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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by KatG

    *desperately trying to make Pete make sense here*
    Good luck with that....

    No, actually, Pete does make sense from the standpoint of Sam's canon.

    Firstly, she tells herself in Grace that she has to free herself of her dependance on Jack and find out what a real relationship feels like.

    Secondly, she relies on the advice of her brother, who hates the military and so probably doesn't much care for the type of guy that would be Sam's first choice.

    Thirdly, she had been assured by her brother that Pete had a "story," and Sam seems to be a sucker for that sort of thing.

    I saw her brother's involvement as rather significant, though not really much touched upon. Sam, in wanting to "free herself" actually stayed true to character and submitted herself to her brother's will - in a way, letting him make the choice for her. It tells me that Sam was not as ready to move on as she thought she was. (If she really wanted to be free of Jack she'd a gone for Cam Mitchel, the hunkly and very smart mechanic that lives just down the street from her. )

    I think that in time she simply realized that she was going along with other's will,(Pete's, her brother's, her biological clock) and not her own. Breaking up with Pete finally freed her and now she is making her own decisions, and, whaddyaknow, she'd been using her emotional brain all along.

    Well, that's how I make sense of Pete.

    A Cherokee elder sitting with his grandchildren told them,
    "In every life there is a terrible fight – a fight between two wolves.
    One is evil: he is fear, anger, envy, greed, arrogance, self-pity,
    resentment, and deceit. The other is good: joy, serenity, humility,
    confidence, generosity, truth, gentleness, and compassion."
    A child asked, "Grandfather, which wolf will win?"
    The elder looked the child in the eye. "The one you feed."


      well, i for one would have loved to have seen olivia.

      dang skippy i would not have taken a picture. that's just rude. but i gotta admit that i am curious. but i also understand the need adn desire to protect the little one. and i totally respect it.

      i've never had a child, likely never will, and it'd just be neat to see her and see how cute she is.
      Where in the World is George Hammond?



        Originally posted by Tok'Ra Hostess

        No, actually, Pete does make sense from the standpoint of Sam's canon.


        I saw her brother's involvement as rather significant, though not really much touched upon. Sam, in wanting to "free herself" actually stayed true to character and submitted herself to her brother's will - in a way, letting him make the choice for her.
        I hadn't thought of the aspect of her brother recommending him, being a major factor, but you could be on to something. Sam has a need to please, and even though she and Mark made up, I'm sure that with her and Jacob in the military, it's still a little shaky. So when Mark recommended Pete, she decided to give it a try. And coming from Mark, he would definitely be the complete opposite of the "lunatic fringe" type she normally goes for.

        Originally posted by Tok'Ra Hostess
        It tells me that Sam was not as ready to move on as she thought she was. (If she really wanted to be free of Jack she'd a gone for Cam Mitchel, the hunkly and very smart mechanic that lives just down the street from her. )
        And I'm kind of glad about that. If she'd met Cam Mitchel the hunky and very smart mechanic down the street, Jack just might have been history.

        Originally posted by Tok'Ra Hostess
        I think that in time she simply realized that she was going along with other's will,(Pete's, her brother's, her biological clock) and not her own. Breaking up with Pete finally freed her and now she is making her own decisions, and, whaddyaknow, she'd been using her emotional brain all along.

        Well, that's how I make sense of Pete.
        Very astute analysis.


          Originally posted by Skydiver
          well, i for one would have loved to have seen olivia.

          dang skippy i would not have taken a picture. that's just rude. but i gotta admit that i am curious. but i also understand the need adn desire to protect the little one. and i totally respect it.

          i've never had a child, likely never will, and it'd just be neat to see her and see how cute she is.
          Me too. I think it's only normal for fans of Amanda to be curious about Olivia. I don't think anyone wants to take pictures, or even see pictures that Amanda hasn't approved, but curiousity as to whether she looks like Amanda or Alan, is well with in the acceptable range imo.

          Personally, I haven't seen her, but I'd think that she'd look more like Alan. He's darker and has brown eyes and brown hair, all traits that tend to be dominate over blond, fair and blue eyed.


            Originally posted by KatG
            Me too. I think it's only normal for fans of Amanda to be curious about Olivia. I don't think anyone wants to take pictures, or even see pictures that Amanda hasn't approved, but curiousity as to whether she looks like Amanda or Alan, is well with in the acceptable range imo.

