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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by SunKrux
    I'm with you. I see Sam and Daniel as more bro/sis than anything else. That doesn't mean I hate S/D shippers, just don't see it.
    Yes. I feel the bro/sis thing completely. I guess it's the same way certain people see Jack as more of a father figure/big brother.

    Though, when you look at stuff like that pic from KatG's post, I think it's a bit different...

    Ah well... In the end, as CJ spoiled, Teal'c is going to run off with Jack, and the two will live happily ever after. And as long as they invite Sam and Daniel to their wedding, all will be right in my world.

    ETA: TWELVE TAKES, Ooobs? Are you serious?!

    Of course, I wouldn't blame AT if she found herself "messing up" alot around the seventh and eighth take...


      Originally posted by JessM
      daniel insists that calling jack to tell him they stole his car is a funny idea.


      daniel realises just how short that skirt is as sam gets into the car. later that day, teal'c queries daniel about his new black eye and broken glasses.

      Originally posted by JessM
      an awkward silence permeates the corridor after sam and daniel open the locker room door while hammond changes.


        Originally posted by Deejay435
        It's not the length of time they went without talking-I've gone two weeks without talking to my best friend in another state because life sometimes does that to you. It's just that when Sam and Daniel, and Sam and Teal'c, and Daniel and Teal'c, and the three of them were together this year they just didn't seem to have that old 'click'. The concern for one another, or the friendship beats they used to throw in.

        Ethon was the only episode where I felt that concern they used to have for each other. Remember in, I think it was Ascension, when Daniel asked Jack how Sam was-and Jack went on in his typical 'well the situation is thus and such' and Daniel just nodded and repeated, with a bit more emphasis "How's Sam?" Or Teal'c's concern for Sam when Jack was missing, and visa versa.

        I miss the light, friendship moments too. Arthur's Mantle was the first time all season where it felt like Sam was friends with any of these guys, and not just co-workers. Remember Daniel teasing Sam about going to Sci-Fi movies that she knows she'll hate? Or the 'What's a girl to do?" scene from Space Race?

        I want more of that for Sam next season. And yes, I want to see more of it with Daniel and Teal'c than Mitchell and Vala. Those are the relationships that are established, are important. If all I got was Sam beats with Mitchell or Vala, well call me Negative Nellie but I won't be satisfied.

        Edited to add: I believe this was my 600th post!
        You're right that the bond between Sam, Daniel and Teal'c doesn't seem to be as present as it was before. They don't feel like a family the way they did in Seasons One through Eight.

        I can't help but think that this has been deliberate, that their friendship has been downplayed so that Mitchell doesn't look like an outsider, and I think that this is a huge mistake.

        Their bond is what makes them SG-1. They're a family, not just three people who happen to work together.

        Sig courtesy of RepliCartertje


          Originally posted by Skydiver

          i don't hate it. Can't say that i've ever seen them as anything more than bro and sis though.

          on the show, sam/dan and sam/teal'c are just friends. in fic???? well in fic i'll play with sam/teal'c but still can't wrap my head around sam/dan. it's like sam/jonas, they'll never be more than friends in my book
          thats exactly how i feel about it too. i just can't see it like that. i saw the potential once, i think it was in season 2's "holiday". funny enough i think that was an RCC episode, which is odd because while i've seen them as friends since he took over, and i did believe that he was originally an s/d shipper which i think lingered even into his early days of running the show (i.e. when daniel came back and asked if there was ever anything between them) i found less and less evidence of this as his time as show runner went on. and no evidence of this in season 9. none at all. i guess he has a new fave ship now for daniel or something. hard to say though, i've always found that guy's direction and influence for the characters tough to figure out. never sure where he's coming from.

          anyway, i personally have always seen sam and daniels relationship as being sibling like. early on with sam as the younger sibling almost in awe of her older brother, but later on that role varied and changed.

          i've always seen sam and teal'cs relationship as being far more complicated. sibling like in a way, but with much more depth and many more layers to it.

          i can see the potential for sam and mitchell to develop a sibling like relationship on the show, but i think it would be more of an annoying little brother/sister type of one than what sam and daniel have. but still all in good fun, and rarely serious. and hopefully professional (and i don't mean from sams POV, because we know she's almost always professional when needed).

          i don't think that sam could ever develop a relationship with vala like what she had with janet. but i do think that they can be friends. good friends even. and i look forward to seeing how they develop it.

          i think we all know how i see her relationship with jack, so i'll leave it out.

          and this post is really developing a life of its own so i'll leave out the rest of the cast.

          oh me and my rambling. somebody hit me now!


