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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by the dancer of spaz
    I repeat: I do NOT want AT to be made the target of misplaced, n00bish, idiotic rage and idiocy.

    AT can do way better than what the franchise has become. I don't ever see her forgetting her roots or what made her famous, but "Stargate" is a mere shadow of its former self, so I think it'd be great if the tenured folk jumped ship while they still have a chance..
    Originally posted by Skydiver
    teh only way atlantis could really, really take the influx of such a strong character would be at teh cost of another. and that's just not fair

    i'd hate to have amanda in that situation as well. she's too nice of a person to have all that hate directed towards her

    so, in a nutshell, i would rather 'lose' sam than hold onto her and put the character adn actress in an untenable situation
    I agree with both of you. Honestly, I would like nothing more than seeing Amanda on Atlantis and being able to enjoy Sam Carter's adventures for a while longer. But like Sky and Spaz, I don't think it's a good idea.

    Even though I could see a character like Sam work well in the Atlantis setting, seeing as she is a unique combination of soldier, scientist, and woman, I just don't think it would work well with the characters that are already there. Chances are that at least one of the Atlantis characters would be sacrificed. And while Sam is the one I enjoy the most out of both shows, it just wouldn't be fair. Not to the show, not to the characters, and especially not to the Atlantis cast.

    I also agree with Spazzie's skepticism that TPTB probably would not be able to handle it very well to integrate a new character. We've seen it before, unfortunately...

    I am afraid, if TPTB offer Amanda a spot on Atlantis it's only to "use" her to get more people to watch Atlantis. And frankly, I think Amanda has done enough and more than she needed to for this franchise and she wasn't always treated the way she deserved.
    Of course, I wouldn't mind a guest appearance by AT from time to time, if that is what she would want herself.

    As much as I am saddened by the news, I think it's a great opportunity for Amanda to get out and try something new. She looked so excited when she told us about her "secret project" at Shore Leave, you could actually see that sparkle in her eyes.
    AT does have the ability to make it out there if she chooses to do so. And there are lot of people who will support her, I am sure.

    So, more power to you, Amanda, whatever you decide to do. The only thing that matters is to enjoy life and feel good about yourself!!!

    Thank you, Skydiver


      Originally posted by Dani76
      I agree with both of you. Honestly, I would like nothing more than seeing Amanda on Atlantis and being able to enjoy Sam Carter's adventures for a while longer. But like Sky and Spaz, I don't think it's a good idea.

      Even though I could see a character like Sam work well in the Atlantis setting, seeing as she is a unique combination of soldier, scientist, and woman, I just don't think it would work well with the characters that are already there. Chances are that at least one of the Atlantis characters would be sacrificed. And while Sam is the one I enjoy the most out of both shows, it just wouldn't be fair. Not to the show, not to the characters, and especially not to the Atlantis cast.

      I also agree with Spazzie's skepticism that TPTB probably would not be able to handle it very well to integrate a new character. We've seen it before, unfortunately...

      I am afraid, if TPTB offer Amanda a spot on Atlantis it's only to "use" her to get more people to watch Atlantis. And frankly, I think Amanda has done enough and more than she needed to for this franchise and she wasn't always treated the way she deserved.
      Of course, I wouldn't mind a guest appearance by AT from time to time, if that is what she would want herself.

      As much as I am saddened by the news, I think it's a great opportunity for Amanda to get out and try something new. She looked so excited when she told us about her "secret project" at Shore Leave, you could actually see that sparkle in her eyes. AT does have the ability to make it out there if she chooses to do so. And there are lot of people who will support her, I am sure.

      So, more power to you, Amanda, whatever you decide to do. The only thing that matters is to enjoy life and feel good about yourself!!!
      Now that's something I would love to see, something that puts a sparkle in Amanda's eyes

      my fanfic


        Has anyone seen this yet?

