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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by Tracy Jane
    I was very upset with my mum tonight.

    And my mum, the woman who has been a Sam fan for years... she turned round and ...
    I am not going to quote that quote. What show has she been watching. I think Sam smiled & showed a sense of humor a lot this season.
    Are you sure that she isn't an AU mom?


      I think Sam has been a lot lighter and funnier this season. The little things like the "yupp" in Ripple effect. It's not cheap Mitchell-esque one liners, or overt Vala-ish sexual innuendo, but that humour and fun is definitely there, a lot more than in previous seasons. But perhaps it is being overshadowed somewhat.
      Yepp, it's blank down here.


        Originally posted by majorsal
        you mean season 4's 'double jeopardy'? i didn't care for that ep at all. michael shanks directed it, but i don't blame him one bit. it was his first (and only) time directing; you'd think they'd give him something a bit easier to handle.

        but speaking of that ep... i thought that 'tin man' was great, because up to the point where we found out the sg1 we were seeing were clones, we didn't know they were clones because they acted normal. in 'double jeopardy', they acted weird and not like humans. now one could say that was because they 'weren't' humans, but the spark of 'tin man' was that they believed they were.

        i didn't feel any connection with these clones from 'double jeopardy'. i wasn't bothered when daniel and teal'c clones were killed, and i should have been. i was somewhat bothered by jack clone dying, and more by sam clone, but still, i should have been weeping!

        k, done with mini rant.

        Yes, Double Jeopardy. I couldn't think of the title. I think you're right, they were a bit more robot-y. Maybe having had time to adjust to their robot abilities they became a bit less human? I know what you mean about not being as affected by the robot deaths as I should have been. But I was kind of sad about Sam. And as usual AT did a great job conveying feeling when she looked at her robot self dying.


          Guys, i have to say something here, and i'm saying it as a mod, not as a poster

          I know folk have read what tracy reported her mom saying. and yeah, it's not the nicest thing to read...but it's her mom's opinion and her mom is entitled to it.

          heck, my mom thinks that all scifi is a stupid waste of time. doesn't effect how i think or feel about it.

          I've also heard that folks have been asking tracy to take down her remark, afraid that amanda might read it and be upset.

          well, with all due respect to amanda, i'll say what i've said in the torri thread when the same issue has come up...she's a big girl and i doubt she's made it this far inher career without hearing some criticism.

          we will NOT, i repeat NOT start censoring this thread for fear that amanda might read something upsetting. We have always allowed pro and con comments and those will continue to be allowed.

          Yes, things will be respectful but we will not start down that slippery slope of censoring each other and dictating which comments are or are not allowed or welcome.

          Anyone tries to do this, send them to me.
          Where in the World is George Hammond?



            Originally posted by Tracy Jane
            I was very upset with my mum tonight. We were chatting and I was telling her about the London Comic Con and stuff, and how I wanted to go. As soon as she realised Torri, Rachel, Don and Gates McFadden were going to be there, it was less of a case of persuading her to let me go, than to stop her coming with me.

            Anyway, the problem. We got talking about SG1 and season nine. She was gushing about how much she loved Cameron, which I can deal with, because, you know, some people like Cameron, and my mum has always been a Sam fan.

            So I said, as you do, "I haven't got much of a problem with Cameron, except that he'd be a much better Major, or 2IC. He's just not right as leadership material."

            And my mum, the woman who has been a Sam fan for years, and has continuously pestered me, saying "you could do to be more like that, Tracy Jane"... she turned round and said "Well, it's better than having that dry humourless witch running the show."

            "What, Vala? I know her humour leaves something to be desired, but..."

            "No. Sam. She just hasn't fitted in since she came back. Not to mention the weight she's put on."

            "That's cos she had a baby," I replied. "And she hasn't fitted in? "

            My mum then replied, "They've finally got a cute, baby faced lead actor with a fabulous sense of humour, have Vala who is the best character written, and they've found their niche. This is what they should have done years ago. It's time for that old crow to leave."

            I was stunned. Absolutely stunned.
            Wow. I'm glad my mom knows better than to say anything like that in my presence.

            Heck, she'd probably shoot me herself if I said that I was happy that an exceptionally intelligent, highly qualified and experienced woman had been demoted in favour of an inexperienced man.

            Sig courtesy of RepliCartertje


              Originally posted by majorsal
              here's a question (and i've thought about it many times).

              would you like to see sam as leader of sg1, OR, second in command of the entire base?

              choose your answer with the way the show's being written right now (with mitchell there and the co-leading stuff).

              I'd prefer to see Sam as leader of SG-1.

              For one thing, there are a few SG team leaders of higher rank who have been in command of teams longer than Sam was, even if you credit her for a year in 'co-command'. I can't really complain about Cameron getting to be leader of SG-1 ahead of Sam and at the same time champion her being bumped up to second in command of the SGC when Colonel Dixon, for example, outranks her.

              Being in command of SG-1 would allow Sam to exercise different aspects of her many skills (do you think she might be descended from Xena?) She can combine the roles of soldier, leader and tactician with the role of scientist.

