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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by jckfan55 View Post
    How could I forget upgrades? I always love Daniel's "But I can read really fast!" I could get a ton of work done quickly (if only I had those powers when I was dissertating ) and have great speed and strength. We'll just skip the almost dying when the "genius armbands" stopped working.
    I watched 'Upgrades' this weekend. That episode is hilarious. It would have been a good ep to be Sam...I really liked her jacket and she got to eat steak...among other things.


      Originally posted by the dancer of spaz View Post
      By the way, Gateangel posted information about the broadcast order of upcoming episodeshere.

      The Quest
      The Shroud
      Line in the Sand
      The Road Not Taken
      Bad Guys
      Family Ties

      Is it me, or does it look like TRNT will air earlier than was originally speculated?
      I think you might be right. Wasn't The Shroud supposed to be number 14? By this count it is 13 now, and I thought Bad Guys was airing the week befor TRNT. I could be wrong about that though. Anyway, it is good to know the order now. I can't wait for TRNT. I hope it lives up to my expectations. I'm envisioning another Grace type episode (aka ratings bananza). I really hope I don't get disappointed.


        Originally posted by L.A. Doyle View Post
        I watched 'Upgrades' this weekend. That episode is hilarious. It would have been a good ep to be Sam...I really liked her jacket and she got to eat steak...among other things.
        True, she had that great jacket and boots. Somehow I think that outfit is more Samlike than twin-set Sam.
        I'm sure AD would love to see a photo of that outfit --anyone have it?


          Originally posted by Gate gal View Post
          I think you might be right. Wasn't The Shroud supposed to be number 14? By this count it is 13 now, and I thought Bad Guys was airing the week befor TRNT. I could be wrong about that though. Anyway, it is good to know the order now. I can't wait for TRNT. I hope it lives up to my expectations. I'm envisioning another Grace type episode (aka ratings bananza). I really hope I don't get disappointed.
          I'd love to see a nice ratings boost for any Sam-heavy episodes. It won't save the show and, frankly, I wouldn't want it to, but it would be great for TPTB to see how popular the character they didn't know what to do with is.

          Sig courtesy of RepliCartertje


            Originally posted by jckfan55
            Somehow I think that outfit is more Samlike than twin-set Sam.
            Augh! Augh! Twin-set Sam! Nooooo! My brain doth melt!

            p.s. Upgrades gets my vote for "Switch Places with Sam Carter Day".


              Originally posted by scarimor View Post
              That's what it looked like to me, in Divide and Conquer. In fact in that episode it looked all one way to me - Jack being embarrassed about having to confess to it, and Sam dealing with that in a cool and professional way.

              "resolved". What has to be resolved? There's so little that needed resolving anyway - potential shippy moments were such rare, few and far between elements over the seasons. Those that did surface were often suggestions from alternative realities or time-loops or concussion-induced mind-wandering. Season 7 moments didn't ring true - except to knock the ship right on the head as a no-go. I've never seen any indication that a relationship kindled between them since Jack left the SGC either. They "resolved" it when they disappeared it, imo.
              I don't think they "resolved it when they disappeared it" though. I think they hid from it for a multitude of reasons.

              The Grace/Affinity/Threads arc was (to me at least) a clear declaration that they (the writers, etc.) were pursuing the Sam/Jack pairing as canon. Like it, love it, hate it, be indifferent to it...that's what they were doing.

              I don't require anyone to think this was a good idea or demand that someone see chemistry between them if they don't. And frankly, none of that matters anyway.

              My point was and is, that IS a part of hers and Jack's story and to ignore it, lessens what she went through. It devalues the lessons she learned and the choices she made. They started it and then they left it hanging in mid-air, patting themselves on the back for their coyness and ambiguity. The thing is, coyness and ambiguity makes everyone mad. Take a stand for crying out loud. Make a decision and then follow through with it. When they actively pursued this story arc with Grace/Affinity/Threads, I rejoiced because I felt that they had made that stand. But then, they didn't follow through with it on any level.

              Like I said, I don't want a gateroom wedding or an episode dedicated to the Carter/O'Neill household. We've already had the story arc dedicated to this emotional journey she made. My request is only that they follow through with it.

              But again, this is not limited to the ship issue. They've left Sam hanging IMHO, by dishonoring the emotional journey they set her out on (ship), by removing her other connections to the story and the SG universe (the Tok'ra, her dad, Janet, etc.) and they've taken her command away and given it to their new shiney hero.

