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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by Skydiver
    T can handle her

    in fact, i'd love to see that. t-bear taking her downa peg or three...or thirty
    What if he likes it though?? :O


      Originally posted by Skydiver
      also notice that vala's shirt couldn't get much tighter and that it's obviously lower cut than anyone else's (ie sam's) and also, vala is the only one looking 'at' the viewer....rather suggestively/cocquetishly imho

      yes, cam the STAR
      ms the co-star
      Vala the vamp

      oh, yeah, that blonde chick and black dude???? eh, we just got them in there to balance out the thing.

      did i expect anything less???

      actually, aobut the only thing that's surprising is that vala isnt' front and center, hanging on cam's arm with her assets the center of attention
      What, no leather for Vala in a promo pic???? Budget cuts???? Maybe they are spending the $ on actually showing the Stargate this season? Remember that big round spinning thingy with a bunch of little pictures? You know, the one where steam comes out and everything?
      If you immediately know the ep stinks, the writers were cooked a long time ago

      Member of Gategrrlz Gone Wild
      proud Shore Leave 28 Attendee
      Naughty Shore Leave 29 Attendee (sorry all but thanks for the rescue. many many thanks)

      Carmen Argenziano Appreciation


        Hey AD...Did you know that SG1 is back on tv next Thursday night? My day was made better when I found out! Have a great night!
        "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
        Hug Your Loved Ones!!
        ~Amanda Tapping


          Originally posted by the dancer of spaz
          Well... Everything HAS kinda come full circle now that they have a hunk of a male lead on both series. If you remember last year's full page ad, it was pretty much the same configuration. They pushed JF to the front, had it so you could see ALL of RL's body, iirc, the main science guy looked pensive in the back, maternal figure right behind that and to the side, and the rogue alien guy is at the back looking decidedly... roguish.

          You'd think they'd have tried something new for the MOTHER series (and yes, I consider it a mother series - NOT a sister series - grr). I mean... seriously... Does ANYONE have a link to last season's Atlantis promo pic? It's almost identical in terms of "importance" and placement.
          Do you mean this one?

          And just for comparison, I'll repost the SG1 promo....

          Originally posted by majorsal

          Garrrrgh, PB is down so I put it on random image. The IMG tags don't work *sigh* I'll put it on PB as soon as I can.
          Yepp, it's blank down here.


            Originally posted by chelle db
            Good night fellow Samandans!!! Have a good night/day. Before I forget:...

            Thanks chelle! I didn't even realize I'd hit that, lol Guess I still have to wait 200 more for a new avatar, huh?

            Re: Amanda's quotes...

            I just find that gal so classy, every time she says something, I'm amazed at how generous and forthcoming she can be to her fans. What an awesome lady.

            mg (quite the fangirl herself, these days!)

            Live On Stage in Toronto - August 8,9,10 2008
            ~all proceeds to benefit charity~


              Originally posted by Skydiver
              also notice that vala's shirt couldn't get much tighter and that it's obviously lower cut than anyone else's (ie sam's) and also, vala is the only one looking 'at' the viewer....rather suggestively/cocquetishly imho

              yes, cam the STAR
              ms the co-star
              Vala the vamp

              oh, yeah, that blonde chick and black dude???? eh, we just got them in there to balance out the thing.

              did i expect anything less???

              actually, aobut the only thing that's surprising is that vala isnt' front and center, hanging on cam's arm with her assets the center of attention
              Hey, you forgot Landry ... he's in there looking 'coquettishly' at the viewer, too.

              Actually I think it must be a multi-ship alien invasion or something, since they're all staring at different stuff.

              It does give the clear implication, though, that Sam's definitely third in line for the throne.


              Live On Stage in Toronto - August 8,9,10 2008
              ~all proceeds to benefit charity~


                Originally posted by chocdoc
                And I think Vala represents the mischievious one of the bunch--a little different than the rest of sg-1, which I think this is fitting for her role on the team. I think Sam looks great in the picture, and I'm happy with that. If she doesn't have to play the sexed-up one in season 10, all the better. They can let Vala do that one.

