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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by Skydiver
    i agree, sam in command of sg1 is highly unlikely. she's the wrong gender to be in command in this new incarnation of the show

    let her go off on her own, commander of another ship (heck, if we're really having a fantasy, let her take command of atlantis)

    and hopefully ,we'll have some less gender biased folks running the show so that sam will get a fair shake instead of being discriminated against

    i'm totally for this.

    i, basically, just want sam off 'this' show. while the season premier was good, i'm never going to accept the changes that have been made because the changes have permanently retarded sam's growth as a person and soldier. so let her go into another venue (still as sam carter) that'll let her GROW. or least acknowledge the 8 years of growth that she'd already achieved.

    while i kind of like (since i don't watch) her going to command at atlantis, i'm afraid we wouldn't be doing much better since brad wright runs the show. i've read too much complaining about that show to think he's any better at handling a stargate show that cooper. and besides, i *really* didn't like what he had to say in his interview on gateworld.

    so let someone else write this new sam carter vehicle. and, for me, i'd choose robert tapert. he did xena, warrior princess. and before anyone complains, if you haven't seen the show (and i mean 'really' seen it), you have no idea how WONDERFULLY he can write female characters. xena was one, if not, THE most incredibly strong female character i've ever seen portrayed. she was, basically, a mass murder, so anyone that could make a show about a character like that, AND make you LOVE her... rob tapert is the one i'd choose.

    i'd LOVE a ship based show. or space based? but have sam the commander of her own ship. i've always loved space/ship based shows, and i think, by the amount of eps on stargate that highlight it, i think it's a popular theme to write. so let sam lead all the way!!!!!!!!!!

    btw, i watched 'flesh and blood' again last night. i did a LOT of fastforwarding (all the vala/adria stuff and the teal'c tortured stuff), but i watched the rest. i'm more happy about them toning mitchell down than the actual ep.

    my same whining, but stargate sg1 should have been sam, daniel, and teal'c as THE stars. the show didn't *need* another LEADING MAN. it didn't need a LEAD at all, since amanda, michael, and chris were just fine and dandy in that spot for the two years that rda reduced his time. can you imagine how much happy most of the fans would be? ms fans would be happy because they could say that ms was the leading man. amanda fans would be happy because she would still be leading the team. and these three stars *who did their time* deserve that kind of recognition and respect. and if that three person team was such a dismal idea, then how come the ratings for season 8 were better than season 9? rda leaving didn't have *that* much of an impact on the ratings...

    i'm sorry i keep repeating myself, but this is a wound that won't heal and keeps scapping over. (and i won't go into ~here~ how utterly disappointed i am in the s/j ship *still* being dock in a holding cell)

    i hope i didn't bring anyone down with my post.




      Originally posted by Coley
      peeps on the thread!!
      *kicks self* Thanks for clarifying Coley
      Yepp, it's blank down here.


        article is scanned. You can read it here (it's in 2 parts). I hope this works!


          great post Sal, I'm out of green for you though!!


            Originally posted by ForeverSg1
            Me too! It was Amanda's humour and amazingly friendly demeanor that has turned this aviophobe into a world traveler. Gabit gave me my first taste of Amanda - doh! that certainly didn't come out like I intended! Anyway now that I've been bitten by the Amanda bug, I've become a con addict. I'd follow her just about anywhere. Her Q & A's are like a wonderful little comedy routine that keep me giggling the entire time.
            I told my husband about Shore Leave a few weeks before it was scheduled (when I started hanging out with you guys), and he was upset with me for not finding out sooner. We went to New Jersey's convention last year and had a great time with MS and CJ. (Drove 22 hours straight because hubby had to work Sat morning and we had Sun. tickets.) He wants to go to an Amanda convention as much as I do, so hopefully next year...


              Originally posted by astrogeologist
              OK... been wondering if there was going to be any Morpheus speculation here, but I haven't seen any... so I'll start it off
              The episode looks like Carter is in the 'thick' of it. Really wondering how she ends up in that tube-coffin looking thing.

              Watched the preview/spoiler clips on

              There's one line that has me worried.

