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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    my fanfic


      Originally posted by scarimor
      Thanks, Myrth, I was starting to feel a teeny weeny bit depressed! Better now

      Um scari, are they doing the river dance

      my fanfic


        ok first, i noticed the same thing that astrogeologist noticed in the new spoilers, so i went back to look at it again and
        it says cameron mitchell, rather than his rank too. i didn't notice that the first time, only that it said samantha carter. so its probably nothing. i did however notice that it was all about cam again. all we've had so far is cam and vala as far as i can see. ya know, if i'd wanted to watch farscape i would have. i didn't watch farscape before, and i don't really want to start now, so i'd rather my favourite sci fi show didn't become it.

        i miss my sam. and i miss teal'c. and i miss jack. and i'm so P'd off that he's doing 3 of atlantis, which i'm not that invested in, and only 2 of sg-1, one of which is a piss take episode. i miss stargate. i really wish they wouldn't screw around with this show. haven't they ever heard the phrase "if it ain't broke, don't fix it"?

        hopefully they actually will do something with sam (and teal'c and jack) on sg-1 and we'll all be pleasantly surprised. but right now, i'm not really looking forward to season 10. my last remaining hope was that at least i might get some subtle ship, and they might at least give sam and jack some screen time that way.

        its not much, but it would have been some consolation for losing my favourite show, and having my favourite characters become background extras with the occasional line. i've pretty much lost all hope for some decent teal'c stuff on the show.

        at this point it seems that dr lee has as much screen time as sam and teal'c. and RDA on atlantis just seems odd to me.

        at the risk of annoying atlantis fans, part of me is hoping at this point that one of the 3 eps of atlantis that RDA is doing will also be the one that AT is supposed to be in, and that teal'c might come along for a bit too, and then we'll have an episode of sg1 on another show.

        but the rational part of me (i know, i was surprised to find it too) doesn't want that, because it would be as bad as what's happened to sg1 for atlantis fans. oh well. i just hope i'm wrong about the whole thing.


          IMO .... PTB put out those specific spoilers just to tweak our nerves and have fun at us .... think positive

          avatar and sig by flidget


            Originally posted by gatebee
            IMO .... PTB put out those specific spoilers just to tweak our nerves and have fun at us .... think positive
            Or, more likely in my opinion, fans are getting overly worked up over minor/assumed/speculated things


              Originally posted by astrogeologist
              This is how I see Col. Sam Carter...
              courageous and competent...
              aware of the risks and of deep feeling...
              but strong and heroic.

              Photographic by ForeverSG-1

              This makes me think of how 2001 would have had such an effect on Sam, not only was she knowingly facing the pain of the landing she knew was coming, but she also had to deal with what was probably the most painful thing she has had to do...leave a man behind You can get over an injury, but can you get over the guilt? Joe was in her care and she had no choice but to leave him behind. That I think would haunt her for a very long time.

              my fanfic


                Originally posted by astrogeologist
                Spoilers and speculation for Season 10:
                (not for those who want to stay on the 'glass half full side of things today'... so open the spoiler with caution)
                Sam getting promoted to full Colonel is certainly a possiblity - she is 'on the ship that gets captured' in 'In The Company of Thieves'...

                what didn't sit well with me was

                1) that the episode spoilers are all about Mitchell's heroics as he attempts to save the rest of SG1

                2) the spoilers don't refer to Carter by her rank. She's just 'Samantha Carter'... with no honorific or title. If they'd just said Carter, it wouldn't have sent my radar twitching. But to call her Samantha Carter without the reference to her rank... I think that they are up to something. Are they going to write it so that Carter is no longer in the Air Force? Or is she getting promoted - and they don't want that to leak yet? Whatever they are doing, it's already decided - and probably written, scripted and maybe even already filmed and in the can. I do think that they are going to do something to address the 'leadership issue of SG-1'. Mitchell is going to get full command of SG-1, and he's the new hero. What they are going to do with Carter's character... I haven't sussed that out yet. I wouldn't be surprised at all to see her written as resigning from the Air Force... taking some special 'consulting' position... etc. I was hoping that she'd be given a promotion and command of one Earth's new ships... but if it's going to result in having her ship taken over by the enemy... and then Mitchell rescues her (and her crew)... oy!

                3) or maybe there's something else in the works that we haven't considered. Why is 'Samantha Carter' on that ship when it gets captured? Maybe it's not 'our Carter'? Could it be.... RepliCarter? An AU Carter?


                You know it is interesting that you say this about the
                Carter thing and whether it is really her or not - when I read that they just go and shoot Emerson right in front of her and killl him and then shoot him twice more for good measure it didn't ring right and I thought maybe there was some AU thing going on or something else so I too am in the camp that this whole thing on the ship may not be what it seems to be. I am especially cautious about it since they just killed off Pendergast and it seems awfully contrived (not that that has stopped these guys in the past few seasons - the more contrived the better) but it just doesn't ring true to kill another Commander of another ship so soon.) I also recall reading awhile back a spoiler about this ep which indicates Carter also plays hero in this one by taking out a few of the bad guys to rescue Daniel and his caricature side-kick. I looked around for those early spoilers and couldn't find them but I am positive I read something like this about Carter in this ep.) My $$ is on some trickery with this one. Maybe it is one of those alternative teams from RE???


