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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    We also have a birthday wishes page going over at where you can leave Amanda a birthday message. The page will be sent to her for her birthday.

    Originally posted by Skydiver
    i dont think there's anything planned for amanda's birthday, not as a group that is

    now if anyone wants to do something cool, write down a nice note and send it to MG so that she can put it on the thank you poster she's making


      Originally posted by Myrth
      We also have a birthday wishes page going over at where you can leave Amanda a birthday message. The page will be sent to her for her birthday.

      Do you post pictures the same as we do here?

      my fanfic


        Originally posted by the dancer of spaz

        ETA: Was The Road Not Traveled, or whatever it's called, supposed to be the 16th or 18th episode?

        I only ask because,

        with all of the craziness going on, does that mean they'll scrap that episode featuring Carter, or do something even more extreme with her as a lead-in for the series finale two-parter?

        THE ROAD NOT TAKEN is currently 15th in production but that does not mean it will be the 15th episode aired of the season - we will probably not hear much about the airing order of the second half of the season until January or later (since it will not show on SciFi until March and I have not heard a confirmation on when it will air in the UK)
        My View From The Peanut Gallery


          Originally posted by tsaxlady
          THE ROAD NOT TAKEN is currently 15th in production but that does not mean it will be the 15th episode aired of the season - we will probably not hear much about the airing order of the second half of the season until January or later (since it will not show on SciFi until March and I have not heard a confirmation on when it will air in the UK)
          Hmm? I wonder if it will change the Canadian schedule of the series, if we will get it before SciFi?

          my fanfic


            Wow look at Sky's new avitar

            and Congrats JanSam on 100 posts

            my fanfic


              Originally posted by Mandysg1
              Wow look at Sky's new avitar

              and Congrats JanSam on 100 posts
              Yep nice pic LOVE IT!!!
              doesn't Amanda look great in it!! I think if she doesn't go to her own ship at Atlantis, she can always try farscape!! (ooh wait no she can't that show is also cancelled) lol


                So it's true, SG1 has been cancelled?
                I got a bit of a shock, I guess I just wasn't expecting it. Well, to be honest, I was expecting it back at the end of season 8. After it bounced back again for two more seasons it didn't cross my mind that season 10 might be the last.

                I guess it was going to happen some time or another. I know the latest seasons are way different, and there's always DVD's to rewatch, but a part of me is going to miss having new episodes.

                To all the actors, thankyou for a decade of some of the greatest characters I know of on scifi tv. I'll look forward to seeing Amanda in whatever future projects she embarks upon, I'm sure that Stargate will not be the last we see of her.

                ...deepspace is a PROUD MEMBER of the Sam's A Great Character Thread...

                HIC COMITAS REGIT!


                  I've just been reading back on people's discussion about the possibility of Sam continuing on in Atlantis.

                  Selfishly, I want to see Sam on Atlantis. I love the character of Sam, and I really want to hold onto that. I know Amanda is such a brilliant actress that she could act in anything else she wanted, but I've never actually seen her in any other movies/shows so for me, Amanda=Sam Carter, and I don't deny that that's what I'd like to see her as most.

                  On the other hand, I'm really enjoying Atlantis as it is now. It's had a lot of fresh new storylines and I like the interaction between the characters that are already there. I don't know if they would have the ability to incorporate Sam into that without changing the feel of the show a lot.

                  Whatever happens, I think Sam would have to have a minor role if she was on Atlantis, and I'm not sure if I want to see an even more reduced Sam than is in the latest seasons of SG1.

                  So, yes, I'm still undecided.

                  ...deepspace is a PROUD MEMBER of the Sam's A Great Character Thread...

                  HIC COMITAS REGIT!


                    Originally posted by stewsith
                    Yes but every episode it would just be rodney harrasing her and sam shouting at him.
                    Good morning Samandans!!
                    I'm still feeling bitterly disappointed about the cancellation but I'm trying to be optimistic about the shows future...hopefully MGM can pull a small miracle out of their hats and save the show!!!

