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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by scarimor
    3-year-old: "They're clever in America. That's where Sam lives!"

    7-year-old: "So does Homer Simpson."
    My god! It's genetic!


      Originally posted by scarimor
      Ah 'sokay, they're happy. And for my 2000th post, a brief update on the blue jelly saga:

      5-year-old: "Why haven't we had blue jelly before, Mummy?"

      Mummy: "Because we don't have blue jelly in this country. This blue jelly has come all the way from America."

      7-year-old: "How come they have blue jelly and we don't?"

      Mummy: "Because they know how to make it blue and we don't (apparently )"

      3-year-old: "They're clever in America. That's where Sam lives!"

      7-year-old: "So does Homer Simpson."

      Kids. Gotta love them.


        Originally posted by RepliCartertje
        ok I don't like sam on pg 2, really I don't so here a lovely pics who is waiting to be captioned...
        Sam: What do you mean "the Mess is out of blue jello"?!??

        ...You're ALWAYS Welcome in Samanda: Amanda's Community of New Fans and Old Friends...


          Originally posted by RepliCartertje
          ok I don't like sam on pg 2, really I don't so here a lovely pics who is waiting to be captioned...
          Oh my god! he lost his pants again
          Where in the World is George Hammond?



            Originally posted by Skydiver
            Oh my god! he lost his pants again
            *rofl* I adored that in MM - the way she kept bringing it up! And she was having such fun with it!
            Last edited by Alipeeps; 10 September 2006, 12:09 PM.


              Originally posted by RepliCartertje
              "Daniel and the Colonel are going on a date!?!"


                Originally posted by scarimor
                Ah 'sokay, they're happy. And for my 2000th post, a brief update on the blue jelly saga:

                5-year-old: "Why haven't we had blue jelly before, Mummy?"

                Mummy: "Because we don't have blue jelly in this country. This blue jelly has come all the way from America."

                7-year-old: "How come they have blue jelly and we don't?"

                Mummy: "Because they know how to make it blue and we don't (apparently )"

                3-year-old: "They're clever in America. That's where Sam lives!"

                7-year-old: "So does Homer Simpson."

                Aren't kids adorable and cute!!!
                lovely story Scari, I actually can so see this happening...

                CONGRATULATION ON YOUR 2000 POSTS!!!

                and I see you have a personal avatar!!! I love it, it really is a great one


                  Originally posted by RepliCartertje
                  Aren't kids adorable and cute!!!
                  lovely story Scari, I actually can so see this happening...

                  CONGRATULATION ON YOUR 2000 POSTS!!!

                  and I see you have a personal avatar!!! I love it, it really is a great one
                  yeah, congrats scari

                  sig by starlover1990


                    just watched Memento Mori.

                    Nice episode, not too much scenes with Sam in there, but those, where she was in were great! Especially the one in the appartment when Cam picked up his cloths again. And, as always she did look brilliant in the civil outfit!
                    Too bad, they didn't show, how Vala got her memories back . would have been interesting. Does anyone know, which device they use therefor?
                    Next episode's trailer, which was shown right after the ep. was cool, finally some action and an interesting looking mission....
                    Also action of Vala/Cladia Black was great - I wonderd, how she plays the scenes, when the "bad guy" powered up the device. Looking so damn real!
                    Also the last scenes, Daniel explaining the dinner/date thing to the others were funny.

                    Edit: grats scari!
                    Last edited by MickSpeed; 10 September 2006, 12:18 PM.

                    Thank you SO much Amanda! (Icons by various great artists)


                      Originally posted by scarimor
                      Ah 'sokay, they're happy. And for my 2000th post, a brief update on the blue jelly saga:

                      5-year-old: "Why haven't we had blue jelly before, Mummy?"

                      Mummy: "Because we don't have blue jelly in this country. This blue jelly has come all the way from America."

                      7-year-old: "How come they have blue jelly and we don't?"

                      Mummy: "Because they know how to make it blue and we don't (apparently )"

                      3-year-old: "They're clever in America. That's where Sam lives!"

                      7-year-old: "So does Homer Simpson."

                      Kids! You just can't resist them

                      Congrats on 2000!!!!

                      Nice avatar, totally you


                        Originally posted by scarimor
                        Ah 'sokay, they're happy. And for my 2000th post, a brief update on the blue jelly saga:

                        5-year-old: "Why haven't we had blue jelly before, Mummy?"

                        Mummy: "Because we don't have blue jelly in this country. This blue jelly has come all the way from America."

                        7-year-old: "How come they have blue jelly and we don't?"

                        Mummy: "Because they know how to make it blue and we don't (apparently )"

                        3-year-old: "They're clever in America. That's where Sam lives!"

                        7-year-old: "So does Homer Simpson."

                        Your kids are so funny. I'm sure they didn't get the irony of being the home to both Sam AND Homer! LOL


                          Originally posted by Deejay435
                          Your kids are so funny. I'm sure they didn't get the irony of being the home to both Sam AND Homer! LOL
                          Really? Noooo, see, I suspect they do, Deejay. It's scary. And/or they're aliens.

                          sidebar: Entity is on.
                          FRAISER: It is a very bad burn, Sam.
                          CARTER: Five minutes.
                          FRAISER: NOW!
                          DEM: loin*****




                              Originally posted by MickSpeed
                              just watched Memento Mori.

                              Nice episode, not too much scenes with Sam in there, but those, where she was in were great! Especially the one in the appartment when Cam picked up his cloths again. And, as always she did look brilliant in the civil outfit!
                              Too bad, they didn't show, how Vala got her memories back . would have been interesting. Does anyone know, which device they use therefor?
                              Next episode's trailer, which was shown right after the ep. was cool, finally some action and an interesting looking mission....
                              Also action of Vala/Cladia Black was great - I wonderd, how she plays the scenes, when the "bad guy" powered up the device. Looking so damn real!
                              Also the last scenes, Daniel explaining the dinner/date thing to the others were funny.

                              Edit: grats scari!

                              I'm guessing they used the device they got in Collateral Damage-t
                              he one that superimposed other people's memories over Cam's in that episode.
                              It appears they figured out how to tweak it for other applications. Cam mentioned getting a device on such and such planet last year, so I figure that's it.

                              Can't recall the name of the planet, though.


                                Originally posted by Deejay435
                                I'm guessing they used the device they got in Collateral Damage-t
                                he one that superimposed other people's memories over Cam's in that episode.
                                It appears they figured out how to tweak it for other applications. Cam mentioned getting a device on such and such planet last year, so I figure that's it.

                                Can't recall the name of the planet, though.
                                Galar, I believe...
                                my lovely avatar is courtesy of Lies, SamJackShipLover