                I like the AD with Sam and Vala (but way too much airbrushing and manipulation of CB--she is s striking woman, and they have stripped away her striking features).
                true. let vala be vamped out and humiliated and turned into a cliche. the more they do to her the more sam will be left alone.

                and yes, the air brushing is hard and heavy. it almost makes them look like a cartoon they look so fake
                Where in the World is George Hammond?



                  Originally posted by minigeek
                  Hey, you forgot Landry ... he's in there looking 'coquettishly' at the viewer, too.
                  Hmm, I don't know that the great Laura Mulvey would called either of them (Vala and Landry) subjects of "the gaze". They seem to be looking over our heads a tad.

                  That is one seriously ill-composed pic though. It might not be so... discombobulating... if the "artist" and swapped Teal'c's and Vala's places, so that we'd get a curve left --> right; but even then it would be an uneven one.

                  Hmm. Cam's about to wander off my himself past our right shoulder and leave the rest of them admiring the view. Perhaps he'll fall down the slope behind us and they won't notice.

                  The light/shadow on Teal'c's neck is wrong.


                    Originally posted by WhatFateAlmondRoca
                    What, no leather for Vala in a promo pic???? Budget cuts???? Maybe they are spending the $ on actually showing the Stargate this season? Remember that big round spinning thingy with a bunch of little pictures? You know, the one where steam comes out and everything?
                    i dunno. the new fans that they're catering to might find that round spinny thing too dull and boring.

                    it's all flash in the pan, smoke and mirrors for them
                    Where in the World is George Hammond?



                      Originally posted by the dancer of spaz
                      These are pretty big spoilers (even for me), so beware. According to, the episode Line in the Sand...

                      ... features SG-1 (sans Daniel?) gating to a planet that has once again been visited by a pesky prior. Only this time, Carter plans to use the Merlin tech to take the whole village out of phase, like in AM, so they can escape the prior's promises, or whatnot. Well, somehow there's a problem with the tech, because Carter and Mitchell end up out of phase along with the building they're in, and Vala and Teal'c end up having to deal with the leader of the people and the typical schmoes to want to go against the leadership and SG-1's plan. The village didn't make it, and the Prior is ticked.

                      Evidently Sam's pretty badly injured, because Cameron is left tending to her injuries with morphine. The sides don't say how she was injured, or why. But there is an exchange between the two of them, as Cameron tries to devise a plan.

                      I wish Daniel was in this episode, but there appears to be a funny (and silent!) exchange between Teal'c and Vala, which is cool.
                      They're doomed! When the going gets tough, I would not want the guy who thinks that pretending to be a major drug dealer or running headlong into the line of fire because he's having a bad day is a good idea to be the brains of the operation.

                      Let's hope that Sam isn't too doped up on morphine.

                      Sig courtesy of RepliCartertje


                        Originally posted by scarimor
                        Hmm, I don't know that the great Laura Mulvey would called either of them (Vala and Landry) subjects of "the gaze". They seem to be looking over our heads a tad.

                        That is one seriously ill-composed pic though. It might not be so... discombobulating... if the "artist" and swapped Teal'c's and Vala's places, so that we'd get a curve left --> right; but even then it would be an uneven one.

                        Hmm. Cam's about to wander off my himself past our right shoulder and leave the rest of them admiring the view. Perhaps he'll fall down the slope behind us and they won't notice.

                        The light/shadow on Teal'c's neck is wrong.
                        see, i was always taught that images in a pic, especially a group pic, should be looking IN, or at least in the same direction, not all scattered

                        it does remindme of the atlantis one where it was painfully, painfully obvious that folks were photoshopped into the group shot. heck, the lighting, shadows and such were different on every single person

                        it was very unprofessional and, imho, reflects poorly upon skiffy as an organization that they pass off such poor quality stuff as professional
                        Where in the World is George Hammond?



                          Originally posted by Tracy Jane
                          I'm willing to test the theory
                          You would!

                          Damn, this PG thing is gonna go out the window. But never mind, I have an Upper Second Class Honours (2:1) so who cares about PG? Apart from the type with CE tagged on the end?
                          2:1 Yay for TJ! Have cake!