        Sci Fi Closes the 'Gate
        Gee, was the 200th episode's Wizard of Oz spoof that bad? Stargate SG-1, the longest-running sci-fi series in TV history, will end its journey after the final episodes of its 10-year run are completed, Variety reports. Mark Stern, exec VP of original programming for Sci Fi Channel (which picked up the saga from Showtime in 2002), tells Variety the axing "was not a ratings-driven decision," though total viewership has slipped by more than a half-million, to 1.95 mil, since 1Q 2005. "We're actually going out on a high note," Stern insists, noting that the production staff has been afforded time to bring the series to a proper conclusion and tie up all loose ends. Sister show Stargate Atlantis, still going strong in its own third season, is unaffected by the cancellation, and in fact will absorb some of the SG-1 cast members.


          i don't know what it is, but the idea of Sam as the chief technician on the Daedalus. it's major position that she could do a lot in, but it's not so big that it would step on anyone's toes, she'd end up like Caldwell. i don't think the position's occupied as of yet (at least, not that i know of, so i wouldn't care). i like SGA currently, and seeing Sam/AT adding her own dynamic and flavor to it would be AMAZING. wow, i really do like this idea. i think it would also give AT a lot of time with Olivia and whatever else she wants to do. and of course there's (as long as it's not overused).
          "Out of the Abyss" (SJ Angst)....................Best New Author.................."Else Close the Wall Up" (Sam)
          Hic Comitas Regit. Welcome to Samanda.


            know what i could deal with???

            no offense to mitch pilleggi, but get rid of caldwell and let sam run the daedy

            bit parts, little roles, time to do other stuff but we can still get a bit of sam
            Where in the World is George Hammond?



              Originally posted by Skydiver
              know what i could deal with???

              no offense to mitch pilleggi, but get rid of caldwell and let sam run the daedy

              bit parts, little roles, time to do other stuff but we can still get a bit of sam
              OOh yeah I would love that!! But I already stated that in my first post. I do think Sam should lead a ship!! if it isn't the deady another one. But I really think she should lead one.
              Maybe a good idea for a spin-off serie...

              EDIT: just realized that this is my 1700 post... ooh boy what am I chatty! (and what a nice place to make my 1700 post in )
              Last edited by RepliCartertje; 22 August 2006, 06:32 PM.


                Originally posted by jckfan55
                It looks a little bit like a big hair barrette.
                Kinda looks to me like a glue pen I've seen at the scrapbooking store.


                  Originally posted by Skydiver
                  know what i could deal with???

                  no offense to mitch pilleggi, but get rid of caldwell and let sam run the daedy

                  bit parts, little roles, time to do other stuff but we can still get a bit of sam
                  darn you! you have discovered my BRILLIANT plan.

                  i didn't want to suggest kicking anyone out of a spot (sam' enough as it is), but i could got for commander. IMO, chief tech's interesting. especially if the command part is emphasized. maybe some soldier stuff where it makes sense.

                  EDIT: that's a neat idea repli, another ship. <contemplates>
                  "Out of the Abyss" (SJ Angst)....................Best New Author.................."Else Close the Wall Up" (Sam)
                  Hic Comitas Regit. Welcome to Samanda.


                    SG-1 is in 30th place. Lets get the show up to the top TEN.
           Here is were to go and vote. The exact page. So go and vote, vote, vote.


                      Sam on Atlantis is about the only thing that would make me continue watching the show. I'm SO not a fan, and without having SG1 as lead-in I won't even have the sci-fi channel on to have SGA running in the background while I do other things, cause I was too lazy to turn the channel.

                      And I had the same thought as Sky. If she is on the series, I'd like to see her command the Daedy.

                      As my grandmother says "We shall see what we shall see." (I know Doris Day said it first, but I like it better when grandma says it, darnit!)


                        Originally posted by Skydiver
                        know what i could deal with???

                        no offense to mitch pilleggi, but get rid of caldwell and let sam run the daedy

                        bit parts, little roles, time to do other stuff but we can still get a bit of sam
                        Or they could co-command.

                        Because...ya know...girls can't do manly commandery stuff.

                        ...You're ALWAYS Welcome in Samanda: Amanda's Community of New Fans and Old Friends...


                          Originally posted by RepliCartertje
                          Ok so do we want Sam Carter in Atlantis or not??

                          I actually am not certain if I want her in Atlantis. Off course it would be great that we could see Amanda some more after sg1 is over but I don't know if it would be good for her career and for Atlantis. And for the character of Sam.

                          It would all depend on how they would bring Samantha there, if she would become a regular or just makes some cameo's.

                          What I do would love to see is that she would become a regular on the daedalus. If it even was possible that she would become the captain of the ship That would mean that we could see her from time to time in Atlantis but not be one of the other characters of Atlantis, cause IMO if she would go to Atlantis she will probably be just the scientist again. And that is something I don't want anymore!
                          Ok so do we want Sam Carter in Atlantis or not??