              They follow through with none of it. No conflict. No reflection. No dealing with anything that would even remotely show her to be the lead character that she is because her character's depth and connections would IMHO prove how shallow the Mitchell character is both in his introduction and his makeup.

              They're trying to cram Sam into the background and it just doesn't work. She's not meant to be a background figure.

              What I'm asking/begging/pleading TPTB to do is to respect Carter. I want them to honor the emotional journeys/struggles/battles she's been on. Honor her growth from a wet-behind-the-ears Captain to a battleworn Colonel. Value the pain and the past struggles she lived through to get to where she is now. Give credit where credit is due. Focus on her strengths and current issues but send a respectful nod every now and then to what she's endured.

              From leadership to ship to geeking to her friendships to Cassie. Don't abandon or lessen who she is and what she went through because you're scared she'll overshadow the new pretty toys.
              Last edited by Uber; 16 October 2006, 06:43 PM.

              ...You're ALWAYS Welcome in Samanda: Amanda's Community of New Fans and Old Friends...


                Originally posted by the dancer of spaz View Post
                By the way, Gateangel posted information about the broadcast order of upcoming episodes....
                Well, you all know I take great pride in my role as Mr. Positive, but I think this episode order is either pure speculation or a simple list with no thought put into it. For my money, and I have absolutely no evidence that I'm correct besides the fantastical innerworkings of my feculated grey matter, that the airing order for season ten's second half is most likely to be:

                Quest II
                Line in the Sand
                The Road Not Taken
                The Shroud
                Bad Guys
                Family Ties

                Either that, or The Shroud will follow Quest II directly, to be followed by Line in the Sand and The Road Not Taken.

                ETA: Yay, I finally posted something. I must be running low on barbiturates.
                Last edited by golfbooy; 16 October 2006, 04:36 PM.


                  Originally posted by ÜberSG-1Fan View Post
                  I don't think they "resolved it when they disappeared it" though. I think they hid from it for a multitude of reasons.


                  From leadership to ship to geeking to her friendships to Cassie. Don't abandon or lessen who she is and what she went through because you're scared she'll overshadow the new pretty toys.
                  Excellent post, IMHO. One thing I'd like to add, though, is I think given the material she's had to work with, AT has done a remarkable job of portraying the more mature and experienced Sam. There have been some great tiny Sam moments in Season 9 and 10, like the
                  poker game in Uninvited and her subtle exasperation with Mitchell at the end of Off The Grid

                  which I think speak to her growth.

                  To go back to my hubbie, who is not half as big a fan as I am, but more of a casual viewer, he is certain Sam and Jack are together and Sam's personal resolutions have made her a more relaxed and confident character. He likes the "new" Sam, but he also wishes we could see more of these changes and their continued cause onscreen, and less of the new guys who he doesn't care half as much about... Views which I suspect are fairly common among "normal" viewers, not just us, as STARGATE7777 said as well.


                    Originally posted by the dancer of spaz View Post
                    I'd love to take my laptop, but if I can't bum a European outlet-converter-thinger from my uncle (we need those right?), I probably won't even bother.

                    Pics still aren't allowed for anything but private use, right? As ForeverSG1 can attest, I'm almost bad luck when it comes to digital cameras.
                    I checked the site. I thought there was, but the only prohibition was on video and audio recordings. (And of course there's the con-etiquette of not showing pix of con-goers who prefer to remain anonymous...)

                    I bought one of those "outlet-converter-thingers" (tm) for my cell phone and camera battery chargers, so let me know if you need to borrow it while we're there. Am leaving the lappie at home though (it'll be enough to keep up after the phone and camera!) --- was told they had a business center with computers for a fee - I won't be downloading the pix (think 3 1gig memory cards are enough?) while I'm there, but do plan to try to get on-line while there at some point.

                    *grins* Well... I can think of 3 of us who're going with nice cameras.... we can sneak up the aisle when it's poster presentation time and take a bunch of pix of the wonderful moment...

                    Now you're not camera shy, are you mini?
                    Convention Pix Shore Leave ('06 to '09), AT2, AT3, & AT4 ('06, '08, & '09), and Vancouver ('07)
                    My SG fanfic! ..Click Here.