            Personally, I haven't seen her, but I'd think that she'd look more like Alan. He's darker and has brown eyes and brown hair, all traits that tend to be dominate over blond, fair and blue eyed.
            I had the opportunity of running into them in the hall of the 3rd floor of the hotel. Olivia favors Amanda. I was with 2-3 other people and as Amanda approached us, Olivia just looked at us and then buried her head in Amanda's shoulder. Truly precious. Alan just kind of moved out of the way and let us admire his family.
            Last edited by WhatFateAlmondRoca; 12 July 2006, 08:08 AM.
            If you immediately know the ep stinks, the writers were cooked a long time ago

            Member of Gategrrlz Gone Wild
            proud Shore Leave 28 Attendee
            Naughty Shore Leave 29 Attendee (sorry all but thanks for the rescue. many many thanks)

            Carmen Argenziano Appreciation


              Originally posted by KatG
              I hadn't thought of the aspect of her brother recommending him, being a major factor, but you could be on to something. Sam has a need to please, and even though she and Mark made up, I'm sure that with her and Jacob in the military, it's still a little shaky. So when Mark recommended Pete, she decided to give it a try. And coming from Mark, he would definitely be the complete opposite of the "lunatic fringe" type she normally goes for.

              And I'm kind of glad about that. If she'd met Cam Mitchel the hunky and very smart mechanic down the street, Jack just might have been history.

              Very astute analysis.
              Yes, I agree - its nicely fitting into the Stargate portion of my brain.
              If you immediately know the ep stinks, the writers were cooked a long time ago

              Member of Gategrrlz Gone Wild
              proud Shore Leave 28 Attendee
              Naughty Shore Leave 29 Attendee (sorry all but thanks for the rescue. many many thanks)

              Carmen Argenziano Appreciation


                Originally posted by WhatFateAlmondRoca
                I had the opportunity of running into them in the hall of the 3rd floor of the hotel. Olivia strongly favors Amanda. She has big beautiful eyes and almost platinum blond curly hair. She was still sleepy from a nap (or so it appeared). I was with 2-3 other people and she just looked at us and then buried her head in Amanda's shoulder. Truly precious. Alan just kind of moved out of the way and let us admire his family.
                Awww. That's so sweet. Babies are so cute aren't they.

                And that's neat that she favors Amanda. Sometimes, those fairskinned, blue eyed, blond haired genes can be stronger.

                I know that all four of hubs kids got his blue eyes and fair skin, and two of them got his reddish blond hair, even though their moms are dark, with brown hair and brown eyes. Also, hubs got his mom's genes, even though his dad was very Mediterranean looking, so it can happen.


                  Originally posted by WhatFateAlmondRoca
                  Yes, I agree - its nicely fitting into the Stargate portion of my brain.
                  It's good to have it make sense isn't it?


                    Originally posted by KatG
                    It's good to have it make sense isn't it?
                    Oh my goodness, yes! I don't necessarily need to like what they write or agree with it or whatever but to have it make sense is TERRIFIC. Now if I could only wrap my head around the leadership issue....but like President Hayes said, "Never Going to Happen". Especially after what Amanda said at the con when asked about it - did someone come and report on that already?
                    If you immediately know the ep stinks, the writers were cooked a long time ago

                    Member of Gategrrlz Gone Wild
                    proud Shore Leave 28 Attendee
                    Naughty Shore Leave 29 Attendee (sorry all but thanks for the rescue. many many thanks)

                    Carmen Argenziano Appreciation


                      Originally posted by WhatFateAlmondRoca
                      Oh my goodness, yes! I don't necessarily need to like what they write or agree with it or whatever but to have it make sense is TERRIFIC. Now if I could only wrap my head around the leadership issue....but like President Hayes said, "Never Going to Happen". Especially after what Amanda said at the con when asked about it - did someone come and report on that already?
                      I think I read it here or in the Shore Leave thread. Not sure which, but something along the lines of her not understanding either and being disappointed in the decision, right?

                      BTW: I love that "Naked Mining Company" sig. 8)


                        Originally posted by KatG
                        I think I read it here or in the Shore Leave thread. Not sure which, but something along the lines of her not understanding either and being disappointed in the decision, right?

                        BTW: I love that "Naked Mining Company" sig. 8)
                        Naked Mining - thanks. I'm bad, aren't I?

                        Re: Amanda and leadership: yes, that's the gist of what she said. Might I add that she was VERY gracious about it. She did not go off on it, neither did she make a weird face or gesture. She just said, "I agree". Everything she said to follow up was equally calm, cool, and collected. She is such an asset to the franchise and I feel like it is hugely underappreciated by TPTB. However, I also believe that her terrific attitude will serve her well in her future endeavors.

