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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by stargate barbie
    since we discussed a few pages ago who would play sam's mother, either in au or in flashback, i thought of a new question.

    who do you think would be suited to play sam either as a teenager or in her early 20's?
    the thing is though, that AT is so good in the role, that i can't really think of anyone else playing her, younger version or not.
    dye her hair blonde and anna paquin. the girl from 'the piano' and who plays Rogue in the x-men movies

    she'd be good
    Where in the World is George Hammond?



      Originally posted by Skydiver
      dye her hair blonde and anna paquin. the girl from 'the piano' and who plays Rogue in the x-men movies

      she'd be good
      but I don't think she's tall enough

      my fanfic


        Originally posted by Skydiver
        it's very much 'to each his own'

        i mean, s/d folks think they're a minority....have you looked for sam/teal'c fic lately???? i mean really looked??? I've written most of it. And Geonn and Adi have written a good chunk of the rest.

        Everyone here is here because they like sam, regardless of ship pairings or not wanting ship pairings. so let's respect each others' likes/dislikes and simply enjoy our like/love/preference for sam
        That's what I was trying to say. All of that.

        I think everyone should be free to express their ship preferences or lack thereof as long as they understand that, because this is not a ship thread, they will be teased.

        All of you. Me. Us.

        And you know what? THAT'S COOL! I expect and hope that scarimor or Strix or Lys or AD or WHOEVER will smack me down when I say something syrupy shippy. (Not all the time mind you as I have a delicate constitution...)


        This thread is fun. I mean, it's just a tv show, FCOL. The world does not revolve on who Sam ends up with or if she ends up alone.

        It just doesn't.

        So...LET'S HAVE FUN with this topic and enjoy it as one part of who she is or could be...because, sorry scarimor, chances are she might end up with someONE but probably not EVERYONE...or she might end up with NO ONE at all. Therefore, it's ALL up for grabs!!!

        Meanwhile, Summit was on was that a powerful episode! Brought up lots of stuff up for Sam...her guilt for killing Martouf, her anger because the Tok'ra chose to save the symbiote and didn't even try to save the host.

        Great stuff!

        I can't wait for Last Stand...there are a lot of great angsty Sam moments there too.

        ...You're ALWAYS Welcome in Samanda: Amanda's Community of New Fans and Old Friends...


          I agree... we're all here because of our love of Sam as a character, regardless of who we pair her with (if we pair her with anyone). I hope I didn't sound like an idiot in anything that I said before...

          Think I'm gonna sign off now... had a long day and I'm feeling kind of depressed. Later, everyone!


            Originally posted by JessM
            I agree... we're all here because of our love of Sam as a character, regardless of who we pair her with (if we pair her with anyone). I hope I didn't sound like an idiot in anything that I said before...

            Think I'm gonna sign off now... had a long day and I'm feeling kind of depressed. Later, everyone!
            You're no more of an idiot than I am.

            Oh wait, I might be more of one as it is part and parcel of my official duties as Royal Pain in the Mik'ta...

            I'm sorry you had a tough day though. Just remember the doors of Samanda are always open.

            Unless GW's having *issues* which case the doors are closed to all by TEH EEEEVIL SERVERS.

            ...You're ALWAYS Welcome in Samanda: Amanda's Community of New Fans and Old Friends...


              Originally posted by ÜberSG-1Fan

              WHY? BECAUSE IT'S FUN.

              This thread is fun. I mean, it's just a tv show, FCOL. The world does not revolve on who Sam ends up with or if she ends up alone.

              It just doesn't.

              So...LET'S HAVE FUN with this topic and enjoy it as one part of who she is or could be...because, sorry scarimor, chances are she might end up with someONE but probably not EVERYONE...or she might end up with NO ONE at all. Therefore, it's ALL up for grabs!!!

              you go girl!!!!

              this is to be FUN. it's a diversion, a way to kill time, to meet other folks and discuss a common interest.

              it's not a competition, there's no prize for coming in 'first'

              there's no minimum sam love level for admission.

              enjoy and respect each other, end of story
              Where in the World is George Hammond?



                Originally posted by Skydiver
                you go girl!!!!

                this is to be FUN. it's a diversion, a way to kill time, to meet other folks and discuss a common interest.

                it's not a competition, there's no prize for coming in 'first'

                there's no minimum sam love level for admission.

                enjoy and respect each other, end of story
                Wait. There isn't???

