icons by various great artists)


                Originally posted by Mandysg1 View Post
                Hmmm? I always thought it was

                but who knows, you could be right
                Originally posted by scarimor View Post
                Ok Sky, I need to ask you a very important question:

                What is the correct spelling of doohicky?

                Doohickey or doohicky? LoL, why do I get this sudden urge to sing a showtune.

                "You say tomato, I say tomato...."

                Its just as funny with either spelling, and I doubt we'd find this word in the dictionary.


                  Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                  i dunno guys, i kinda like that, if AT lurks here, she lurks anonymously.
                  Yeah. And I think it's cooler that way.

                  If AT ever happens to read something nasty, she can come to GW and get the exact opposite, knowing it's genuine and sincere.

                  I don't know... I just think we'd act differently on the thread if we knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that AT was reading.


                    Originally posted by the dancer of spaz View Post
                    Yeah. And I think it's cooler that way.

                    If AT ever happens to read something nasty, she can come to GW and get the exact opposite, knowing it's genuine and sincere.

                    I don't know... I just think we'd act differently on the thread if we knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that AT was reading.
                    Not me! I'd be as geekish and obtuse as always. I simply cannot help myself. D'oh.

                    Live On Stage in Toronto - August 8,9,10 2008
                    ~all proceeds to benefit charity~


                      Originally posted by Gate gal View Post
                      Its just as funny with either spelling, and I doubt we'd find this word in the dictionary.
                      It's in Roget's Thesaurus


                      And the Merriam-Webster Dictionary:


                      Live On Stage in Toronto - August 8,9,10 2008
                      ~all proceeds to benefit charity~


                        doohickey /'du:hki/ n. (pl. doohickeys) (N. Amer. informal). a small object or gadget, especially one whose name the speaker cannot recall.
                        - ORIGIN early 20th cent.: blend of doodad (see doodah) and hickey.
                        (From The Concise Oxford English Dictionary)

                        doohickey /dhikee/ n. (pl. -eys or -ies) (colloq.)
                        a small object, esp. mechanical.
                        (From The Oxford American Dictionary of Current English)

                        doohickey n.
                        a small object, esp. mechanical.
                        (From The New Zealand Oxford Dictionary)

                        doohickey n.
                        a small object or gadget, esp. one whose name the speaker does not know or cannot recall.
                        (From The New Oxford American Dictionary)

                        doohickey n.
                        a small object, especially mechanical.
                        (From The Australian Oxford Dictionary)

                        doohickey noun
                        an unspecified object or small device, esp. a mechanical one.
                        (From The Canadian Oxford Dictionary)

                        doohickey noun
                        (pl. doohickeys) N. Amer. informal a small object or gadget, especially one whose precise name the speaker cannot recall: a garage filled with electronic parts and other valuable doohickeys.
                        (From The Oxford Dictionary of English (2nd ed rev))


                          Originally posted by minigeek View Post
                          Not me! I'd be as geekish and obtuse as always. I simply cannot help myself. D'oh.
                          Well, my spazzy!dorkiness would complement your geekish obtuseness, of course. Another reason why she should probably remain anonymous.


                            jack just better be careful that he doesn't leave a doo HICKEY on sam's neck, or everyone will know why she's in such a good mood
                            Where in the World is George Hammond?




                              Meh. It's all geek to me.

                              Originally posted by DEM View Post
                              doohickey /'du:hki/ n. (pl. doohickeys) (N. Amer. informal). a small object or gadget, especially one whose name the speaker cannot recall.
                              - ORIGIN early 20th cent.: blend of doodad (see doodah) and hickey.
                              (From The Concise Oxford English Dictionary)

                              doohickey /dhikee/ n. (pl. -eys or -ies) (colloq.)
                              a small object, esp. mechanical.
                              (From The Oxford American Dictionary of Current English)

                              doohickey n.
                              a small object, esp. mechanical.
                              (From The New Zealand Oxford Dictionary)

                              doohickey n.
                              a small object or gadget, esp. one whose name the speaker does not know or cannot recall.
                              (From The New Oxford American Dictionary)

                              doohickey n.
                              a small object, especially mechanical.
                              (From The Australian Oxford Dictionary)

                              doohickey noun
                              an unspecified object or small device, esp. a mechanical one.
                              (From The Canadian Oxford Dictionary)

                              doohickey noun
                              (pl. doohickeys) N. Amer. informal a small object or gadget, especially one whose precise name the speaker cannot recall: a garage filled with electronic parts and other valuable doohickeys.
                              (From The Oxford Dictionary of English (2nd ed rev))

                              Live On Stage in Toronto - August 8,9,10 2008
                              ~all proceeds to benefit charity~


                                Originally posted by the dancer of spaz View Post
                                Well, my spazzy!dorkiness would complement your geekish obtuseness, of course. Another reason why she should probably remain anonymous.
                                Yeah, 'cuz she's so much LESS dorky than we are. Heh. If she weren't a goofball, I would not be a fan.

                                Live On Stage in Toronto - August 8,9,10 2008
                                ~all proceeds to benefit charity~