                          (and then gin )


                            Originally posted by Skydiver
                            see, i was always taught that images in a pic, especially a group pic, should be looking IN, or at least in the same direction, not all scattered
                            Unfortunately the "artist" has chosen images of the characters from disparate sources, so it's inevitable their eyes are all over the shop


                              you posted a lot in a couple of hours... Nice love it when there is a lot to read about our favourit Sg1 teammember(well she is more that that)
                              Originally posted by majorsal
                              i hope so...

                              i like the idea of whumpsam, but i *don't* like her paired with mitchell. anyone but mitchell.

                              also, i saw a new full page add (got from another forum) -


                              why look who's pushed up front of the cast?

                              i better stop now, since i'm about to enter into mean and snotty territory.

                              Ok love it... except that Mitchell is in it, and that he is in front... Why does he have to be in front? Ok he is maybe the official leader of SG1, but we all know that the real leader is Carter.... BTW Carter looks hot in it... she looks special and serious and well really nice (thanks for posting it )
                              the shine on their heads is really nice

                              Originally posted by Myrth
                              Ok some of you will probably hate this, but I started tinkering with the promo shot and ended up with this

                              that is great really love it... got something really special over it... especially the legs are somewhat special... but nice. And well the tekst on it is perfect for it.

                              Originally posted by tsaxlady
                              AT: [On growing her character] When Sam first made her appearance, she was your stereotypical female-in-the-military type character. I spoke with the producers and told them I didn't want to portary sam as an overly ambitious, one-dimensional creature spouting diatribes. Isaw her as a warm, intelligent, sensitive woman with a wry sense of humor and endless compassion. Thankfully, they agreed and have allowed me to develop her in that way.

                              AT: Of course, it hasn't all been plain sailing for Sam. I mean, have you seen her record in the romance stakes? Fans call her the Black Widow, you know, 'cause a kiss from her is like the Kiss of Death. Jonas Hansen from Season one; Narim, season two; fan favorite Martouf, season three; Sam's husband Joe, season four; Orlin, season five; Fifth, season six; and then lovely Pete Shanahan season sevean. All of 'em either died, went mad or had their hearts broken. I mean, come on! Give the girl a break. I think the writers are determined to torture the fans who want to see Jack O'Neill and Sam together forever. But who knows? This season is but young. They might get it together in season 10.
                              one word for that: SQUEEEE (ok sorry just had to say that, couldn't help myself)

                              Originally posted by Skydiver
                              T can handle her

                              in fact, i'd love to see that. t-bear taking her downa peg or three...or thirty
                              oh yeah would be nice for a good ep. Love to see that one... T fighting with Vala... think that would be really funny

                              Originally posted by chocdoc
                              mmhmm. I do see that cam is the STAR, but I don't see ms as the co-star in this one. I see CAM and then the rest--at least that is what they may want me to see. And I think Vala represents the mischievious one of the bunch--a little different than the rest of sg-1, which I think this is fitting for her role on the team. I think Sam looks great in the picture, and I'm happy with that. If she doesn't have to play the sexed-up one in season 10, all the better. They can let Vala do that one.
                              yeah you are right about that... you only see Cam as the 'STAR' and then you see all the rest, like it is only Cam that is important...and we all know that he isn't that important... more of the time he gets in trouble by his lack of responsibility...and who needs to save him out of it... yeah that is the one and only Sam

                              MINIGEEK CONGATS ON YOUR 1800 POSTS


                                Originally posted by minigeek
                                Hey, you forgot Landry ... he's in there looking 'coquettishly' at the viewer, too.

                                Actually I think it must be a multi-ship alien invasion or something, since they're all staring at different stuff.

                                It does give the clear implication, though, that Sam's definitely third in line for the throne.


                                I don't think this clearly indicates that Sam is third in line. Look at Mckay in the Atlantis picture--one could argue he looks like he is placed in "third", but is he considered third? I think they copied the Atlantis style. I think the only clear implication is that scifi wants us to believe that Cam is the STAR.