                BUT I WANTED TO BE FIRST! A-and I'm not getting any medal? At all?!??

                *slinks off to sulk*

                ...You're ALWAYS Welcome in Samanda: Amanda's Community of New Fans and Old Friends...


                  You know one of the things l like about Sam? I love how selfless she is. For instance, in the season finale
                  when she's going out into space to meddle with the Ori gate. I was sitting there yelling "Are you crazy!? What are you doing!?" She was risking her life to go out there and do that. She is probably the most valuable asset Earth has, and she's going to go float around in space. Someone expendable could have done it, but she did it. I guess if you want it done right, do it yourself. I bet she never thought of herself as more valuable than anyone else. But seriously, if she weren't around, Earth would have never even made it past the first season. We NEED Sam.
                  She's always thinking about others and putting them first. It's just one of the many qualities about Sam I admire. Though, she does need to take some time for herself once
                  they pull her out of space.


                    Originally posted by L.A. Doyle
                    You know one of the things l like about Sam? I love how selfless she is. For instance, in the season finale
                    when she's going out into space to meddle with the Ori gate. I was sitting there yelling "Are you crazy!? What are you doing!?" She was risking her life to go out there and do that. She is probably the most valuable asset Earth has, and she's going to go float around in space. Someone expendable could have done it, but she did it. I guess if you want it done right, do it yourself. I bet she never thought of herself as more valuable than anyone else. But seriously, if she weren't around, Earth would have never even made it past the first season. We NEED Sam.
                    She's always thinking about others and putting them first. It's just one of the many qualities about Sam I admire. Though, she does need to take some time for herself once
                    they pull her out of space.
                    I say once she gets back to earth she should pamper herself.

                    My ideas for how a superheroine like Sam should spoil herself rotten are as follows:

                    *buys a couple boxes of Godiva bon bons and the most expensive wine she can muster
                    *puts a relaxation CD in the boombox in the bathroom while she lets Calgon take her away
                    *hires Pepe and Juan for a day from the local country club to be her personal cabana boys

                    What else should Sam do?

                    ...You're ALWAYS Welcome in Samanda: Amanda's Community of New Fans and Old Friends...


                      go get herself a nice steak dinner, i'm thinking country fried steak, mashed potatoes, green beans...nice BIG margarita.

                      go home, take a long hot bath and have a lie in for the next day
                      Where in the World is George Hammond?



                        ok, so i guess MY idea of a good time isn't 'good enough' for our girl

                        so, she'd charter a jet and head off to this private island in the pacific. where she'd get the island????/ saving the world points

                        once there, she spends a week incommunicado, sunbathing, sleeping and relaxing. until a member of her team finds out where she is, calls in his own saved the world favors and joins her....and 'fade to black'
                        Where in the World is George Hammond?



                          Originally posted by ÜberSG-1Fan
                          And you know what? THAT'S COOL! I expect and hope that scarimor or Strix or Lys or AD or WHOEVER will smack me down when I say something syrupy shippy. (Not all the time mind you as I have a delicate constitution...)

                          WHY? BECAUSE IT'S FUN.

                          Yup, smacking Ooober is definitely fun! Everyone should try it at least once.

                          If Ooober isn't around, minigeek makes a nice substitute.

                          My LJ


                            yes, OOOOOOber should be smacked at least once a day
                            Where in the World is George Hammond?



                              Originally posted by Beakymoose
                              So, just out of curiousity, who do all of you ship for, if you ship, that is? I started out S/J and have been converted by fishyone to S/D.
                              Sam/Blue Jello or as AD used to say Sam/P-90.


                                Originally posted by Strix varia

                                Yup, smacking Ooober is definitely fun! Everyone should try it at least once.

                                If Ooober isn't around, minigeek makes a nice substitute.
                                Originally posted by Skydiver
                                yes, OOOOOOber should be smacked at least once a day

                                Be gentle with your favorite Oooober. I bruise easily.

                                BUT...I can take a few hits for the cause of Samandan unity.

                                ...You're ALWAYS Welcome in Samanda: Amanda's Community of New Fans and Old Friends...