              Sig courtesy of RepliCartertje


                Originally posted by AmberLM
                OMG that is just too cute! And, of course, I would totally do the same if I had blonde hair

                Hey, maybe it's a new trend. Instead of 'The Rachel' we could have a generation of people asking for 'the Carter' instead!
                I've thought about bringing in a picture of AT and asking for one of her haircuts, but I doubt it would work with my hair. It's very fine and I hate to work with it. I'd probably just get helmet head.


                  Originally posted by Melora

                  Back to the great hair debate… I agree that AT looks great no matter what her hairstyle. The only style that has ever bothered me was in season 7's “Orpheus.” It wasn’t a bad style and AT did look good. But that's the point - she was working out in the gym with Teal’c and Daniel.

                  I’m sorry, but no one’s hair looks that neatly styled and fluffy after a workout!
                  I thought it looked at least *a little* messy. And I love that scene when she's talking about bad Sci Fi movies. I wonder if Sam was watching SciFi channel?


                    Originally posted by jckfan55
                    I've thought about bringing in a picture of AT and asking for one of her haircuts, but I doubt it would work with my hair. It's very fine and I hate to work with it. I'd probably just get helmet head.
                    It would be too high maintenance for me. The easiest way to describe my hair in it's natural form is Torri Higginson... it waves and curls, depending on it's mood. It's also brown. However, thanks to the glory that is hair dye and straighteners, it's currently shoulder length, straight and black, red and pink.

                    I used to have a hair style much like the late season 9 look, that kind of layered, ruffled look. I like it, but the problem is straightening and styling it every morning.
                    Yepp, it's blank down here.


                      Originally posted by DEM
                      Ya know, I was going to post a pithy reply consisting only of a Carter quote from Nightwalkers (mmm...Nightwalkers!Sam), but I found something odd. Is this what Carter really said?
                      JONAS: Which can be used to create human clones. What if the man from the restaurant doesn't remember because the man in the bar wasn't really him? He was a clone.

                      CARTER: No, no, no, Jonas. You can create replicas of fully grown people. They'd be infants.

                      Unless I'm not firing right, that doesn't make any sense.
                      I think she meant that they'd be mentally infants since they wouldn't have any of their tissue donor's knowledge, even if they were fully grown.

                      The clones of Ba'al's host are probably mentally undeveloped but since the cloned symbiote will have genetic memory, it doesn't really show.

                      Sig courtesy of RepliCartertje



                        Another game Sam needs votes for.

                        You can only vote twice a day, though.

                        Sig courtesy of RepliCartertje


                          Originally posted by the dancer of spaz
                          lol, L.A. Yep. A fan advisor would definitely be cutting edge - but interesting!
                          It wouldn't be entirely unheard of.

                          A Xena fanfic writer was invited to write episodes in Season Six.

                          Sig courtesy of RepliCartertje


                            Originally posted by ReganX
                            It wouldn't be entirely unheard of.

                            A Xena fanfic writer was invited to write episodes in Season Six.
                            There are some fanfic writers out there that capture the characters better than TPTB sometimes. Give them a plane ticket and let's turn this show around!


                              Originally posted by Tracy Jane
                              I was very upset with my mum tonight. We were chatting and I was telling her about the London Comic Con and stuff, and how I wanted to go. As soon as she realised Torri, Rachel, Don and Gates McFadden were going to be there, it was less of a case of persuading her to let me go, than to stop her coming with me.

                              Anyway, the problem. We got talking about SG1 and season nine. She was gushing about how much she loved Cameron, which I can deal with, because, you know, some people like Cameron, and my mum has always been a Sam fan.

                              So I said, as you do, "I haven't got much of a problem with Cameron, except that he'd be a much better Major, or 2IC. He's just not right as leadership material."

                              And my mum, the woman who has been a Sam fan for years, and has continuously pestered me, saying "you could do to be more like that, Tracy Jane"... she turned round and said "Well, it's better than having that dry humourless witch running the show."

                              "What, Vala? I know her humour leaves something to be desired, but..."

                              "No. Sam. She just hasn't fitted in since she came back. Not to mention the weight she's put on."

                              "That's cos she had a baby," I replied. "And she hasn't fitted in? "

                              My mum then replied, "They've finally got a cute, baby faced lead actor with a fabulous sense of humour, have Vala who is the best character written, and they've found their niche. This is what they should have done years ago. It's time for that old crow to leave."

                              I was stunned. Absolutely stunned.
                              Shocking. When i try and talk to my mum about stargate she looks at me like im nuts. if i ask to watch stargate cause its on sky all i get is a comment saying that "oh the bill is on" or "cant you tape it". She's only watched a few episodes me, some season 9 and some from earlier seasons when i've insisted on watching my dvd's in the living room. one thing i noticed when she watches with me is that she can get into the earlier seasons episodes, she asks questions and stuff, which is cool but in season 9 episodes shes just not interested. the first time she saw cameron in season 9 she turned to me and said "where did they get him from, what happened to sam".

                              congats to your sister, i am learning to drive before long its becoming a necessity and i am 22 so maybe i should. am glad i live in wales so now you cant run me down

                              sig by starlover1990


                                My fav Sam haircut

                                I am your father