                      Originally posted by JenniferJF View Post
                      Excellent post, IMHO. One thing I'd like to add, though, is I think given the material she's had to work with, AT has done a remarkable job of portraying the more mature and experienced Sam. There have been some great tiny Sam moments in Season 9 and 10, like the
                      poker game in Uninvited and her subtle exasperation with Mitchell at the end of Off The Grid

                      which I think speak to her growth.

                      To go back to my hubbie, who is not half as big a fan as I am, but more of a casual viewer, he is certain Sam and Jack are together and Sam's personal resolutions have made her a more relaxed and confident character. He likes the "new" Sam, but he also wishes we could see more of these changes and their continued cause onscreen, and less of the new guys who he doesn't care half as much about... Views which I suspect are fairly common among "normal" viewers, not just us, as STARGATE7777 said as well.
                      I agree entirely. I believe that her being more at peace with herself is a direct result of her coming to terms with what she wanted...I would just like to as a viewer enjoy some of the other "fruit" from the whole kerfuffle.

                      The other thing that irked me is how nonchalant Sam is regarding the team and leadership. Where's the Sam who interrupted and corrected Jack in Children of the Gods when he called her Doctor rather than Captain?

                      I'm not wanting her to go into a tear demanding she gets what she deserves...but I would love to see more spunk out of her. Comfortable and settled is fine...doormat is not. I do want her to stand up every once in a while and say, "Ya know, I don't agree with this" or "I don't appreciate this" a little more often.

                      It's just not realistic for her to not have said anything to anyone about something as important as leading SG-1.

                      ...You're ALWAYS Welcome in Samanda: Amanda's Community of New Fans and Old Friends...


                        Originally posted by ÜberSG-1Fan View Post
                        I do want her to stand up every once in a while and say, "Ya know, I don't agree with this" or "I don't appreciate this" a little more often.
                        I think she would...if TPTB would only let her...


                          Originally posted by tsaxlady View Post
                          How about a new CAPTION THIS:


                          (CJ and MS coughing)
                          AT(sniffing): "OMG Ben! You're worse than Chris!"
                          BB(smugly): "Hey - I learned from the best."

                          LOL! Sorry! - the stories Amanda and the others have told about CJ and the flatulence still sticks in my head....
                          Convention Pix Shore Leave ('06 to '09), AT2, AT3, & AT4 ('06, '08, & '09), and Vancouver ('07)
                          My SG fanfic! ..Click Here.


                            Originally posted by ÜberSG-1Fan View Post
                            It's just not realistic for her to not have said anything to anyone about something as important as leading SG-1.
                            Nor is it realistic for Daniel to have said nothing or for Teal'c not to have made his dissatisfaction known, even if he didn't say anything outright.

                            It's not just Sam's career that's being adversely affected; having Mitchell - who in my opinion is not ready to lead the team, even now - in charge puts the whole team at risk. He claims to want to learn from Sam, Daniel and Teal'c but he has the authority to ignore the advice of people with far more experience if it doesn't suit him to listen - as he did in "Off The Grid".

                            Sig courtesy of RepliCartertje


                              Originally posted by ÜberSG-1Fan View Post
                              I agree entirely. I believe that her being more at peace with herself is a direct result of her coming to terms with what she wanted...I would just like to as a viewer enjoy some of the other "fruit" from the whole kerfuffle.

                              The other thing that irked me is how nonchalant Sam is regarding the team and leadership. Where's the Sam who interrupted and corrected Jack in Children of the Gods when he called her Doctor rather than Captain?

                              I'm not wanting her to go into a tear demanding she gets what she deserves...but I would love to see more spunk out of her. Comfortable and settled is fine...doormat is not. I do want her to stand up every once in a while and say, "Ya know, I don't agree with this" or "I don't appreciate this" a little more often.

                              It's just not realistic for her to not have said anything to anyone about something as important as leading SG-1.
                              I still think anyone of her rank, who held a leadership position, wouldn't accept Cam's offer to join his team, they would ask for their own team to lead

                              my fanfic


                                Originally posted by L.A. Doyle View Post
                                I think she would...if TPTB would only let her...
                                That'll happen a few weeks after never.

                                Nobody can criticize the hewo or suggest that he doesn't deserve to be in charge... which illustrates how weak a character said hewo is and how ill-suited he is for his role.

                                Sig courtesy of RepliCartertje