            Originally posted by stargate barbie
            daniel realises just how short that skirt is as sam gets into the car. later that day, teal'c queries daniel about his new black eye and broken glasses.
            Heh heh... Was it because he was using his camera phone to snap a photo?


              Originally posted by ReganX
              You're right that the bond between Sam, Daniel and Teal'c doesn't seem to be as present as it was before. They don't feel like a family the way they did in Seasons One through Eight.

              I can't help but think that this has been deliberate, that their friendship has been downplayed so that Mitchell doesn't look like an outsider, and I think that this is a huge mistake.

              Their bond is what makes them SG-1. They're a family, not just three people who happen to work together.
              this point is especially true if you consider that sam had apparently only been at area 51 for about a week when mitchell arrived. the team hadn't been apart for that long. certainly not long enough for them to be weird around each other, but definitely long enough to warrant a hug from her best friends FCOL!

              i mean c'mon! where was teal'cs hello? we know she at least had been speaking to daniel when she was in nevada, but teal'c was on a whole other planet! the big guy needs the hugs! i like to think that they had some lunch together off screen. my memory of the episode is a bit off though, i only watched it about twice i think. maybe 3 times, but i don't think so. and i have a lousy memory sometimes.


                Originally posted by JessM
                Daniel: "I was in the john and Thor came in - finally saw how they do it! Snuk a pic - wanna see?"

                [edit: this was brought to you by the expression on Daniel's face... ]


                  Originally posted by scarimor
                  Daniel: "I was in the john and Thor came in - finally saw how they do it! Had to sneak a pic - wanna see?"
                  Oh man! You win.


                    Originally posted by the dancer of spaz
                    Heh heh... Was it because he was using his camera phone to snap a photo?
                    and doing a really really bad job of distracting her while he tried. aah, what a little rascal! who knew that daniel had it in him.


                      Originally posted by scarimor
                      Daniel: "I was in the john and Thor came in - finally saw how they do it! Snuk a pic - wanna see?"

                      [edit: this was brought to you by the expression on Daniel's face... ]
                      you definitely win.


                        Originally posted by stargate barbie
                        anyway, i personally have always seen sam and daniels relationship as being sibling like. early on with sam as the younger sibling almost in awe of her older brother, but later on that role varied and changed.
                        I agree that they're like brother and sister. It's hard to tell who takes the older sibling role; I think they're more like twins now but but each of them can take the older, protective role when the other needs them.

                        Originally posted by stargate barbie
                        i've always seen sam and teal'cs relationship as being far more complicated. sibling like in a way, but with much more depth and many more layers to it.
                        I love the Sam/Teal'c relationship because it seemed to evolve more slowly. I think that they've got an older brother/younger sister relationship now. Teal'c adores her and I think that he would do anything for her, as she would for him.

                        Sig courtesy of RepliCartertje


                          Originally posted by ÜberSG-1Fan
                          I know. Seriously. Just ONCE I wouldn't have mind inhabiting her body for all 12 takes on that one.


                          Sorry...I know I'm being shallow here...but LOOK AT THEM!

                          *steals Sunny's fan*

                          Oh...on topic, on topic.

                          SAM IS SO DANG COOL!
                          (I know, I'm nothing if not articulate).

                          12 TAKES?????? *yanks AT from RDA and takes her place* Ah, that's better.


                            *bows in respect to Scarimor*

                            Originally posted by stargate barbie
                            and doing a really really bad job of distracting her while he tried. aah, what a little rascal! who knew that daniel had it in him.
                            He's been hanging around Jack too much.

                            Oh, and to be fair to all fans of Sam ship, I should add that when I first started watching SG-1 (which was well after the Sha're arc), I thought Sam and Daniel were together.

                            And Sam/Teal'c is definitely complex and very cool. Sky turned me onto it, and I haven't looked back, because when it's done right (i.e. Sky writes the fic or AT/CJ act it out in their own ways), it's very interesting. But... I'll keep my interest in that little bit to fanfic, because I honestly can't imagine that ever coming true on the show. As it stands for canon, I see the big brother/little sister deal there as well.

                            *pokes Forever* --> You know you (and AD) want to talk about Sam/Blue Jello and Sam/P90, don't ya?


                              Originally posted by stargate barbie
                              i've always seen sam and teal'cs relationship as being far more complicated. sibling like in a way, but with much more depth and many more layers to it.
                              I love the Sam Teal'c relationship. I reminds me of blood-brothers; or like Spartan warriors - and then sometimes I get a hit of that intense barracks-sex bonding thing that the Spartans went in for... ooh.


                                Originally posted by scarimor
                                I love the Sam Teal'c relationship. I reminds me of blood-brothers; or like Spartan warriors - and then sometimes I get a hit of that intense barracks-sex bonding thing that the Spartans went in for... ooh.