                    I think it would be great if Amanda was on SGA...I love the way the characters of Sam and Rodney squabble over things...but on the other a S/J shipper, I want to see Sam with Jack.
                    Anyhoo...gotta dash... (((((Samandans!!))))) ...stay positive aint over...YET!!!!
                    "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
                    Hug Your Loved Ones!!
                    ~Amanda Tapping


                      Originally posted by deepspace
                      So it's true, SG1 has been cancelled?
                      I got a bit of a shock, I guess I just wasn't expecting it. Well, to be honest, I was expecting it back at the end of season 8. After it bounced back again for two more seasons it didn't cross my mind that season 10 might be the last.

                      I guess it was going to happen some time or another. I know the latest seasons are way different, and there's always DVD's to rewatch, but a part of me is going to miss having new episodes.

                      To all the actors, thank you for a decade of some of the greatest characters I know of on scifi tv. I'll look forward to seeing Amanda in whatever future projects she embarks upon, I'm sure that Stargate will not be the last we see of her.
                      Hey Little Page I just found out the news myself and don't have time to read all the details or posts about this as I'm still unpacking and RL is totally consuming my life these days.

                      What I can say is that I'm not surprised. I just read the one piece of PR at the main GW page and LOL as how the "500 lb. gorilla" is never mentioned as one of the factors causing the cancellation: the exclusion of the three veterans as main players in S9-10 with the crowning of the new cast and "new creative direction". Yep, demoting Sam Carter and then writing around that atrocity and using AT, CJ, and MS as the "irregulars" rather than the ongoing regulars they were ... yep, way to go fellas!

                      Saddened, but not surprised. AT is such a gift as an actress and such a class act that she will land on her feet. Hoping the same for all the cast members, new and old.

                      If only TPTB listened to some of the longtime fans "who had issues of their own" ... if only.

                      I say thank you also to the cast and crew who did their best with what they were given. I now plan to finish my Samfic once I'm settled in the new house just because I believe that the end of S8 held promise for our heroes. I'm sure fanfic will be alive with many well written stories which will treat Jack, Sam and T and Daniel with fair and just endings.

                      Peace, CG


                        Well said, CG. Looking forward to your fic.


                          I think the last number I saw was 86 so that would make me 87...

                          I'm sure AT will do wonderfully well in whatever she decides to do and I wish her all the success she deserves.

                          On the subject of Sam in Atlantis...

                          I'm torn. I'd love to see the character of Sam continue but I'd rather not have her as a regular on Atlantis. I don't see that there is a gap for her to fill or a space she would occupy without displacing one of the regulars already there. Even as a recurring character visiting on the Daedalus, I can't see how they would provide her with storylines to provide a reasonably satisfying character arc to justify the transition without displacing the regular SGA characters in some way and actually unless she's commanding the Daedalus, for me, a lead tech role on a ship seems even more of a step down from her once exalted position as the leader of SG1.

                          I'm certainly more loyal to the SG1 characters than the SGA ones but I'd rather not see the resultant flames and outcries Sam being on Atlantis as a regular or even recurring character would provoke.

                          However, I think if AT continued an annual Special Guest appearance every year on SGA as Sam around any other commitments, I could quite happily live with that. I could be wrong but I think AT/Sam is the only SG1 regular who will have appeared in all 3 seasons of SGA.

                          Although, given all the talk of mini-series/movies/possible 3rd spin-offs, I find it difficult to think that any of the SG1 characters will transition to Atlantis full time despite the comment from Sci Fi.
                          Women of the Gate LJ Community.
                          My Stargate Fanfiction. My LiveJournal.


                            Originally posted by tsaxlady
                            THE ROAD NOT TAKEN is currently 15th in production but that does not mean it will be the 15th episode aired of the season - we will probably not hear much about the airing order of the second half of the season until January or later (since it will not show on SciFi until March and I have not heard a confirmation on when it will air in the UK)
                            Ahhh... So it could air whenever.

                            Do they have an extended time to actually have this stuff "in the can", or do you think that their schedule the same?

                            If it is the same as it's always been, wouldn't that mean that it'll air relatively close to the end of the season?

                            And with the UK starting in October, will it work out so that the UK will once again get the second half of the season before the US?


                              if we're not getting the second half until march, oh yeah, the uk will be ahead of us. like MONTHS ahead of us
                              Where in the World is George Hammond?



                                Originally posted by Skydiver
                                if we're not getting the second half until march, oh yeah, the uk will be ahead of us. like MONTHS ahead of us
                                And hopefully Canada too

                                my fanfic