                          As commander of an Earth ship - yes!

                          The role of scientist for the Atlantis team is filled by McKay - Carter wouldn't fit on the series as another 'ground character' (someone who works from base and goes through the gate).

                          She could however, work exceptionally well in the role of Captain of a ship that visits or stays around Atlantis. Then she wouldn't be stepping on the toes of the other Atlantis main regulars and their 'proscribed roles' or 'territory' in the storylines. She'd be commander of the ship, Weir commands the base, Shep commands the military field teams, McKay runs the science end on base, etc.


                            Originally posted by ÜberSG-1Fan
                            Or they could co-command.

                            Because...ya know...girls can't do manly commandery stuff.

                            hey, at least they wouldn't have to change the monogram on the towels

                            Steven Caldwell
                            Samantha Carter
                            Where in the World is George Hammond?



                              Originally posted by Skydiver

                              hey, at least they wouldn't have to change the monogram on the towels

                              Steven Caldwell
                              Samantha Carter
                              And of course she'd have to be promoted to Bird Colonel, so they could even leave the rank insignia in place too.

                              ...You're ALWAYS Welcome in Samanda: Amanda's Community of New Fans and Old Friends...


                                So with everyone's posts about what they'd want 'after SG-1 ends'...

                                ...with 'some of the SG-1 cast' going to Atlantis... who makes sense?

                                - Carter makes sense if she goes as the commander of a ship

                                - Walter or Siler would make sense. They wouldn't be pushing one of the main Atlantis regulars aside, as they could just continue in their 'bit part' roles.

                                - Daniel would make sense too... but he's a big character and I don't see how they'd fit him into the Atlantis ensemble without creating all sorts of bad feelings amongst the fans who like the current Atlantis characters... whose roles would be reduced to put Daniel into the Atlantis 'ground team' (the ones who are stationed on Atlantis and not on an Earth ship like the Daedalus).

                                -Mitchell - that just wouldn't work. They've already said that he's Shep's counterpart (Lead Alpha Male on SG-1 to Lead Alpha Male on Atlantis).

                                So perhaps Browder's Mitchell will be the lead character of Stargate's next spinoff?

                                -Vala - they could do that. She is an odd-ball character that doesn't fit into the previous Stargate 'formulas'. However, putting her on Atlantis would create problems similar to that of moving Daniel over there - it would reduce the screen time and storylines of the other Atlantis main characters and that would create problems amongst the fan bases.

                                Of course.. since Vala and Daniel are such a pair... perhaps they would move *both* of them over to Atlantis?


                                Hmmm... so here's what I think could happen:

                                Walter and/or Siler go to Atlantis (supporting bit parts for them as they had on SG-1). Or perhaps just Siler goes to Atlantis as part of the support team, and Walter stays at the SGC, and he's the one that is shown when Atlantis, or one of the ships, 'talks to' the SGC?

                                Daniel and Vala go to Atlantis as a package deal. The Ori saga comes with them to compound the other problems facing the Atlantis crew.

                                Mitchell (Browder) gets his own new Stargate spinoff.

                                Teal'c? To the new spinoff? I don't see how he'd fit in Atlantis.. unless he went along with Daniel, just to help his former teammate.

                                Carter commands an Earth/ Asgard hybrid ship. Allows for a recurring role that shouldn't push the other Atlantis regulars out of their 'established storyline territory' or screentime.


                                I like the option of Carter commanding a new ship. Mitchell in a new spinoff wouldn't turn me on - but then I just have a problem with the lead male actor from another scifi show becoming the lead male actor in a Stargate series (I have trouble seeing the same actor in two lead male scifi TV series roles - and basically contemporaneously shows (not seperated by very much 'real' time or years))


                                *Whatever* AT chooses to do - I hope

                                - she enjoys it and
                                - it's a success - as she defines success

                                If she chooses to stay with Stargate, that's her choice and I hope it works out for her and that she's happy. If she chooses to work on any other project - scifi genre or not, SciFi channel or not - again, I hope she's happy and that she's successful.

                                Whatever she's in - I'll give it a go. If it's Atlantis - then I'll just have to give that series a serious go (even with McKay heavy personality and Shep's Lead Alpha Male role). If it's a spinoff - I'll be there amongst the viewers. If it's something else entirely - again, I'll give it a go!
                                Last edited by astrogeologist; 22 August 2006, 07:31 PM.