                  Originally posted by Strix varia
                  Hmmmm. I didn't catch that. I was too busy rolling my eyes at
                  the whole Mitchell gets to rescue all of SG-1 bit... And why, oh why, can't somebody else besides Mitchell and Vala get to do something heroic for a change?

                  I does make me wonder, though. Having Sam resign from the Air Force would certainly solve their leadership issue, all right. Ugh!
                  I mentioned this in my last post but just in case can someone help
                  I swear I read somewhere weeks ago a spoiler for this ep that included info on Carter taking out several of the bad guys and rescuing D and his cheesy caricature after they were caprtured and on the same ship as Carter - does anyone else recall this? I loooked for it but could not find it - it may have been on another site that I don't recall.


                    Originally posted by binkpmmc
                    I mentioned this in my last post but just in case can someone help
                    I swear I read somewhere weeks ago a spoiler for this ep that included info on Carter taking out several of the bad guys and rescuing D and his cheesy caricature after they were caprtured and on the same ship as Carter - does anyone else recall this? I loooked for it but could not find it - it may have been on another site that I don't recall.
                    Yea, that does sound familiar bink, but just like you I can't be sure

                    my fanfic


                      Originally posted by Myrth
                      Amanda seems to be happy doing what she's doing, let's not kill everyone's joy in watching her do it. The danger of the current mood of the thread is that people will start to feel forced to uphold a political position on the issue, and is that what this thread is really about? Just a thought...

                      I know I haven't read many spoilers. Just don't have the interest in them that I did the past 2 years. Figure I'll go vent if need be in the episode threads once I see how things play out.....

                      From the S7 Beyond the Gate DVD featurette
                      Convention Pix Shore Leave ('06 to '09), AT2, AT3, & AT4 ('06, '08, & '09), and Vancouver ('07)
                      My SG fanfic! ..Click Here.


                        Originally posted by binkpmmc
                        I mentioned this in my last post but just in case can someone help
                        I swear I read somewhere weeks ago a spoiler for this ep that included info on Carter taking out several of the bad guys and rescuing D and his cheesy caricature after they were caprtured and on the same ship as Carter - does anyone else recall this? I loooked for it but could not find it - it may have been on another site that I don't recall.

                        I think this is what you are referring to---spoilers for season 10:

                        Spoilers for Counterstrike at Solutions states that Carter ambushes several Jaffa to save Mitchell and Teal'c. At least she is in the episode doing something. GW's spoilers don't mention this, but Solution spoilers has Carter playing an active role in this one. I don't think The Company of Thieves spoilers refer to anything AU. I don't think TPTB have problems continuing to kill off commanders, it seems. If this is what happens in this episode---it won't be easy on Carter witnessing this.


                          Originally posted by ShimmeringStar
                          I know I haven't read many spoilers. Just don't have the interest in them that I did the past 2 years. Figure I'll go vent if need be in the episode threads once I see how things play out.....

                          From the S7 Beyond the Gate DVD featurette

                          I love these pictures of Amanda. Thanks for posting them!


                            CAPTION ME:

                            Sam: Sir... I thought *YOU* were paying for dinner this time...
                            Jack: Carter, you know they won't take Mastercard.
                            Convention Pix Shore Leave ('06 to '09), AT2, AT3, & AT4 ('06, '08, & '09), and Vancouver ('07)
                            My SG fanfic! ..Click Here.


                              Originally posted by chocdoc
                              I think this is what you are referring to---spoilers for season 10:

                              Spoilers for Counterstrike at Solutions states that Carter ambushes several Jaffa to save Mitchell and Teal'c. At least she is in the episode doing something. GW's spoilers don't mention this, but Solution spoilers has Carter playing an active role in this one. I don't think The Company of Thieves spoilers refer to anything AU. I don't think TPTB have problems continuing to kill off commanders, it seems. If this is what happens in this episode---it won't be easy on Carter witnessing this.
                              Thanks sounds like what I was thinking of - you know what is even sadder than anything right now is that all of the eps are starting to sound alike - either to each other or to earlier eps -- I really wish someone who is making this show at this time would tell us where their "hundreds, if not thousands" of story ideas went . . . ????


                                Originally posted by ShimmeringStar
                                CAPTION ME:

                                Sam: Sir... I thought *YOU* were paying for dinner this time...
                                Jack: Carter, you know they won't take Mastercard.
                                Jack: It's okay guys, we're just going outside for a minute, no need for chaperones

                                my fanfic