                        If only more celebrities were like her. nuff said yo.
                        If you immediately know the ep stinks, the writers were cooked a long time ago

                        Member of Gategrrlz Gone Wild
                        proud Shore Leave 28 Attendee
                        Naughty Shore Leave 29 Attendee (sorry all but thanks for the rescue. many many thanks)

                        Carmen Argenziano Appreciation


                          Originally posted by chelle db
                          The interest in Olivia is just curiosity...I for one am not at all interested in making a deal of was simply a question as to what the little one looks like and it's quite harmless. I myself am a mother of two absolutley gorgeous kids and I too would do everything in my power to protect them and if I was in Amanda's shoes..I would do exactly the same thing. I read that she was at a con and Alan had bought Olivia out and all those who were there were asked to not take photo's.
                          Please don't think that all of us who ask about Olivia are frightening!!! I certainly do not want to intrude on Amanda's private was simply a querie...a very innocent one at that. Sorry if you see it differently.
                          Oh I didn't mean to imply that everyone asking about Olivia was frightening. I've just heard and seen a lot of people express a curiousity and/or interest in seeing Olivia on this thread and while standing in line at Shore Leave, and while I completely understand the curiosity most fans have, I do think that a small percentage of fans tend to step over those invisible boundaries. It's like asking Amanda for a hug or a photograph during the Q&A sessions. Most cons policy request that you do not ask for such things during the Q&A's because while it may seem like a simple enough request from one person, when there are over 1800 people attending the con even if only 1% of those people ask for a hug that's still 18 people Amanda will either have to hug during her 60min session or appear rude by saying no( and personally I've never seen Amanda turn down a request). The same can be said about Olivia. If only 1% of the her fans see Amanda with Olivia over the weekend and act upon it, those numbers are still quite frightening.

                          Just imagine being a 1 year old sitting at a restaurant or standing in an elevator with your parents and the people surrounding you keep staring. That alone could make the child feel uncomfortable if they are naturally shy. As I said, I wasn't trying to make anyone feel badly about having an interest in Amanda's daughter, I just hope fans remember that while Amanda is special to all of us, to Olivia she is simply 'mom' and she may not understand all the interest people have in them.

                          I may be blowing things out of proportion here, but I'm in the process of trying to teach my 5 year old that she shouldn't just go up and invade other people's space. She is an extremely friendly child and has a tendancy to just walk up to people(especially small children) and start talking to them and touching them( hands, faces, patting them on the head). It's all rather harmless, but many of the children she does this too are extremely shy and they get rather upset by it. I know my daughter is just curious and she isn't trying to hurt anyone, but I think she needs to learn that not everyone feels as comfortable meeting new people or being the center of attention. Anyway, I hope I didn't offend anyone with my previous comments.



                            Originally posted by WhatFateAlmondRoca
                            I had the opportunity of running into them in the hall of the 3rd floor of the hotel. Olivia strongly favors Amanda. She has big beautiful eyes and almost platinum blond curly hair. She was still sleepy from a nap (or so it appeared). I was with 2-3 other people and she just looked at us and then buried her head in Amanda's shoulder. Truly precious. Alan just kind of moved out of the way and let us admire his family.
                            Oh, I meant to ask you guys what AT's expression was when the admirers came (there were apparently a couple of incidents). Did she look like she kinda expected it? I suppose it is kinda inevitable that people were bound to see her at those points. My curiosity lies more with AT's comfortability than anything.

                            As anyone here can guess, you can tell that she is totally 1000% devoted to that little girl (uh... duh, some of you mothers are probably saying ), so I'm wondering if she's kinda come to terms with the fact that people are curious, or not.

                            If only more celebrities were like her. nuff said yo.


                            Ahem... Uh, now that I can match a face/voice to that name, I've gotta say that that oughtta be the quote of the year.


                              no offense taken about olivia. i totally understand where you're coming from. In a way, i was surprised that AT was even staying in the con hotel. many times guests stay nearby just to have the privacy.

                              so she had to know that folks would recognize her yet she willingly stayed in the hotel. and i'm glad to hear - thus far - that everyone played well and were adults. I haven't heard of anyone doing anything out of line when it came to the actors' private space.

                              see, the more 'adult' we fans act, the more likely the actors are to WANT to interact with us on a personal level - personal level meaning a 'not on stage' connor and corin adn carmen's auto tables where they were there in the open signing.

                              what folks don't always get, jumping on the actor like a squealing fan girl..yeah, you get your moment, but you're likely gonna scare the actor somuch that s/he refrains from fan interaction. but if you - as in a fan - behave like a calm, rational and normal human being, then teh actors are more likely to continue the interaction rather than avoiding it
                              Where in the World is George Hammond?



                                I think Amanda knows full well that her private life is not so very private when being a celebrity. In fact, at her official website she wrote notes announcing her pregnancy, Olivia's birth, and so on. I think Amanda is attempting to achieve a balance by sharing some personal info that is of interest to her fans (of course, we are interested!) and, in return, she appreciates that her fans will not cross the line, i.e. approach her when she is in public areas with her family. I am proud to say that my SL friends who were 'graced' with an Amanda-and-family sighting were respectful of her privacy.