              Carter says something along the lines of 'Can't do this anymore'...

              I don't want to see Sam give up! and then the guys gut it out heroically (big strong guys that they are) and Save The Day for everyone while Sam pathetically takes a nap!

              So... I'm hoping it's something along these lines:

              -- either Sam is hit harder by this virus/parasite because of her altered biochemistry (from Jolinar)... but they've probably forgotten all about that so... that's not going to be it...

              -- or Sam's 'Can't do this anymore' is actually her lead in to volunteering to sacrifice herself for the others; that is, they can't find a solution on their own, and they need the docs at the SGC to surgically explore someone who is infected.. and Carter is volunteering herself to help save the others. She doesn't expect to survive. Daniel tries to talk her out of it, but eventually, they go along with it - because, otherwise, it looks like everyone will die.

              There is a shot of someone getting operated on, and I couldn't see who it was (the head was occluded). Maybe it's Sam?

              -- ultimately, from what they learn by operating on Sam, they figure out how to save everyone else. And Sam survives! (very important!!!) Carter is the hero -- and it's exactly something they would have written O'Neill doing - sacrificing himself to save the others - it would be great to see Carter getting that role for once!

              At any rate, it would be better than Sam just whining that she's tired and can't take it anymore before going to sleep to let the guys figure out how to save everyone

              So, what is everyone else thinking?

              love the idea, astro... but they won't do it; not when they want to make mitchell the hero of everything.




                Originally posted by majorsal
                so let someone else write this new sam carter vehicle. and, for me, i'd choose robert tapert. he did xena, warrior princess. and before anyone complains, if you haven't seen the show (and i mean 'really' seen it), you have no idea how WONDERFULLY he can write female characters. xena was one, if not, THE most incredibly strong female character i've ever seen portrayed. she was, basically, a mass murder, so anyone that could make a show about a character like that, AND make you LOVE her... rob tapert is the one i'd choose.
                I think that Rob Tapert would do a great job with a new show for Sam - if he promised not to ever crucify her, shoot her with dozens of arrows or behead her. He did really well with Xena.

                Sig courtesy of RepliCartertje


                  Originally posted by Coley
                  Grey matter failing you? only asked for a thimble full??!!

                  You were taking huge gulps - and it's a liqueur - you are supposed to sip it not sup it!!
                  Your room was hot and my throat was dry!!! Blimey!


                    Night all. Over to you 1speed!!


                      Originally posted by ChopinGal
                      Your room was hot and my throat was dry!!! Blimey!
                      ever heard of water

                      Hugs to you Jester ttfn!


                        Originally posted by ReganX
                        I think that Rob Tapert would do a great job with a new show for Sam - if he promised not to ever crucify her, shoot her with dozens of arrows or behead her. He did really well with Xena.
                        Hey, not fair! That sounds like some great whumpage!


                          Originally posted by Coley
                          Er, Er, Er ........ panics at thought of large crowd - and 1speed's reaction to mass invasion
                          OK, OK, just tell me how many cases of Fly I need to get this time...


                            Here's hoping it wasn't posted yet; search features never gives me any hits ....

                            Anyway, there are some great publicity shots of Amanda from the NBC press tour..

                            Go to this thread


                            in the NEWS section for links plus other articles.


                              Originally posted by Coley
                              ever heard of water

                              Hugs to you Jester ttfn!
                              Whoa lassie!! ttfn ... sure, you just want to have the last word on this and pop offline to bed! Grrr ............. to be continued at a later date!

                              It was hard to find any water in your room, aside from the beer, ale, liqueur, etc. RA was running the royal bar! Definitely choose her room as your meeting place!

                              Tone, you can take a nice long walk to miss the crowd!


                                Originally posted by 1speed4Sam
                                OK, OK, just tell me how many cases of Fly I need to get this time...
                                LOL ... see?!! You're proving my point! Er, Fly is a brand of ale, right?!

                                And, to keep on topic ... Sam Carter would love the British ales ...

                                And HAPPY 500TH POST oh royal security guard!

